Teaching the Mesorah and Jewish History (1:50:56)
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti (8)
Why Be Jewish? (1:39:23)
Why should I live like a Jew? It is a tough sell in a society that doesn't push Jews into a ghetto. Rabbi Abba Perlmuter, in his inimitable style, touches on deep topics with a light hand and lots of humor.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Development of Learning Skills (1:37:47)
Chew with passion. Savoring the taste of learning requires asking questions and using a child's multiple intelligences. Rabbi Jonathan Rietti gives a comprehensive explanation of how children learn and shows the similarities between Torah learning and the Montesorri method. For more about Rabbi Rietti please visit: Jewishinspiration.com.
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti (8)
The Holy Tongue: True Meaning (1:37:43)
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti (8)
Communicating with Our Children (1:26:13)
What is the secret to effective, loving communication? How can we develop more meaningful relationships with our kids? Join Dr. David Pelcovitz for an enlightening talk on cultivating true communication with our children.
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
The Jewish Life Cycle (1:16:58)
If you wear a watch on your right wrist, does your left wrist feel deprived? Mrs Henya Laine outlines the life cycle of a Jew from birth to marriage. She explains the differences between a boy and a girl as each being part of a couple, later to get married, where they complement each other
Mrs. Henya Laine (1)
Talmud with Training Wheels (1:16:53)
Do you miss those “old yeshiva days” and yearn for a second chance? Did you miss yeshiva altogether and always wanted to study a page of Talmud? Looking to get back into the rhythm of daily learning or don’t know where to start? Let Rabbi Kaplan guide you, and you’ll be on your way!.
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
"Teaching" - A Definition (1:16:50)
Is teaching simply the transmission of facts from teacher to student, or is it inherently something more profound? Join Rabbi Dr. Aharon Hersh Fried for a thought-provoking discussion on the nature of teaching and the teacher-student relationship.
Rabbi Dr. Aharon Hersh Fried (1)
Play to Learn and Learn to Play (1:15:34)
From birth, play is the way children inquire and learn about the world around them. This fast -paced workshop with Mrs. Sarah Avtzon, is designed to reinforce the importance of hands-on, play-based learning in the early years and discusses how play is “getting them ready”.
Mrs. Sarah Avtzon (1)
Keeping the Street Outside, Chinuch Inside (1:10:40)
Dr. Shlomo Zimmerman (1)
Practical Implementation of a Multi-Sensory Approach to Teaching Alef Beit (1:03:19)
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti (8)
Principles of Education and Guidance (1:02:25)
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
Middos Development in the Primary School (56:34)
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti (8)
Caught in the Web (56:17)
Mr. Philip Rosenthal, Computer Crime Investigator, speaks about the pros and cons of the internet, using fascinating examples from his personal experiences investigating criminal misuse of the internet to illustrate his points.
Mr. Philip Rosenthal (2)
Identifying Early Signs of Learning Disabilities (54:38)
All children learn in individual ways. Children with learning disabilities process information differently. Having a learning disability can affect a student's ability to read, write, speak, do math, and build social relationships. During this workshop, teachers will be able to identify signs of multiple disabilities and learn strategies to support them.
Mrs. Patrice Morgan (1)
The Mitzvah of Educating Children (53:53)
Judaism takes the education of children very seriously - a parent is supposed to dedicate half an hour every single day to contemplating their kids' education. What is it about education that makes it important enough to be an actual Biblical commandment? Find out in this lecture by Rabbi Nochem Kaplan.
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Positive Energy: How to Motivate Your Children (50:23)
Rabbi Shmuel Lew (23)
Chassidic Feminism (50:05)
Series: Soul Encounters
Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin (16)
Guiding Our Children in a Modern World (48:16)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Raising Independent Children (45:25)
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti (8)
Building a Lasting Relationship With Our Children (45:07)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Fostering Our Children's Self-Esteem (43:52)
Mrs. Malky Freund (3)
Creating a Torah-Home (42:16)
The warmth as opposed to the fire for mitzvahs must permeate the home. Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld, through stories and examples, illustrates how to run a Torah home.
Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld (2)
Questions & Answers (38:51)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Bringing Out Your Child's Unique Potential (38:42)
Plant a grapevine, watch it grow and learn how to raise your children. In this outstanding presentation, Rabbi Lawrence Keleman lays out the 3 steps necessary to raise great kids. With stories and humor he describes the method involving Planting, Building and Prayer. Produced by Sinai Indaba.
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen (4)
Balanced Parenting: Love and Limits (38:23)
What happens when you push away your child with your left hand and pull him close with the right hand? He turns around. Dr. David Pelcovitz, Professor of Psychology at Yeshiva University, interweaves his talk with stories that bring his points firmly home. Today’s parents are right hand specialists, creating spoiled children, unprepared for life
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
Successfully Using Montessori in Jewish Education (34:38)
Build an individual relationship with each child and the group will be much more receptive. Mrs. Rivkah Sharfstein, a master educator, describes her experiences with the Montessori Method in her teaching. She mentions the beautiful equipment used, and the advantages of the method for teaching children about Jewish laws and customs and the alef-bet.
