Dayeinu (2:22)
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg teaches the famous Passover song, Dayeinu, in the joyous melody that crosses the borders of all sectors in the Jewish community and expresses our joy and gratitude to the Almighty for His abundant goodness bestowed upon us, beginning with the gift of freedom. Presented at the Ivy League Torah Study Program in the summer of 1991.
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)
The Courage To Be Free (26:42)
Mr. Natan Sharansky, celebrated author and activist, tells the story of his nine-year imprisonment at the hands of the KGB. He discusses the importance of Jewish identity and solidarity in becoming a truly free people in the Land of Israel - and in our own lives
Mr. Natan Sharansky (8)
How to Exodus in 2011 (24:11)
The TorahCafé crew hit the streets in preparation for this Passover, to hear what people from all walks of life had to say about the upcoming holiday
Mrs. Baila Olidort (4)
The Elusive Author of the Haggada (46:22)
The Pilgrims' journey on the Mayflower and landing on Plymouth Rock is a big event in American History, and yet most Americans don't know details of the story: what date did the ship leave England, who was the leader of the Pilgrims, what food they ate on their journey etc
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
The Unanswered Questions (2:34)
This thought provoking discussion by Rabbi Simon Jacobson brings up a fascinating point about the four questions asked at the seder: We don’t provide an answer to two of the four questions! Rabbi Jacobson offers a novel idea as to why this might be so.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Passover and Nationhood (18:13)
Passover means leaving our limitations. Join Shimona Tzukernik on a journey of reflection on what it really means to leave our personal limitations, in this discussion of the story of the Exodus as it applies to our lives. You can visit Mrs. Tzukernik's website at: thekabbalahcoach.com.
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Are Matzah and Maror Related? (3:15)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Quick and Delicious Passover Cooking (53:00)
Ever wish you knew how to make that non-Pesach tasting food? Feel like you are running out of dishes to make with onions and potatoes? Have no fear, Levana is here! Take a peek into the exclusive kitchen of renowned chef Levana Kirschenbaum with her pre-Pesach cooking demo. Learn how to make gourmet food without the gourmet ingredients
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
The Odd Seder Invitation (3:54)
3 minutes of inspiration. When does the "Bread of Affliction" become the "Bread of Freedom"? Rabbi Jonathan Sacks OB"M gives a eye opening explanation for the opening invitation to the Seder.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Pesach Preparation: Your Kitchen (22:25)
What kind of counters do you have? The Pesach laws show bipolar tendencies, some are more lenient and some more stringent. Rabbi Berel Bell will help straighten out the differences and clarify how to kosher your countertops and other parts of the kitchen and why it is not always possible.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Nissan: Creating Miracles in our Lives (25:52)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson is a world-renowned scholar, author, thinker, and beloved spiritual teacher. Through his books, lectures, and consul he has touched and inspired the lives of thousands. Amongst his published works are: Reincarnation & Judaism: The Journey of the Soul. Inner Rhythms: The Kabbalah of Music Meditation & Judaism: Exploring the Jewish Meditative Paths
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Matzah: The Food of Faith (13:00)
When we think of Passover, many picture the matzas that we use for the seder and eat throughout the week. In honor of the upcoming holiday, this episode of the Kosher Corner will focus on matzah and the many relevant matters that arise in Jewish law concerning the raw materials, flour and water, as well as the bakery and baking process which comes along with the Passover holiday
Series: Kosher Corner
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman (18)
Ani Ma'amin (2:09)
Ani Ma'amin (I Believe) is one of the most famous Jewish songs, expressing a belief in the redemption, Moshiach, that has carried Jews through the worst of times. This enduring song and melody instills belief and hope that one day things will change. This video is an excerpt from the TorahCafe Passover Webcast: How to Exodus in 2011, To watch the complete Webcast click here.
