How the Revelation at Sinai Changed the World Forever (22:52)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
Why This Shavuos Is Different (9:21)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
Shavuot: It's All About the Physical. But How? (16:57)
This class was given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's at The Baal Shem Tov Library. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
It's Your Wealth (7:56)
Charlie Harary (59)
The Most Valuable Kind of Jew (37:50)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
Shavuos: Torah as the Medium of Revelation (9:20)
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (71)
The Secret of Unity (8:39)
Charlie Harary (59)
Nothing Stands Between You and Infinity (2:05)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
Who's G-d? The Ten Commandments Revisited (38:30)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Moshe New (4)
Shavuot: Transforming the Mundane into Holiness (16:58)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman (169)
10 Commandments in 20 Minutes (22:03)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Chaim Hanoka (1)
7 Lessons From Ruth on Living With Purpose (14:13)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin (5)
The Convert & the Creed: The Authenticity of the Oral Torah (29:53)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Dovid Vigler (4)
The Journey Within: From Passover to Shavuot (34:11)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel (27)
Why Was the Torah given to Women First? (21:02)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Mrs. Nechama Harlig (1)
Man vs. Angels: the Great Face-Off (1:15:06)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan (31)
The Story of the Giving of the Torah: A Textual Analysis (1:06:47)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan (31)
What Was Accomplished on Shavuot? (21:03)
This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
The Gift of Purpose (3:54)
Many people go through life without the slightest clue as to why they exist and what they’re supposed to do in this world. How does one find their purpose?.
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
Shavuot and Our Purpose (4:32)
Rabbi Shalom Denbo (1)
Just G-d and You (1:41)
Wish that G-d would speak to you?.
Series: JLI Weekly Video
The Contract (7:19)
Would you sign a contract without reading it first? Of course not! But that’s precisely what the Jews did when G-d offered them the Torah. They said “We will do and (then) we will listen”. The reason for this is because the Jews trusted G-d implicitly that he would not let go of them or abandon them
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Think small! (1:48)
Series: 90 second Dvar Torah
Benny Friedman (35)
Learning Without Interruption (4:39)
Rabbi Yisroel Spalter (1)
The Gift of Torah (40:53)
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
Beyond Infinite (24:45)
Through a deeper look at Rashi’s commentary on the giving of the Torah we develop an appreciation for the role of Torah study in our identity and our relationship with G-d. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
The Chosen People: Who Chose Whom? (42:22)
If you’re born Jewish, you’re Jewish no matter what. You’re bound by the laws of the Torah and branded with the title “Jew.” Is that fair? Did you choose to be Jewish? A stunning analysis of free choice forces us to reconsider the nature of our commitment to Judaism. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yossi New (25)
Ruth: A Contemporary Lesson (19:26)
Mrs. Frumma Gottlieb (11)
The Spiritual Message of Shavuot (13:04)
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
Shavuot: Going Against the Grain (2:46)
Michael Medved (13)
The History of Shavuot (12:22)
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
Shavuot: The Endless Voice (8:27)
The voice of G-d had no echo. Rabbi Dovid Birk shares a yomtov thought: the words of Torah, said by G-d at Sinai were so profound that they penetrated everything; there was no sound that was not absorbed to bounce back as an echo.
Rabbi Dovid Birk (4)
Ruth: The Mother of Royalty (20:27)
Rus was descended from some of the worst examples of humanity and yet became the ancestress of King Dovid and Moshiach. Mrs Sarah Korn outlines the story of Rus and describes her greatness. With the guidance of her mother in law, Naomi, Rus was able to refine her character and be deserving of her great descendents.