Mrs. Rivkah Sharfstein (1)
The Need for Holocaust Education Part 2 (34:23)
Dr. Leonard Saxe (4)
The Rebbe's Guidance in Jewish Education: Ten Practical Lessons (34:02)
Mrs. Devorah Alevsky (4)
Speaking To Your Kids About Personal Safety (33:55)
“Speaking to Your Kids about Personal Safety” is a parenting workshop conducted by Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Director of The Center for Jewish Family Life’s Project YES and dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam in Monsey, NY. For more articles by Rabbi Horowitz and to hear about upcoming events, go to RabbiHorowitz.com.
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Disciplining Children (30:35)
Mrs. Pearl Stroh (1)
Balance and Context in Spiritual Growth (30:06)
Context is everything in achieving spiritual balance in one's life, but putting things into context can be a very delicate operation. Vintage footage of Rabbi Meir Abehsera's famed post-Shabbos gatherings.
Rabbi Michael Abehsera (1)
Say 'Yes' to Teaching (28:15)
The rewards of teaching and the effects of a teacher can be vast, but teaching requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Rabbi Markowitz, a noted educator for almost 3 decades, brings pointers for teachers to ensure a rewarding experience for teachers, students and parents.
Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz (3)
The Art of Understanding Others and Strengthening Relationships (27:33)
As Director of Disabilities for a special education center, Mrs. Mina Sputz knows all about the art of understanding other and strengthening relationships. She describes the different personality types that make each person unique, as well as why communication is so important in the art of understanding others and in strengthening relationships. In this video, Mrs
Mrs. Mina Sputz (1)
Why Go to Yeshiva? (25:41)
The Jews are the canary in the mine; they play a transcendent role in history. Evil concentrates on the Jews first, but non-Jews are foolish if they dismiss what happens to the Jews as not their problem. Dennis Prager relates how his childhood experiences in yeshiva helped to define who he is today and how he views today's morality
Mr. Dennis Prager (27)
The Need for Holocaust Education Part 3 (23:57)
Dr. Leonard Saxe (4)
Reggio for Your Kids: Get Them Involved! (21:59)
Series: Pesach Symposium 2014
Mrs. Rivkie Spalter (1)
Holocaust Education Q&A (19:18)
Dr. Leonard Saxe (4)
Lessons in Education (18:28)
Examining Torah laws and prohibitions, Mrs. Lieberman gleans deep insights into Jewish education. This class was given at Machon Chana's Yeshivacation program in Crown Heights, New York. YeshivaCation is a learning program which takes place twice a year- during the winter and spring breaks
Series: Are You a Teacher
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
Are You a Teacher? (16:54)
This class was given at Machon Chana's Yeshivacation program in Crown Heights, New York. YeshivaCation is a learning program which takes place twice a year- during the winter and spring breaks. The course consists of fascinating classes, lectures and interactive workshops, and can be an all-encompassing introduction, an expansion of existing knowledge or an energizing vacation
Series: Are You a Teacher
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
Monitoring Our Students' Mental Health (16:08)
In this lecture addressed to aspiring teachers, Dr. Samuel Klagsbrun, child psychiatrist, discusses compassionate and pragmatic methods for evaluating the mental health of potentially troubled students. This lecture was coordinated by the Menachem Education Foundation, for more information visit; mymef.org.
Dr. Samuel Klagsbrun (1)
No Jewish Child Left Behind (15:50)
Series: Mission to Israel 2012
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky (22)
Jewish Women in Education (14:14)
Mrs Sarah Lieberman presents a talk that the Lubavitcher Rebbe delivered in 1990 at a gathering of Jewish women leaders. This very unique talk discusses the importance of education and Torah study for children from the perspective of Jewish law
Series: Are You a Teacher
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
Child Safety (13:56)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Effective Praise I (12:57)
Our children need our feedback to know what behaviors to repeat, they crave our attention and constantly look for our approval and praise. With proper encouragement and praise, we can reinforce good behavior and change the bad. Learning how to use praise effectively is an invaluable asset in the parenting skills-repertoire of any parent. Lessons in Education: 1. Encouragement 2
Series: Lessons in Education
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Responsibility (11:22)
Lessons in Education: 1. Encouragement 2. Responsibility 3. Consequences 4. Effective Praise I 5. Effective Praise II 6. Tying it Together .
Series: Lessons in Education
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Understanding the Dangers of the Web (10:35)
Perhaps the greatest innovation of the 20th century is the creation of the World Wide Web, the Internet. It is surely the most widely used innovation of the century, and its benefits are felt by all of society and affects every area of our lives. Commerce, information, politics and medicine have all been transformed by the Internet
Rabbi Yossi Simpson (2)
Different Ages, Different Challenges (10:18)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Jewish Education; Raising Your Child to Be a "Mentch" (10:04)
Mrs. Miriam Althaus (1)
Consequences (9:55)
Lessons in Education: 1. Encouragement 2. Responsibility 3. Consequences 4. Effective Praise I 5. Effective Praise II 6. Tying it Together.