Troye Sivan (2)
How Matzah Became Square: The Manischewitz Story (54:01)
“I’m going to bake matzos this year….We’ll see how it goes,” said Behr Manischewitz. One bright spring morning in 1888, a young immigrant father named Behr makes this offhand announcement to his modest wife, Nesha. Within record time, the ambitious young Talmudic scholar has a burgeoning bakery and is on his way to success
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
Pesach Preparation: Pesach Products (36:02)
Everyone has a custom of what to eat or abstain from on Pesach, who is right? Of course everyone is right as customs are the way to go. Rabbi Berel Bell speaks of pineapples that our Bubbes didnt eat in Russia and matzah which is the only thing we eat made out ot the 5 grains. He reviews many products that we do eat, and how to ensure a kosher Peach.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Hassle Free Pesach Cleaning (22:03)
Cleaning for Passover can be extremely stressful and overwhelming. The daunting prospect of scouring one’s entire house for every crumb of chametz never seems to diminish year after year. In this segment, Mrs. Faigy Shagalow shares practical tips on harnessing the true sentiments of Passover while leaving the stress behind. .
Series: Pre-Pesach Cooking
Mrs. Faigy Shagalow (1)
Reggio for Your Kids: Get Them Involved! (21:59)
Series: Pesach Symposium 2014
Mrs. Rivkie Spalter (1)
Covenant & Conversation: Parshat Beshalach (6:30)
Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks shares a fascinating insight into the ambiguity of the narrative of the splitting of the Reed Sea (not the Red Sea, as commonly believed). The chief rabbi of England presents a deep understanding of the story that imparts a moral lesson, an everlasting message of the limits of technology and human achievement
Series: Covenant & Conversation
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Hallel - Songs of Praise (2:39)
We're coming down the home stretch, so what are these pages of Psalms for? Rabbi Yossi Paltiel reminisces about his childhood experiences at this part of the seder. Hallel celebrates the personal, family and communal redemptions that we are waiting for.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Narrow Straits, A Conversation with Dr. Michael Kigel (25:21)
For most peoples, cultural identity evolved hand-in-hand with national identity; collective development was inextricably tied to the lands in which they lived. This was not the case, however, with the Jewish people. True, Israel as homeland is a central concept in Judaism, but for most of our existence, we have lived outside of Israel
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
From Emunah to Joy: An Eight-Day Journey (18:07)
Series: Pesach Symposium 2014
Mrs. Gitty Rapoport (4)
Passover: What's the word on the street? (5:18)
An excerpt from the TorahCafe Passover Webcast: How to Exodus in 2011, To watch the complete Webcast Click Here.
Belts, Shoes and Sticks: What You Need at Your Seder (5:58)
The belt holds onto the hips, the shoes support our lowest level and the stick tames the wild beast. Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik gives an amazing, mystical take on the seder and our redemption. This video will change your vision of the exodus from Egypt. You can visit Mrs. Tzukernik's website at: thekabbalahcoach.com.
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
The Definition of Slavery (5:21)
Rabbi Manis Friedman presents unique insights into the Passover Haggadah. On Passover we speak a lot about freedom, and breaking free from slavery. But do we really know the definiton of slavery? In this fascinating clip, Rabbi Manis Friedman provides viewers with the definition of slavery as well as tips on how to break free. .
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Passover: My God, My Mother (4:37)
Rabbi Dov Yona Korn (4)
The Kabbalah of Pharaoh (7:12)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Laws of Passover - Part 1 (58:06)
The basics of Passover preparations presented by Rabbi Berel Bell, beginning with general comments on Pesach cleaning followed by laws of chametz and chametz products, searching or chametz and selling the chametz. Rabbi Bell is one of the main halachic authorities behind the Passover publication, “The Voice of the Va’ad,” dedicated to laws and practical guidance for Pesach.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Chassidic Art: Elijah's Cup (17:14)
Michoel Muchnik, through his artwork, has followed the Rebbe’s ideal for what art should achieve. He has taken the brush, paint, canvas and clay and implanted within them a spiritual life force. For more information and to purchase art by Mr. Muchnik, check out muchnikarts.com.
Michoel Muchnik (3)
Women of the Exodus: Yocheved and Miriam (17:07)
Yocheved and Miraim were perhaps two of the most well known women surrounding the Exodus from Egypt. Yocheved represents the Jewish people's life in Egypt, while Miriam was the daughter who helped to hail the redemption. In this segment, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik shows how these two archetypes offer two different perspectives that we must have on life
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Freedom: Have You Liberated Yourself? (5:45)
Do you have "Freedom to do" or the "Freedom to be"? Join Rabbi Weinstein in exploring why one must have the latter in order to be truly free.
