If Maimonides Were Alive Today: The Rambam on Contemporary Jewish Medical Ethics (55:58)
What would Maimonides say about some of today’s most complex medical dilemmas? Analyzing Maimonides’ timeless writings we explore what his approach might be to areas including preventative medicine, the separation of Siamese twins, stem cell research, plastic surgery and Covid-19. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Rabbinic Literature on Anatomy, Physiology, and Therapeutics (46:55)
In this session we will hear the author discuss his newly published, ground-breaking work which traces the development of rabbinic literature's understanding of anatomy, physiology, and therapeutics across time. We will learn the value of an historic perspective as a key to understanding the unique relationship of Judaism and medicine throughout the centuries
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
The Anatomy of a Miracle (54:42)
When Nissi Estrin was born with congenital heart defects, his parents waged a determined battle to save him. Join Elie Estrin for a candid conversation with Dr. Anthony Rossi, director of Pediatric Cardiology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, on science, intervention, advocacy, and hope
Dr. Anthony Rossi (1)
The Joyful Science of Trusting in G-d (3:46)
Clinical Evidence: the Trust-in-G-d method CAN be an effective practice for our well being. This video was produced for Lesson 4 of Code to Joy, a course by The Rosh Chodesh Society.
Reflections on the Career of a Jewish Physician at the CDC (45:56)
Before the “CDC” was mentioned regularly at your dinner table, Dr. Henry Falk spent almost 40 years at the venerable government health institution. Hear about his work and leadership in environmental health, chronic diseases, and emergency responses to the Three Mile Island accident, the World Trade Center attack, and Hurricane Katrina—and how his Judaism informed his career
Dr. Henry Falk (1)
JScreen: A Swab Can Save a Soul (34:49)
Learn about the latest advances out of Emory University to end Jewish genetic diseases. As a community, what can we do to help our friends and family? This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Mrs. Felicia Mayer (1)
Precedented Times: The Jewish Response to Pandemics Throughout the Ages (51:23)
Throughout the centuries and around the world, Jewish communities have experienced many pandemics, including black death, bubonic plague, polio, smallpox, and measles. In this session, we explore how rabbis, physicians, and communal leaders confronted plagues of the past, and we find striking parallels to the issues we face today
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Jewish Medical Ethics Q&A (49:44)
If you have a heart, brain, liver, kidney, or chromosomes, you might be interested in this session. Fertility, organ donation, Covid and risk to physicians, triaging ventilators, end of life issues, the definition of death - no medical topic is off-limits. Bring your questions, comments, brain (and assorted organs) for an educationally nutritious experience
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Government Regulations in Time of Emergency: Does Jewish Law Compel Obedience? (45:40)
Throughout the COVID pandemic, many have wondered what Jewish Law says about obeying government regulations concerning public health. Your chance to find out the truth. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
Halachic Triage: Who Gets Vaccinated First? (29:57)
Group A, B, or C? While the CDC has its way of choosing who gets vaccines first, what would Jewish law say? This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
Of Medicine, Miracles, and Mindsets (1:07:54)
Embark on the story of a remarkable medical journey. When their child was diagnosed in utero with complex congenital heart and gastrointestinal defects, Elie and Chaya Rochel Estrin knew they had a challenging ride ahead. Inspired by the Jewish approach to life, the Estrins battled for their baby's life despite dire predictions of a six-hour lifespan
Mrs. Chaya Rochel Estrin (1)
Vaccination and Jewish Law: From Pre-Modern Times until Today (51:02)
The development of a COVID vaccine has generated numerous ethical issues. In this lecture, we discuss the Jewish responses to vaccination spanning from the first vaccination, Smallpox, to the Covid vaccine. Topics will include risk, kashrut, anti-Semitism, and religious exemption. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Asking Rabbis for Medical Advice? (1:28)
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
The Halachic Response to Pandemics Through the Ages (26:17)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Mummies, Midwives and Makkos (46:43)
With the Exodus from Egypt as our point of departure, we explore issues in Jewish medical ethics - including the plagues, embalming, organ donation, multi-gestational pregnancies and anesthesia for childbirth. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
JScreen: Genetic Testing in Jewish Community (33:58)
Learn about the latest advances, out of Emory University, to end Jewish Genetic Diseases. As a community, what can we do to help our friends and family? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Hillary Regelman (1)
Medical Ethics Roundtable (39:39)
As a patient or caretaker, have you ever encountered Jewish medical ethics questions for which you did not have the answers? To find the answers you need, ask a panel of rabbis and doctors. This sesssion was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Healthy in Mind, Body, and Soul (1:10:47)