Mrs. Sarah Korn (4)
8. Why is It Important to Bring the Children to Synagogue on Shavuot? (2:34)
Shavuot FAQ's: 1. What is Shavuot? 2. What Does Shavuot Mean? 3. Where Did the Torah Scroll Come From? 4. Where Did the Talmud Come From? 5. How Do We Celebrate the Holiday of Shavuot? 6. Why Do We Eat Dairy Foods on Shavuot? 7. Why Do We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot? 9
Series: Shavuot FAQ's
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
7. Why Do We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot? (2:34)
Shavuot FAQ's: 1. What is Shavuot? 2. What Does Shavuot Mean? 3. Where Did the Torah Scroll Come From? 4. Where Did the Talmud Come From? 5. How Do We Celebrate the Holiday of Shavuot? 6. Why Do We Eat Dairy Foods on Shavuot? 8. Why is It Important to Bring the Children to Synagogue on Shavuot? 9
Series: Shavuot FAQ's
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
9. Why Do We Stay Up All Night Learning on Shavuot? (3:01)
Shavuot FAQ's: 1. What is Shavuot? 2. What Does Shavuot Mean? 3. Where Did the Torah Scroll Come From? 4. Where Did the Talmud Come From? 5. How Do We Celebrate the Holiday of Shavuot? 6. Why Do We Eat Dairy Foods on Shavuot? 7. Why Do We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot? 8
Series: Shavuot FAQ's
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
6. Why Do We Eat Dairy Foods on Shavuot? (2:48)
Shavuot FAQ's: 1. What is Shavuot? 2. What Does Shavuot Mean? 3. Where Did the Torah Scroll Come From? 4. Where Did the Talmud Come From? 5. How Do We Celebrate the Holiday of Shavuot? 7. Why Do We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot? 8. Why is It Important to Bring the Children to Synagogue on Shavuot? 9
Series: Shavuot FAQ's
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
5. How Do We Celebrate the Holiday of Shavuot? (1:32)
Shavuot FAQ's: 1. What is Shavuot? 2. What Does Shavuot Mean? 3. Where Did the Torah Scroll Come From? 4. Where Did the Talmud Come From? 6. Why Do We Eat Dairy Foods on Shavuot? 7. Why Do We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot? 8. Why is It Important to Bring the Children to Synagogue on Shavuot? 9
Series: Shavuot FAQ's
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
4. Where Did the Talmud Come From? (2:21)
Shavuot FAQ's: 1. What is Shavuot? 2. What Does Shavuot Mean? 3. Where Did the Torah Scroll Come From? 5. How Do We Celebrate the Holiday of Shavuot? 6. Why Do We Eat Dairy Foods on Shavuot? 7. Why Do We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot? 8. Why is It Important to Bring the Children to Synagogue on Shavuot? 9
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 4
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
3. Where Did the Torah Scroll Come From? (1:51)
Shavuot FAQ's: 1. What is Shavuot? 2. What Does Shavuot Mean? 4. Where Did the Talmud Come From? 5. How Do We Celebrate the Holiday of Shavuot? 6. Why Do We Eat Dairy Foods on Shavuot? 7. Why Do We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot? 8. Why is It Important to Bring the Children to Synagogue on Shavuot? 9
Series: Shavuot FAQ's
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
2. What Does Shavuot Mean? (1:38)
Shavuot FAQ's: 1. What is Shavuot? 2. What Does Shavuot Mean? 3. Where Did the Torah Scroll Come From? 4. Where Did the Talmud Come From? 5. How Do We Celebrate the Holiday of Shavuot? 6. Why Do We Eat Dairy Foods on Shavuot? 7. Why Do We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot? 8
Series: Shavuot FAQ's
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
1. What Is Shavuot? (1:44)
Shavuot FAQ's: 2. What Does Shavuot Mean? 3. Where Did the Torah Scroll Come From? 4. Where Did the Talmud Come From? 5. How Do We Celebrate the Holiday of Shavuot? 6. Why Do We Eat Dairy Foods on Shavuot? 7. Why Do We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot? 8. Why is It Important to Bring the Children to Synagogue on Shavuot? 9
Series: Shavuot FAQ's
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
The Torah: Given by G-d? (4:58)
Seeing is believing. Three million people stood around Mt Sinai and saw and heard G-d's words. Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein compares other religion's origins to the Jewish people's history. Please visit rabbiweinstein.com for inspirational weekly videos, lectures and audio classes.