Series: Lessons in Education
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
JLI Teen of the Year Award 2014 - Sasha Pines (9:55)
Sasha Pines is a member of the JLI teen program in San Diego and an active volunteer for Friendship Circle. At the age of 15, she created a summer camp for special needs children which doubled in size over the next couple of years. At this year's JLI retreat, Sasha is nominated as Teen of the Year for embodying the leadership of a JLI teen
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
Encouragement (9:44)
Lessons in Education: 2. Responsibility 3. Consequences 4. Effective Praise I 5. Effective Praise II 6. Tying it Together.
Series: Lessons in Education
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Effective Praise II (9:38)
The litmus test of a good compliment and successful praise is to see if it encourages and stimulates continued effort and dedication to perpetual learning and growth. The best form of praise gets children to think about their behavior and determine to do the right thing. Lessons in Education: 1. Encouragement 2. Responsibility 3. Consequences 4. Effective Praise I 5
Series: Lessons in Education
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Tying it Together (9:20)
Parenting is the most difficult task we have and we come to it so unprepared. We need use all our knowledge, get the best counsel and put forth our best effort; then recite a few chapters of Tehilim, in prayerful supplication that by the grace of G-d and with His help, we will manage. Additionally, some chinuch lessons from the Pesach Seder. Lessons in Education: 1. Encouragement 2
Series: Lessons in Education
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Dvar Torah at the Kinus Hashluchim 5773 (8:18)
Rabbi Eli Rosenfeld (1)
Tips from a Teacher (7:55)
Mrs. Beruriah Tenenbaum (1)
The Role of a Teacher (7:19)
Mrs. Ella Blesofsky (1)
To Inspire Others (7:15)
This class was given at Machon Chana's Yeshivacation program in Crown Heights, New York. YeshivaCation is a learning program which takes place twice a year- during the winter and spring breaks. The course consists of fascinating classes, lectures and interactive workshops, and can be an all-encompassing introduction, an expansion of existing knowledge or an energizing vacation
Series: Are You a Teacher
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
Lessons in Education from our Heroes (6:58)
Mr. Norman Atkins (1)
Child Safety On-the-Fly 3 (6:55)
Series: Child Safety
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Torah and Society: Rights vs. Responsibilities (6:53)
These days, we hear a lot about "rights"- human rights, civil rights, parental rights etc, and our society belives that everyone is entitled to certain rights. Does the Torah share this view? Rabbi Lieberman explains how the Torah grants priviliges in exchange for responsibility; that "rights" are really responsibilites we owe to other people.
Rabbi Moshe Lieberman (5)
Gelt Well Spent (6:18)
Money given on Chanukah is holy. In this short video, Rabbi Levi Kaplan lays out a clear and concise route to educate children. It is our responsibility to allow our children to experience the difficulty of learning and improving themselves and to reward them for their effort
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Child Safety On-the-Fly - 2 (6:04)
Series: Child Safety
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Child Safety On the Fly - 1 (5:19)
In this talk, noted child safety expert Rabbi Yakov Horowitz teaches basic principles in personal safety that every parent must know. With Rabbi Horowitz’s logical, systematic and direct approach, parents can empower their children to protect themselves should they encounter a possible predator
Series: Child Safety
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
A Plea for an Average Student (5:15)
Rabbi Shmuel Dishon (3)
Talmudic Ethics (5:14)
Teaching Spiritual Concepts to Children (5:07)
Series: Are You a Teacher
Mrs. Nechama Hordiner (1)
A Religious Woman in Academia (4:10)
The Sinai Scholars Symposium is a yearly conference for university students, hosted by the Sinai Scholars Society. Students from around the world gather with an esteemed panel of Ivy League professors, world-class Torah scholars and experts in their field to study, discuss and present their thoughts on various subjects that deal with Judaism and the modern world
Dr. Kate Miriam Loewenthal (1)
Character Education (3:38)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Why Jewish Education Is so Important (2:51)
Mrs. Yael Trusch (12)
Delinquency Prevention (2:41)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
G-d is in the Details (2:18)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
10. What is a Rabbi? (1:58)
10 Questions with Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks 1. What are the Basic Beliefs in Judaism? 2. How Do You Know There is a G-d? 3. How can the Torah be Trusted? 4. How Can the Belief in G-d Be Reconciled with Science? 5
Series: 10 Questions with Rabbi Sacks
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Why Is Character Education Important? (1:55)
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
When Do We Teach Our Child about Giving? (1:37)
Start young. Rabbi Manis Friedman gives the recipe for a happy person in this short but intense video. This video has been produced Platinum Mentorship, moderated by Yaron Hassid.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)