Dead Sea Scrolls - Description and Discussion (27:52)
This workshop will show how the Dead Sea Scrolls help fill in our knowledge of Jewish law and observance in the Second Temple period. Included in these fascinating gleanings are confirmation of specific Talmudic reports about the major legal debates of those days and the dating of various sections of Talmudic literature
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls (26:32)
A slide show and lecture on the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the archaeology of Qumrun and the ancient Jewish library found there, along with a discussion on the impact of these discoveries on our understanding of the history of Judaism and the background of Christianity. This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Ezekiel (6:47)
Soul Maps: Kabbalah to Navigate Your Inner World Soul Maps introduces you to the Tanya, a 200-year-old text with a revolutionary new look at human psychology. It provides Kabbalah-based tools to help you understand yourself. Until the publication of Tanya, the Kabbalah was an esoteric discipline that was studied and understood by only a select few
Series: Soul Maps
The Temple Destruction Introspection (6:19)
In this look behind the scenes at a dark period in Jewish History, Rabbi Dr. Breitowitz speaks about the reasons behind the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple was destroyed not, as you may think, because the Jews did not observe Torah and Mitzvot; but, rather, because the Jews at the time treated Torah as secondary, not as the primary focus in their lives
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
King David and the Psalms (57:08)
King David is one of the most intriguing and inspiring figures in Jewish history. In this workshop we will relive the trials and triumphs of King David and learn why our people have turned to the Psalms for solace and strength throughout the ages. This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Lessons in Leadership (45:55)
Every period in Jewish history can be defined by the leaders who served as conduits conveying the will of G-d and providing direction and inspiration to the nation. Throughout the millennia, Israel has been led by prophets, kings and sages, and composites of all of these
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Seventy-One: A Conversation with Dr. Michael Kigel (25:02)
Listen in on an enlightening conversation between Rabbi Tzvi Freeman and Dr. Michael Kigel to reconfigure your concept of Jewish leadership and "law enforcement". This video has been produced by Kosher Tube.
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
Conflict at the End of the First Temple Period (15:36)
Vintage This class took place at the Ivy League Torah Study Experience (ILTSE), a summer Torah-learning program provided by the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education. ILTSE is open to college-age and graduate students with minimal or no background in Torah learning
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)
King David and the Psalms II (1:11:00)
King David: a king, a warrior, a poet and a scholar. Relive the trials and triumphs of the most colorful personality in Jewish history. Through this interactive lesson, you will discover why our people have turned to the Psalms for solace and strength throughout the ages. This lecture was delivered at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
The Uniqueness of the 10th of Tevet (7:31)
One of the general rules of Jewish fasting: if a fast day falls on Friday, we postpone it until the following Sunday. With the fast of the 10th of Teves, however, this rule is broken. What's so important about the 10th of Teves that makes it an exception to the rule? Find out in this mini-lesson with Rabbi Zalman Abraham.
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
Rachel, Leah, and Jacob: A Struggle of Cosmic Forces (55:23)
Tricked by his father-in-law, Jacob married not just two wives, but two sisters! In this environment, he and his wives raised the twelve tribes of Israel. This text-based, quick-paced study uncovers the profound strata of meaning within one of the most enigmatic stories in the Bible. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Lessons In Time (28:17)
In this fascinating lecture, Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov takes us on a journey through Jewish history, beginning with the first 1,000 years of Jewish history and continuing on until the times of Rashi (11th century). Through the many unbelievable facts and stories Mrs
Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov (7)
Yehoshua the High Priest (6:19)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Rabbi Elazar Ben Azariah (7:54)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein gives a light hearted explanation of Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah's aging.
