Judaism, Faith and Recovery (2005) (1:38:31)
Does a crisis destroy one’s life, or can it ultimately prove to have been a blessing in disguise and reveal things about a person that would have otherwise never been discovered? What are our religious obligations in trying to help ourselves medically; must it be within the natural order of the world or can we rely strictly on divine intervention? And is prayer about changing G-d's mind, or about changing ourselves and our perspective? This is a vintage video and is being shared here for its historical value and content, not for the quality of its video
Dr. Bernie S. Siegel (1)
Joy with a Feminine Influence (1:34:40)
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Living with Integrity - Lesson 1 (1:34:09)
Living with Integrity: Navigating Everyday Ethical Dilemmas Even with the highest ideals and best intentions, we don't always know the right thing to say or do. Living with integrity is never easy. We all try the best we can. But every one of us faces dilemmas day in and day out that challenge our sense of right and wrong
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
1. Discovering Your Personal Compass (1:28:52)
LIFE What is a soul? Is it possible to expire before our time is up? Is death painful for the soul? How does Judaism define life? How do we reconcile Judaism’s emphasis on the here and now with the eternality of the soul?.
Series: Toward a Meaningful Life
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Paradigm Shift, Lesson 1: Seeing A Beautiful Garden (1:28:17)
Parts of life you enjoy. Others, you just can’t stand. Without being naive, is it possible to see only the good in everything? How can we find the positive spark in old age, work, struggle--even arrogance, evil, and death? A sophisticated understanding of reality uncovers a world in which there is only opportunity, positivity, and goodness.
Series: Paradigm Shift
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Kabbalah of You, Lesson 6: Perfectly Imperfect (1:27:22)
The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential There is one thing that is always present in your life. Not your body, for sometimes you soar aloft in thought or meditation. Not your heart, for there are surely things that preoccupy you about which you are indifferent. Not your intellect, for there are times when your mind must rest
Series: The Kabbalah of You
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Paradigm Shift, Lesson 5: Redefining Failure (1:26:43)
We all make mistakes. Such is life. But why was it intended to be this way? This lesson explores how failure is not an anomaly in the design of creation, but the tool through which the highest form of success is carved.
Series: Paradigm Shift
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
5. Lost in Translation (1:26:39)
It’s All Hebrew to Me From abracadabra to kippa and Yom Kippur, this lesson dives beyond semantics into the depths of Hebrew etymology. We’ll uncover insights into seemingly arbitrary Hebrew names, and discover words that offer perspective into the heart of key Jewish concepts.
Series: Fascinating Facts
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
1. The Story of Your Life (1:26:36)
Know Something About the Bible? Is “an eye for an eye” meant to be taken literally? Was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge an apple? Did the Jews actually cross the Red Sea? We leap beyond a Hebrew School comprehension of the Bible, as we explore the deeper significance of its stories and their profound lessons for life.
Series: Fascinating Facts
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Living with Integrity, Lesson 5: Honesty (1:26:21)
Living with Integrity: Navigating Everyday Ethical Dilemmas Even with the highest ideals and best intentions, we don't always know the right thing to say or do. Living with integrity is never easy. We all try the best we can. But every one of us faces dilemmas day in and day out that challenge our sense of right and wrong
Series: Living with Integrity
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Paradigm Shift, Lesson 3: Eliminating the Divide (1:26:17)
We are all so alike, yet so different. Each of us was endowed with a unique set of talents and circumstances precisely because there is a specific life-mission for us to fulfill. How do you utilize this custom toolbox of fate and skill to decipher your individual purpose is in this world?.
Series: Paradigm Shift
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Paradigm Shift, Lesson 4: Synching with the Divine (1:26:17)
Who is the ideal religionist? The dutiful follower who submits completely to the will of a higher power? Or he who integrates, internalizes, and owns his beliefs--to cultivate a personal relationship with G-d, and become a leader in his own right? This lesson questions the foundations of our perception of religion.
Series: Paradigm Shift
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
A Double Measure of Joy Heralding the Redemption (1:26:12)
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Pesach: Making It Personal (1:25:46)
This class was given March 18, 2013 - 7 Nissan, 5773 (Parshat Tzav).
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
Living Mindfully (1:25:38)
Wisdom is cumulative, don’t hesitate to consult those who are older and wiser. Rabbi Laibl Wolf begins by establishing that each attendee and viewer is a unique, gifted, reincarnated soul, brought into the world for an individual purpose. Living mindfully begins with inner calm, a level playing field, required for the beginning point of any wisdom oriented decision
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
The Kabbalah of You, Lesson 5: The Self That Loves Your Neighbor (1:25:36)
The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential There is one thing that is always present in your life. Not your body, for sometimes you soar aloft in thought or meditation. Not your heart, for there are surely things that preoccupy you about which you are indifferent. Not your intellect, for there are times when your mind must rest
Series: The Kabbalah of You
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Do You Have a Foundation? (1:24:38)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
How Does Money Shape You? (1:23:20)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Living with Integrity, Lesson 4: Honoring Parents (1:23:15)
Living with Integrity: Navigating Everyday Ethical Dilemmas Even with the highest ideals and best intentions, we don't always know the right thing to say or do. Living with integrity is never easy. We all try the best we can. But every one of us faces dilemmas day in and day out that challenge our sense of right and wrong
Series: Living with Integrity
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Paradigm Shift, Lesson 2: Realizing Your Potential (1:22:53)
The soul is not a recessive gene. With every movement of the body, its innate perfection finds expression. Discovering this for yourself will not only boost your self-esteem and improve your relationships, but will also lead you to demand more of yourself and push your limits to redefine what is possible.
Series: Paradigm Shift
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
6. Answering Life's Biggest Questions (1:21:41)
Myths, Misconceptions, and Urban Legends Sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction. Do Jews believe in Satan? Can a Jew convert out of the faith? Peering into a world of untold mystery, we’ll explore common Jewish myths rooted in non-Jewish beliefs, everything from the bizarre to the downright outrageous.
Series: Fascinating Facts
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
How Happiness Thinks, Lesson 1: The Joy of Being You (1:21:35)
How you think about yourself is crucial to your happiness. What is the self-concept that yields happiness, protects against the misery of low self-esteem, and avoids self-centeredness?.
Series: How Happiness Thinks
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Judaism and Sexuality (1:21:33)
Marriage is a holy union and procreation is one of the most important acts one can do as it is the foundation upon which civilization stands. As such, extreme care must be taken that one’s relationship and marital life is in total accordance with the law and the spirit of the Torah
Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz (1)
Living with Integrity, Lesson 2: Forgiveness (1:21:23)
Living with Integrity: Navigating Everyday Ethical Dilemmas Even with the highest ideals and best intentions, we don't always know the right thing to say or do. Living with integrity is never easy. We all try the best we can. But every one of us faces dilemmas day in and day out that challenge our sense of right and wrong
Series: Living with Integrity
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
4. Pure Pleasure (1:20:58)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
2. Exploring the Jewish Lifecycle (1:20:53)
From Womb to Tomb Why celebrate a bar or bat mitzvah? What’s with breaking glass under the wedding canopy? Peppered with astounding insights along the way, we’ll journey from birth through burial, infusing meaning and relevance into the customs and traditions of the Jewish life cycle.
Series: Fascinating Facts
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Living with Integrity, Lesson 3: Charity (Tzedakah) (1:20:39)
Living with Integrity: Navigating Everyday Ethical Dilemmas Even with the highest ideals and best intentions, we don't always know the right thing to say or do. Living with integrity is never easy. We all try the best we can. But every one of us faces dilemmas day in and day out that challenge our sense of right and wrong
Series: Living with Integrity
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Curious Tales of the Talmud, Lesson 5: The Great Oven Debacle (1:20:35)
Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages Judaism is full of deeply resonant and transformative wisdom. Some of its most profound ideas about life, the universe, the soul, and our relationship with G-d are encrypted in an unusual place-within peculiar and nonsensical Talmudic tales
Series: Curious Tales of the Talmud
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Caring For the Uninsured (2005) (1:20:00)
Are doctors required to treat patients who can’t afford to pay for the care? What obligations does the society have towards caring for it’s sick and needy? And what is the Jewish approach and view to this? This is a vintage video and is being shared here for its historical value and its content, not for the quality of its video
Dr. Robert Jacobs (1)
How Happiness Thinks, Lesson 5: When Joy Seems Elusive (1:19:51)
Series: How Happiness Thinks
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Kabbalah of You, Lesson 3: A Question of Joy (1:19:17)
The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential There is one thing that is always present in your life. Not your body, for sometimes you soar aloft in thought or meditation. Not your heart, for there are surely things that preoccupy you about which you are indifferent. Not your intellect, for there are times when your mind must rest
Series: The Kabbalah of You
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Living with Integrity, Lesson 1: Privacy (1:18:31)
Living with Integrity: Navigating Everyday Ethical Dilemmas Even with the highest ideals and best intentions, we don't always know the right thing to say or do. Living with integrity is never easy. We all try the best we can. But every one of us faces dilemmas day in and day out that challenge our sense of right and wrong
Series: Living with Integrity
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Kabbalah of You, Lesson 2: If I Am So Good, Why Am I So Bad? (1:17:43)
The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential There is one thing that is always present in your life. Not your body, for sometimes you soar aloft in thought or meditation. Not your heart, for there are surely things that preoccupy you about which you are indifferent. Not your intellect, for there are times when your mind must rest
Series: The Kabbalah of You
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
4. Compensation for Organ Donation (1:17:20)
CONFRONTING THE ORGAN SHORTAGE Should the Sale of Organs Be Legal? Permitting the sale of organs may significantly increase the number of organs available for transplant, potentially saving many thousands of lives
Series: Life in the Balance
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
5. Working Definitions (1:17:11)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Curious Tales of the Talmud, Lesson 3: The Vindication of an Idolatrous King (1:16:55)
Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages Judaism is full of deeply resonant and transformative wisdom. Some of its most profound ideas about life, the universe, the soul, and our relationship with G-d are encrypted in an unusual place-within peculiar and nonsensical Talmudic tales
Series: Curious Tales of the Talmud
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Healthy Lifestyle Choices (2005) (1:16:25)
Can healthy lifestyle choices be mandated on individuals who engage in unhealthy habits? Can someone be stopped from doing something that will create a burden on the community? Are we free to do with our bodies as we see fit even if it will be harmed by our behaviors? And does Judaism have anything to say about one’s obligation towards the wellbeing and maintenance of his body? This is a vintage video and is being shared here for its historical value and its content, not for the quality of its video
Dr. Alfred Sofer (2)
Living with Integrity, Lesson 6: Commitments (1:16:12)
Living with Integrity: Navigating Everyday Ethical Dilemmas Even with the highest ideals and best intentions, we don't always know the right thing to say or do. Living with integrity is never easy. We all try the best we can. But every one of us faces dilemmas day in and day out that challenge our sense of right and wrong
Series: Living with Integrity
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
2. The Will to Live (1:16:10)
END-OF-LIFE DILEMMAS Prolonging Life vs. Prolonging Death Resuscitate? Do not resuscitate? How does one decide what to inscribe in their living will? The value of life is immeasurable, but is the same true for its increments? This lesson discusses the important end-of-life decisions that we need to make today, and offers Jewish perspectives on dying with dignity.
Series: Life in the Balance
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Physician Malpractice Issues: Is the Current System Fair? (1:15:53)
Is the current system of malpractice lawsuits fair? Does it even help patients? Are there reforms or laws that can be introduced to reduce the cost of being sued? This is a vintage video and is being shared here for its historical value and its content, not for the quality of its video
Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried (1)
4. Kosher Food Facts (1:15:09)
Foods and Feasts Ever wondered what it is about Jews and food? What makes food kosher? Why is pork considered the quintessential non-kosher chow? With tasty surprises along the way, we’ll learn a thing or two about Jewish diet in this mouth-watering, eye-opening session.
Series: Fascinating Facts
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Curious Tales of the Talmud, Lesson 2: When God Prayed (1:15:04)
Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages Judaism is full of deeply resonant and transformative wisdom. Some of its most profound ideas about life, the universe, the soul, and our relationship with G-d are encrypted in an unusual place-within peculiar and nonsensical Talmudic tales
Series: Curious Tales of the Talmud
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Reincarnation & Human Souls in Other Forms of Life (1:15:01)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson reveals and explores the Kabbalah's and deeper teachings of the Torah, on the ever-unfolding journey of the soul.