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
The Seder Plate: Karpas (18:54)
Mrs. Shternie Ginsberg (1)
Three Transformative Passover Lessons (1:33:42)
Passover is a time of joy, family togetherness, but most of all, transformation. Every thing we do on Passover has meaning and the ability to transform our lives. In this video, we join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in exploring the deeper meaning of Passover
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
The Righteous Women in the Desert (41:00)
Rebbi Akiva once said, "In the merit of the righteous women we were redeemed from Egypt
Mrs. Yehudis Cohen (1)
Kadesh - Making Kiddush (5:31)
Saying Kiddush on Passover, we create the holy energy which allows us to achieve personal freedom. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel outlines the beginning of the seder and the meaning of a holiday.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
The Month of Nissan (15:27)
Rabbi Shea Hecht is the chairman of the board of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE) which is a multi-faceted charity that protects, feeds and educates thousands throughout the NY metro area and around the nation. For more information about NCFJE, check out www.ncfje.org.
Series: The Jewish Year
Rabbi Shea Hecht (20)
G-d is in the Details (2:18)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
True Freedom (5:25)
The Exodus from Egypt took place over 3000 years ago- why are we still celebrating that freedom today? Rabbi Manis Friedman has the answer.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Geulah (2) (10:49)
How accurate are translations? Some words, like simple nouns, may have straightforward translations
Professor Lewis Glinert (25)
Tzafon - The Afikoman (3:12)
The Afikomen is the uncovering of the hidden, representing the rewards to come in the future. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel describes the procedure with the afikomen and the spiritual background behind it.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Approaching a Rebel (2:55)
In the Passover Haggadah we have an example of a Jewish rebel- a Jew who wants to exclude himself from the Jewish Nation and not be part of "the people". How do we respond to such a person? Rabbi Manis Friedman has the answer in this short, insightful clip into a character of the Passover Haggadah.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
How to Kasher a Kitchen (11:50)
Exactly what makes a kosher kitchen kosher? In this video, Rabbi Yaakov Eisenbach takes you step-by-step through the surprisingly simple process of making your kitchen an abode for the Divine.
Rabbi Yaakov M. Eisenbach (1)
Kadesh Urchatz (2:34)
Rabbi Akivah Greenberg shares melodies for the 15 signs, the simanim or steps, of the Passover seder. The melodies represent a variety of European traditions. In many homes today the seder begins with the children singing the simanim of the seder, and many children learn a song accompanied by hand-motions describing the actions of these 15 steps.
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)
Cleaning Out Our Streimel (9:24)
Leave your ego behind and enjoy Pesach. Mrs. Miryam Swerdlov expresses her own joy at the freedom celebrated by Pesach and includes a story that encourages us to clean out our inner chometz.
Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov (7)
Ma Nishtana (1:55)
The “Ma Nishtana” of the Passover seder experienced through Rabbi Akiva Greenberg’s presentation of the Four Questions with an inspiring Chassidic melody that features the opening question of “Why is this night different….” as a chorus
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)
How to Conduct a Seder (Chabad Custom) (1:32:16)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Passover: The Four Questions (7:30)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Beirach - Grace After the Meal (2:52)
Blessings after meals are a part of everyday life, why is this night different? Rabbi Yossi Paltiel introduces the 3rd cup and brings in the spiritual aspects of grace after meals, thanking G-d for the ordinary things in our lives.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Urechatz - Washing Hands (3:28)
If you are going to do it, do it right. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel explains why we are washing our hands before eating a vegetable, with a brief story to illustrate his point.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Nirtza - Next Year in Jerusalem (2:40)
How have we made G-d happy by completing the seder? Rabbi Yossi Paltiel completes his commentary on the seder with the 4th cup and the hope you were able to enjoy your seder with family and friends, contemplating and talking about the story and the meanings behind it.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
The Seder Plate: Charoses (4:02)
Mrs. Eidle Sputz (3)
Addressing the Four Sons (7:19)
Look around at the people gathered around your seder table and address each one on their own level. Rabbi Nochem Kaplan describes the four sons and their blessings and needs.
