5. Break Out of Your Limitations (7:42)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 3
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Parenting Teenagers (42:35)
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch shares skills and practical tips to communicate effectively with teens. Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch, MA, is a Marriage and Family therapist who maintains a practice in Crown Heights specializing in couples therapy and families with teenagers at risk. More information is available at www.jewishmarriagesupport.com.
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Logic and Love (1:04:04)
Mrs. Rochel Goldman shares some Torah tips on parenting, including suggestions for effective time-management and for staying sane when the kids are running wild.
Mrs. Rochel Goldman (2)
Jewish Summer Camps (13:03)
Mrs. Nechama Laber grew up in Brooklyn, NY and studied at the Beth Rivkah School. Nechama traveled each summer from the age of 15 to various Jewish camps around the world to be a counselor
Mrs. Nechama Laber (1)
The Parenting Pains of Modern Society (1:00:13)
How can we overcome the unique challenges of parenting in today’s world? Rapid advances in technology and culture mean that we sometimes don’t even speak the same language as our children. Learn how timeless Torah wisdom and the latest in modern psychology come together to develop a winning strategy for both parent and child
Mrs. Dassie New (2)
Keeping the Street Outside, Chinuch Inside (1:10:40)
Dr. Shlomo Zimmerman (1)
The Only Solution to Protecting Your Family (20:30)
This speech was delivered on September 12, 2011 at an event coordinated by Merkaz Anash. Rabbi Twerski speaks about the addictiveness of the Internet and how to overcome the challenges associated with this problem.
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski (16)
Guiding Our Children in a Modern World (48:16)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Balanced Parenting: Love and Limits (38:23)
What happens when you push away your child with your left hand and pull him close with the right hand? He turns around. Dr. David Pelcovitz, Professor of Psychology at Yeshiva University, interweaves his talk with stories that bring his points firmly home. Today’s parents are right hand specialists, creating spoiled children, unprepared for life
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
Raising Independent Children (45:25)
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti (8)
Do You Know Where your Children Are? (48:41)
Raising children is always a challenge. But In our fast-paced world with technological advances beyond our wildest dreams, have the rules changed? How do we keep our kids and grandkids on track in the era of smartphones and Snapchat? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Healthy Parents = Healthy Children (28:59)
Watch out! Every moment is an educational experience. Sara Esther Crispe shares her parenting tips spiced with chasidus and stories. The first step is to work towards a happy, fullfilled and content mother which will reflect on the children and the household. Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe is the creator of the women’s site www.TheJewishWoman
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
Bringing Out Your Child's Unique Potential (38:42)
Plant a grapevine, watch it grow and learn how to raise your children. In this outstanding presentation, Rabbi Lawrence Keleman lays out the 3 steps necessary to raise great kids. With stories and humor he describes the method involving Planting, Building and Prayer. Produced by Sinai Indaba.
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen (4)
Communicating with Our Children (1:26:13)
What is the secret to effective, loving communication? How can we develop more meaningful relationships with our kids? Join Dr. David Pelcovitz for an enlightening talk on cultivating true communication with our children.
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
Priceless Parenting Techniques (51:31)
Through stories and examples, Rabbi Shmuel Dishon brings to light parenting techniques that will help to guide us through today's challenges. Rabbi Dishon reveals filters that have been used to protect ourselves and our children beginning in Sarah's tent.
Rabbi Shmuel Dishon (3)
Putting Life into Perspective (41:02)
Mrs. Chana Weisberg (7)
Different Ages, Different Challenges (10:18)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Got Parents (6:04)
Place your parents on a pedestal and if they fall off, put them back up. Rabbi Manis Friedman defines the relationship between a child and parent as one of entitlement. A child can never repay his parents and they are entitled to respect and honor despite their skills or success at parenting.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Educate My Child (1:30:42)
Rabbi Aaron D. Gancz (4)
7. Self-Mastery Within Your Reach (7:48)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 5
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
14. Touch Infinite Joy (11:14)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 12
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
6. What You Do Matters (10:19)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 4
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
9. Connect with Your Purpose (10:50)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 7. Beraishis Boro Elo-Him Eis Ha-Shomayim Ve-Eis Ho-Oretz
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
11. Give Your All—Blood, Sweat, and Tears! (13:20)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 9. Yogatee Velo Motzosee Al Ta'amin
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
12. Open Your Heart to Others (13:52)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 10. Ve-O-Havto Le-Rei-Acho Ko-Mo-Cho Ra'bi Akivo Omeir Zeh Klol Godol Ba-Torah
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Disciplining Children (30:35)
Mrs. Pearl Stroh (1)
Raising Passionate Children (37:47)
Rabbi Donny Frank (1)
The Dangers of Child Smartphone Use (21:37)
Series: Marriage Matters
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Positive Parenting (14:47)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan, veteran educator and speaker, shares three tips on parenting through the lens of Jewish mysticism.