Mrs. Miriam Yerushalmi (2)
Judaism, Faith and Recovery (2005) (1:38:31)
Does a crisis destroy one’s life, or can it ultimately prove to have been a blessing in disguise and reveal things about a person that would have otherwise never been discovered? What are our religious obligations in trying to help ourselves medically; must it be within the natural order of the world or can we rely strictly on divine intervention? And is prayer about changing G-d's mind, or about changing ourselves and our perspective? This is a vintage video and is being shared here for its historical value and content, not for the quality of its video
Dr. Bernie S. Siegel (1)
Healthy Lifestyle Choices (2005) (1:16:25)
Can healthy lifestyle choices be mandated on individuals who engage in unhealthy habits? Can someone be stopped from doing something that will create a burden on the community? Are we free to do with our bodies as we see fit even if it will be harmed by our behaviors? And does Judaism have anything to say about one’s obligation towards the wellbeing and maintenance of his body? This is a vintage video and is being shared here for its historical value and its content, not for the quality of its video
Dr. Alfred Sofer (2)
Reducing Psychological and Physical Pain (13:08)
Series: Marriage Matters
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Medical Utopias of the Future (57:03)
What does Judaism have to say about the elimination of disease, the reversing of aging, and prospects for human immortality? This workshop examines recent medical breakthroughs in genetic engineering, stem cell research, and nanotechnology in the context of classical Jewish sources. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
The Nine Principles of Happiness (39:14)
Special Thanks to The Happiness Club & SimpleToRemember.com How to be happy in life. Follow the 9 steps laid out by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin for joy. 1. I think appreciatively and gratefully. What five things am I grateful for now? 2. I speak and act joyfully and kindly
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin (1)
The Medical Protective Effect of Circumcision (21:01)
Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Halperin (2)
Vitamin D-vine (59:21)
Dr. Robert Bornstein and Rabbi Shloime Zacks pair up to deliver fresh and insightful lessons on physical and spiritual health and healing.
Dr. Robert Bornstein (1)
Freedom in Body and Spirit— Part 3 (10:24)
In this video, part 3 of 3, Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels discusses the importance of nurturing and nourishing oneself. Whether it's purchasing and preparing healthy food for oneself, creating a focal point for relaxation and self-soothing, or the healing power of music, self-care is crucial
Series: Freedom in Body and Spirit
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels (4)
Freedom in Body and Spirit— Part 2 (9:03)
In this video, part 2 of a 3-part series, Esther Hadassa Samuels, Chinese herbalist, and acupuncturist, discusses growth and flexibility. She suggests that we find our "inner Moses" to lead us to the land of personal fulfillment. Like any proper road trip, this begins with a map -- where we are, and where we want to go
Series: Freedom in Body and Spirit
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels (4)
Freedom in Body and Spirit— Part 1 (11:03)
In this video, part 1 of a 3-part series, Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels, a Chinese herbalist, and acupuncturist, explains the functions of various organs and what happens when they are not functioning well. Mrs
Series: Freedom in Body and Spirit
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels (4)
It’s My Body (1:29:11)
In a world that increasingly judges people on their external beauty, our society has become consumed with appearances
Series: Contemporary Issues
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
The Great Health Care Debate (28:22)
In this segment, Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe discuss the great health care debate going on not only in the United States, but worldwide. People are divided over whether society is obligated to provide health care to all people. This ties in with another dimension of the health care debate, which is the level of responsibility we have toward our fellow human beings
Series: Contemporary Issues
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Healing (3:18)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson explains how health can be achieved through spiritual and physical balance. To hear more teachings like this, please visit us at: http://www.sinalive.com.
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Healthcare Debate (1:10:31)
Why do we spend so much more on healthcare, per capita, than other developed countries? Why do we achieve worse outcomes on several important measures than countries that spend far less? Why do we spend up to twice as much per person as countries that provide universal coverage, while leaving as many as fifty million Americans without insurance? This session takes a brutally honest look at Jewish legal writings on the right to medical care, comparing them to recent legislation in the US, and viewing Jewish law as a model for healthcare reform
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)