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Temple Mount (53:27)
Series: Heaven and Earth: A Virtual Tour of Our Holy Temple
Rabbi Cheski Edelman (3)
The Temple Compound (54:01)
Series: Heaven and Earth: A Virtual Tour of Our Holy Temple
Rabbi Cheski Edelman (3)
The Holy and the Holy of Holies (54:57)
Series: Heaven and Earth: A Virtual Tour of Our Holy Temple
Rabbi Cheski Edelman (3)
King David's Secret (1:01:41)
King David, the defendent, accused of murder and adultery, was represented by Rabbi Mendy Gutnick as the defense attorney, in a mock trial in Australia. Rabbi Gutnick lays out the background of David's origins and his Cinderella status in his family
Rabbi Mendy Gutnick (6)
Three Visionaries Who Revolutionized Judaism (1:00:56)
Without these 3 visionaries who stepped up to the plate, Judaism might not have survived. Rabbi Abba Perlmutter brings history to life with his engaging humor, modern day examples that we can relate to, and his love of the protagonists. Every great leader needs a vacuum and the 3 Rabbis that he speaks about in this video each lived at a turning point in Jewish history
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
The Pre Exodus Story (23:48)
Passover is coming, get the real scoop on the history behind it. Rabbi Menachem Wolf masterfully recounts the story of Joseph; his childhood; his relationship with his father and brothers; and the moving story from Genesis, right up to the advent of the Jewish slavery in Egypt. Stay tuned for the rest of the story.
Series: Survivor: Egypt
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
Ruth: The Mother of Royalty (20:27)
Rus was descended from some of the worst examples of humanity and yet became the ancestress of King Dovid and Moshiach. Mrs Sarah Korn outlines the story of Rus and describes her greatness. With the guidance of her mother in law, Naomi, Rus was able to refine her character and be deserving of her great descendents.
Mrs. Sarah Korn (4)
Philo (10:06)
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Paul of Tarsus (51:30)
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
The Living Torah: From Sinai to Cyberspace (58:05)
Has Judaism evolved? Explore the development of the written and oral Torah, the twin traditions that stretch back to Sinai. Learn how to use ancient halachic principles to find solutions to contemporary dilemmas. You will put the eternality of Torah to the test by scrutinizing its relevance today.
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 4
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
King David: Ruler, Warrior, Poet and Scholar (50:41)
Relive the trials and triumphs of one of the most colorful personalities in Jewish history. Learn of David’s ferocious battles against the Philistines, hear the song of his harp, and follow the mighty king’s transformation into the sweet singer of Israel
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Ch. 3 Mishna 1: Where Do We Come From (7:32)
Chapter 3, Mishna 1: Akavya ben Mahalalel said: Think about three things and you will not come to sin: Know where you came from, and to where you are going, and before whom you are destined to give an accounting
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 1 Mishna 1: Chain of Transmissions (18:56)
Series: Chapter One ,Judaism Decoded Lesson 1
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Ch. 3 Mishna 2: Idle Conversation (16:41)
Series: Chapter Three
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Lesson Five: The Rashbi (13:05)
The Zohar is famous for being a primary text of Kabbalah. There has, however, been much controversy over the origin and authenicity of the Zohar
Series: Intro To Kabbalah
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Ch. 5 Mishna 3: Abraham's Ten Tests (2:29)
Join world-renowned teacher and scholar, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, every Sunday for a short Torah insight. This week, Rabbi Steinsaltz discusses the ten trials of Abraham that are enumerated in the Bible.
Series: Chapter Five
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Judaism's View on Islam (41:56)
How does Judaism view Islam and is there insight into G-d’s plan for the world in this religion’s development? In this enlightening lecture, Rabbi Pinchas Taylor describes Islam’s unique standing in Jewish tradition from a theological perspective. He maps out the history of Islam and compares the fundaments of faith and practice in the Jewish and Islamic religions
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Seekers of the Holy Ark (1:00:42)
Hidden deep in the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the Ark of the Covenant. For thousands of years this Temple treasure has lain shrouded in darkness and mystery. What exactly does it look like? Where is it? When will it be discovered? Join in a detailed study of the Maimonidean texts that will lead us to the answers.
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein (5)
Ten Commandments or 613? (53:12)
A closer look at the Ten Commandments, the building blocks of religious civilization. What were the selection criteria? And how do they operate alongside the 613 commandments? Why does our list differ from the one used by Catholics and Protestants? And why aren't the 10 Commandments part of our daily prayers? A yeshivah-style study session.