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
This Poor Bread - Hei Lachma Anya (15:15)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Korech - The Sandwich (4:58)
There is more enjoyment in freedom with an appreciation for the bitterness underneath. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel begins with a description of the korech procedure and then gives an interesting comparison to kreplach.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Korech: The Significance of the Sandwich (8:12)
We are all one, despite our differences, our inner spiritual levels and our distinct personalities. Why do we eat the tasteless matzah together with the bitter herbs and attribute it to Hillel? Mrs. Gitty Rapoport begins with a description of the procedure of Korech and goes on to explanation behind it. .
Mrs. Gitty Rapoport (4)
Maror - Bitter Herbs (4:38)
The world and our history have been full of bitterness, maror helps us remember it. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel includes the chassidic interpretation of the value of bitterness, turning it into a challenge to be overcome, as if bringing us out of slavery.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Motzi Matzah - Matzah (4:36)
Some mitzvahs are expensive and yet they connect us to G-d. Celebrate! Rabbi Yossi Paltiel gives directions for this important part of the seder., in addition he shares chassidic insights into the calculations behind the meaning of the words.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Karpas - Dipping in Salt Water (3:11)
That little bit of vegetable has a big responsibility. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel emphasizes the role of the children and their questions, and aren't we all children?.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Passover: It's all for the Kids (5:58)
To purchase the Slager Haggadah, authored by Rabbi Miller and published by Kol Menachem, click here.
Rabbi Chaim Miller (49)
Matzah: A Lesson In Humility (8:40)
This fantastic new edition of the 'Elevate Series' explores the deeper meaning of yet another holiday - Passover. The film is orated by three Shluchim and educators from South Florida: Rabbi Velvel Lipsker - Mashpia in Rabbinical College of Greater Miami. Rabbi Yossi Srugo - Mohel. Rabbi Yakov Garfinkel - Program Director of Lubavitch Educational Center.
Rabbi Velvel Lipsker (5)
Mishnayos Brachot - Perek: 1 - Mishna: 5 (4:33)
The mishnah studied in this segment is part of the text of the haggadah read at the seder table on the eve of Passover. .
Series: Mishnayot Brachot
Rabbi Simcha Cohen (144)
Magid - Retelling the Story (3:09)
Magid is the question and answer session and children always deserve straightforward answers. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel emphasizes the importance of engaging the children in the seder and maintaining the joy of the holiday.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Eliyahu Hanavi (6:28)
This class took place at the Ivy League Torah Study Experience (ILTSE), a summer Torah-learning program provided by the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education. ILTSE is open to college-age and graduate students with minimal or no background in Torah learning
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)
Individuality (3:02)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
No Jewish Child Left Behind (15:50)
Series: Mission to Israel 2012
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky (22)
The Laws of Passover - Part 2 (53:40)
The second lecture in Rabbi Berel Bell’s Laws of Passover series discusses how to make your kitchen kosher for Pesach, including the methods for koshering various surfaces and utensils and covers Passover certification for cosmetics, medicine and other Kosher for Passover products
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Haggadah Insights (1:11:32)
Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski discusses many of the questions we grapple with during the Passover seder, such as, "If G-d redeemed us, why are we still in exile?" This lecture explores the reasons behind the exile and why the Jews have been moving around from place to place for so many years
Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski (17)
Rochtzo - Washing Hands (1:07)
Now we wash our hands to bring holiness into ordinary food. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel gives a quick review of how to proceed.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Overcoming Personal Limitations (9:05)
Know how lucky we are with our limitations. Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson shares the joy of overcoming limitations at this time of going out of Mitzrayim. She illustrates her point with some stories, both personal and heard from others.
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
The Multidimensional Experience of the Passover Seder (42:06)
Make sense of the Passover Seder and its mysterious mix of four cups of wine, bitter herb sandwiches and hidden matzot. Through a detailed study of the fascinating Talmudic discussion of the laws of reclining, we will uncover new meaning in the Seder while bolstering our understanding of Talmudic logic. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
Rabbi Elazar Ben Azariah (7:54)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein gives a light hearted explanation of Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah's aging.
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
"And You Shall Speak to Your Children" (4:41)
Ruth Landsman (3)
Yachatz - Break the Matzah (8:47)
When is broken better than whole and what does it remind us of? Rabbi Yossi Paltiel explains the process and reasons for this part of the seder and illustrates the role of the broken matzah with a special story.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Exodus - Chapter 2.11 (3:52)
This video offers vintage footage into a class that took place at the Ivy League Torah Study Experience (ILTSE) - a summer Torah-learning program underwritten by the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education. ILTSE is open to college-age and graduate students with minimal or no background in Torah learning
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Laws of Pesach 111: 17 Burning the Chametz (17:05)
Rabbi Berel Bell explains the burning of chametz (leaven), from the Kitzur Shluchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law).