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
3. Walking With Angels (1:14:54)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Hebrew Letters: The Path of the Ba'al Shem Tov in Prayer (1:14:46)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Curious Tales of the Talmud, Lesson 4: Sewing a Broken Millstone (1:14:41)
Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages Judaism is full of deeply resonant and transformative wisdom. Some of its most profound ideas about life, the universe, the soul, and our relationship with G-d are encrypted in an unusual place-within peculiar and nonsensical Talmudic tales
Series: Curious Tales of the Talmud
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Taking the Heat (1:14:35)
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
Better Together (1:14:29)
This class was given March 4, 2013 - 22 Adar, 5773 (Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei).
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
5. Coping with Pain, Loss & Anxiety (1:14:29)
MOURNING Once the soul is in heaven, is it possible for it ascend to new spiritual heights? What can we do to assist the soul in the afterlife? This lesson explores the emotional, spiritual, and practical steps of the grieving process and explains how we can benefit the soul once it’s already in the hereafter.
Series: Toward a Meaningful Life
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Seven Habits of De-Stressed People (1:14:16)
Are we condemned to a life of stress? "Stress occurs when people don't behave the way we want them to," says Rabbi Laibl Wolf. He outlines the circumstances that contribute to stress and the methods and habits used for reducing stress and increasing mindful living.
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
2. Building Meaningful Relationships (1:14:14)
PREPARATION Are there benefits to aging? What matters most in life? Realizing that we only live once, what is the best way to utilize the time we have left?.
Series: Toward a Meaningful Life
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Kabbalah of You, Lesson 4: A Question of Faithfulness (1:14:08)
The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential There is one thing that is always present in your life. Not your body, for sometimes you soar aloft in thought or meditation. Not your heart, for there are surely things that preoccupy you about which you are indifferent. Not your intellect, for there are times when your mind must rest
Series: The Kabbalah of You
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
How Happiness Thinks, Lesson 3: The Joy of Having (1:14:05)
Learning the Art of Gratitude Good fortune—wealth, beauty, genius, or power—don’t necessarily lead to more happiness. But is there a way to build joy from our good circumstances? How do we master the art of experiencing the goodness of life?.
Series: How Happiness Thinks
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Not Good... Just Great (1:14:04)
Through the esoteric understanding of the Torah, we can see only see goodness. What may superficially sound like a curse is truly a blessing in disguise.
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
3. Getting Your Home in Shape (1:13:59)
TRANSITION What happens to us when we die? Are souls able to communicate with us from heaven? Do our loved ones in heaven still care about us? What is the significance of the rituals associated with burial? How do these rituals assist the soul’s transition into the afterlife?.
Series: Toward a Meaningful Life
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
To be a Jew in the Free World, Lesson 2: Free to Serve (1:13:53)
Lesson Two: Freedom For All In 1790, after leading a revolution in the name of liberty, George Washington affirmed the divine and inviolable freedoms of America's tiny Jewish community. What is freedom? Is it indeed liberating to do as we please? Perhaps freedom is about something much deeper, more meaningful, and fulfilling!.
Series: To be a Jew in the Free World
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
5. Autopsy and Anatomical Diessection (1:13:46)
SANCTITY IN DEATH Autopsy and Medical Dissection Many states allow medical schools to use unclaimed cadavers for anatomical dissection
Series: Life in the Balance
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
1. An Ounce of Prevention (1:13:39)
SAFEGUARDING OUR HEALTH BRCA, Genetic Testing, and Preventive Measures We all endeavor to protect our health, but we often question whether we do enough. Scientists have recently identified the BRCA genetic mutations (common in Ashkenazi Jews) that significantly increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancers
Series: Life in the Balance
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Kabbalah of You, Lesson 1: Uniquely Human (1:13:21)
The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential There is one thing that is always present in your life. Not your body, for sometimes you soar aloft in thought or meditation. Not your heart, for there are surely things that preoccupy you about which you are indifferent. Not your intellect, for there are times when your mind must rest
Series: The Kabbalah of You
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
5. The Ethics of CEO Compensation (1:13:11)
Series: Money Matters: Jewish Business Ethics
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Curious Tales of the Talmud, Lesson 6: A Ticket To Paradise (1:13:09)
Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages Judaism is full of deeply resonant and transformative wisdom. Some of its most profound ideas about life, the universe, the soul, and our relationship with G-d are encrypted in an unusual place-within peculiar and nonsensical Talmudic tales
Series: Curious Tales of the Talmud
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
How Happiness Thinks, Lesson 6: The Joy of the Spirit (1:13:02)
Exploring the Deeper Dimensions of Happiness: Research suggests that meaning and spirituality can make us happier. Why is this so? Discover how spirituality and meaning can help you take your happiness to greater heights.
Series: How Happiness Thinks
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Brokenness and Longing (1:12:16)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
4. State of the Union (1:12:12)
Series: Money Matters: Jewish Business Ethics
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Jewish Course of Why, Lesson 1 (1:12:03)
Series: The Jewish Course of Why
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
4. Working in the Right State of Mind (1:12:03)
AFTERLIFE What is reincarnation? How exactly does it work? Does Judaism believe in ghosts and spirits? Does everyone go to heaven?.
Series: Toward a Meaningful Life
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Hated: A Deeper Look into Antisemitism (1:12:00)
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
Smackdown: Knock Out The Doubt (1:11:07)
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
How Happiness Thinks, Lesson 4: The Joy of Struggle (1:11:07)
Exploiting Our Shortcomings as Sources of Happiness Our flaws and deficiencies can drain us of our happiness. How might we succeed in reframing our challenges and deficiencies as joy-inspiring opportunities of cosmic proportion?.
Series: How Happiness Thinks
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Paradigm Shift, Lesson 6: Opening Our Eyes (1:11:00)
The purpose of creation is finally within reach. Despite tensions in parts of the globe, revolutionary changes are taking place in technology, in politics, and in the human spirit—many bearing markings of an impending biblical redemption. How do we awaken ourselves to this reality—to recharge for the sprint to the finish line?.
Series: Paradigm Shift
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
6. Buyer Aware (1:10:51)
Series: Money Matters: Jewish Business Ethics
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
2. Beginning with the End in Mind (1:10:48)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Birth Pangs: No Pain No Gain (1:10:22)
Outwardly, the names of these Torah Portions seem contradictory, but behind them lies a powerful, deep and inspiring hidden message. This class was given April 8, 2013 - 28 Nissan, 5773 (Parshat Tazria - Metzora).
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
3. Under the Influence (1:10:15)
Angels, Blessings, and Evil Eyes What is the evil eye? How does it work? Are we accompanied by guardian angels? Do they have wings? Join us as we enter the hidden world of the occult and investigate the fascinating interaction between matter and spirit.
Series: Fascinating Facts
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
To Be a Jew in the Free World, Lesson 3: Doing it My Way (1:10:04)
Lesson Three: Judaism of our Choosing The failed attempt to establish a chief rabbi in New York in the 1890s demonstrated the weakness of the modern Jewish community structure. This lesson explores how the lack of top-down organization in the Jewish community and new-world individualism combine to challenge and empower individuals to choose to participate in Jewish life.
Series: To be a Jew in the Free World
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Secrets of the Hebrew Letters & Vowels: The Mystery & Kabbalah of the Aleph-Bet (1:09:59)
This lecture by Rav Pinson (part one of two) reveals how Letters/ Sounds are the building blocks of Creation & how we too can create by using them. Enter into the magical world of sounds and the wisdom of Tziruf/combinations used by the great Kabbalists from R. Abulafiah, R. Avraham Azulai, to the Baal Shem Tov
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
How Happiness Thinks, Lesson 2: The Joy of Purpose (1:09:37)
Facing Stress with Patience, Mindfulness, and Hope Stress is an impediment to happiness. How can we rise above the everyday worries and frustrations, whether they are about the present or future, and retain our joie du vivre?.
Series: How Happiness Thinks
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
To be a Jew in the Free World, Lesson 1: Identity Crisis (1:09:30)
Lesson One: Once a Jew, Forever a Jew Napoleon Bonaparte promised freedom from discrimination. The price? Allegiance to him and to France. Why are alternative allegiances a cause of concern for Jews? Just how deep does our Jewish identity run? And why is it that no matter what you do, you'll always be a Jew?.
Series: To be a Jew in the Free World
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
6. Understanding Faith: What it Means to You (1:09:05)
THE END GAME What is the final destination on this voyage? Is death permanent? Does Judaism believe in resurrection? Is it possible that we may one day be reunited with our loved ones?.
Series: Toward a Meaningful Life
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
To be a Jew in the Free World, Lesson 6: Light Unto the Nations (1:09:00)
Lesson Six: Purpose For All Mankind In 1655, Menashe ben Israel shared a dream of redemption, moving Oliver Cromwell to readmit Jews to England. What is our role as Jews to inspire the world with a vision of universal peace and goodness? This lesson moves beyond mere Jewish continuity, and presents the idealistic vision that Judaism has for all humanity.
Series: To be a Jew in the Free World
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
1. Hot (Stock) Tips (1:08:45)
Series: Money Matters: Jewish Business Ethics
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Story of Purim 2 of 2 (1:08:16)
Haman had everything a man could want: wealth, family, house, even the ear of the king. Why was Mordechai such a thorn in his side? If you enjoy history then this video of Rabbi Abba Perlmuter is the one for you. He covers alot of time and ground to bring a clear understanding of the times, the people and the personalities involved in the story of Purim.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
2. Wages of the Working Poor (1:07:37)
Series: Money Matters: Jewish Business Ethics
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
1. The Gift of Rest (1:07:00)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Bloom: Be the Bud you Can Be (1:06:52)
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
To be a Jew in the Free World, Lesson 4: Dual Allegiances (1:06:43)
Lesson Four: The Jewish Vote In 1862, General Ulysses S. Grant signed an order expelling all Jews from the area under his command. This became a defining issue in his 1868 presidential campaign. Are Jews obliged to vote as Jews? Can our concerns as Jews conflict with our duties to our Diaspora home? Where should our first allegiance lie?.
Series: To be a Jew in the Free World
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Living in The Now: Understanding the Deeper Dimension of Time (1:06:42)
If the past is but a memory, the future is just imaginative and all that exists is the present, what makes us responsible for our actions? How can we live fully in the present, while still learning lessons from our past in order to create a better future? This thought-provoking class explores a Kabbalistic understanding of the nature of time and how that manifests in our experience
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
3. Fetal Position (1:06:35)
COMPLICATIONS IN PREGNANCY Aborting One Life to Save Another Couples undergoing fertility treatment are often advised to reduce the number of fetuses in order to save a high-risk pregnancy
Series: Life in the Balance
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Jewish Course of Why, Lesson 2 (1:05:41)
Series: The Jewish Course of Why
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Tanya Chapter 42 Part 3 (1:05:39)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Chariot of Fire (1:05:37)
Discourse: Feminine Faith | Lesson 11 • This class was given May 5, 2013 - 25 Iyar, 5773.
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Tanya Chapter 32 Part 4 (1:05:05)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 44 Part 4 (1:05:02)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Rare Manuscripts and Books (1:05:00)
Rare Manuscripts and Books with Daniel Kestenbaum of Kestenbaum & Company. Daniel has been involved in the fields of rare books, fine arts and Judaica for some 35 years, founding his own eponymous New York based auction house in 1995
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Mr. Daniel Kestenbaum (5)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 9 Part 1 (1:04:50)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
6. Afterglow (1:04:47)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
6. The Uterus Transplant (1:04:42)
A GIFT OF GENERATIONS The Ethics of Uterine Transplants Until now, surrogacy has been the only solution for women without a healthy womb. However, a recently popularized new fertility treatment, promises to bring them renewed hope. This lesson addresses fascinating ethical concerns surrounding uterine and other non-vital-organ transplants and surgical procedures.