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
Bar Kokhba (46:07)
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Ch. 1 Mishna 6: Guidance, Friendship and Judgment (14:39)
Series: Chapter One
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
The Septuagint (5:39)
Series: This Week in Jewish History
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
The Ten Lost Tribes Part 1 (2:20)
Series: The Ten Lost Tribes
Rabbi Sholom Ber Bloom (7)
The 10 Lost Tribes Part 2 (2:40)
Series: The Ten Lost Tribes
Rabbi Sholom Ber Bloom (7)
The Ten Lost Tribes Part 3 (2:37)
Series: The Ten Lost Tribes
Rabbi Sholom Ber Bloom (7)
The Ten Lost Tribes Part 4 (3:04)
Series: The Ten Lost Tribes
Rabbi Sholom Ber Bloom (7)
The Ten Lost Tribes Part 5 (2:09)
Series: The Ten Lost Tribes
Rabbi Sholom Ber Bloom (7)
The Ten Lost Tribes Part 6 (2:23)
Series: The Ten Lost Tribes
Rabbi Sholom Ber Bloom (7)
Understanding Elijah the Prophet (58:49)
Did you ever wonder why there is the cup of Elijah at the Passover Seder? What about his chair at a baby boy s brit? Who was Elijah and why is he so much a part of our Jewish observances? This class will take you on a fascinating journey into the life and mystique of this beloved Biblical figure. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
The Mikvah at Masada (4:17)
Series: The Jewish Course of Why
The Great Purim Secret (3:18)
One of the customs on Purim is to eat Hamantaschen, delicious sweet tarts named literally "Haman's hat", or in Hebrew "Haman's ears". Why would we want to eat a piece of our evil enemy Haman? To learn more with Rabbi David Aaron visit his website at: rabbidavidaaron.com.
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Strength and Struggle - Saul: A Historical Backdrop (2:54)
SAUL Qualities of a Leader What are the signature strengths that make a person great? What is the difference between being smart and being wise? In the story of our ancestors' quest to install their first king, we dissect Saul's character, his humility and wisdom, and the key weakness that led to his downfall.
Series: Strength & Struggle
1. Jephthah's Daughter: A Matter of Perspective (59:07)
1. JEPTHAH Gaining Perspective What propelled him to do the unthinkable-to sacrifice his own daughter? Emotions often cloud our judgment. How do we gain perspective at such times? This lesson examines Jephthah's failures, exploring alternative ways in which he might have dealt with his situation, and how we can respond when facing similar circumstances.
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
2. The Fall of Saul: The Wise Monarch (1:00:47)
2. SAUL Qualities of a Leader What are the signature strengths that make a person great? What is the difference between being smart and being wise? In the story of our ancestors' quest to install their first king, we dissect Saul's character, his humility and wisdom, and the key weakness that led to his downfall.
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
3. Ruth: Unwavering Commitment and Grace (1:00:55)
3. RUTH Commitment and Sacrifice What comforts and freedoms should we be willing to sacrifice to get the job done? The story of Ruth contrasts leaders who forsook their duties, with those who understood the meaning of responsibility, and who demonstrated courage to let go of everything dear to them to do what is right.
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
4. David and Bathsheba: The Rehabilitation of a Monarch (1:00:38)
4. DAVID Dealing with Mistakes At what point should we forgive ourselves for our mistakes (and others for theirs)? How do we transform a blunder into an impetus for growth? The saga of King David and Bathsheba has attracted much attention over the ages, but what interests us more than what he did, or why he did it, is understanding how King David dealt with his mistake.
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
5. The Wonders of Elisha: Keeping It Simple (59:39)
5. ELIJAH AND ELISHA Simplicity Motivation and passion are critical to living life to its fullest. What do we do when our zest for life is depleted? How do we find inspiration then? While Elijah may be the more famous of the mentor-protege pair, this lesson emphasizes Elisha's human care and attention to detail, over Elijah's large-scale, grandiose miracles.
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
6. Jonah's Daring Escape (1:00:21)
6. JONAH A Rendezvous with Destiny What is your mission in life? How much time do you spend on routines, at the expense of your goals? We examine Jonah's motive for defying G-d's instructions, to the point of attempting suicide. Is it ever justified to sacrifice the means entirely for the sake of achieving our goals? .