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
The Contemporary Meaning of the Seder (1:21)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Vehi Sheomdo (2:15)
At the midpoint of the seder text we raise our cups of wine and sing the song, “Vehi Sheomodo,” which reminds us that G-d continues to save us from those in every generation who try to destroy the Jews. Rabbi Akiva Greenberg shares this and other melodies at a model seder at the Ivy League Torah Program.
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)
Freedom in Body and Spirit— Part 1 (11:03)
In this video, part 1 of a 3-part series, Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels, a Chinese herbalist, and acupuncturist, explains the functions of various organs and what happens when they are not functioning well. Mrs
Series: Freedom in Body and Spirit
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels (4)
Pesach Sheni: Why a Month Later? (4:46)
Impurity lasts for 7 days, why not make Pesach Sheni 8 days after Pesach? Rabbi Eliyahu Noson Silberberg reveals the answer; received in a dream request by Rav Yaakov Emden.
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
The Kabbalah of the Seder Plate (3:36)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
The Kabbalah of Jewish Food: Matzah (2:55)
Mrs. Rochel Kaplan (3)
Passover: Think Different (4:40)
Rabbi Chaim Miller is the author of the Slager Haggadah published by Kol Menachem, New York. To purchase his Hagaddah, click here.
Rabbi Chaim Miller (49)
Ma Nishtana (The Four Questions) (5:35)
Ma Nishtana is perhaps the most well known parts of the seder. But dids you ever wonder why we ask questions on Passover? Why not ask questions on other Jewish holidays? In this segment, Rabbi Eli Silberstein will answer these questions and perhaps the most important question, "Why is this night different from all other nights?".
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Religious Symbols (4:14)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Torah as a Constant (4:03)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Be Grateful for What You Have (17:22)
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
Mishnayos Pesachim: Chapter 1 (55:15)
This class was given in loving memory of Bat Sheva bat Reb Moshe Zalman A"H.
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Seder Plate: Maror (22:57)
Mrs. Nechama Berenchtain (1)
Kiddush: The First of the Four Cups (9:35)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Binding of Isaac and the Redemption from Egypt (1:46)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Why We Celebrate Exodus (1:43)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Spiritual Journey of the Seder (56:40)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
The Significance of the Seder (3:59)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Yachatz: There Are Two Sides to Every Matzah (4:24)
How can one matzah symbolize poverty and extravagance? Rabbi Dovid Birk demonstrates the division of the middle matzah. The smaller side is the bread of poverty that we say the whole haggadah over, the larger side symbolizes the wealth that allows for dessert and finally redemption.
Rabbi Dovid Birk (4)
Four Children Plus One (1:40)
The Fifth Cup (Elijah's Cup) (1:47)
In case 4 cups of wine is not enough at the sedar, there is a fifth. Rabbi Levi Kaplan enumerates some of the reasons why there is a 5th cup and why it is named for Elijah the Prophet.
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Of Course You Should Ask (3:52)
The questioning children are the highlight of the seder. Mrs. Miri Birk speaks about the focus on the child in each of us. In Egypt we were slaves; our voices were not heard. Only free people have the option of questioning. Jews today still have questions but next year in Jerusalem all our questions will be answered.
Mrs. Miri Birk (1)
The Main Course (35:41)
Join Master Chef Yaakov Feldman as he shares tips and tricks and demonstrations of delicious Passover recipes: This year create a delicious main course everyone will remember with Roasted Chicken, Roasted Root Vegetables and Celery Root Puree. (recipe attached).
Series: Pre-Pesach Cooking
Chef Yaakov Feldman (5)
Nissan (5:05)
What unique mazal does each month possesses? Go beyond time with Mrs. Goldie Slavin and discover the inner dimension of the Jewish calendar.
Mrs. Goldie Slavin (9)
The Sequence of the Festive Meal (10:21)
The order of the Passover Seder is very specific. Not only is there a particular sequence in which each part is performed, but we even announce that sequence at the beginning of the meal in the classic song, "Kadeish, Urchatz..