Series: Life in the Balance
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
3. Morally Bankrupt (1:04:36)
Series: Money Matters: Jewish Business Ethics
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Jewish Origins of Christianity (1:04:28)
In this lecture, Professor Schiffman, a leading scholar of the Dead Sea Scrolls analyzes the origins of the texts
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Who Am I? (1:04:25)
This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Yisroel Meir Tauber (4)
The Mind’s Eye (1:04:23)
The Mind’s Eye: Harnessing the Power of Visualizations, Imagery & Inner Awareness to Master our Lives.
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 7 Part 4 (1:03:42)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tu B'shvat: Discovering the Fruit in You (1:03:41)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 16 (1:02:58)
When does your life come before others? And does this apply in spirituality as well?.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
”Untouchable”: May One Use Data from Nazi Experimentation? (1:02:53)
How do our inner desires affect the outcome of decisions? Rabbi Berel Bell discusses the opinions of secular and Torah authorities on the use of data acquired with torture. He presents sources in the Talmud and commentaries that deal with similar issues in order to reach a decision about the use of Nazi data. Rabbi Bell makes his topic interesting and relevant.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 1 (1:02:51)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 19 Part 1 (1:02:47)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 1 Part 1 (1:02:45)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Purim and Pressure (1:02:41)
Why would God force the Jews to accept the Torah right after they willingly agreed to it? And why do our sages say that after the story of Purim the Jews willingly re-accepted the Torah which annulled the disclaimer (“מודעה רבה לאורייתא”) they could have heretofore claimed? This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Facing Our Creator: The Power of Elul Part 2 (1:02:32)
This text-based double session includes both learning with a study partner (chavrusa) as well as a lecture component with Rabbi Shais Taub. This classic, foundational discourse of the Alter Rebbe, Ani l Dodi, delves into the meaning of the month of Elul. The discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything is translated
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Tanya Chapter 48 Part 1 (1:02:26)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Art of Forgiveness: Gaining Forgiveness from Yourself and Others (1:02:21)
How can I forgive myself for my sins? When is it necessary to forgive others? What can I do to gain forgiveness from G-d? Jewish tradition describes multiple levels of repentance and forgiveness. There are times when we are obligated to forgive others and times when we are forbidden to do so
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 11 Part 1 (1:02:19)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 7 Part 3 (1:02:16)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 41 Part 6 (1:02:01)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
When One, Won (1:01:54)
Dicourse: Feminine Faith | Lesson 7 • This class was given March 3, 2013 - 21 Adar, 5773.
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
The Kabbalah of L'Chaim (1:01:53)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 6 Part 1 (1:01:49)
An in depth explanation on the meaning of the divine attributes of Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferes (Rachamim), and what the difference between Chesed and Rachamim.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Seven Fundamentals to Achieve Happiness (1:01:48)
This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Yisroel Meir Tauber (4)
What are We Celebrating on Sukkot? (1:01:46)
Despite the fact that our external unity differentiates us, deep down we’re all one and unified. Sukkot teaches us that happiness is the result of transcending ourselves and focusing on what we’re needed for and what unites all of us. This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The 49 Step Sefira Rehab Program (1:01:44)
Dicourse: Feminine Faith | Lesson 9 • This class was given April 7, 2013 - 27 Nissan, 5773.
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
How to Inspire When We Don't Feel Inspired (1:01:42)
Series: Soul Encounters
Rabbi Shmuel Lew (23)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 5 Part 4 (1:01:41)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review: Chapters 6-8 (1:01:23)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 9 Part 2 (1:01:15)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Judaism on Trial (1:01:09)
In 1263, King James of Aragon summoned Nachmanides to a religious disputation. Nachmanides himself documented this event, which became the most notable confrontation between Judaism and Christianity during the Middle Ages. We will study and discuss Nachmanides record of this event, a treasure that this faithful leader bequeathed to his people
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
Meet the Ashkenazim: They're Not Who You Think (1:01:07)
The overwhelming majority of American Jews are of Ashkenazic origin. Before Yiddish and Fiddler on the Roof, our Ashkenazic ancestors spoke Greek and controlled international trade. Take a close, fascinating look at these colorful forbears whose imprint on Jews today is still palpable. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Jeffrey Woolf (5)
Tanya Chapter 2 Part 3 (1:01:06)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 39 Part 2 (1:01:06)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com. .
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Introduction to Tanya - Part 3 (1:01:04)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 12 (1:01:04)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 25 Part 1 (1:00:57)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
3. Ruth: Unwavering Commitment and Grace (1:00:55)
3. RUTH Commitment and Sacrifice What comforts and freedoms should we be willing to sacrifice to get the job done? The story of Ruth contrasts leaders who forsook their duties, with those who understood the meaning of responsibility, and who demonstrated courage to let go of everything dear to them to do what is right.
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Uroboros, Cybernetics and Nanotechnology (1:00:54)
The frontier of science today has become the new alchemy with the promise of making virtually anything out of anything. Our mastery over matter is giving rise to a whole new sense of the physical universe
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
The Origins of Humans (1:00:52)
Day six of the Genesis creation account describes the origins of Adam and humans, and every discovery and observation by science leads to an understanding of how humans came to be. Can both accounts be reconciled? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Mr. Daniel Friedmann (10)
Living a Superhuman Life (1:00:51)
We expend so much time and energy chasing our dreams, but does it come at the expense of our integrity and happiness? Jewish teachings turn our quest on its head, and place the keys to our greatest dreams firmly in our hands. Learn how to navigate the incredible path Judaism sets for us to achieve a truly superhuman life.
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
Parshas Terumah: A Forest of Hope (1:00:50)
G-d lived in a mobile home. Rabbi Reuven Wolf takes us through the parsha and the Rashi's to show how to live our lives with joy.
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
What in the World are the Four Worlds? (1:00:50)
Chasidic philosophy abounds with references to the four worlds. What are they? Where are they? And how do they help us understand life? Delve into original Chasidic texts and study these fundamental ideas at their source.
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 12 Part 1 (1:00:48)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
2. The Fall of Saul: The Wise Monarch (1:00:47)
2. SAUL Qualities of a Leader What are the signature strengths that make a person great? What is the difference between being smart and being wise? In the story of our ancestors' quest to install their first king, we dissect Saul's character, his humility and wisdom, and the key weakness that led to his downfall.
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Tanya Chapter 26 Part 1 (1:00:43)
Discover why happiness is such an integral part of our divine service, why it’s crucial to have in order to overcome the evil inclination, and why Chassidim introduced it to Judaism
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Kabbalah of Tu B'shvat (1:00:42)
Dicourse: The Kabbalah of Tu B'shvat • This class was given January 19, 2014 - 18 Shevat, 5774.
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
4. David and Bathsheba: The Rehabilitation of a Monarch (1:00:38)
4. DAVID Dealing with Mistakes At what point should we forgive ourselves for our mistakes (and others for theirs)? How do we transform a blunder into an impetus for growth? The saga of King David and Bathsheba has attracted much attention over the ages, but what interests us more than what he did, or why he did it, is understanding how King David dealt with his mistake.
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
G-d's Judgement When, How, and Why (1:00:30)
This text-based class focuses on the seeming contradiction between the Talmud's statement that we are judged daily with the concept that judgment takes place on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The excerpt from the Kuntreis U mayan discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything will be translated
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Tanya Chapter 37 Part 1 (1:00:25)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
6. Jonah's Daring Escape (1:00:21)
6. JONAH A Rendezvous with Destiny What is your mission in life? How much time do you spend on routines, at the expense of your goals? We examine Jonah's motive for defying G-d's instructions, to the point of attempting suicide. Is it ever justified to sacrifice the means entirely for the sake of achieving our goals? .
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Tanya Chapter 48 Part 2 (1:00:20)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 11 Part 1 (1:00:18)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 4 Part 1 (1:00:18)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Jewish Course of Why, Lesson 4 (1:00:06)
Series: The Jewish Course of Why
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 13 Part 2 (1:00:06)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 37 Part 2 (1:00:04)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Prayer in the Light of Tanya - Part 3 (1:00:03)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Behind the Doors of the Beth Din (1:00:03)
This fascinating lecture by Rabbi Ira Bedzow provides a peek at some of the most difficult and trying cases that have come before the Rabbinic court. Rabbi Bedzow’s talk emphasizes the importance of the Beit Din considering all contributing factors that provide context to the case (in addition to the relevant Jewish laws)
Rabbi Ira Bedzow (4)
The Jewish Course of Why, Lesson 5 (1:00:03)
Series: The Jewish Course of Why
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Tanya Chapter 12 Part 3 (1:00:03)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 10 Part 1 (59:59)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 9 (59:54)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Pharaoh Syndrome (59:51)
Dicourse: Feminine Faith | Lesson 8 • This class was given March 10, 2013 - 28 Adar, 5773.
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Tanya Chapter 41 Part 3 (59:50)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
A Life Free of Stress (59:45)
Mindfulness based on Chassidic teachings. This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Adam Stein (1)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 7 Part 2 (59:45)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 43 Part 2 (59:43)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 19 Part 2 (59:41)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
5. The Wonders of Elisha: Keeping It Simple (59:39)
5. ELIJAH AND ELISHA Simplicity Motivation and passion are critical to living life to its fullest. What do we do when our zest for life is depleted? How do we find inspiration then? While Elijah may be the more famous of the mentor-protege pair, this lesson emphasizes Elisha's human care and attention to detail, over Elijah's large-scale, grandiose miracles.
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 5 Part 2 (59:39)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 30 Part 2 (59:38)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 12 (59:36)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Jewish Course of Why, Lesson 6 (59:33)
Series: The Jewish Course of Why
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Autopsy, Body Donation, and Jewish Law (59:23)
What is the Jewish legal view on donating one’s body to science? Does Jewish Law permit postmortem procedures? How should the conflicting wishes of the deceased’s family and forensic pathologists be resolved? This session will explore Jewish ethical perspectives on the treatment of the body after death and apply them to the realities of today
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
Tanya Chapter 24 Part 1 (59:21)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 40 Part 2 (59:19)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 49 Part 1 (59:13)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 33 Part 2 (59:12)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 22 Part 2 (59:12)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review Chapters 46-49 (59:10)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 35 Part 1 (59:09)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
1. Jephthah's Daughter: A Matter of Perspective (59:07)
1. JEPTHAH Gaining Perspective What propelled him to do the unthinkable-to sacrifice his own daughter? Emotions often cloud our judgment. How do we gain perspective at such times? This lesson examines Jephthah's failures, exploring alternative ways in which he might have dealt with his situation, and how we can respond when facing similar circumstances.
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Tanya Chapter 51 Part 2 (59:02)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 10 Part 3 (59:02)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 3 Part 1 (58:59)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
When Stones Fly (58:57)
Dicourse: Feminine Faith | Lesson 10 • This class was given April 14, 2013 - 4 Iyar, 5773.
