Why Chanukah Is Not Just Another Holiday (3:28)
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
Chanukah and 19 Kislev: All Is G-dliness (11:39)
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
What Is the Connection Between Chanukah and Hakhel? (14:44)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman (169)
Chanukah: The Essential Connection (8:15)
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Why Is Fire a Part of Many Religious Practices? (3:06)
What is the significance of lighting candles in Judaism and why is it a part of many customs?.
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
The Better Way to Make the Life You Want (14:29)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
Chanukah Story Time - If the Candles Could Speak (8:07)
Mrs. Dassie Prus reads her book "If the Candles Could Speak" a Chanukah story, describing the history, meaning, and practices of Chanukah. The book is available in both large size and regular size at Jewishbigbooks.com.
Series: Moment of Wisdom
Mrs. Dassie Prus (1)
Can You Make Miracles? (2:44)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
The Connection Between Yosef and Chanukah (10:17)
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (71)
Chanukah and Eternity (4:56)
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Chanukah, Parshas Vayeishev, and Torah (19:38)
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah Chapter 6 and Chanukah (28:55)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg's Tanya class takes place every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Lessons in Tanya
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Yosef, Chanukah, and the Battle for True Beauty (3:23)
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (71)
Can You Really Make a Difference? (2:16)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
How You Can Light up the World? (2:04)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
Battling for Menorahs in American Courts (51:58)
Attorney Nathan Lewin will review the multi-year history of litigation over menorahs displayed by Chabad in public plazas. From Chabad's victories in the Supreme Court with the Pittsburgh menorah to its victories before the US Court of Appeals in Cincinnati and Atlanta. Mr
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Chanukah: Reciprocal Love (13:18)
Unlike other Mitzvot, why do all Jews light the Menorah in a manner of "Mehadrin Min Hamedrin"? This video is an excerpt of a weekly Tanya class given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Beating the Numbers - Choosing Quality (8:25)
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
Chanukah: You Can Do It! (2:36)
Are you too insignificant to really change anything? Is there too much darkness for the light to emerge and overpower it?.
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
Foundational Flames (1:18)
Series: JLI Weekly Video
It's the End of Chanukah: Now What? (3:20)
What is the correct way for one to conclude the holiday of Chanukah?.
Rabbi Shlomo Farhi (10)
Logic vs. Holiness (2:46)
Series: Timely Tales
The Menorah's Legal Battle (5:19)
Series: Great Debates in Jewish History
Chanukah: The Supernatural (27:07)
This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union (1:15:08)
Giant menorahs in front of government buildings and in public squares have become a staple of the Holiday season and Jewish cultural and religious life, but the pioneering public menorahs of the 80’s faced stiff legal battles. In 1986, Chabad-Lubavitch of Pittsburgh erected its annual menorah display in front of City-County Building
Mr. Charles Saul (1)
Who You Really Are (9:45)
Why is the Menorah placed on the left side on the door, and why do we start lighting from the candle on the left side of the Menorah? Why has the heroic family of the Chashmonaim ended in ruin? And what does this teach us about staying true to who we really are?.
Rabbi Shlomo Farhi (10)
The Public Menorah in American Courts (53:07)
Noted civil liberties lawyer Mr. Nathan Lewin discusses his involvement in the legal battle to allow Menorahs to be lit in public spaces.
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Laws of Chanukah (1:03)
The Light of Chanukah (0:55)
Rabbi Elya Silfen (11)
The Immortal Flame (1:42)
Series: JLI Weekly Video
Oy Chanuka (2:10)
Oy Chanuka! "Chanukah Melodies" by the Shevet Achim Ensemble with guest star Chilik Frank. Distribution: NigunMusic.com, Dabri Shir.
Why the Greeks Were Against the Torah (9:24)
This class was given at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Supernatural (1:30)
Series: JLI Weekly Video
Let's Get Creative (2:54)
Series: How Success Thinks
How to Find G-d: The Miracle of You (3:51)
Who are you? Who is God? What's the connection? Why would you even want a connection? Lights, is a metaphor about us and God. Get rid of childish fears of God that sabotage your success, spiritual growth and happiness. To learn more with Rabbi David Ahron visit his website at rabbidavidaaron.com.
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Chanukah in The Light of Chassidus (10:36)
This video is an excerpt of a weekly Tanya class given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg every Thursday night 9:00 PM at The Baal Shem Tov Library, 1709 ave J. For more information, visit: thebaalshemtovlibrary.com.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (453)
Chanukah: Why Do We Celebrate? Part I (8:53)
Rabbi David Fohrman (6)
Chanukah, and How to Spell It (8:19)
Series: This Week in Jewish History
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Chanukah (1:14)
Series: 90 second Dvar Torah
Benny Friedman (35)
Illuminating Your Darkness (28:22)
This inspiring and motivational lecture by Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein offers an enlightening approach to life’s challenges. What do we do when the darkness is all-consuming and we don’t see a way out? Rabbi Weinstein takes a message from Chanukah about finding our life’s purpose, improving our marriage, and observing the Torah in the best way.