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Haggadah: The Four Sons (10:35)
Every year during the seder we read about the infamous four sons - the wise, the wicked, the simple and the one who does not know how to ask. However, upon closer examination, it appears that the wise and the wicked sons - seemingly polar opposites - seem to be asking the same question
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Laws of Pesach 112: 1-5 Possession of Chametz (26:52)
Rabbi Berel Bell explains the laws of possessing chametz (leaven), from the Kitzur Shluchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law).
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Pesach: Making It Personal (1:25:46)
This class was given March 18, 2013 - 7 Nissan, 5773 (Parshat Tzav).
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
The Seder Plate: Chazeres (1:25)
Mrs. Eidle Sputz (3)
The Right Approach to Ma Nishtana (4:10)
Ruth Landsman (3)
Why Questions? (1:16)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Laws of Pesach 111: 8-16 How to Search for Chametz (53:49)
Series: Laws of Blessings (accompanying video)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
The Journey Out of Egypt (0:57)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Cleaning and Games for Children (27:09)
Mrs. Chana Labkowski (1)
“Spaghetti” and Meatballs (17:57)
Join Master Chef Yaakov Feldman as he shares tips and tricks and demonstrations of delicious Passover recipes. Here’s a fun Passover twist on spaghetti and meatballs. (recipe attached).
Series: Pre-Pesach Cooking
Chef Yaakov Feldman (5)
Pesaj (4:36)
What unique mazal does each month possess? What can we accomplish spiritually using the specific energy of each Jewish holiday? Go beyond time with Mrs. Goldie Slavin and discover the inner dimension of the Jewish calendar.
Mrs. Goldie Slavin (9)
Tips for Making the Seder Exciting for Children (9:09)
Ruth Landsman (3)
Choose Freedom (5:27)
What is freedom? It isn’t a right, it’s a responsibility. It’s not a gift, but a choice. You don’t get freedom, you earn it. It’s the choices we make, the opportunities we take, and the actions we do. It’s our ability to go through pain, to grow, and to achieve greatness
Charlie Harary (59)
Elijah's Cup (2:20)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
How to Organize your Seder (10:26)
Mrs. Eidle Sputz (3)
What If You Find Leaven During Passover? (11:35)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Commandment to Remember the Exodus (15:50)
During the Passover Seder we read about the commandment to mention the Exodus from Egypt
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Names of the Holiday (6:03)
Though commonly refered to as Passover, or the Hebrew, "Pesach," this holiday actually has a few names. Where do these names come from? Who uses each name? Rabbi Eli Silberstein expains the origin of the names of Passover as well as the deeper themes they signify in the holiday. .
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Theme of Passover (6:01)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Not by an Angel, Not by a Messenger (8:22)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein shares a deep insight by Rabbi Akivah Eiger, one of the most studied Torah giants of the 17th century, regarding a seeming contradiction in the texts relating the story of the tenth plague, the death of the first born. This fascinating idea proves relevant with regard to the mitzva we still practice today -- the redemption of the firstborn known as pidyon haben.
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Soup Course (22:41)
Join Master Chef Yaakov Feldman as he shares tips and tricks and demonstrations of delicious Passover recipes. In this segment, Chef Yaakov shows us how to make a delicious Sweet Potato Bisque (Sweet Potato Soup) and Crispy Noodles. (Recipes attached).
Series: Pre-Pesach Cooking
Chef Yaakov Feldman (5)
Destroying Leaven (3:52)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Why is it called "The Seder"? (6:20)
“Seder” means “order”, and “Pesach” means to “jump over” which connotes a lack of order. How do we reconcile this contradiction?.
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Raising Two Families (15:38)
We each struggle with our own situations, but the results are not up to us. Mrs. Frady Schwartz shares her inspiring story of teshuva, marriage, loss and gain, including 4 bar mitzvahs, 1 bas mitzvah and a new baby in a 4 year span.
Mrs. Frady Schwartz (3)
When Do We Search For Leaven (12:03)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Laws of Pesach 111:1-7 Searching for Chametz: Location (52:34)
Rabbi Berel Bell explains where one must search for chametz (leaven), from the Kitzur Shluchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law).