Series: Strength & Struggle
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Jewish Origins of Christianity (1:04:28)
In this lecture, Professor Schiffman, a leading scholar of the Dead Sea Scrolls analyzes the origins of the texts
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Rediscovering the Fascinating Revolt of Bar Kochba (52:42)
The Bar Kokhba Revolt (132-135 CE) marked the Jewish people’s valiant last stand in ancient times to maintain political independence on their own land. Explore modern-day discoveries made in the Judean desert that have contributed greatly to scholars’ understanding of the revolt
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Why I Wrote the Gilded Cage (39:59)
Of all biblical stories, the story of Esther is the best-known and, arguably, the most misunderstood. Queen Esther is a heroine often portrayed in a superficial, two-dimensional manner. As a result, her full story remains untold. Mrs. Sorele Brownstein has mined the rich Jewish tradition of biblical interpretation to shed light on a figure whose true heroism is often overlooked
Mrs. Sorele Brownstein (1)
Pharisees, Saducees, and the Dead Sea Scrolls (50:45)
An illustrated lecture on the contents, context, and significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Written during a turbulent time of great upheaval and conflict, the Dead Sea Scrolls shed light on much of what was the Second Temple era
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Did King David Sin? (3:08)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
The Fall of Jerusalem and the Lack of Unity (4:50)
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
The Dead Sea Scrolls (5:59)
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
The Dead Sea Scrolls (5:25)
Series: Great Debates in Jewish History
The Lead-Up to the Jewish Revolt against Rome (11:02)
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
King Herod (3:31)
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
The Effect of the Jewish Revolt Against Rome (2:01)
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
The Jewish Holy-Days (41:20)
Learn about the biblical origins of the three oldest Jewish holidays, Passover , Shavuot, and Sukkot, including where and when they were first celebrated. From their inception until today, hear about the richness and history of the Jewish holidays that we still celebrate centuries later. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Reuben Ebrahimoff (1)
Mummies, Midwives and Makkos (46:43)
With the Exodus from Egypt as our point of departure, we explore issues in Jewish medical ethics - including the plagues, embalming, organ donation, multi-gestational pregnancies and anesthesia for childbirth. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
The History of the 15th of Av (18:15)
Rabbi Chuni Vogel (4)
The Talmud and Ancient Egyptian Medicine (1:03)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Why Rabbis Thought This Man Was the Messiah (5:57)
This video was produced for Lesson 5 of "This Can Happen", a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: This Can Happen
A Life of Permanence (8:10)
When given a blessing for children, do you start making conditions?.
Series: Moment of Wisdom
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
When Did Judaism Start? (5:42)
Series: Moment of Wisdom
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
The Tower of Babel and Corona (4:08)
Series: Moment of Wisdom
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
Who Wrote The Bible? (5:42)
Series: Moment of Wisdom
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
From Where Does the Talmud Get Its Authority? (3:47)
Where did the Talmud get the authority to enact laws? And what exactly is the "Oral Tradition"?.
Rabbi Lazer Gurkow (23)
Who Authored the Grace After Meals (Birkat Hamazon) (6:29)
Have you ever wondered why we say Grace After Meals (Birkat Hamazon) and how it came to be? In this short and informative video, learn who composed the blessings we recite after having a meal and discover some fascinating facts and history along the way.
The Lesson from Moshe: Caring for Every Person (3:30)
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
David and Batsheva Revisited (45:36)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Every Book of the Tanach Explained (9:25)
The Jewish Bible. The “Tanach”. No book has had a greater impact on human history and civilization. No book has been more devoutly read, more diligently studied, more deeply probed
Series: Book Smart
The Midrash (5:02)
The Midrash plays a big role throughout the history of Jewish thought and scholarship. But what is it? This video was produced for Lesson 2 of "Book Smart", a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: Book Smart
The Talmud (4:37)
The Talmud. Have you ever tried to navigate it, or even wondered what it is? This video was produced for Lesson 3 of "Book Smart", a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: Book Smart