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 7 Part 2 (58:57)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 18 Part 3 (58:56)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 38 Part 1 (58:56)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 31 Part 1 (58:55)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Purim: Fate or Providence (58:54)
The essense of a thing is its name. Why Purim? Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein gives a comprehensive explanation of the use of lots from archaeology, the Talmud and the Megillah. What was Haman's goal in using lots to determine the fate of the Jews, and how did Hashem foil his plans?.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 6 (58:50)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Is the Jewish Calendar Really That Important? (58:49)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 1 Part 1 (58:46)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review Chapters 50-53 (58:45)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch and the Development of Modern Orthodoxy (58:44)
2/3s of Berlin Jews converted to Lutheranism. In the 1800s baptism was their ticket to European culture. Dr. Henry Abramson describes European society and what led the German Jews to step away from their Jewish practices and into secular society
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Tanya Chapter 32 Part 3 (58:37)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 14 Part 1 (58:37)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 9 Part 1 (58:35)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 6 Part 2 (58:35)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 6 Part 3 (58:33)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 8 Part 2 (58:31)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 5 Part 1 (58:30)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 11 Part 2 (58:30)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Life Beyond Life (58:27)
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Creation for Mummies, Dummies and Nudniks (58:26)
What exactly was G-d thinking when He decided to create the universe? This uniquely experiential tutorial will provide the “behind-the-scenes” of Creation. Discover the interconnectedness of all things will become apparent, and the underlying unity. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Hershel Lazaroff (3)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 5 (58:22)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
When Power Is Not in Power (58:21)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 10 Part 2 (58:20)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 32 Part 2 (58:19)
How could Hilel say that the whole Torah is just “What’s hateful to you, to your friend don’t do”? Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review Chapter 43 Part 2, 44-45 (58:19)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 5 Part 5 (58:19)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 41 Part 4 (58:18)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 7 Part 1 (58:18)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 12 Part 1 (58:10)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
To be a Jew in the Free World, Lesson 5: A Welcoming Society (58:07)
Lesson Five: Antisemitism-Free Jewish Identity In contemporary times, the power of antisemitism to form a bulwark against assimilation has declined. We face a paradox−a desire for complete acceptance of Jews within society, while at the same time hoping that younger Jews and coming generations do not choose to assimilate and instead commit to living a Jewish life
Series: To be a Jew in the Free World
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Storm at Sinai: The Inside Story of the Golden Calf (58:03)
What would you do? Would you have participated in the building of the golden calf? Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein describes the motivations behind the people's desire for the calf, and why Aharon reacted the way he did. Rabbi Bergstein presents a clear picture of the incident and the factors surrounding it.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
In Search of Real Peace (58:03)
More than ever, myths and mistruths swirl around Israel and the entire Middle East. The line between fact and fiction is blurred with blood and tears, creating false narratives that drip with distortions. But behind the smoke and mirrors lies the hard truth which every thinking person must discover. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
Tanya Chapter 50 Part 1 (57:59)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Pas Habo BeKisnin: Filled, Coated or Crusted Doughs Part 2 (57:58)
Series: Laws of Blessings (accompanying video)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Can't Touch This (57:55)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Tanya Review Chapters 41-42, 43 Part 1 (57:51)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 47 Part 1 (57:48)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 39 Part 1 (57:47)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com. .
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
From Sinai to Cyberspace: The History and Development of Jewish Law (57:44)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 11 Part 5 (57:43)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 49 Part 3 (57:40)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 46 Part 3 (57:35)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 26 Part 2 (57:32)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Introduction - Part 2 (57:32)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 24 Part 2 (57:30)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 39 Part 3 (57:29)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com. .
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 40 Part 1 (57:28)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 9 Part 2 (57:25)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Personal Training for the Soul (57:23)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Confronting Moral Dilemmas amid a Pandemic (57:23)
The recent Ebola outbreak raised questions as ancient as pandemics themselves. In 1918 an influenza virus caused a pandemic that killed an estimated twenty to forty million people in the course of a single year
Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger (1)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 4 Part 1 (57:23)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 4 Part 2 (57:20)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 36 Part 2 (57:19)
Why did G-d create the world, and what was His ultimate purpose? Aren't His angels good enough for Him, why does He need flawed humans? Why is the belief and yearning for the coming of Moshiach and the ultimate redemption so crucial and such an integral part of Jewish belief and our divine service? Aren’t we enjoined not to serve G-d with the purpose of reaping its reward? Rabbi Silberberg will brilliantly connect the answers to all of these questions together and leave you extemely edified on what it's all about
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 52 Part 3 (57:14)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 4 Part 3 (57:14)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Faithful Guardians: Understanding the Torah Mandate for Rabbinic Jurisprudence (57:13)
When G-d gave the Torah, he also gave the system to protect laws derived from it from differing opinions. Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein lays out the process of judgment proceeding from the local Rabbi up to the supreme court of the Sanhedrin. He describes how decrees were enacted and what considerations were applied.
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 3
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Tanya Review: Chapters 29-34 (57:08)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 46 Part 2 (57:06)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 1 Part 3 (57:04)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 11 Part 4 (57:02)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 13 Part 1 (57:02)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 49 Part 2 (57:00)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Is the Seder All Semantics and Symbols? (56:59)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Tanya Chapter 17 (56:57)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 12 Part 4 (56:57)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 14 Part 2 (56:54)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 22 Part 5 (56:53)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Secret of the Torah’s Sequence (56:50)
Is the Torah in chronological order? Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein explains with Parshas Mishpatim, the different ways of looking at the sequence of events in the Torah. There are always a few different approaches which he compares and clarifies.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
A Behavioral, Emotional, and Spiritual Look at Confession and Repentance (56:50)
This text-based class will delve into the mechanics of repentance, breaking it down into its components of the behavioral and emotional while understanding what it represents spiritually. The discourse, Viduy v. Tshuva, is from the Tzemach Tzedek and is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything will be translated
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Why Cry on the neck? (56:45)
This in-depth class on the weekly Parsha provides a textual analysis of a verse about the reunion of Joseph and his brother Benjamin. It explores various commentaries in order to give a broader and deeper understanding of the text.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 17 Part 3 (56:45)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 37 Part 3 (56:42)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Introduction - Part 1 (56:42)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 30 Part 1 (56:41)
Being non-judgemental isn’t a favor to someone else, it’s plain honesty
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Spiritual Journey of the Seder (56:40)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Tanya Chapter 41 Part 2 (56:40)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 42 Part 5 (56:40)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 8 Part 1 (56:40)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 1 Part 2 (56:39)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 7 Part 5 (56:39)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 41 Part 5 (56:38)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 4 Part 1 (56:38)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 10 (56:38)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 15 Part 6 (56:38)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 11 Part 3 (56:35)
Is the prohibition of idol worship a relic from thousands of years ago? Is it obsolete now? Not at all! It is just as relevant today!.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
A Beautiful Noise (56:33)
Why is Purim so noisy? The graggers, wine, food, and gifts are all physical. Rabbi Reuven Wolf uses comparisons between Yom Kippur, Chanukah and Purim to understand the physicality of Purim as opposed to the spirituality of the other holidays. Rabbi Wolf also connects the noise of Purim to the bells on the garments of the Kohein Gadol. as described in this week’s parsha, Tetzaveh
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 1 Part 2 (56:33)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 4 Part 3 (56:33)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 31 Part 3 (56:31)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 4 Part 1 (56:29)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 35 Part 2 (56:29)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Does a Fetus Have Rights? (56:28)
If you aren’t Pro Life are you pro death? If you aren’t Pro Choice are you for no choice? What makes us a person and when do we become one? The National Jewish Retreat this past summer featured Rabbi Berel Bell delving into these questions. He is a Judge on the Montreal Beis Din as well as extremely knowledgeable about secular and medical ethics
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Applying Logotherapy in Your Life and Practice (56:27)
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch will provide insight and methods of applying meaning based logotherapy for helping individuals gain perspective and find the proper meaning in their lives.
Series: Torah Psychology Conference #2
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Tanya Review: Chapters 14-17 (56:23)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 8 Part 2 (56:22)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Inner Meaning of Repentance (56:20)
Why did God create the world using ten utterances, to punish the wicked? What is superior, the divine service of the a Tzadik or the Baal Teshuvah? Join Rabbi Silberberg in understanding the inner meaning of repentance. To see the Rebbe’s talk to the special soldiers that Rabbi Silberberg references during the class, click here
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 53 Part 3 (56:18)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review: Chapters 35-37 (56:15)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 23 Part 2 (56:14)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 7 Part 2 (56:12)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 20 Part 1 (56:11)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Prayer in the Light of Tanya - Part 2 (56:11)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Rolling the Dice: A Talmudic Approach to Medical Risks (56:10)
Judaism teaches that every moment of life is significant and should be preserved. It follows that a quality, healthy life is even more valued
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
Tanya Chapter 5 (56:05)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Your Soul: Getting Acquainted (56:05)
If we are good people, why do we have unkind thoughts? And why do “bad people” have fits of conscience? Just as psychology provides the vocabulary to speak about the psyche, Tanya provides the key terms and constructs to express our souls. Who are we at our core? What is the cause of inner conflict? This session provides the terms to explore our most inner selves
Mrs. Menucha Schochet (1)
Tanya Chapter 23 Part 1 (56:04)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 3 Part 2 (56:03)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 50 Part 3 (56:02)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 32 Part 1 (56:01)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 3 (56:00)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 1 Part 2 (55:59)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Bridge to Infinity (55:57)
The month of Adar, learning to live with joy. Dicourse: Feminine Faith | Lesson 6 • This class was given February 10, 2013 - 30 Shevat, 5773.
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Tanya Chapter 44 Part 2 (55:54)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 29 Part 4 (55:53)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 1 Part 3 (55:48)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review: Chapters 38-40 (55:47)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Full Devotion to God (55:46)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Full Devotion
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
The Jewish Course of Why, Lesson 3 (55:44)
Series: The Jewish Course of Why
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Introduction to Tanya - Part 2 (55:44)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tikkun Olam The Real Story (55:43)
Dicourse: Feminine Faith | Lesson 4 • This class was given January 27, 2013 - 16 Shevat, 5773.
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
The Matzah Debate: Round or Square (55:43)
Do you go round or square on Pesach? Rabbi Avraham Bergstein teaches the history of baking matzah, and the significance of the shape, from the cakes that Avraham served the visiting angels, to the disputes about machine matzahs. Included is a video within the video of a machine matzah bakery, which shows the procedure from the strenuous cleaning, through all the processes involved.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Tanya Chapter 18 Part 2 (55:43)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 22 Part 4 (55:42)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 4 Part 2 (55:41)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 34 (55:38)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 46 Part 1 (55:36)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Harvesting Organs from Clones (55:28)
Using the bestseller, Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishigura, as a catalyst for discussion, this session will address issues including the permissibility of cloning, the legal status of a clone, and the legal ramifications of sacrificing one person to save another. It is not required to read the book for this session. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 15 Part 2 (55:28)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Pragmatist or Visionary? A Textual Exploration (55:26)
Do you live in the now or are you always looking towards the future? Explore these two worldviews as seen through the eyes of the Talmud, and learn how it can change the outcome of Jewish law. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Yaakov Wagner (3)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 2 Part 1 (55:25)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Good-bye Ebola, Hello Zika: Jewish Legal Ramifications (55:23)
Last year, the Zika virus was virtually unknown to most of the world. Today, it is a major global health concern, threatening the cancellation of the Olympics
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
The Kabbalah of Guys and Gals (55:19)
Dicourse: Feminine Faith | Lesson 13 • This class was given May 19, 2013 - 10 Sivan, 5773.
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei (55:18)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Tanya Chapter 40 Part 3 (55:18)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Does God Slumber When We Sleep? (55:13)
Megillas Esther was written under the influence of the Spirit of G-d. Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein discusses the essential bond that G-d has with a Jew. The point of the needle, where it has no dimensions, is like the point of contact where G-d knocks on the door of the Jewish soul. Being an infinite point, connecting to the infinity of G-d, there is no element of time.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Tanya Chapter 22 (55:13)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 4 (55:13)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 10 Part 2 (55:04)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Ownership and Transactional Ethics in Talmud and American Law (55:03)
Series: National Conference of Jewish Lawyers 2015
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Psychology of Idolatry (55:01)
Dicourse: Feminine Faith | Lesson 3 • This class was given January 13, 2013 - 2 Shevat, 5773.
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 17 Part 1 (55:01)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 23 Part 3 (55:00)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 3 Part 1 (55:00)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 2 Part 1 (54:59)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 26 Part 4 (54:55)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 1 Part 3 (54:55)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 43 Part 1 (54:53)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 18 Part 1 (54:49)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review: Chapters 26-27 (54:47)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 15 Part 5 (54:47)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Fetal Spirituality (54:45)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Tanya Chapter 38 Part 3 (54:42)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Seeing is Knowing (54:39)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Redefining Repentance: The Rebbe's Focus on Joy (54:35)
This text-based class will decipher an excerpt from the Lubavitcher Rebbe s groundbreaking discourse, transforming the way we understand the path to repentance. The discourse is in Hebrew, although knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required because everything will be translated. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 8 Part 2 (54:33)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 22 Part 1 (54:26)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review: Chapters 18-25 (54:21)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 14 (54:17)
A Tzadik is born, not made; chosen by Hashem, so why should we try? Rabbi Yisroel Fried explains the Alter Rebbe's exhortation to the Benoni, to work to be a Tzaddik, when it will never happen. The value is in the effort, just as the native born Tzaddik must still put in the work to reach his predestined level of Tzaddik.