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Shulchan Orech - Festive Meal (2:47)
We finally get to eat, but is there room? It is holy to enjoy the meal, but remember more matzah is coming. Rabbi Yossi Paltiel describes what is required for the meal, and exhorts us to enjoy.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
The Matzah Debate: Round or Square (55:43)
Do you go round or square on Pesach? Rabbi Avraham Bergstein teaches the history of baking matzah, and the significance of the shape, from the cakes that Avraham served the visiting angels, to the disputes about machine matzahs. Included is a video within the video of a machine matzah bakery, which shows the procedure from the strenuous cleaning, through all the processes involved.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
G-d's Love: Passing Over Justice (2:54)
Do we always get what we deserve? Will G-d ever break the rules? To learn more with Rabbi David Aaron visit his website at: rabbidavidaaron.com.
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
The Relevance of the Exodus Today (3:10)
The Torah tells us many times to remember the Exodus. As the Torah is timeless, of what relevance is it to us today?.
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
The Mendel Beilis Trial (5:14)
Series: This Week in Jewish History
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Seder Customs and Symbols Explained (25:11)
Series: Survivor: Egypt
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
When Don't We Search For Leaven (6:28)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Freedom in Body and Spirit— Part 2 (9:03)
In this video, part 2 of a 3-part series, Esther Hadassa Samuels, Chinese herbalist, and acupuncturist, discusses growth and flexibility. She suggests that we find our "inner Moses" to lead us to the land of personal fulfillment. Like any proper road trip, this begins with a map -- where we are, and where we want to go
Series: Freedom in Body and Spirit
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels (4)
Where Do We Search For Leaven (7:18)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Spiritual Message: Personal Liberation (16:34)
Have you wondered how the Jews become slaves in Egypt? Pharaoh instituted a national stimulus campaign involving everyone, even he lifted a shovel. Rabbi Menachem Wolf explains the ensnarement of the Jews through building monuments. This video explains how the Jews allowed themselves to be slaves, how low they fell spiritually and the rectification that we continue today.
Series: Survivor: Egypt
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
Bread of Affliction (3:27)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Searching For Leaven (5:18)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
What is Passover Bread? (3:29)
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Matzah: A Piece of God (14:02)
The physical act of eating matzah brings us to a higher spiritual state. Our hearts are drawn after our actions. What affect does the action of eating matzah on passover have? Join Rabbi Yoseph Vigler on a journey through a deep insight based onthe teachings of chassidut. .
Rabbi Yoseph Vigler (7)
Which Son Are You? (7:25)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
An Extra Matzah (2:17)
Why the Rabbi requested an extra Matzah.
Series: Timely Tales
Freedom in Body and Spirit— Part 3 (10:24)
In this video, part 3 of 3, Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels discusses the importance of nurturing and nourishing oneself. Whether it's purchasing and preparing healthy food for oneself, creating a focal point for relaxation and self-soothing, or the healing power of music, self-care is crucial
Series: Freedom in Body and Spirit
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels (4)
The Process of Personal Growth (13:18)
How do the Jews, after 4 generations of slavery, travel through the stages of redemption? The sea split and the Jews walked through on dry land, The water piled up on either side with all the underwater life visible. In a metaphorical model, Rabbi Menachem Wolf, points to land as what you can see; where we live; and all our physical activities
Series: Survivor: Egypt
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
The History, Pyramids, Secrets, Myths And Facts (23:23)
Are the pyramids testaments to the enslavement of the Jews in Egypt? Rabbi Menachem Wolf provides a history of the Jews in Egypt, and surprisingly the pyramids were built long before their enslavement.
Series: Survivor: Egypt
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
We Were Slaves... Modern-Day Slavery (15:52)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Passover In the Light of Chassidus (54:00)
If eating leaven is so bad on Passover, why can we eat it during the rest of the year? Join Rabbi Silberberg for the answer to this and other Passover related questions through uncovering the deeper meaning of Passover according to the teachings of Chassidut. This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Better Together (1:14:29)
This class was given March 4, 2013 - 22 Adar, 5773 (Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei).
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
Haggadah: Why Was Slavery Part Of Gods Plan? Part I (10:06)
Rabbi David Fohrman (6)
Haggadah and Hieroglyphics (2:57)
Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman (3)
How to Run Your Own Seder (1:34:11)
Join Rabbi Deitsch on his walkthrough of the Seder, and insights on many sections of the Haggadah.
