Why Dance? (6:49)
Simchat Torah is the celebration of the completion of the Torah in its yearly reading cycle. You’d think we’d celebrate the Torah by studying it, instead we dance with it. Why?.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Sukkot in Our Eyes (10:54)
Leon Klein, a Spanish-speaking film actor, took 2 Rabbis, Rabbi Yossi Srugo - of Chabad Aventura, FL / Mohel and Rabbi Velvel Lipsker of the Rabbinical College of Greater Miami, , to the streets of Miami to explain what is Sukkot.
Rabbi Velvel Lipsker (5)
Being in a State of Joy! (6:06)
The trick to being happy is to stop thinking about yourself. Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein uses Sukkos to define happiness. We leave our comfortable homes to sit in a cold, flimsy shack, and experience the joy of breaking out of our boundaries.
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
The Rooster Boy (2:34)
The boy who did not know how to pray. A Yom Kippur story.
Series: Timely Tales
The High Holiday Prayers (6:02)
A true blend of inspiration about the prayer Unetaneh Tokef that we recite on Rosh Hashana. Chief Rabbi Lau explains the prayer, which was originally composed by Rabbi Amnon of Maintz, as a universal plea for life. The video also includes a stirring rendition of Unetaneh Tokef and other Rosh Hashana prayers by Cantor Simon Cohen.
Cantor Simon Cohen (1)
Forgiveness Makes No Sense! (5:04)
Yom Kippur is a day of at-one-ment with G-d. Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein delves into the deepest place of connection between a couple, 2 friends and man and G-d. Please visit rabbiweinstein.com for inspirational weekly videos, lectures and audio classes.
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)