People of the Book (2:33)
Listen to Carolyn Hessel explain how most of today’s Jewish literature is influenced from the Torah….
Series: The Jewish Course of Why
Mrs. Carolyn Hessel (4)
Summary and Conclusion (10:31)
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
The Rebbe's Chumash: Beyond Evolution (45:43)
Series: Soul Encounters
Rabbi Yehuda Shemtov (4)
The Story Behind The Koren Talmud (50:18)
For thousands of years, the wisdom of the Talmud has been hidden within the ancient Aramaic in which it is written. The revolutionary Koren Talmud is an English translation of this monumental Jewish text, forever changing the way students study, debate and experience the Talmud. Take a tour behind the scenes with editor-in-chief, Rabbi Dr
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb (7)
Poetry Reading: How a place becomes Holy (1:34)
Series: God's Optimism
Yehoshua November (7)
Poetry Reading: God's Optimism (2:21)
Yehoshua November (7)
God of our Understanding (12:05)
Series: Book of the Month
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Poetry Reading: One of the Few Jews (3:27)
Series: God's Optimism
Yehoshua November (7)
Ruth: A Contemporary Lesson (19:26)
Mrs. Frumma Gottlieb (11)
Poetry Reading: In the Unseeable World (1:05)
Series: God's Optimism
Yehoshua November (7)
Poetry Reading: Conjoined Twins (3:33)
Series: God's Optimism
Yehoshua November (7)
Poetry Reading: Ba'al Teshuvas at the Mikvah (2:58)
Series: God's Optimism
Yehoshua November (7)
God's Optimism (18:27)
To purchase God's Optimism: http://www.amazon.com/Gods-Optimism-Yehoshua-November/dp/1599482649.
Series: Book of the Month
Yehoshua November (7)
The Living Torah: From Sinai to Cyberspace (58:05)
Has Judaism evolved? Explore the development of the written and oral Torah, the twin traditions that stretch back to Sinai. Learn how to use ancient halachic principles to find solutions to contemporary dilemmas. You will put the eternality of Torah to the test by scrutinizing its relevance today.
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 4
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
The Ten Commandments: How Judaism and Christianity Differ (50:05)
Don’t kill. Don’t steal. Honor your parents. Who wouldn’t agree with that? Judaism and Christianity both believe in the truth of the Ten Commandments. So why are our beliefs so different? How did the Jewish and Christian ethos diverge? This session will give you a new perspective on the Ten Commandments
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb (7)
Book of the Month: The Kol Menachem Tehillim (23:24)
Click Here to purchase Tehillim (Book of Psalms) The Schottenstein Edition (View Sample).
Series: Book of the Month
Rabbi Chaim Miller (49)
Celebrating 70 Years of Hayom Yom (39:58)
Rabbi Michoel Seligson (5)
Suspended in Mid-Air: The Place of Midrash in Torah Discourse and the Story of Pinchas (51:09)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
The Written and Oral Traditions (1:01:15)
Explore the development of Jewish law and how ancient halachic principals are applied to modern day issues and dilemmas. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 1
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Total Devotion (1:08:48)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Conflict in the Talmud: The Power of Speech (1:03:30)
Do you say what you mean, or are you saying it because you are mean? Sometimes telling the truth can be more harmful than helpful. A text-based discussion on the ethics of speech in Jewish Law, including how to improve relationships by avoiding destructive communication. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski (4)
Talmud: A Brief Overview (16:38)
In this segment with Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski, we explore the power of speech. There are many ways that we can describe people and circumstances, but sometimes telling the truth can be more harmful than helpful
Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski (4)
Torah from G-d? (15:14)
Is it possible to prove the Divine origin of the Torah? Rabbi Eli Silberstein addresses this question by illustrating the compelling history of the Jewish people and the continuity of our tradition. .
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Midrash: Figurative or Literal? (7:12)
Some of the stories that show up in Midrashic sources sound rather bizarre and fantastical. Are these far-fetched narratives meant to be taken literally or are they merely metaphorical? In this short clip, Rabbi Eli Silberstein discusses how to approach stories in the Midrash.
