Woman of Valor: Who, Me? (31:45)
What were the ideal woman’s traits 2000 years ago? How could we know? The Aishes Chayil prayer sung before Kiddush every Friday night outlines the ideal woman. Mrs Miriam Lipskier goes further and elucidates the meaning behind the words.
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier (9)
I Am Woman (46:10)
We all know that men and women are quite different, but do we know how and why? Learn how Jewish mysticism celebrates gender differences, and how these very differences serve to unite and complement
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
Allure and Demure (48:32)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner (7)
From Emunah to Joy: An Eight-Day Journey (18:07)
Series: Pesach Symposium 2014
Mrs. Gitty Rapoport (4)
Challenges of the Contemporary Jewish Woman (58:29)
Our diverse panel of women in education, medicine and business will shine light from every angle onto the question: What does it mean to be a Jewish woman today? The participants’ broad range of experience and views will ensure that no question will be left unanswered. This panel was featured at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Sara Reichman (1)
The Challenge of Modernity (1:08:04)
Connect to Torah Cafe daily to maintain and build your connection to G-d and overcome the challenge of modernity. Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson speaks to the Neshei Chabad Women's Midwinter Convention, with his usual engrossing style
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
The Jewish Feminine Manifesto (36:48)
There is a way to view our role as women from the inside out, as a special path that we are given. In this humorous and enlightening talk, given at the National Jewish Retreat, Mrs. Chaya Teldon reviews the three mitzvot of women and shows us how to live spiritually enriching lives with the special role we are given. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
Women-Only Mitzvot (52:01)
How has Judaism changed for woman in the modern era? It hasn't. This is the question that a journalist asked Miriam Lipskier as she was knee deep in Rosh Hashanah preparations. A woman's essence has always been what makes the home, and all Jewish occasions and activities can and do take place in the home
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier (9)
The Redemption Through Women (5:21)
Rabbi Moshe Herson (2)
Finding Your Inner Eshet Chayil: A Talk on Personal Bravery (29:13)
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
Ruth: A Contemporary Lesson (19:26)
Mrs. Frumma Gottlieb (11)
A Double Vision (47:15)
What are the ties that bind this fascinating quartet: twin sisters who grew up in a Chasidic enclave in Brooklyn, now residing thousands of miles apart on opposite coasts, and the soul sisters they met along the way? This unique session will take us on a journey without a speed limit from the capital of Wisconsin, to Silicon Valley—the road will be anything but well traveled.
Mrs. Dena Levin (1)
United From a Distance (6:17)
Mrs. Rivi Feldman (2)
Freedom in Body and Spirit— Part 1 (11:03)
In this video, part 1 of a 3-part series, Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels, a Chinese herbalist, and acupuncturist, explains the functions of various organs and what happens when they are not functioning well. Mrs
Series: Freedom in Body and Spirit
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels (4)
The Woman's Role in the Jewish Future (43:18)
The secret of remembering what you hear and why women have more of the necessary attribute. Rabbi Simon Jacobson defines bitul as modesty, humility and suspension of self. Everything in life goes through a state of bitul; a seed rots in the soil to grow a beautiful tree; a mother carries a baby within her before birth
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
The Woman of Valor (44:01)
The previous century witnessed the revolution of Torah study for women. As the Jews emerged from the shtetl to the free world, the Jewish woman emerged from the home into the classroom. This content-rich and inspiring lecture examines authentic ancient Torah education as it applies to the contemporary Jewish woman. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
Personal Memories of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka (20:46)
Mrs. Louise Hager (1)
The Power of Light (14:01)
God created light before the sun and moon. What was this light and where is it now? Mrs Chanie Krasnianski shares the source of the light, and where it is hidden today as well as how to access it. She explores the relationships between the sun and the moon and men and women and concludes with the location of that light now.
Mrs. Chanie Krasnianski (1)
Gender Roles (24:35)
A cursory look at Jewish law and customs can shock the uninformed observer. But scratch just a little beneath the surface and you will discover a perfectly balanced system that not only protects but promotes equality. Cast aside media meddling and hackneyed thinking and see for yourself the true gender balance that lies at the heart of Judaism
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
A Mother in the Rebbe's Army (36:23)
Series: Soul Encounters
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
Improving Your Marriage (25:45)
Series: Emotional Intelligence
Mrs. Frumma Gottlieb (11)
The Vital Role of Women in Matan Torah (56:16)
Emunah, sensitivity to G-d’s presence is a womanly attribute. Rabbi Shmuel Lew introduces the giving of the Torah as a fusion of the spiritual and material worlds, something women excel at. Nevertheless, when increasing in observance, it is important to take small measured steps, allowing for internalization.
Rabbi Shmuel Lew (23)
Bread and Fire (14:08)
Renowned lecturer and teacher, Mrs. Rivkah Slonim, introduces her collection of essays on the everyday life of a Jewish woman. She explores some of the various topics that are discussed in the book and gives examples of the thought provoking ideas and personal experiences that are expressed by the eclectic array of writers
Series: Book of the Month
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Freedom in Body and Spirit— Part 2 (9:03)
In this video, part 2 of a 3-part series, Esther Hadassa Samuels, Chinese herbalist, and acupuncturist, discusses growth and flexibility. She suggests that we find our "inner Moses" to lead us to the land of personal fulfillment. Like any proper road trip, this begins with a map -- where we are, and where we want to go
Series: Freedom in Body and Spirit
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels (4)
Rashi's Living Legacy (33:58)
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
Freedom in Body and Spirit— Part 3 (10:24)
In this video, part 3 of 3, Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels discusses the importance of nurturing and nourishing oneself. Whether it's purchasing and preparing healthy food for oneself, creating a focal point for relaxation and self-soothing, or the healing power of music, self-care is crucial
Series: Freedom in Body and Spirit
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels (4)
Successful Womanhood (7:06)
Is being a mother any less of an achievement and success than one who has a career? Absolutely not. Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson will put everything in its proper perspective.
Series: Interview on Success
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
Greetings from the Chairperson (8:14)
Mrs. Chana Kaplan (1)
Chassidic Feminism (2:53)
Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein (11)
What the World Gets Wrong About Women in Judaism (14:20)
Is Judaism governed by patriarchy, and are women relegated to the sidelines? What is the Jewish position on abortion? Is G-d male or female? And finally, what is a Jewish feminist? Wait..
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)