Besho'o SheMelech HaMoshiach - Vehi Sheomdo (7:49)
Dedi (10)
Ani Ma'amin (2:09)
Ani Ma'amin (I Believe) is one of the most famous Jewish songs, expressing a belief in the redemption, Moshiach, that has carried Jews through the worst of times. This enduring song and melody instills belief and hope that one day things will change. This video is an excerpt from the TorahCafe Passover Webcast: How to Exodus in 2011, To watch the complete Webcast click here.
Troye Sivan (2)
Kadesh Urchatz (2:34)
Rabbi Akivah Greenberg shares melodies for the 15 signs, the simanim or steps, of the Passover seder. The melodies represent a variety of European traditions. In many homes today the seder begins with the children singing the simanim of the seder, and many children learn a song accompanied by hand-motions describing the actions of these 15 steps.
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)
Vehi Sheomdo (2:15)
At the midpoint of the seder text we raise our cups of wine and sing the song, “Vehi Sheomodo,” which reminds us that G-d continues to save us from those in every generation who try to destroy the Jews. Rabbi Akiva Greenberg shares this and other melodies at a model seder at the Ivy League Torah Program.
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)
Ma Nishtana (1:55)
The “Ma Nishtana” of the Passover seder experienced through Rabbi Akiva Greenberg’s presentation of the Four Questions with an inspiring Chassidic melody that features the opening question of “Why is this night different….” as a chorus
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)
Dayeinu (2:22)
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg teaches the famous Passover song, Dayeinu, in the joyous melody that crosses the borders of all sectors in the Jewish community and expresses our joy and gratitude to the Almighty for His abundant goodness bestowed upon us, beginning with the gift of freedom. Presented at the Ivy League Torah Study Program in the summer of 1991.
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg (11)