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
Sagittarius (2:01)
The archer symbolizes the battle for religious freedom. Rabbi Ari Sollish confirms the connection between Sagittarius and the month of Kislev, and Chanukah when the Jews fought for their religion. Prior to releasing the arrow, the archer pulls back on the bow and then needs to relax in order to hit the target
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
The Challenge of Modernity (1:08:04)
Connect to Torah Cafe daily to maintain and build your connection to G-d and overcome the challenge of modernity. Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson speaks to the Neshei Chabad Women's Midwinter Convention, with his usual engrossing style
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
To Light Another Light (3:05)
This video was graciously provided by the Office of the Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks. There are a number of ways to stay connected with the Chief Rabbi: Visit his website – chiefrabbi.org – to subscribe to his mailing list. This will allow you to receive articles, speeches, videos and other news direct into your inbox
Series: Eight Thoughts for Eight Nights
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Inside, Outside (2:48)
We can curse the darkness or light a little light. Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks continues his series on Chanukah with the three lights: Shabbos, Chanukah and Havdalah
Series: Eight Thoughts for Eight Nights
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
The Light Of War. The Light Of Peace (2:54)
The light of peace takes precedence over the light of war. Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks uses the law from Maimonides that if one has only one candle for either Shabbos or Chanukah, it should be used for Shabbos. Shabbos symbolizes peace, and the greatest military victory takes second place to sholom bayis, peace in the home
Series: Eight Thoughts for Eight Nights
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Another Little Bit (5:44)
We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings going through a temporary human experience. Mrs. Miriam Swerdlow invites us to celebrate Chanukah with a little bit of oil and a lot of hope, directing us to add another candle, another mitzvah and a step in the right direction.
Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov (7)
The First Clash Of Civilisations (3:17)
Judaism's refusal to jettison its values for glamour and prestige insured its survival until today. Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks reflects on the Ancient Greek civilization with its philosophers, historians, dramatists, art and architecture, which are all remarkable even today. Yet they were defeated and sent into rapid decline by the small band of Jewish Maccabees
Series: Eight Thoughts for Eight Nights
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Chanukah In Our Time (3:07)
In the 20th century, the Germans killed the Jews and the Soviets killed Judaism. In 1991 Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks lit Chanukah candles with Mikhail Gorbachov and explained the ceremony to him, concluding by telling him that he has become part of the Chanukah story. Though tyranny still exists freedom will always win the final battle
Series: Eight Thoughts for Eight Nights
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
The Miracle of the First Night (2:53)
The miracle of the first night is the faith that the Maccabees had to search for the cruse of oil with which to light the menorah. Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks runs through the history of the Jews showing how after each destruction, dispersion, and holocaust, something always remains with which to begin again
Series: Eight Thoughts for Eight Nights
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
The 36 Lights of the Menorah (5:18)
Adam and Eve are bathed in the primordial fountain of light for 36 hours before being evicted. Rabbi DovBer Pinson explains how the 36 candles that we light on Chanukah give us the ability to reveal the primordial lights of the Garden of Eden and so to reveal our inner light.
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Illuminating our Hidden Potential (2:12)
On the coldest, longest, darkest nights of the year we celebrate Chanukah. Rabbi DovBer Pinson speaks of the small jug of oil that allows the potential light of our lives to burn bright.
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Inspired By Faith... We Can Change The World (2:24)
The double portion of Jewish spirit longs for freedom. The Macabees were prepared to fight for it. In 2 minutes, Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, gives an entire overview of the history of Chanukah and what a small group of Jews can accomplish. This video was graciously provided by the Office of the Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks
Series: Eight Thoughts for Eight Nights
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
How to Light the Chanukah Candles (4:28)
Channel Yahaduton produced and launched this short and sweet video for Chanukah. The clear explanation shows in detail how to light the menorah and celebrate Chanukah. The blessings are translated and transliterated for those who don’t read Hebrew. .
Gelt Well Spent (6:18)
Money given on Chanukah is holy. In this short video, Rabbi Levi Kaplan lays out a clear and concise route to educate children. It is our responsibility to allow our children to experience the difficulty of learning and improving themselves and to reward them for their effort
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Chanukah: Time to Glow Up (6:30)
The chanukah lights increase in number each night. The goodness in our lives and the world are a reflection of the increasing light of Chanukah. Rabbi Chaim Miller charts the path of the ideal life in this world, and the reality of our lives. When mired in the ups and downs of life, it is difficult to see the constantly upward trend
Rabbi Chaim Miller (49)
What is the Miracle of the First Day of Chanukah? (3:43)
So many miracles, which is the greatest? The Jews were repeatedly crushed and defeated in battle and the Holy Temple was desecrated. Nevertheless the Jews were still ready to search for the oil to bring the sliver of light that would shine up the world. Rabbi Dovber Pinson presents one of the miracles of Chanukah from his huge reservoir of Chassidic and Kabbalistic knowledge.
