Reward (6:39)
Series: Positive Parenting
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Effective Discipline (5:50)
Series: Positive Parenting
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Quality Time (5:32)
Series: Positive Parenting
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Active Listening (5:34)
Series: Positive Parenting
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Guiding our Children in a Modern World - Q&A (26:41)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Guiding Our Children in a Modern World (48:16)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Kids Without Fear (53:34)
Kids Without Fear: Understanding Child Anxiety Disorders and OCD. 1 in 8 children have an anxiety disorder. This can cause misunderstanding and often frustration in families. Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch, licensed marriage and family therapist, addresses the common issues associated with the disorder and provides tips on how to recognize anxiety in your children and treat it properly
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Child Safety On-the-Fly 3 (6:55)
Series: Child Safety
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Child Safety On-the-Fly - 2 (6:04)
Series: Child Safety
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Positive Energy: How to Motivate Your Children (50:23)
Rabbi Shmuel Lew (23)
Child Safety On the Fly - 1 (5:19)
In this talk, noted child safety expert Rabbi Yakov Horowitz teaches basic principles in personal safety that every parent must know. With Rabbi Horowitz’s logical, systematic and direct approach, parents can empower their children to protect themselves should they encounter a possible predator
Series: Child Safety
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Balanced Parenting: Love and Limits (38:23)
What happens when you push away your child with your left hand and pull him close with the right hand? He turns around. Dr. David Pelcovitz, Professor of Psychology at Yeshiva University, interweaves his talk with stories that bring his points firmly home. Today’s parents are right hand specialists, creating spoiled children, unprepared for life
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
Why Go to Yeshiva? (25:41)
The Jews are the canary in the mine; they play a transcendent role in history. Evil concentrates on the Jews first, but non-Jews are foolish if they dismiss what happens to the Jews as not their problem. Dennis Prager relates how his childhood experiences in yeshiva helped to define who he is today and how he views today's morality
Mr. Dennis Prager (27)
Fostering Our Children's Self-Esteem (43:52)
Mrs. Malky Freund (3)
Identifying Early Signs of Learning Disabilities (54:38)
All children learn in individual ways. Children with learning disabilities process information differently. Having a learning disability can affect a student's ability to read, write, speak, do math, and build social relationships. During this workshop, teachers will be able to identify signs of multiple disabilities and learn strategies to support them.
Mrs. Patrice Morgan (1)
No Jewish Child Left Behind (15:50)
Series: Mission to Israel 2012
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky (22)
Consequences (9:55)
Lessons in Education: 1. Encouragement 2. Responsibility 3. Consequences 4. Effective Praise I 5. Effective Praise II 6. Tying it Together.
Series: Lessons in Education
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Responsibility (11:22)
Lessons in Education: 1. Encouragement 2. Responsibility 3. Consequences 4. Effective Praise I 5. Effective Praise II 6. Tying it Together .
Series: Lessons in Education
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Encouragement (9:44)
Lessons in Education: 2. Responsibility 3. Consequences 4. Effective Praise I 5. Effective Praise II 6. Tying it Together.
Series: Lessons in Education
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Child Safety (13:56)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Monitoring Our Students' Mental Health (16:08)
In this lecture addressed to aspiring teachers, Dr. Samuel Klagsbrun, child psychiatrist, discusses compassionate and pragmatic methods for evaluating the mental health of potentially troubled students. This lecture was coordinated by the Menachem Education Foundation, for more information visit; mymef.org.
Dr. Samuel Klagsbrun (1)
Parenting Teenagers (42:35)
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch shares skills and practical tips to communicate effectively with teens. Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch, MA, is a Marriage and Family therapist who maintains a practice in Crown Heights specializing in couples therapy and families with teenagers at risk. More information is available at www.jewishmarriagesupport.com.
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Disciplining Children (30:35)
Mrs. Pearl Stroh (1)
The Mitzvah of Educating Children (53:53)
Judaism takes the education of children very seriously - a parent is supposed to dedicate half an hour every single day to contemplating their kids' education. What is it about education that makes it important enough to be an actual Biblical commandment? Find out in this lecture by Rabbi Nochem Kaplan.
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Communicating with Our Children (1:26:13)
What is the secret to effective, loving communication? How can we develop more meaningful relationships with our kids? Join Dr. David Pelcovitz for an enlightening talk on cultivating true communication with our children.
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)