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
Gemini (1:53)
Who are the twins of Gemini? Rabbi Ari Sollish connects Gemini to Shavuos when we are bound to Hashem through the giving of the Torah. He exhorts us to move higher, correcting and refining our power of movement with our twin, Hashem
Series: Judaism and Astrology
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
A Chassidic Elucidation on Yovel (25:10)
Shmitah, the most difficult mitzvah in the Torah, requires taking every 7th year off from work and having complete faith that G-d will provide. Yoval, after 7 rounds of shmitah, brings one to the 50th and highest level of holiness. Rabbi Eliyahu Noson Silberberg explains that although we keep Shmitah to some extend, Yoval is only celebrated when the majority of Jews live in Israel
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
Our Children, Our Guarantee (29:48)
Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn, principal of Bais Yaakov Ohel Sarah, of Brooklyn, New York, discusses how to successfully transmit love and pride for Judaism to our children. Using the model of a corporation, with its business plan and vision for its future, she frames the responsibility and privilege that is Jewish parenting
Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn (1)
Time and Space in Contemporary Halachah (16:38)
How does time relate to people in different parts of the world? When and where is the holiness of Shabbos? Rabbi Yosef Shusterman raises interesting questions relating to time, space and travel. The topic is interesting and the presentation is enjoyable.
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
The History of the Oral Tradition (1) (11:25)
Everyone knows that Kashrut, Shabbat, fasting on Yom Kippur and eating matzah on Passover are foundational mitzvot. But did you know that the very first question a soul is asked "upstairs" is, "Did you conduct your business with honesty?" Not whether you kept Shabbat, kosher, or fasted
Series: Ethics in Business (accompanying video)
Rabbi Yacov Barber (11)
Endive, Pear and Walnut Salad with Blue Cheese Dressing (8:32)
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum demonstrates making this delicious salad all with a food processor! This fresh salad is beautiful and refreshing - and all of it's components can be prepared ahead of time! .
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
Zucchini Yellow Pepper Cheddar Chowder (17:25)
This beautiful and delicious chowder is nutritious and easy to make! Chef Levana Kirschenbaum gives tips, teaches techniques and uses tools that make soups so easy to make and will inspire you to make lots and freeze them for days that you don't feel like cooking
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
The Veracity of Torah (1:14:19)
Take off your wings. No leaps of faith here! Join Professor Lawrence Keleman as he takes a strictly academic approach to verifying the revelation at Mount Sinai. Professor Keleman explores every possible avenue through which the Torah could have been written and transmitted by a human being
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 6
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen (4)
Polenta with Roasted Vegetables (8:44)
Have you ever made polenta? Do you even know how? Chef Levana Kirschenbaum shows the the ease and versatility of this wonderful food. Polenta can be easily made for a crowd, served in many different ways and costs pennies to make! Give this delicious polenta with roasted vegetables a try and let us know what you think!.
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
Lace Cookies (6:58)
These tiny, flat cookies are a delicious and low calorie (yes, low calorie!) treat. Chef Levana Kirschenbaum makes these classic lace cookies substituting traditionally used ingredients such as corn syrup for maple syrup, a natural and much healthier option
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
Tilapia Rolls with Spinach and Feta (14:46)
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum dresses up this mild and reasonably priced fish with a fabulous spinach and feta stuffing. This versatile stuffing can be easily turned into a quiche, or be kept pareve by simply leaving out the cheese and then used to stuff chicken breasts. What a beautiful dish!.
