True Marriage: Peering Through the Surface (6:24)
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (71)
Happiness = A Little Less Self (8:20)
Is happiness feeling ourselves, or is it feeling something other than ourselves? And does making others happy really cause us to feel joy?.
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
Unbeatable (1:54)
This is your secret weapon against evil.
Series: JLI Weekly Video
Ki Teitzei: Is There Spiritual Guidance Within Our Legal System? (15:42)
Last parsha, we began to suggest that all of these random laws are somehow related to the 10 commandments! But what is the larger message that this list of laws is coming to teach us?.
Series: Aleph Beta: The Parsha Experiment
Immanuel Shalev (41)
CNN Morality (2:02)
Series: 90 second Dvar Torah
Chony Milecki (35)
The Wedding and the Tallit (8:03)
The message for parshat Ki Tetzei is dedicated to the marriage of Rabbi Riskin's oldest grandchild. .
Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin (40)
Parshat Ki-Seitzei (10:36)
Series: Torah in Ten
Rabbi Chaim Miller (49)
Covenant & Conversation: Parshat Ki Teitzei (11:27)
This video was graciously provided by the Office of the Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks. There are a number of ways to stay connected with the Chief Rabbi: Visit his website – chiefrabbi.org – to subscribe to his mailing list
Series: Covenant & Conversation
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Mayanot Moment: Parshat Ki Teitzei (2:00)
Mayanot Moment brings you a thought on the parsha from a different Mayanot teacher every week. In less than 5 minutes, you can recharge and enter Shabbat invigorated and inspired with poignant messages from this week’s Torah portion. Tune in every week!.
Rabbi Yonatan Glass (4)
Parshat Ki Teitzei: A Chassidic Interpretation (4:38)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Parsha Power: Ki Teitzei (6:48)
Parsha Power offers a practical insight into the current Torah portion... in less than 10 minutes! This is a weekly class given by Rabbi Mendy Cohen of Sacramento, California. For more classes and information about Rabbi Mendy Cohen's synagogue, check out: www.sacjewishlife.org.
Rabbi Mendy Cohen (74)