Father Don't Cry (7:52)
A Jew’s soulful prayer through song to his Father in Heaven, to end this exile and bring the immediate redemption. Avraham Fried “Father Don’t Cry” Bein Kach Ubein Kach Director: Yankee Teitelbaum JewishFilms.com.
Avraham Fried (5)
Fallen Angels (7:44)
This song was composed in the days following the tragic Mumbai attacks. With emotions still raw, Moshe Kravitsky, a talented, young composer, put his feelings into words, and a powerful song, saluting the Holtzberg's and their colleagues around the world, was born. In commemoration of the first Yartzeit of the victims of Mumbai, he released this moving music video, produced by Levi Teldon.
Moshe Kravitsky (1)
"Ani Ma'amin" - A Song of Ultimate Faith (6:19)
The Rebbe of Modzitz, Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Elazar, had Chassidim throughout the major towns and cities of Poland. One of these was Reb Azriel David Fastag, who was noted for his exceptional voice throughout Warsaw. In spite of the terrible decrees, the yellow patch and the ghettos, most Jews could not fathom what was about to befall them
I Believe (5:35)
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman (18)
Children of War (4:49)
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman (18)
Goodness and Kindness (4:49)
Enjoy the musical styles of Rabbi Chaim Fogelman and get inspired to add a little more light to the world. .
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman (18)
I Believe (4:44)
Project 'I Believe' entails a new composition that was created to instill hope in an uncertain world. It is the voice of a united people that will not rest until the flame of every Jew is ignited, banishing darkness forever. One small flame dispels much darkness
Benny Begun (1)
The Gift (4:37)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
It Happened Yom Kippur (4:33)
Song describes a young Israeli Soldier in a conversation with his father, as he prepares to go into battle. Produced by Infinity Productions.
Mayer Rivkin (1)
Dear Shluchim (4:32)
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman (18)
Six Days (4:31)
As enemy armies amassed, with the stated goal of wiping her off the map, Israel and the Jewish world were thrust into fear, gloom and despair. A lone voice of reassurance emerged as the Rebbe publicly declared that Israel will see great miracles and salvation
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Ani Ma'amin (2:09)
Ani Ma'amin (I Believe) is one of the most famous Jewish songs, expressing a belief in the redemption, Moshiach, that has carried Jews through the worst of times. This enduring song and melody instills belief and hope that one day things will change. This video is an excerpt from the TorahCafe Passover Webcast: How to Exodus in 2011, To watch the complete Webcast click here.
Troye Sivan (2)