Rabbi Yisroel Fried (4)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 7 Part 1 (54:15)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 14 Part 2 (54:14)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 4 Part 2 (54:09)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 6 (54:07)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 4 Part 4 (54:07)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
What Is a Miracle? (54:05)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Tanya Chapter 37 Part 4 (54:03)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 25 Part 8 (54:03)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 28 Part 2 (54:01)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 2 Part 1 (53:59)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 21 Part 1 (53:56)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Rosh Hashanah: Our Importance (53:55)
This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 18 Part 2 (53:54)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 25 Part 5 (53:54)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 39 Part 4 (53:53)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com. .
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 15 Part 1 (53:47)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Specialty of the Second Day of Shavuos (53:45)
Shavuos is the fiftieth day after Pesach and not a day of the month
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Buyer Beware (53:43)
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein (5)
Understanding the Mystical Dimensions of Repentance (53:43)
This text-based class will decipher a section of the Viduy v. Teshuva discourse of the Tzemach Tzedek with a focus on analyzing the mystical dimensions of the commandment of repentance in Jewish law. The discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything will be translated. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Tanya Chapter 20 Part 2 (53:42)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 52 Part 2 (53:41)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 3 Part 1 (53:40)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 53 Part 1 (53:36)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Rebbe's Unique Contribution (53:35)
Series: Soul Encounters
Rabbi Yoel Kahn (38)
Tanya Chapter 13 Part 2 (53:35)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Introduction to Tanya - Part 1 (53:33)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
When the Metaphor is a Metaphor (53:31)
This text-based class will explore a small excerpt from the classic Yedaata (Muskve) recited by the Rebbe Rashab. The focus will be on deciphering and understanding the idea of metaphor. The discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything will be translated. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Tanya Chapter 28 Part 2 (53:30)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 1 (53:30)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 15 Part 2 (53:23)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 29 Part 2 (53:22)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 11 (53:21)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 12 Part 3 (53:19)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 2 Part 2 (53:17)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 10 Part 2 (53:09)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 7 Part 2 (53:06)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 42 Part 4 (52:59)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 19 Part 1 (52:54)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 21 Part 2 (52:54)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kabbalah for Beginners Part 4 (52:48)
Series: Kabbalah for Beginners
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Tanya Chapter 42 Part 2 (52:48)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 10 Part 1 (52:47)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 23 Part 1 (52:47)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Feminine Advantage (52:42)
Throughout the Torah women are mentioned as being spiritually stronger than men, A few of the areas mentioned by Rabbi Shloma Majesky are: When giving the Torah, Hashem spoke first to the women and then the men; Concerning the Golden Calf, and the Spies the men failed the tests and the women remained strong in their faith; in Egypt the women gave strength to their husbands
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
Shimon Dubnow and the Russian Revolution (52:42)
How does a Russian Czar rid his empire of a "foreign, indigestible mass", also known as the Jews? Dr. Henry Abramson explores the historical background of the Haskala movement and Shimon Dubnow's role
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Tanya Review: Chapters 12-14 (52:42)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 15 Part 1 (52:40)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Do Demons Exist? (52:30)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Prayer in the Light of Tanya - Part 1 (52:28)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Recap of Iggeres HaTeshuvah (52:23)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Real Indiana Jones (52:22)
Rabbi Blech takes you with him on his incredible journey as he meets Vendyl Jones, the man who inspired the story of Steven Spielberg’s hero in his masterpiece, Raiders of the Lost Ark
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 25 Part 6 (52:21)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 29 Part 1 (52:11)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 5 Part 3 (52:08)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Maimonides: Laws of Red Heifer Chapter 6 (52:01)
Maimonides' magnum opus, the Mishneh Torah, is a work spanning hundreds of chapters and describing all laws mentioned in the Torah. This text-based class offers the opportunity to participate in the daily study of Maimonides, introduced by the Rebbe. This session was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Tanya Chapter 19 Part 3 (52:00)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 43 Part 3 (52:00)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 23 Part 2 (51:59)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 33 Part 1 (51:58)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Workings of a Modern Jewish Court - Part 2 (51:57)
Why would a secular judge send a case to a Jewish court? Rabbi Leibel Schapiro describes the role Jewish courts play in American secular courts, and what kinds of cases they handle. ► Click here to watch part 1 This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Leibel Schapiro (2)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 19 Part 3 (51:52)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 2 Part 2 (51:49)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Is Judaism a Philosophy? (51:47)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 25 Part 7 (51:45)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kabbalah for Beginners Part 3 (51:42)
Series: Kabbalah for Beginners
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 15 Part 8 (51:37)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 27 Part 3 (51:37)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 44 Part 1 (51:30)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Point of Return (51:25)
Do we really have to worry about that sweater that someone left in our house? Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein reviews the laws for lost objects and their sources in Torah. He brings in the Chassidic interpretation of this mitzvah and how to relate it to our service of Hashem and how we relate to our fellows.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 5 Part 2 (51:15)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 7 (51:12)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Talmudic Concept of Slavery (51:10)
Explore the issue of slavery through a Talmudic lens. Was it always beneficial for a slave to be freed in the ancient world? Join this class to see two Talmudic sages disagree on this matter. Determine which argument you find more persuasive. An in depth study of Talmud Gittin 12b-13a.
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski (3)
Tanya Chapter 16 Part 2 (51:08)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 18 Part 1 (51:07)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 9 Part 2 (51:03)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Greatness of Every Jew (51:03)
Learn why we celebrate birthdays, discover the Rebbe's revolutionary attitude towards every single Jew, and find out the inside story of Miriam Bas Bilgah.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 28 Part 1 (51:03)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 2 (51:01)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 17 Part 4 (51:00)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres Hakodesh: Tzedakkah Chapters Recap Part 2 (50:55)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 16 Part 1 (50:53)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shabbat: An Island In Time (50:51)
We are only human, what does G-d want from us? G-d wants a dwelling place in this, the lowest of worlds, created by the balance between our busy, physical lives and our spiritual connection. Rabbi Shloma Majeski explains that the spirituality we are immersed in on Shabbos carries over into the week, until we recharge again on the next Shabbos.
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
Tanya Chapter 44 Part 3 (50:48)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review: Chapters 1-5 (50:46)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 2 Part 2 (50:46)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Day of Jewish Unity (50:44)
A child can break a twig, but a bundle of twigs can resist the strongest man. Parshas Netzavim, read before Rosh Hashana, is about unity. Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein emphasizes the strength in numbers, where everyone recognizes the virtue and quality of the others. Even the unity of idol worshipers can be appreciated by G-d.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Be within, stay above (50:42)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Tanya Chapter 38 Part 2 (50:41)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Review: Chapters 9-12 (50:40)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Jewish Ethics of Shared Child Custody (50:27)
In the event of divorce, how does a court decide the fate of the children? Join a timely discussion with Judge Dickler and Rabbi Reiss on the rights of fathers and mothers—and protecting the best interests of the children—comparing the legal position to the Torah perspective. This session took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Donald C. Schiller (1)
The Ages of the Universe (50:22)
We hear plenty about the fiery debates between New World Creationism and Macro-Evolutionary Cosmology. As it turns out, neither of these views sufficiently describes the age of the world. Join us as we discuss a multitude of opinions and how, in totality, they answer what has seemed to be the unanswerable question. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Tanya Chapter 13 Part 1 (50:20)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 25 Part 4 (50:18)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 47 Part 2 (50:07)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Lamentations of Love (50:06)
With the Torah we can weather any storm. Rabbi Avraham Bergstein learns out from the book of Eicha that we must remain true to Torah in order to have strength at this time. The Jewish people are compared to a sapphire which will not be smashed on an anvil, but remains whole and strong.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
The Ten Commandments: How Judaism and Christianity Differ (50:05)
Don’t kill. Don’t steal. Honor your parents. Who wouldn’t agree with that? Judaism and Christianity both believe in the truth of the Ten Commandments. So why are our beliefs so different? How did the Jewish and Christian ethos diverge? This session will give you a new perspective on the Ten Commandments
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb (7)
Tanya Chapter 8 Part 1 (50:05)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 27 Part 3 (50:05)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 52 Part 1 (50:05)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 7 Part 3 (50:04)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 19 Part 4 (50:03)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Why Yom Kippur Is Just like Purim (49:59)
Believe it or not, the silliest and most serious day of the Jewish year have a lot in common. Find out why in this textual analysis of the antithetical yet overlapping components of Purim and Yom Kippur. Understanding the appropriate time and place for revelry and seriousness in Jewish law and philosophy will foster a closer relationship with our Creator
Rabbi Dovid Cohen (2)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 15 Part 3 (49:58)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 27 Part 1 (49:57)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 4 Part 4 (49:57)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Embryonic Spirituality (49:53)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 15 Part 4 (49:50)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 8 (49:49)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 5 (49:44)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Sin of the Tree of Knowledge (49:34)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 25 Part 1 (49:34)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Intellectual Property in Jewish Law (49:33)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Tanya Chapter 38 Part 4 (49:33)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 50 Part 2 (49:30)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 24 Part 3 (49:28)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 26 Part 3 (49:14)
How do we deal with pain and tragedies? Emotional anguish is much greater than physical pain. The question of why an innocent person’s life had an early and abrupt ending will hurt much more than the actual pain resulting from the loss
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Why Did Rachel Steal Her Father's Idols? (49:13)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Don Isaac Abravanel and Spanish Jewry (49:07)
What factors led up to the Spanish Inquisition and yet produced some of the greatest Jewish commentators? The triangular society of Spain gave rise to advantages for the Jews, as well as leading to one of the greatest destructions. Dr. Henry Abramson discusses the life and times of Don Isaac Abravanel, a prolific writer, renowned statesman and proverbial wandering Jew
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
The Land and Its Spirit: What G-d Envisions for Eretz Yisrael (48:58)
Why is Israel the Jewish homeland? Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein starts in the beginning and shows the history and the documentation of the Jewish connection to Israel. He brings Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's discussion on the arrival of Abraham in the land of Canaan and why he was given that area as a homeland
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
The Rebbe's Vision (48:49)
Rabbi Alter Bukiet (1)
Iggeres Hakodesh: Tzedakkah Chapters Recap Part 1 (48:49)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 22 Part 3 (48:41)
Is it ever good for a child to get slapped? And are all other forms of discipline necessarily good?.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Talmudic Concept of Agency (48:35)
Discover the Talmudic concept of agency and two types of legal agents. When can a principal recall an agent, and when is it too late? When are our actions on someone else's behalf effective, and when are they not? An in depth study of Talmud Gittin 11b. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski (3)
Tanya Chapter 29 Part 3 (48:33)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 3 Part 2 (48:28)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 1 Part 1 (48:27)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 21 Part 1 (48:25)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 45 (48:22)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 6 Part 1 (48:20)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Wired: The 613 Cables of Connection (48:18)
Dicourse: Wired: The 613 Cables of Connection • This class was given January 5, 2014 - 4 Shevat, 5774.
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 29 Part 2 (48:17)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
G-d's Tefillin (48:11)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Lessons from Haman (48:02)
Haman continuously tried to destroy the Jews, yet each of his plans were turned around and used against himself. Rabbi Yoseph Vigler exposes the real roles of the characters in the Purim story. In this video you will learn where to find Haman today, and how to take care of him. The central idea of the class is based on a Maamar in Torah Ohr.