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Are You Shining? (1:26:46)
Do you glow inside and out? Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in an illuminating class about the deeper meaning of the flames. Discover how to recognize the very unique light within yourself, different than any other, and how to actualize it in your life and your relationships.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
The Hidden Story of Chanukah (31:01)
Where does Sukkos fall into Chanukah? Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks' mastery of history and philosophy come into play in this fascinating video. The true story of Chanukah has many facets that he lays out in an orderly fashion and clarifies each one
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
The Miracle of Chanukah Today (10:24)
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Chanukah and Self Actualization (0:59)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Chanukah: Light from Within (27:15)
Mrs. Miriam Yerushalmi (2)
The Menorah in the Temple (7:47)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Yehoshua the High Priest (6:19)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
What's in a Name: Chanukah (3:49)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
How Miraculous was the Miracle of Chanukah? (1:01:01)
In this segment with Rabbi Eli Silberstein, we will explore the nature of the unique miracle of Chanukkah. Chanukkah is called the festival of lights, but did you ever stop to think, it seems like quite a minor miracle to merit such a major holiday? All other holidays commemorate large and transformative miracles, while in comparison, this seems somewhat insignificant
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Chanukah: Share the Light (7:03)
Rabbi Chay Amar (6)
Parshah Cast: Chanukah (3:58)
Parsha Cast with Rabbi Benny Rapoport is an in-depth analysis of the weekly parsha and the historical events connected to it. Learn how the happenings of thousands of years ago continue to have a continued effect on all of us living in today's world.
Rabbi Benny Rapoport (12)
Chanukah: Celebrating Religious Freedom (4:38)
Rabbi Mordechai Eskovitz (1)
Landmark Cases in American Courts: The Public Menorah (22:55)
Noted civil liberties lawyer Nathan Lewin discusses his involvement in the legal battle to allow menorahs to be lit in public spaces.
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Eight Lights (9:26)
What is the meaning and message of Chanukah? What is the spiritual significance of the Lights of the Menorah? What are the Lights telling us? What is the deeper dimension of the Dreidel? Rabbi DovBer Pinson, with his trademark deep learning and spiritual sensitivity, guides us through eight meditations relating to the Lights of the Menorah and the eight days of Chanukah
Series: Book of the Month
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
The Month of Kislev (11:40)
Rabbi Shea Hecht is the chairman of the board of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE) which is a multi-faceted charity that protects, feeds and educates thousands throughout the NY metro area and around the nation. For more information about NCFJE, check out www.ncfje.org.
Series: The Jewish Year
Rabbi Shea Hecht (20)
Conversations: Free to be Jewish (39:15)
Mrs. Baila Olidort, editor-in-chief of Lubavitch.com, moderates a discussion with celebrated author, and distinguished professor of law at Harvard, Alan M. Dershowitz; Mr
Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein (2)
Laws of Chanukah (51:17)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Kosher Oil - Chanukah Special (8:59)
Next on Kosher Corner: The Need for Kosher Certification - Hidden Ingredients For more information go to www.kosherspirit.com or www.ok.org. .
Series: Kosher Corner
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman (18)
The Jewish vs. Hellenistic Approach to Torah (11:21)
You can visit Mrs. Tzukernik's website at: thekabbalahcoach.com.
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Chanukah (43:24)
"Kollel Yom Rishon" is an open lecture which can be attended on every Sunday morning, 11:15 A.M, at Beis Menachem Mendel, 1703 Avenue J, Brooklyn, NY. Rabbi Yochanan Marsow serves as rabbi and spiritual leader of Beis Menachem Mendel in Flatbush, New York. He gives daily lectures on topics encompassing the entire gamut of Talmudic law and Chassidic philosophy
Rabbi Yochanan Marsow (14)
The Spiritual Battle of Chanukah (4:27)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman (169)
Celebrating Chanukah after the Mumbai Attack (5:47)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman (169)
Celebrating Chanukah - A Chassidic Insight (4:06)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman (169)
Miracles & Lights (38:24)
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
The Menorah: Going Above and Beyond (20:03)
Mrs. Leah Abraham (11)
Dreidel: The Mystical Angle (8:42)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson is a world-renowned scholar, author, thinker, and beloved spiritual teacher.
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
The Kabbalah of Kislev (12:26)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson is a world-renowned scholar, author, thinker, and beloved spiritual teacher. Through his books, lectures, and consul he has touched and inspired the lives of thousands.
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
In Those Days, At This Time (11:10)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson is a world-renowned scholar, author, thinker, and beloved spiritual teacher. Through his books, lectures, and consul he has touched and inspired the lives of thousands. Amongst his published works are: Reincarnation & Judaism: The Journey of the Soul. Inner Rhythms: The Kabbalah of Music Meditation & Judaism: Exploring the Jewish Meditative Paths
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)