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
Cold Watercress Soup (13:19)
Join world renowned Chef Levana Kirschenbaum in her kitchen as she gets ready for the holiday of Shavuos
Series: Delicious Shavuot Recipes
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
Endive Waldorf Salad (12:51)
Join world renowned Chef Levana Kirschenbaum in her kitchen as she gets ready for the holiday of Shavuos
Series: Delicious Shavuot Recipes
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
Mushroom and Feta Stuffed Tilapia (14:52)
Join world renowned Chef Levana Kirschenbaum in her kitchen as she gets ready for the holiday of Shavuos
Series: Delicious Shavuot Recipes
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
Tiramisu (10:12)
Join world renowned Chef Levana Kirschenbaum in her kitchen as she gets ready for the holiday of Shavuos
Series: Delicious Shavuot Recipes
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
Polenta Casserole au Gratin (18:21)
Join world renowned Chef Levana Kirschenbaum in her kitchen as she gets ready for the holiday of Shavuos
Series: Delicious Shavuot Recipes
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
From Sinai to Cyberspace (25:29)
In honor of Shavuot, JLI and TorahCafé are proud to bring you our Shavuot Webcast entitled: From Sinai to Cyberspace
JabadTube Season 2: Shavuot (3:09)
Bienvenidos a la temporada JabadTube 2, con el Rabino Yosef Slavin de Jabad en Caracas, Venezuela! En este episodio, el rabino Slavin, arroja luz sobre los mensajes ocultos de Shavuot.
Rabbi Yosef Slavin (123)
Are you Responding to the Commander or Only to the Commandment? (35:40)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
A Taste of Yeshiva: Why We Stand When Reading the 10 Commandments (38:22)
This class was given at Yeshiva Tiferes in Morristown, NJ. Yeshiva Tiferes offers a wide range of classes on Jewish subjects and allows students to gain tools to live an authentic Jewish lifestyle. For more information about Yeshiva Tiferes and about learning programs offered, check out: www. RCA.edu.
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 5
Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky (2)
A Taste of Yeshiva: Parshat Bamidbar and The Giving of the Torah (39:13)
This class was given at Yeshiva Tiferes in Morristown, NJ. Yeshiva Tiferes offers a wide range of classes on Jewish subjects and allows students to gain tools to live an authentic Jewish lifestyle. For more information about Yeshiva Tiferes and to learn more about learning programs offered, check out: www. RCA.edu.
Rabbi Yaakov Wagner (3)
Shavuot: True Freedom (7:41)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson is a world-renowned scholar, author, thinker, and beloved spiritual teacher. Through his books, lectures, and consul he has touched and inspired the lives of thousands. Amongst his published works are: Reincarnation & Judaism: The Journey of the Soul. Inner Rhythms: The Kabbalah of Music Meditation & Judaism: Exploring the Jewish Meditative Paths
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Eating Dairy on Shavuot: A Custom of Kindness (10:37)
Rabbi Boruch Leshes is the rabbi of the Monsey Lubavitch Community. For more infomation about Rabbi Leshes and the Monsey Lubavitch community, check out: monseychabad.com .
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 5
Rabbi Boruch Lesches (1)
The Month of Sivan (20:45)
Rabbi Shea Hecht is the chairman of the board of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE) which is a multi-faceted charity that protects, feeds and educates thousands throughout the NY metro area and around the nation. For more information about NCFJE, check out www.ncfje.org.
Series: The Jewish Year
Rabbi Shea Hecht (20)
Moshiach Times: Shavuot Edition (35:32)
Dr. Dovid Sholom Pape is the editor of the children’s magazine, Moshiach Times. The magazine is a publication of Tzivos Hashem, “The Army of G-d.” For more information about Tzivos Hashem, check out tzivos-hashem.org.
Dr. Dovid Sholom Pape (1)
The Giving of the Torah: A Spiritual Awakening (7:41)
Rabbi Chaim Chazan (1)
Nothing but the Truth (25:05)
You can visit Mrs. Tzukernik's website at: thekabbalahcoach.com.
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
One Nation Under G-d (28:33)
Chief Rabbi Shaar Yashuv Cohen relates the story of his Shavuos in captivity in Amman, Jordon, during Israel's War of Independence and how his strong sense of identity, Jewish unity, and love for Torah and the Land of Israel kept him during those difficult times. .
Chief Rabbi Shaar Yashuv Cohen (1)
The Day of Marriage: Shavuot (47:26)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Shavuot: The Giving of the Torah (22:20)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel (or Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz) is a world-renowned scholar, lecturer, author and philosopher as well as an expert in the field of science. Rabbi Even-Israel is best known for his commentary on and translation of the Babylonian Talmud
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 6
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)