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
8. Develop a Personal Relationship with G-d (5:19)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 6
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
The Rebbe's Guidance in Jewish Education: Ten Practical Lessons (34:02)
Mrs. Devorah Alevsky (4)
Instilling Emotional Intelligence in Our Children (38:16)
Series: Emotional Intelligence
Mrs. Frumma Gottlieb (11)
The Lubavitcher Rebbe's Approach To Media and Technology (22:29)
This speech was delivered on September 12, 2011 at an event coordinated by Merkaz Anash. Rabbi Groner explains that there are lessons we can learn from the technicalities of how the Internet is programmed and that we have to find a way to use the Internet in a pure way that will not harm anyone.
Rabbi Leibel Groner (4)
The Fundamentals of Parenting (34:48)
Rabbi Shmuel Dishon speaks about the fundamentals of successful parenting - leadership, direction, and education.
Rabbi Shmuel Dishon (3)
Teens at Risk: Spotting Early Warning Signs (23:07)
Series: Marriage Matters
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Speaking To Your Kids About Personal Safety (33:55)
“Speaking to Your Kids about Personal Safety” is a parenting workshop conducted by Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Director of The Center for Jewish Family Life’s Project YES and dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam in Monsey, NY. For more articles by Rabbi Horowitz and to hear about upcoming events, go to RabbiHorowitz.com.
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Your Living Legacy: Why You Should Have an Ethical Will (21:45)
In this video from the National Jewish Retreat, Dr. Stephen Serbain discusses the concept of an ethical will and how it differs from other types of wills a person might write. An ethical will allows a person to transmit their spiritual legacy to their loved ones. In this interactive workshop, Stephen Serbain will give you the tools to compose your own Jewish ethical will. .
Dr. Stephen Serbin (3)
1. Your Essential Value (14:43)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. Re-parenting Your Inner Child Episode 2: What to Focus On You can visit Mrs
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Jewish Survival: Invest in Our Children (6:23)
Mr. Sam Domb (1)
The Languages of Love (41:32)
Dr. Feigie Russ (2)
Privacy in Relationships (39:16)
Rabbi Raphael Aron (1)
13. Actualize the Potential within Existence (11:28)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 11
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
3. Claim What Is Yours (10:59)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 1
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Great Parenting Strategies (1:01:32)
We've all seen those nested matryushka dolls, but it takes Mrs. Chaya Teldon to use them to teach the chassidic concept of reaching one's true essence; and then to challenge us with the question, "What does it mean to parent from one's essence?" It means understanding that "there's no mistakes in the coming and going of souls
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
Caught in the Web (56:17)
Mr. Philip Rosenthal, Computer Crime Investigator, speaks about the pros and cons of the internet, using fascinating examples from his personal experiences investigating criminal misuse of the internet to illustrate his points.
Mr. Philip Rosenthal (2)
2. What to Focus On (14:03)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. Re-parenting Your Inner Child Episode 3: Claim What Is Yours. You can visit Mrs
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Nurturing Self Esteem (52:46)
Dr. Norman Blumenthal (2)
Dealing with Children Who Have ADHD (14:14)
Four young children and one has ADHD - how can you release the stress that raising your at-risk child is placing on your marriage? This episode of Marriage Matters speaks about overwhelmed parents who are raising children at risk and the detriment the child rearing can have on their relationship
Series: Marriage Matters
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
4. Find the One-Stop Solution (11:23)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 2
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
10. Pass the Baton On (13:53)
In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child. This segment's verse: 8
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Staying in Touch with Your Teenager (57:57)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Mrs. Bronya Shaffer (2)
Kids Without Fear (53:34)
Kids Without Fear: Understanding Child Anxiety Disorders and OCD. 1 in 8 children have an anxiety disorder. This can cause misunderstanding and often frustration in families. Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch, licensed marriage and family therapist, addresses the common issues associated with the disorder and provides tips on how to recognize anxiety in your children and treat it properly
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Gelt Well Spent (6:18)
Money given on Chanukah is holy. In this short video, Rabbi Levi Kaplan lays out a clear and concise route to educate children. It is our responsibility to allow our children to experience the difficulty of learning and improving themselves and to reward them for their effort
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
The Power of a Jewish Mother (3:09)
Nothing is stronger than a mother and her child. Empowering a Jewish mother is the realization that every part of a mother's being is used to aid in the creation of that child.