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Introduction to Talmud (15:15)
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)
Mame Loshon - Yiddish as a First Language - (Part 2 of 3) (8:29)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson is the author of the best-selling book Toward a Meaningful Life and heads The Meaningful Life Center (www.meaningfullife.com), which bridges the secular and the spiritual, through a wide variety of live and on-line programming
Series: Mame Lashon
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
The Book of Job Kabbalah and Science (34:57)
In this lecture, renowned Kabbalist, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg, discusses the themes of pain and suffering associated with the Three Weeks of Mourning. Rabbi Ginsburg focuses on the story of Job and brings out these ideas through a detailed overview filled with fantastic insights into the finer points of the text
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
Mame Loshon - Yiddish as a First Language - (Part 1 of 3) (10:33)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson is the author of the best-selling book Toward a Meaningful Life and heads The Meaningful Life Center (www.meaningfullife.com), which bridges the secular and the spiritual, through a wide variety of live and on-line programming. He is the publisher of the largest Yiddish-English weekly newspaper, The Algemeiner Journal (www.algemeiner
Series: Mame Lashon
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Greetings to the National Jewish Retreat (7:50)
This video greeting was sent by Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman to the 800 participants of the 2011 National Jewish Retreat, who were gathered in his home state to take part in this annual 5-day event. His remarks reflect his great respect and encouragement for the participants who have dedicated their time to learning more about their Jewish identity
Senator Joseph Lieberman (2)
Rachel, Leah, and Jacob: A Struggle of Cosmic Forces (55:23)
Tricked by his father-in-law, Jacob married not just two wives, but two sisters! In this environment, he and his wives raised the twelve tribes of Israel. This text-based, quick-paced study uncovers the profound strata of meaning within one of the most enigmatic stories in the Bible. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
From Central Park to Sinai (16:57)
Son of the brilliant founder of a thriving Wall Street investment firm, Roy S. Neuberger was raised in elegant surroundings on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, overlooking the splendor of Central Park. Blessed with the finest education and the opportunity to partake of New York’s cultural bounty, Roy developed the kind of youthful sophistication that only the privileged can know
Series: Book of the Month
Mr. Roy Neuberger (1)
Memories and Miracles: The Fran Laufer Story (22:27)
Mrs. Fran Laufer tells her story of a determined young woman who would not let the Nazis beat her down. Fran Laufer crawled out of the ashes of the Holocaust to build a succesful life and devoted herself to educate future generations of the painful lessons of her past. Click Here to order A Vow Fulfilled: The Fran Laufer Story: Memories & Miracles By: Mrs
Mrs. Fran Laufer (1)
The Gutnick Chumash (16:29)
Rabbi Chaim Miller wrote a Chumash with a translation that incorporates Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson's "novel interpretation" of Rashi's commentary, which was delivered in a series of public talks that began in 1964 and continued for more than 25 years
Series: Book of the Month
Rabbi Chaim Miller (49)
Interview with Rabbi Alter Metzger, Author of The Heroic Struggle (14:35)
The Heroic Struggle was published by Kehot Publication Society (kehotonline.com). To purchase this books and other Kehot Publication Society books published by Hachai Publishing, check out kehotonline.com.
Rabbi Dr. Alter Metzger (15)
There Must Be a Better Way (17:58)
People increasingly have to juggle multiple pressures and feel they just barely 'get by'. In this book, Rabbi Yossi Ives offers practical, down-to-earth advice about how to make things better and easier
Series: Book of the Month
Rabbi Yossi Ives (3)
Mame Loshon - Yiddish as a First Language - (Part 3 of 3) (14:44)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson is the author of the best-selling book Toward a Meaningful Life and heads The Meaningful Life Center (www.meaningfullife.com), which bridges the secular and the spiritual, through a wide variety of live and on-line programming
Series: Mame Lashon
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)