Rabbi Yoseph Vigler (7)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 28 Part 3 (47:59)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 10 (47:58)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 2 (47:53)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 11 Part 2 (47:48)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 25 Part 2 (47:31)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 19 Part 2 (47:27)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 26 Part 6 (47:21)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 4 Part 5 (47:14)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Requirements for Prophecy (46:34)
How to become a prophet and how to recognize one. In this lecture, given at the Ivy League Torah Study Program, Rabbi Berel Bell examines the 6th and 7th of the 13 Principles of Faith as codified by Maimonides, which deal with prophecy and Divine revelation. Rabbi Bell describes the process of prophecy and as a bonus he weighs some angels.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning (46:30)
Whoever dies wtih the most toys wins. Is that what life is about? Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie emphasizes the importance of the afterlife to our current lives. He covers the unification of the body and soul, the resurrection of the dead, the recycling of souls, and the mystery of life and what we are here to accomplish. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Mesorah: The Tug-of-War of Halachic Development (46:30)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Menny Chazanow (2)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 29 Part 1 (46:25)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Sounding the Greater Shofar - Part 2 (46:20)
In a detailed analysis of the ma’amar (Chasidic Discourse) "V'yvchar Lanu." Dr. Brawer leads a group on a journey into the depths of the profound and mystical meanings hidden within the mitzvah of sounding the shofar on Rosh Hashana. This class took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer (6)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 24 (46:12)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 25 Part 2 (46:05)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Business of Balance (46:02)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Simple Servant
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 3 Part 2 (45:54)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 27 Part 4 (45:52)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 4 Part 2 (45:48)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Constructing the Temple (45:36)
For Jews worldwide, the holiest and most cherished site is Temple Mount. When the Holy Temple stood, thousands of Jews flocked there in celebration of High Holidays and to perform sacred services. In this fascinating clip, Shimon Frankel gives us a closer look at the intricate and mesmerizing structure of the Holy Temple.
Shimon Frankel (1)
Soul Gym: Part 2 (45:35)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Simple Servant
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Chassidut: Living Mindfully (45:26)
Tarry at your table filled with guests and eat bread with salt. This is an analogy for the mizbeach and replaces the daily sin offering. Thus begins the discourse Mrs. Fraidy Yanover learns, from the Previous Rebbe, about living mindfully: the mind rules the heart, keeping a state of balance.
Mrs. Fraidy Yanover (4)
A Microcosm of the Universe (45:21)
The teachings of Kabbalah give us a unique perspective on how to relate to all of G-d’s creations, from our fellow humans, to animals, to the stones upon which we tread. By gaining a deep appreciation for every bit of creation, we come to respect everyone and everything in our lives.
Rabbi Ronnie Fine (5)
Tanya Chapter 27 Part 1 (45:21)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 7 Part 3 (45:06)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
A Clergyman's Perspective on the Toughest Medical Quandaries (44:34)
Every day, rabbis are asked to make halachic decisions in all areas of daily life. What goes through a rabbi’s mind when heart-stopping life and death decisions are at stake? One of Montreal’s most respected Jewish legal expert reviews real-life quandaries posed by members of his community and how he was able to guide them through the most difficult decisions
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Tanya Chapter 27 Part 2 (44:29)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 26 Part 5 (44:27)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Rabbinical Court Decisions in U.S. Courts (44:13)
Professor Helfand walks through the details of the process of litigants going through religious arbitration which is subsequently enforced by a civil court.
Series: National Conference of Jewish Lawyers 2016
Professor Michael A. Helfand (5)
Tanya Chapter 51 Part 3 (44:01)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Party with a Purpose! (43:56)
In this segment of the popular Sunday morning series, Chassidus and Coffee, Rabbi Ruvi New introduces a new series on the Chassidic discourse by the first Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, entitled “Feminine Faith
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: Feminine Faith
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Jewish History Illuminated by Five Coins (43:52)
This video takes us on a fascinating journey through 245 years of Jewish History, beginning with the story of Chanukah and the Maccabees' defeat over the Syrian Greeks and ending with the defeat of the Bar Kochba revolt 65 years after the Temple was destroyed
Mr. Robert Messing (3)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Introduction - Part 3 (43:41)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 4 Part 6 (43:30)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Why Men and Women are Different (43:15)
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 26 Part 3 (43:09)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 27 Part 2 (43:09)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Savoring the Struggle of Life (43:08)
Rabbi Yoseph Vigler (7)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 26 Part 2 (43:07)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 9 (43:04)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 29 Part 3 (42:44)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 3 (42:38)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 17 Part 2 (42:30)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 15 Part 7 (42:26)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
How Do You Know the Torah Is True? (42:10)
A one person revelation narrative creates a credibility trap door. Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen lays out the 3 possibilities of how the narrative could proceed. His fascinating presentation leaves no doubt of the validity of Jewish history.
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen (4)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 31 (41:59)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 4 Part 3 (41:57)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Soul Gym: Part 1 (41:56)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Simple Servant
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Talmud In Depth: The Ladder of Prayer (41:10)
Shed new light on our daily prayers in this intriguing exposition of the early Jewish writings of how a Jew talks to G-d. A yeshivah-style analysis of the original Talmudic texts shows us how the precise order of the daily prayers transforms the tired mantras into a meaningful conversation with our Creator
Rabbi Yitzchok Marcus (1)
The Gift of Torah (40:53)
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 32 (40:31)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 1 (40:30)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Chassidic Personality Test (40:29)
Forget Briggs Myers. To get a true glimpse of your personality, enter the fascinating world of the sefirot, the ten character traits that form who we are: kindness, pride, fortitude… We’re each a composite of these ten building blocks. Knowing what they are and how they work helps us better understand ourselves and the people around us.
Mrs. Chaya Epstein (4)
Final Moments: End-of-Life Decisions and Jewish Law (40:20)
The value of life is immeasurable, but is the same true for its increments? Are the medical advances some see as life-supporting in fact simply death-prolonging? This session discusses important end-of-life decisions many families face today, and offers the Jewish perspectives on dying with dignity. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum (4)
The Secret Meaning of the Torah (40:19)
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 1
Rabbi Yosef Serebryanski (1)
A Taste of Talmud: The Right to Recline (40:12)
Experience some beginner Talmud study in this session exploring the meaning and symbolism of some of the basic rituals at the Passover Seder. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
Legal and Ethical Obligations When Parents Age (40:06)
Series: National Conference of Jewish Lawyers 2015
Mr. Richard L. Kaplan (1)
Tanya Chapter 9 Part 3 (40:01)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
When is Jealousy a Virtue? (39:58)
Jealousy is the driving force in our world. Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz posits that jealousy provides a natural incentive to succeed.
Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz (2)
Chassidic Perspectives on Prayer (39:53)
Where does it say we need to pray? Rabbi Shloma Majeski gives the source for prayer, and chassidic insights into the Pirkei Avos discussion on prayer. The Amidah, analagous to the spine which holds the whole body together, is the backbone of prayer, the nerve center of Yiddishkeit.
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
The Silver Lining Under Clouds of Curses (39:42)
On at least two instances the Biblical narrative is interrupted by a litany of horrors that will befall the Jewish people should they stray. How do we reconcile this with our idea of a kind and loving G-d? Take a look at the inner meaning of the Torah’s curses, and enter a world of blessings in disguise.
Rabbi Meir Levinger (13)
Why Should I Keep Kosher? (39:40)
How would G-d destroy the world if he wanted to? Rabbi Shloma Majeski explains that G-d created the world and sustains everything with his words. By simply removing those words the world would cease to exist. The blessing we make over our kosher food is what releases the G-dly energy in the food giving us life in a positive way.
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 25 Part 3 (39:19)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Do Animals Have Souls? (39:17)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Weekly Talmud Study: Brachot 13a.2 (38:55)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Sixth Principle of Our Faith: Prophecy (38:28)
Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin (16)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 4 Part 5 (37:58)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Simple Servant (37:14)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Simple Servant
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Kuntres Acharon Chapter 4 Part 1 (37:14)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 12 Part 2 (36:55)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 4 Part 2 (36:46)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Chassidic Formula to Emotional Well-being (36:45)
It’s not easy being human. If we’re not careful, passion turns into anger, kindness into permissiveness, and patience into apathy. We’ll look at the Chassidic approach to emotional well-being to learn how we can tackle our negative impulses and use them as a means for character growth. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 20 Part 5 (36:13)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Child Support in Jewish Law (35:58)
How do religion and law influence each other? Rabbi Moshe Goldfeder gives an overview of the history and structure of civil law and comparable religious law, and how they have influenced each other. He describes the different levels of child support mandated by Jewish law using the descriptive language of the Talmud and the commentaries that follow
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Goldfeder (4)
Tanya Chapter 53 Part 2 (35:44)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Sounding the Greater Shofar Part 1 (35:39)
An introduction to the unique world of the ma’amar—the Chasidic Discourse: Using the text from the ma’amar, "V'yvchar Lanu", Dr
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer (6)
Jewish History: Rabbi Yosef Karo and the Evolution of Jewish Law (34:57)
Rabbi Yosef Caro excelled in Torah scholarship despite years of expulsions in the Sephardic world. Dr. Henry Abramson, a well known educator, and expert on the history of the Talmud, presents the life and times of Rabbi Yosef Caro. He explains what roles Rav Caro's works played in Jewish scholarship and practice from the 15th century until now
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 9 Part 3 (34:54)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 12 Part 2 (34:53)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 8 Part 1 (34:48)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 30 (34:28)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 6 Part 1 (34:22)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 8 Part 1 (34:15)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 6 Part 2 (33:41)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Existence vs. Purpose (33:19)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
The Power of Modeh Ani (33:13)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Simple Servant
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Talmud: A Drop of Milk Falls on Meat (33:12)
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 2 (32:52)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Learning to Talk to G-d Again (32:50)
Dr. Chana Silberstein (9)
When Curses are Blessings (32:36)
The infamous curses that appear in the Torah are read in the synagogue twice a year with apparent trepidation. What is the meaning of these dreadful curses? This in-depth parsha class weaves together seemingly unrelated halachic debates that represent two distinct approaches to dealing with evil
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
The Talmudic Concept of Ownership Transactions (32:35)
Analyze the Talmudic devices for legal transactions. What means can actualize an ownership transfer? When a moribund person orally commands that gifts be given from his estate, does this statement itself effect an ownership transfer? An in depth study of Talmud, Gittin 13a-13b. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski (3)
Tanya Chapter 36 Part 3 (32:25)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 40 Part 4 (32:19)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 7 Part 1 (32:02)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
There's a Little Tzaddik in Everyone (31:45)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 11 Part 1 (31:39)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 42 Part 1 (31:36)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 26 Part 4 (31:34)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Being Sought Out by God (31:28)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Origins of the Laws of Prayer (31:26)
The Jewish legal system is a sophisticated network of laws, regulations and customs that draw on centuries of Jewish scholarship. Some are of direct Biblical origin, while others were developed by the Sages. Where do the principles of prayer come from? Were the do’s and don’t’s of our daily prayers given at Sinai, or did they evolve throughout the ages?.
Rabbi Meir Levinger (13)
Tanya Chapter 13 Part 3 (31:24)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 31 Part 2 (31:20)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Middle Eastern Games (31:13)
Global warming could lead to cooler weather in Europe; raising taxes leads to less revenue;disarming leads to war. Professor Yisroel Aumann relates contradictions that prove his game-theory that led to his winning a Nobel Prize. Professor Aumann relates the example of the Arabs versus the Crusaders and how Arab patience can overcome the impatience of the Jews for peace.
