The Original 12 Steps of Teshuvah (55:41)
The study of the Tanya is the work of a lifetime, but its lessons can be put to use from day one. In this deft and masterful overview of the first twelve chapters Tanya, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Chabad philosophy and learn how to apply these powerful tools to every area of your life. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Ronnie Fine (5)
Level Twelve: Remember Where They Came From (8:51)
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Eleven: Do More for Those Who Do More (5:00)
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Nine: Bury the Past (11:01)
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Eight: Maintain a Core of Love (13:06)
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Seven: A Knot is Stronger (15:45)
This episode of the "Kabbalah of Forgiveness" series speaks about the unique bond that is formed by repairing a broken relationship. Dr. Abramson cites a powerful metaphor from the Midrash, which illustrates the concept of Teshuvah and distinguishes between a human being’s forgiveness and G-d’s
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Six: Who Makes Your Lunch? (14:30)
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Five: Release the Anger (9:30)
In this segment of his series on forgiveness, Dr. Henry Abramson discusses the counter intuitive mercy that G-d expresses, even during times of anger. He describes relatable behavior patterns that we develop and how to break the habit of responding to situations with anger.
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Four: Remember the Family (15:55)
Dr. Henry Abramson continues his intriguing series based on the 6th century Kabbalistic work, “Tomer Devorah”. This fourth level focuses on viewing the Jewish nation as a family unit and G-d as a parent figure. This metaphor is expanded to the relationship of humanity in general with their parent in heaven
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Three: Take Care of it Personally (11:27)
In this mystical and practical series, Dr. Abramson presents the third level of forgiveness that is taught in the Kabbalistic work, Tomer Devorah. He explains how G-d Himself takes a part in our cleansing process, using a powerful analogy of a parent washing off his child's filth
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Two: Let it Go for Now (10:45)
This segment of Dr. Abramson’s series on the Kabbalah of forgiveness builds on the concept of G-d overlooking our sins as a model for our own forgiveness. He introduces the idea that our sins generate a destructive energy in the world that demands our rectification
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level One: The King Who Endures Insult (11:28)
Do you invest time or energy into relationships only to have everything you give thrown back in your face? Part 1 of Dr. Abramson's series on the kabbalah of forgiveness describes the constant betrayal that G-d experiences when we use the life and energy that He invests into creation for negative purposes
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
The Kabbalah of Forgiveness Introduction (8:10)
In this introduction to his new series on “The Kabbalah of Forgiveness”, Dr. Henry Abramson provides a background for the book “Tomer Devorah”. Written by the Ramak, a well-known and prolific kabbalist, this work takes a uniquely mystical approach to the study of ethical development, known as Mussar
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
The Kabbalah of Forgiveness Promo (1:06)
The high holidays are approaching and thoughts of repentance are beginning to surface. As we seek forgiveness from G-d, we begin to turn inward, searching for tools that will help us forgive others and ourselves. This short promotional clip presents a fascinating new series on the Kabbalah of forgiveness, by scholar and dean, Dr. Henry Abramson
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
The Surprising Power of Repentance (28:48)
Does G-d really expect me to be perfect? What is my role in this world, and how can I perfect myself when I feel so flawed? This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Yossi Shanowitz (1)