The Sequence of the Festive Meal (10:21)
The order of the Passover Seder is very specific. Not only is there a particular sequence in which each part is performed, but we even announce that sequence at the beginning of the meal in the classic song, "Kadeish, Urchatz..
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Kiddush: The First of the Four Cups (9:35)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Kadesh - Making Kiddush (5:31)
Saying Kiddush on Passover, we create the holy energy which allows us to achieve personal freedom. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel outlines the beginning of the seder and the meaning of a holiday.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Passover: Think Different (4:40)
Rabbi Chaim Miller is the author of the Slager Haggadah published by Kol Menachem, New York. To purchase his Hagaddah, click here.
Rabbi Chaim Miller (49)