Self-awareness, Humility, and Pride, You Can and Should Have Them All (6:48)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
Duty with Purpose (1:18)
Is there a point to it all?.
Series: JLI Weekly Video
Not Good... Just Great (1:14:04)
Through the esoteric understanding of the Torah, we can see only see goodness. What may superficially sound like a curse is truly a blessing in disguise.
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
The Story, the Counting, and the Sapphire (6:25)
Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin (40)
A Chassidic Elucidation on Yovel (25:10)
Shmitah, the most difficult mitzvah in the Torah, requires taking every 7th year off from work and having complete faith that G-d will provide. Yoval, after 7 rounds of shmitah, brings one to the 50th and highest level of holiness. Rabbi Eliyahu Noson Silberberg explains that although we keep Shmitah to some extend, Yoval is only celebrated when the majority of Jews live in Israel
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
Covenant & Conversation: Parshat Behar (7:50)
This video was graciously provided by the Office of the Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks. There are a number of ways to stay connected with the Chief Rabbi: Visit his website – chiefrabbi.org – to subscribe to his mailing list
Series: Covenant & Conversation
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Parsha Power, Behar: Shmita - The Foundation of Judaism (8:39)
Dedicated in Loving Memory of Ilan Tokea Parsha Power offers a practical insight into the current Torah portion... in less than 10 minutes! This is a weekly class given by Rabbi Mendy Cohen of Sacramento, California. For more classes and information about Rabbi Mendy Cohen's synagogue, check out: www.sacjewishlife.org.
Rabbi Mendy Cohen (74)