The Story Behind The Koren Talmud (50:18)
For thousands of years, the wisdom of the Talmud has been hidden within the ancient Aramaic in which it is written. The revolutionary Koren Talmud is an English translation of this monumental Jewish text, forever changing the way students study, debate and experience the Talmud. Take a tour behind the scenes with editor-in-chief, Rabbi Dr
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb (7)
Beruria and an Introduction to the Talmud (49:44)
Jewish education for women is radically different today. Dr. Henry Abramson begins with a brief history of the Talmud. He describes the times and family tragedies of Bruria before delving into her recognized contributions to the Talmud. Dr Abramson concludes with a strange account of her possible end as described by Rashi
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Talmud: From Parchment to the Printing Press (8:56)
Despite expulsions, book burnings and house fires, there are still a few pages remaining from books of 600-1000 years ago. The librarian of the Chabad Library in Brooklyn, NY, Rabbi Berel Levine takes us on a historical tour of how the Talmud was preserved through the ages
Rabbi Berel Levine (4)
Talmud Unplugged (35:20)
Explore the opening text of the talmud, and engage in dialogue and debate. Whether you are a novice or an experienced student of Talmud, you will be fascinated by this far-reaching discussion regarding the reciting of the Shema. In the process, you will examine the parameters of Torah law, rabbinic law, and the written and oral tradition.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)