Mrs. Kesem Mia Hetsrony (1)
How to Inspire When We Don't Feel Inspired (1:01:42)
Series: Soul Encounters
Rabbi Shmuel Lew (23)
Building a Lasting Relationship With Our Children (45:07)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
A Plea for an Average Student (5:15)
Rabbi Shmuel Dishon (3)
It Takes More Than Brains to Raise Children and Grandchildren (54:46)
You’ve heard about fingerprints, but what about a brain print? This session will explore the newest frontier in security measures, and will focus on the implications of this research on age-old questions having to do with education: How do we most effectively teach our young and old? What pedagogical modalities most profoundly impress the psyche? What really moves and motivates people? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
The Future of the Jewish Family (4) (12:33)
Which job can't be farmed out? Rabbi Lawrence Kemelmen, speaking at Sinai Indaba in South Africa, exhorts the audience to raise their children themselves, as a parent has the most influence on a child and their future spirituality. Produced by Sinai Indaba.
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen (4)
Conquering Anxiety and OCD (9:59)
Series: The Nature and Treatment of OCD
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Parenting an Anxious Child (32:46)
How can you deal with your child’s social anxiety, separation anxiety or other irrational fears? Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch explains the source of anxiety in the brain and validates the fear that these children are experiencing. He then introduces a seven step P.R.E.V.E.N.T. strategy for reducing anxiety and regulating fear.
Series: Marriage Matters
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Understanding the Dangers of the Web (10:35)
Perhaps the greatest innovation of the 20th century is the creation of the World Wide Web, the Internet. It is surely the most widely used innovation of the century, and its benefits are felt by all of society and affects every area of our lives. Commerce, information, politics and medicine have all been transformed by the Internet
Rabbi Yossi Simpson (2)
Raising Two Families (15:38)
We each struggle with our own situations, but the results are not up to us. Mrs. Frady Schwartz shares her inspiring story of teshuva, marriage, loss and gain, including 4 bar mitzvahs, 1 bas mitzvah and a new baby in a 4 year span.
Mrs. Frady Schwartz (3)
Teens at Risk: Communicating with Your Child (18:29)
Series: Marriage Matters
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Teenage Blues: A Torah Perspective (6:03)
Mrs. Devorah Alevsky (4)
Teens at Risk: Connecting with Your Child (21:22)
Series: Marriage Matters
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Chinuch By Educating Ourselves (50:25)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
"Jewishly Ambitious" Preparing for a Bright Future (5:13)
Professor Gil Troy discusses the challenges of Freshman year. Academic performance and GPA dramatically improves when students enter college with a healthy sense of self and a clarity of purpose. Attending Jewish educational courses during the high school years can provide a forum for students to think deeply about themselves and build a personal foundation of beliefs and values
Professor Gil Troy (1)
The Mitzvah of Educating Children (53:53)
Judaism takes the education of children very seriously - a parent is supposed to dedicate half an hour every single day to contemplating their kids' education. What is it about education that makes it important enough to be an actual Biblical commandment? Find out in this lecture by Rabbi Nochem Kaplan.
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan (12)
Is it Possible to Raise Holy Children in Today's Environment (30:02)
This speech was delivered on September 12, 2011at an event coordinated by Merkaz Anash. Rabbi Chazan speaks about the need to raise our children to be torches, everlasting beacons of light, and covers a wide range of topics relevant to parents today.
Rabbi Yossi Chazan (5)
The Future of the Jewish Family (2) (8:07)
What does our ADHD world do to our families? Rabbi David Aron has the cure for the Jewish family. The Arizal uses the concept of tzimtzum; move everything out of the way and make a space for someone else; and then compress your entire being into the moment for your child. Empower your children; show them that you believe in them and trust them
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Our Children, Our Guarantee (29:48)
Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn, principal of Bais Yaakov Ohel Sarah, of Brooklyn, New York, discusses how to successfully transmit love and pride for Judaism to our children. Using the model of a corporation, with its business plan and vision for its future, she frames the responsibility and privilege that is Jewish parenting
Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn (1)
Confronting Chinuch Challenges (21:55)
Rabbi Hershel Lustig (1)
The Future of the Jewish Family (3) (16:13)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Quality Time (5:32)
Series: Positive Parenting
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Active Listening (5:34)
Series: Positive Parenting
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Ancient Role Models for Modern Times (58:46)
How can jewelry provide a path to effective child rearing? The Torah is replete with current messages from our ancestresses to improve our lives. Mrs. Esther Kosofsky begins with a fascinating visualization of the different jewelry brought as gifts for building the Tabernacle
Mrs. Esther Kosofsky (1)
In Whose Best Interest? (5:34)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Caught in the Web - Q&A (7:11)
The question and answer session from computer crime investigator Philip Rosenthal's workshop on the dangers and blessings of the internet.
Mr. Philip Rosenthal (2)
The Future of the Jewish Family (1) (10:25)
Do you sleep with your cell phone under your pillow? Would you rather text than talk to a friend? Dr. David Pelcovitz has seen the positive and negative of the Internet and digital devices. He shares what to watch out for and what our brains need that modern technology disrupts.