Rabbi Nechemia Deitsch (1)
Is the Seder All Semantics and Symbols? (56:59)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
A Passover Message (2:52)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the U.S. Representative for the South Florida congressional district, and the Chair of the Democratic National Committee is the first Jewish Congresswoman elected from Florida. She shares a beautiful Pesach message, expressing her appreciation for the Chabad shluchim in Florida and Washington
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (1)
Bringing the Message of Peace to our Personal Lives (6:45)
Mrs. Frady Schwartz (3)
The Pre Exodus Story (23:48)
Passover is coming, get the real scoop on the history behind it. Rabbi Menachem Wolf masterfully recounts the story of Joseph; his childhood; his relationship with his father and brothers; and the moving story from Genesis, right up to the advent of the Jewish slavery in Egypt. Stay tuned for the rest of the story.
Series: Survivor: Egypt
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
The Four Sons (6:15)
We're all aware of the "Four Sons" addressed in the Haggadah, but did you know that there's a fifth son as well?.
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
This is Freedom!? (1:58)
Series: 90 second Dvar Torah
Benny Friedman (35)
Don't "Passover" the Children (6:36)
The Seder night should be made about the children, incorporate them into festivities and encourage them to answer questions.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Kabbalah for Beginners Part 2 (48:42)
Chabad is an acronym for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Rabbi Abba Perelmuter begins with an overview of chapter 1 of Tanya. Join the class to find out what the whole Chabad movement is based on.
Series: Kabbalah for Beginners
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Passover: Clean Up Your Act (6:15)
With all of the tedious cleanups and preparations required before Passover, and all the food restrictions on the holiday itself, one may wonder whether it’s a holiday of freedom or enslavement. Rabbi Abba Perelmuter will explain that Passover is meant as a time to “clean up your act”, and that is a true holiday of redemption.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Are You Really Free? (7:53)
Have you incorporated the freedom of Passover into your life? Are you truly free, or are you a slave to your fears or others people’s opinions? Rabbi Abba Perelmuter will help you answer this question, and advise you how to achieve freedom if you haven’t reached it yet.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
The Afikoman (1:48)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Why We Don't Eat Beans on Passover (12:50)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Parshat HaChodesh (21:14)
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
Freedom Is the Answer (3:42)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Passover Message (3:25)
Rep. Eric Cantor shares a Pesach message honoring the shluchim's work around the world, emphasizing this time of personal geula.
Rep. Eric Cantor (1)
11 Nissan, Passover, and Perceptions (57:18)
Why does the book of Exodus start by saying "These are the names of the Jews that are coming to Egypt" instead of "that came to Egypt"? Are Jews defined by their sins? Must we always try to find redeeming qualities about someone and judge them favorably even if they seem irredeemable? This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Four Questions (3:13)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
The Foods: Whats, Hows & Whys (19:49)
Series: Survivor: Egypt
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
Laws on Kashrus for Pesach (59:28)
Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka (6)
Lessons in Education from the Seder (15:20)
Mrs. Malky Freund (3)
The Most Important Part in the Haggadah (2:30)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
We Were Slaves... Learning Freedom from Our Children (5:02)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Confused About Passover? (1:47)
Feeling lost at the Seder is a Passover tradition.
Series: Inspiration Weekly
Why Couldn't the Angels Sing While the Egyptians Drowned? (2:36)
This is an excerpt from a class titled: "Passover In the Light of Chassidus" given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Passover Cleaning Is Too Much! (2:42)
What should one do if the Passover cleaning takes the joy out of the holiday and replaces it with stress and anxiety? The question is when they can’t afford to spend the week at a hotel or resort. For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Passover Cleaning Blues (6:38)
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter offers some perspective to see you through the Passover cleaning madness.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Five Lessons for a Corona Pesach (23:05)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Ari Shishler (9)
How Deep Do You Clean for Pesach? (2:11)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
Passover, Redemption, and the Number Four (17:37)
This video is an excerpt of a weekly Tanya class given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Leaving Our Personal Slavery (43:17)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
Here's How You Can Decide to Be Free (2:33)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
The Mystical Misunderstood Maror (41:57)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
You Can Have Freedom in Quarantine (2:41)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)