Professor Yisrael (Robert) Aumann (1)
Understanding the Nature of Torah: A Textual Analyisis (31:05)
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 2
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
The Month of Adar and the Half Shekel (30:35)
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
Tanya Chapter 27 Part 4 (30:31)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Prayer and Passion (30:08)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Tanya Chapter 51 Part 1 (29:45)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 16 Part 3 (29:38)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 8 Part 2 (29:37)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Belief in G-d, Blind Faith or Reason (29:23)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 6 and Chanukah (28:55)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 35 Part 3 (28:19)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Ch. 2 Mishna 1: Choosing a Path in Life (28:10)
Chapter 2, Mishna 1: Rabbi [Yehuda HaNassi] said: Which is the right path for a man to choose? That which is glorious to the one who walks in it, and brings glory from man. Be as careful in [performing a seemingly] minor mitzvah as of a major one, for you do not know the reward given for the mitzvot
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Welcoming the Month of Nissan (27:49)
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
The Purpose of Evil (27:46)
Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski (17)
Tanya Chapter 7 Part 1 (27:11)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 41 Part 7 (27:03)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 50 Part 4 (26:42)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Was G-d Allowed to Destroy the Temple? (26:35)
The purpose of destruction is only on the condition to rebuild better and greater. This applies to on the micro as well as on the macro level. Though we can’t recognize this in exile, what seems like negative events is really in and of itself an act of love. This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Purim: Does Judaism Encourage Intoxication? (26:32)
This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 11 Part 2 (26:28)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 41 Part 1 (25:52)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Purim: Real Love (25:26)
How do we get the oil out without crushing the olive? Rabbi Dov Yona Korn begins with Purim and the Jew’s acceptance of the Torah even though they are in exile, and struggling with existence. Why is it that when Jews are crushed they stand strong in their observance, and yet when in an environment of freedom and acceptance huge numbers run to assimilate and intermarry
Rabbi Dov Yona Korn (4)
Beyond Infinite (24:45)
Through a deeper look at Rashi’s commentary on the giving of the Torah we develop an appreciation for the role of Torah study in our identity and our relationship with G-d. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
Ch. 2 Mishna 5: Lessons from Hillel (24:32)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Tanya Chapter 3 Part 1 (24:32)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 36 Part 1 (24:30)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Tanya Chapter 28 Part 1 (23:56)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 7 Part 3 (23:56)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Facing Our Creator: The Power of Elul Part 1 (23:51)
This text-based double session includes both learning with a study partner (chavrusa) as well as a lecture component with Rabbi Shais Taub. This classic, foundational discourse of the Alter Rebbe, Ani l Dodi, delves into the meaning of the month of Elul. The discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything is translated
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Tanya Review: Chapters 27-28 (23:44)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Ch. 6 Mishna 6: What It Takes to Acquire Torah (23:36)
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Collectivist Constructs and Individualistic Integration (23:33)
Full Title: Collectivist Constructs and Individualistic Integration: A Two-Tiered Conception of Society Berry Schwartz lives in Brooklyn with his wife and son. He grew up in L.A. the eleventh of twelve children.He learnt at various Yeshivot around the world in Argentina, Montreal, Los Angeles and Israel. He taught a chabura (group study-session) in Mir, and studied at Brisk
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2013
9-10 Kislev: About the Mitteler Rebbe (22:56)
This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Morality and Advertising (22:49)
Nora Ellison is a senior at Stern College for Women, majoring in Judaic studies and minoring in psychology. She grew up in California and currently resides in New York. Over the span of 4 years she spent 3 in Israel, doing Shirut Leumi, attending EVO an art Seminary, and Mayanot Institute in Jerusalem. She aspires to go into the field of Jewish education and psychology
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2013
25 Adar: The World's Inception (22:44)
Happy Birthday World! When is the real birthday of the world? Rabbi Eliyahu Noson Silberberg delves into the meaning behind the different alternatives for the date of creation. Is it the thought or the action that defines that moment? The 25th of Adar, besides being one of the contenders is the birthday of the Rebbitzen Chaya Musia.
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
Tanya Chapter 14 Part 1 (22:08)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 5 Part 1 (21:42)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Exploring Privacy from the Bottom up - Q&A (21:38)
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2016
Iggeres HaKodesh Chapter 6 Part 2 (21:16)
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Parshat HaChodesh (21:14)
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
Purim and Leadership (21:10)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Ch. 2 Mishna 10A: Five Worthy Propositions (20:56)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Introduction to Pirkei Avot (20:40)
Series: Introduction
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 8: Courtroom Etiquette (20:24)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Maaser and the Expenditure Multiplier Effect (20:16)
Stephanie Barana grew up in Temecula, California and graduated with a BA in economics from UC Irvine. Stephanie recently received her master’s degree in economics from the University of Arizona, where she became more interested in Judaism. Stephanie is now a regular at Chabad at U of A. She hopes to continue her education and obtain a PhD in business strategy
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2013
Ch. 1 Mishna 1: The Tradition of Ethics (19:59)
Chapter 1, Mishna 1: Moshe received the Torah from Sinai and passed it on to Yehoshua; Yehoshua to the Elders; the Elders to the Prophets; and the Prophets passed it on to the Men of the Great Assembly. They [the Men of the Great Assembly] said three things: Be deliberate in judgment; raise up many disciples; and make a fence around the Torah.
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Tanya Chapter 9 Part 1 (19:33)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
7 Principles for Physicians and Caregivers (19:30)
Which illnesses are G-d's realm and which are for the physician to heal? Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh explains the parallels between the emotional spheres and 7 principles derived from the phrase "Heal and he shall heal” found in Parshat Mishpatim. To answer the question, all illness and all healing is from G-d.
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
Tanya Chapter 21 Part 2 (19:29)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Ch. 3 Mishna 10: How to be a Gentleman (19:11)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch 3. Mishna 11: Key Transgressions (19:08)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 1: Chain of Transmissions (18:56)
Series: Chapter One ,Judaism Decoded Lesson 1
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 18: Justice, Truth, and Peace (18:35)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch 2. Mishna 4: Reconciling Your Will With His (18:28)
Join world-renowned teacher and scholar, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, every Sunday for a Torah insight. This week, Rabbi Steinsaltz elaborates on a collection of short moral teachings of the sages in Pirkei Avot.
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Marriage: From Economics to Sinai (18:18)
Ryan Gerber was born and raised in Teaneck, New Jersey. After high school, Ryan attended The College of New Jersey, where he was a founder and president of his campus’ chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi, the international Jewish Fraternity. Majoring in philosophy, Ryan graduated in 2010 cum laude and was inducted to Phi Beta Kappa
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2013
Iggeres HaTeshuvah Chapter 1 Part 4 (18:16)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Inspiring Conclusion To The Torah, Part 2 (18:02)
In this week's video, we close the entire Torah, and we ask ourselves, what lessons can we learn today? How can we be inspired by the Torah's messages, and fulfill our destiny as a people? .
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Mystic Unity & Economic Growth (17:58)
Andrew Aidman is a recent graduate of the University of Miami. During his undergraduate studies, Andrew majored in entrepreneurship with minors in religion and motion pictures. In the past two years, Andrew has spent time in Israel studying at both the David Shapell and Ohr Somayach yeshivas
Nitzavim: How To Make Sense Of The Terrible Curses - Part 2 (17:54)
Last week, we found that to understand God's curses at the end of the Torah, we have to follow a trail all the way back, to Creation, and the Garden of Eden.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
The Genesis of Nationhood (17:39)
How does the Jewish concept of nationhood differ from its secular definition? Benjamin Miller presents his paper on the definition of nationhood in Torah to the Sinai Scholars symposium. He compares the more secular, Zionist definition to the description given in traditional Jewish sources
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
Re'eh: Why Would Anyone Want to Worship Idols? (17:31)
God doesn’t like foreign gods....but does He have to remind us over and over? And the people, too, seemed to be obsessed with foreign gods. What made avodah zarah so attractive, and therefore so destructive, that God needs to devote law after law to its eradication? And what does any of this have to do with us, today?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Parshat Kedoshim: Holiness in the Mundane (17:21)
Parshas Kedoshim teaches us to practice holiness with the mundane as well. Rabbi Silberberg will also share an interesting story of the famous Chasid Rabbi Shmuel Munkes that illustrates this point. This video is an excerpt of a weekly Tanya class given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Impact of Light (17:12)
Rabbi Dovid Gutnick (1)
Tanya Chapter 2 Part 4 (17:08)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Ch. 3 Mishna 2: Idle Conversation (16:41)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 2: Torah and Derech Eretz (16:34)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 7: The Good Things in Life (16:23)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Va'etchanan: Building an Intimate Relationship with God (16:18)
In this week's parsha, Moses speaks, a lot - but it all seems so boring, and disconnected. The Torah is a book - and every sentence of that book fits together, like pieces in a puzzle. But how does that work, in this parsha? What is this parsha actually about?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Ch. 1 Mishna 5: Purposeless Chatter (16:12)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Level Four: Remember the Family (15:55)
Dr. Henry Abramson continues his intriguing series based on the 6th century Kabbalistic work, “Tomer Devorah”. This fourth level focuses on viewing the Jewish nation as a family unit and G-d as a parent figure. This metaphor is expanded to the relationship of humanity in general with their parent in heaven
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Introduction to Tanya Chapter 10 (15:46)
This is a crash course on the definition of "Tzadik", "Beinoni", and "Rasha" according the to Tanya. Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Level Seven: A Knot is Stronger (15:45)
This episode of the "Kabbalah of Forgiveness" series speaks about the unique bond that is formed by repairing a broken relationship. Dr. Abramson cites a powerful metaphor from the Midrash, which illustrates the concept of Teshuvah and distinguishes between a human being’s forgiveness and G-d’s
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Ki Teitzei: Is There Spiritual Guidance Within Our Legal System? (15:42)
Last parsha, we began to suggest that all of these random laws are somehow related to the 10 commandments! But what is the larger message that this list of laws is coming to teach us?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Ch. 4 Mishna 1: Who is Wise? (15:38)
Chapter 4, Mishna 1: Ben Zoma said: Who is wise? One who learns from every person, as it is said: From all of my teachers I have become wise; indeed Your testimonies are my conversation
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Devarim: Finding Inspiration From Our Past (15:34)
In Devarim, Moses gives a grand speech that at first glance seems like a boring history lesson with the least inspring stories! But underneath Moses' words is an unbelievable message that the nation of Israel needed to hear right before they enetered the land. What we come to find is that the messages of Moses speech are still applicable and inspriing to us, today
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Naso: Adding Godliness To Our Lives (15:14)
In Parshat Naso, we are introduced to what seems like a hodgepodge of miscellaneous laws. Why is the Torah bringing these up together? Join us as we explore something very subtle going on in this parsha.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Rabbi David Block (31)
Tanya Chapter 26 Conclusion (15:12)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Parshat Shemot: The 7 Faces of Moses' Goodness (15:03)
Every mother thinks her baby is the cutest, the most precious. Was Moses really the best? Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh explains the 7 levels of goodness in relation to Moshe and the Kabbalah. The first, simplest level is presented by Rashi and refers to the first instance of the word "good" in the Torah. G-d created light at the beginning and it was good
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
Ch. 5 Mishna 6: Ten Miraculous Creations (14:49)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ki Tavo: How To Make Sense Of The Terrible Curses - Part 1 (14:48)
God promises us dark, sadistic curses, if we don't live up to our responsibilities to Him. It's so difficult to read, how could He be so cruel to us? Join us as we grapple with the incredibly difficult curses of Ki Tavo.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Ch. 1 Mishna 6: Guidance, Friendship and Judgment (14:39)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
The Inspiring Conclusion To The Torah, Part 1 (14:34)
This book is about the Creator’s choice to teach us how we can come close to Him and achieve purpose in our lives. What will be its conclusion?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Korach: Rejecting Israel's Leaders (14:29)
We’ve seen Israel complain over and over, but never before have they tried to undermine and dispose of their leaders. Join us as we make sense of Korach’s shocking complaints, this week on the Parsha Experiment.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Metzorah: What Do Tumah and Tahara Mean Today? Part II (14:23)
We suggested last week that death is the thread that ties the cases of tumah together. This week, in Metzora, we'll dive a little deeper to find the meaning embedded in the strange rituals of becoming tahor, ritually pure.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
What is the Defining Feature of a Jew? (14:14)
Sami Steinbock presents his poignant paper about Jewish identity for the Sinai Scholars symposium. He uses powerful anecdotes to illustrate the unique quality that is characteristic of even the most unaffiliated Jew.