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
"Staying Connected" (3:31)
"It takes a village to raise a child," the saying goes. But what if you live in a community that doesn't share or support your values? How will you impart that which is most meaningful to you, to your children? In this video Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld discusses a lesson she learned from her father, long-time Chabad shaliach in Houston, Texas
Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld (1)
Child Safety (13:56)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Empowering our Children (1:19:46)
Watch an eye-opening lecture by Rabbi YY Jacobson and be riveted by his inimitable wit and humor as he shares Torah insights, anecdotes and guidance on how to provide our children with a loving and positive upbringing that produces emotionally healthy and well balanced adults
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
How to Communicate Effectively with your Children (6:33)
Rabbi Yossi Simpson (2)
Questions & Answers (38:51)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
When Do We Teach Our Child about Giving? (1:37)
Start young. Rabbi Manis Friedman gives the recipe for a happy person in this short but intense video. This video has been produced Platinum Mentorship, moderated by Yaron Hassid.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Educate a Child in His Way (5:03)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Delinquency Prevention (2:41)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
How to Get Your Kids off Their Phones (1:58)
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
Valuing Torah Authority (5:47)
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 1
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
"And You Shall Teach Your Children" (2:24)
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
Child Safety On the Fly - 1 (5:19)
In this talk, noted child safety expert Rabbi Yakov Horowitz teaches basic principles in personal safety that every parent must know. With Rabbi Horowitz’s logical, systematic and direct approach, parents can empower their children to protect themselves should they encounter a possible predator
Series: Child Safety
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Our Patriarch Jacob's Blessings (1:23)
Dr. Norman Blumenthal (2)
Raising Our Children Successfully (17:03)
Rabbi Shea Hecht (20)
What Is Judaism's Rule for Parenting? (1:54)
Does Judaism have any hard and fast rules for parenting? For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
How Do You Get Young Kids to Listen? (1:40)
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Learning to Live with Uncertainty (8:02)
Series: The Nature and Treatment of OCD
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Effective Discipline (5:50)
Series: Positive Parenting
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
The Correct Approach to Discipline (4:10)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Guiding our Children in a Modern World - Q&A (26:41)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
Child Safety On-the-Fly 3 (6:55)
Series: Child Safety
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz (9)
How to Identify OCD (6:57)
Series: The Nature and Treatment of OCD
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Parenting Tips (1:50)
Mrs. Sara Blau (10)
Time Out Approach (4:02)
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Reward (6:39)
Series: Positive Parenting
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
The Secret to Raising Children (2:34)
Stop telling your children what to do! Click here to discover the secret to happiness, success, tranquility, self-esteem and more...
Series: The Secret To...
Disciplining Children Effectively (3:10)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Oy Vey They Became Religious (40:47)
As the “MeToo” campaign illustrated, we live in a time of changing roles and rules. What are the best ways to protect oneself and others from you? Could traditional Jewish understandings of propriety have contemporary application? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Raising Our Children the Right Way (8:08)
How does one raise their child to be a moral and productive member of society who wouldn’t even entertain the notion of resorting to crime?.
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
How to Raise Respectable Children (1:01)
Series: JLI Facebook interviews
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
How to Deal with a Rebellious Teenager (1:02)
Series: JLI Facebook interviews
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
How to Raise Children with Our Values (2:04)
Series: JLI Facebook interviews
Mrs. Racheli Frankel (13)
Parenting Through Connection - Part 1 (30:39)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton (5)
Dealing with Antisemitism Induced Fears (2:04)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Always Remember This About Your Child (0:36)
Mrs. Raizel Schusterman (10)
Handling a Rebellious Teenager (1:32)
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Balancing a Successful Career and Being a Great Parent (3:45)
Charlie Harary (59)
Offering Reassurance in Uncertain Times (13:59)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
2020 Parenting with Torah and Neuroscience (33:53)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Mrs. Dena Schusterman (12)
Parenting through Torah and Neuroscience - Part 2 (16:30)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Mrs. Dena Schusterman (12)
Can a Parent Be Their Child's Friend? (1:46)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Parenting Through Connection - Part 4 (34:31)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton (5)
At What Age Should I Give My Child a Smartphone? (2:34)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
What if My Child Doesn't Feel Connected to Judaism? (1:07)
Mrs. Raizel Schusterman (10)
Parenting Through Connection - Part 2 (35:12)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton (5)
Parenting Through Connection - Part 3 (35:54)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton (5)
How Do I Make My Children Get along with Each Other? (2:02)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Training Children to Appreciate What They Have (1:51)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Modern Parenting Challenges (1:59)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Reassuring Children in an Uncertain World (1:35)
Dr. Rona Novick (23)