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
Bamidbar: How Can We Transmit God's Values (14:08)
Bamidbar should open with the stories of the desert, right? But instead, we are told of a census, the camp formation, and the Levites. Huh? Why is this the introduction to Bamidbar? In this week's video, we dive into the new role of the Levites, and see how it gives us a window into understanding our own responsibility, and our destiny.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Lesson Eight: The Rediscovery of the Zohar (13:55)
The re-appearance of the Zohar during the middle ages led to much controversy over its authenticity and how it would affect Jewish practice. This intriguing segment in Rabbi Yossi Paltiel’s “Intro to Kabbalah” deals with the discovery of what was claimed to be salvaged remnants of the ancient Zohar
Series: Intro To Kabbalah
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Ch. 5 Mishna 7: What is Wise? (13:42)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Shelach: How Can I Trust God When I Don't See Him? (13:36)
This week, we read about the tragic sin of the spies. It’s a very frustrating story. Every time we read it, just as the spies are about to give their report, we want to scream out, “NO - DON’T DO IT!” How could they have doubted God? How could they have sinned so egregiously?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Rabbi David Block (31)
Ch 2 Mishna 10B: Codes of Respect and Honor (13:34)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Beha'alotecha: Can I Be Vulnerable with God? (13:16)
We've finally started traveling in the desert... and the people immediately complain? Did they suddenly forget that they had just been so close with God?? And how can we understand, and relate, to this seemingly ungrateful, chutzpadik nation?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Rabbi David Block (31)
Shemini: Why Keep Kosher? (13:14)
In this week's parsha, the Torah talks about one of the most impactful laws on the general lifestyle of the people of Israel - kosher animals. Have you ever considered WHY we're restricted from eating certain animals? And the specific laws - split hooves, chewing cud - seem totally arbitrary
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Shoftim: Is This Just A Boring Parsha? (13:12)
If the entire book of Deuteronomy is supposed to be Moshe's rousing speech before the nation enters Israel, how can we understand the mundane text of Parshat Shoftim? Instead of inspiration, we hear law after law of seemingly trivial matters - witnesses, legalities, land boundaries
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Ch. 6 Mishna 1: The Great Merits of Studying Torah (13:10)
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Shmot: Every Saga Has A Beginning - Meeting Moses (13:10)
Everyone loves a good origin story - how did Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader? Who was Peter Parker before Spiderman? In this video for Parshat Shmot (Exodus 1:1-5:23), we focus on Moses --- who was he before God appointed him as leader? How did Moses become Moses?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
What Determines Which Days Are Holidays? (13:03)
Unlike secular holidays, Jewish ones aren't just commemorations of events that happened in the past, but rather they are reliving and experiencing anew divine revelations that occur on those days every year
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Mikveh's Spiritual Effect (13:02)
In this short clip, Rabbi Ginsburg analyzes the three words used in the Torah to describe the ritual bath that was meant for removing spiritual impurity. We explore the inner experiences that are alluded to in this phrase and how we can purify ourselves through immersion in these qualities.
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
Ch. 3 Mishna 17: Stable Judaism (13:00)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 3: For the Sake of Service (12:59)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ki Tisa: Will God Always Forgive Me? (12:52)
Is there ever a point of no return in my relationship with God? In Parshat Ki Tisa (Exodus 30:11-34:35), Moses explores this exact question as he bargains with God on behalf of the nation after the Sin of the Golden Calf. How is it possible that this lawyering session could possibly change God's mind after such an atrocious sin? What could this mean for me and my relationship with God?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
The Death Penalty Debate (12:51)
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Chukat: A Turning Point In Israel's Relationship With God (12:43)
This week, we get even more complaining from Israel - this time, about the lack of water. How can they continue to complain after everything God had done for them? Join us as we explore the baffling story of Israel’s complaints.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Rabbi David Block (31)
Tetzaveh: The Hidden Secrets In The Walls Of The Mishkan (12:39)
In Parshat Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10), God goes to great lengths to explain each specific detail for the Mishkan's structure and design. Obviously the details are more than just a means for beautification - there must be deep and meaningful significance for us all
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Ch 5. Mishna 5: The Perpetual Temple Miracles (12:28)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 8: 7 Misdeeds and Consequences (12:25)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Giving Torah Transforms Introversion Into Extroversion (12:21)
“Goodness” is described in Torah as good that you retain within yourself, while “kindness” extends outward. All controversies are derived from these two qualities of introversion and extroversion and the ultimate resolution comes from combining two
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
When Is Negativity in Others a Reflection of the Beholder? (12:14)
This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Splitting Of The Waters Above And Below (12:13)
When the waters of the sea split in front of the Jewish people, all the seas in the world also split. Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh discusses the relationship between water and Torah; Teshuvah; Moshiach; and G-d, the source of the living waters.
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
How To Read the Book of Vayikra (11:59)
The book of Leviticus is tough - no narrative, and really difficult topics - for instance, how do we relate to holiness, purity and sacrifice in the 21st century? In this week's video for Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26), we will learn how to read the perplexing book of Leviticus.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Ch. 1 Mishna 4: The Graceful Host (11:50)
Join world-renowned teacher and scholar, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, every Sunday for a short Torah insight. This week, Rabbi Steinsaltz gives some context to the time period in which this Mishna was said, and then describes the way that the sages instruct one to treat Torah scholars who are guests in one's home. .
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Balak: What Is Israel's National Mission? (11:47)
For the first time in a while, the main characters of this parsha are not the people of Israel. While the story of Bilaam and Balak are interesting, we wonder: the Torah isn’t an all-inclusive history book; why does the Torah tell us this story?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Rabbi David Block (31)
Pekudei: God Choosing Man, Man Choosing God (11:40)
Parshat Pekudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38) is the conclusion of the book of Exodus. Exodus is known for Israel’s escape from Egypt, the sea splitting, the Ten Commandments, the Golden Calf, and the Tabernacle
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Changes in Life's Mission and Purpose (11:36)
For the first time since his birth, Moshe is not mentioned in this week's parsha. Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh shows how Moshe has reached the absolute, ultimate source which is Ayin, nothingness. Produced by Inner.org.
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
Pinchas: Intimacy and Holiness (11:33)
We've seent he people sin over and over, but it looks like last week, the people finally began to trust in God. But now, suddenly, idolatry? What happened? How did the people fail so quickly? Join us as we explore the perplexing story of Ba'al Peor.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Ch. 1 Mishna 17: The Virtue of Silence (11:32)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 7: Avoiding a Negative Environment (11:31)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 20: A Deeper Look (11:30)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 16: An Accounting Lesson (11:28)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Level Three: Take Care of it Personally (11:27)
In this mystical and practical series, Dr. Abramson presents the third level of forgiveness that is taught in the Kabbalistic work, Tomer Devorah. He explains how G-d Himself takes a part in our cleansing process, using a powerful analogy of a parent washing off his child's filth
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Ch. 4 Mishna 4: A Meditation on Humility (11:17)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Tazria: What Do Tumah and Tahara Mean Today? Part I (11:16)
In Parshat Tazria, we are introduced to the concepts of Tumah and Tahara. Some translate them as cleanliness and uncleanliness, some say ritual purity and impurity, but we never seem to get a clear and relevant understanding of what they actually are
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Level Nine: Bury the Past (11:01)
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Ch. 1 Mishna 12: Love and Pursue Peace (10:54)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Vayakhel: How Can I Take A Step Towards God? (10:51)
In Vayakhel (Exodus 35:1-38:20), we hear about the Mishkan’s construction, yet again! God just told Israel how to build the Mishkan and now we are given those exact details again as Israel actually builds it. But if you actually take a closer look at the text, you may find some subtle and significant differences
Immanuel Shalev (41)
Ch. 1 Mishna 16: Clarity and Certainty (10:50)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 10 Part 1 (10:44)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Ch. 3 Mishna 13: Caution in Conduct (10:43)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Chanukah in The Light of Chassidus (10:36)
This video is an excerpt of a weekly Tanya class given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Ch. 4 Mishna 5: Studying Torah with Intent (10:19)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Tracing Jewish Survival - Q&A (10:17)
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2016
Ch. 1 Mishna 2: The Three Supporting Pillars (10:00)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 22: Different Ages, Different Stages (9:53)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 15: A Proper Perspective (9:36)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 6: Drawing down God (9:33)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Level Five: Release the Anger (9:30)
In this segment of his series on forgiveness, Dr. Henry Abramson discusses the counter intuitive mercy that G-d expresses, even during times of anger. He describes relatable behavior patterns that we develop and how to break the habit of responding to situations with anger.
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Ch. 3 Mishna 18: The Peripherals of Wisdom (9:26)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 6 Mishna 2: Freedom Through Torah (9:10)
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 11: Be Careful with Your Words (9:04)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 9: Lasting Wisdom (9:01)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 7: God Is Everything (8:59)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 8: Torah Should Not Be Forgotten (8:45)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 9: Global Calamities (8:44)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 14: What You Need to Know (8:40)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 11: The Greatest Defense (8:33)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 6 Mishna 8: Seven Gifts to the Righteous (8:29)
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Love Your Fellow As Yourself (8:23)
Loving your fellow incorporates the entire Torah. How can I love every Jew if I don't like some people? Rabbi Levi Kaplan expands on chapter 32 of Tanya, also known as Perek Lev, the portion of the heart. The Alter Rebbe exhorts us to love every Jew, even if their only positive quality is that they are a creation of G-d.
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Ch. 4 Mishna 22: The Circle of Life (8:15)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 5: Choosing Your Burden (7:56)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 13: To Do or Not to Do? (7:55)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 18: A Time to Pause (7:55)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 19: Who Is Your Teacher (7:53)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 17: A Single Moment (7:38)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 1: Where Do We Come From (7:32)
Chapter 3, Mishna 1: Akavya ben Mahalalel said: Think about three things and you will not come to sin: Know where you came from, and to where you are going, and before whom you are destined to give an accounting
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 13: Affirmation, Supplication and Perception (7:23)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 10: Increase in Torah Study (7:21)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 6 Mishna 10: God's Acquisitions (7:19)
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 20: The First Tenets (7:13)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 2: One Mitzvah Leads to Another (7:11)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 7: A Profession to Avoid (7:00)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 6 Mishna 9: Where to Live (7:00)
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 6: Chain of Events (6:50)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 10: Is It Mine or Yours? (6:49)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 10: A Career Choice (6:48)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 13: The Four Crowns (6:48)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 15: The Four Listeners (6:44)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 16: Progress, Not Perfection (6:44)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 16: Unconditional Love (6:44)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 14: A Study in I (6:39)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 1: The World was Created with Ten Sayings (6:33)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 3: Eating At God's Table (6:33)
Join world-renowned teacher and scholar, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, every Sunday for a short Torah insight. This week, Rabbi Steinsaltz explores the teaching of our sages about consecrating our meals with words of Torah.
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 12: Priorities (6:26)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 15: Study, Do and Smile (6:25)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 19: Respect your Enemy (6:16)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 15: All in a Day's Work (6:04)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 3: Be Wary of Government (6:02)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 15: The Enigmatic Judge (5:59)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 21: The Torah Contains All (5:59)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch 3 Mishna 14: The Beloved (5:54)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 12: Be Easygoing and Cheerful (5:42)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 18: Influencing Others (5:33)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 17: Noble Clashes (5:18)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 12: Respect and Reverence (5:13)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 6 Mishna 5: Being a Scholar (5:11)
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 4: Ten Plagues, Ten Tests (5:07)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 21: The Dead End (4:57)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 6 Mishna 3: Honor Your Teachers, Learn From All (4:53)
Join world-renowned teacher and scholar, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, every Sunday for a short Torah insight. This week, Rabbi Steinsaltz explains the statement from Ethics of Our Fathers about how to treat every person in your life as your mentor. .
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 2: Ten Generations (4:52)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 16: All the World's a Corridor (4:42)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 2 Mishna 11: Interpersonal Harm (4:32)
Series: Chapter Two
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 14: Track After the Torah (4:30)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 6 Mishna 4: The Way of the Torah (4:29)
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
A Hidden Agenda (4:15)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Ch. 4 Mishna 3: Every Man Has Their Time (4:13)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 11: The Right Temperament (4:10)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 6 Mishna 7: The Rewards of Torah (4:08)
Series: Chapter Six
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 4: The Danger of Idleness (4:01)
Join world-renowned teacher and scholar, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, every Sunday for a Torah insight. This week's lesson discusses what kinds of behaviors the sages of the Mishna considered a risk to the soul.
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 8: Never Judge Alone (3:25)
Series: Chapter Four
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
It's Not about Heaven and Hell (3:15)
Is Judaism really just all about Heaven and Hell? What does it mean that "the reward of the Mitzvah is the Mitzvah itself"? This video is an excerpt of a weekly Tanya class given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Ch. 5 Mishna 13: Are You Charitable? (3:13)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 12: The Four Students (3:04)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 6 Mishna 11; All For God's Glory (2:43)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 3: Abraham's Ten Tests (2:29)
Join world-renowned teacher and scholar, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, every Sunday for a short Torah insight. This week, Rabbi Steinsaltz discusses the ten trials of Abraham that are enumerated in the Bible.
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 5 Mishna 14: Personalities at the Study Hall (2:25)
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 4 Mishna 6: Honor Torah and be Honored (1:59)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
To Be Good or to Do Good? (0:00)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Tanya Chapter 3 Part 2 (0:00)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)