Quantum Torah, Episode 2 (5:33)
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Quantum Torah, Episode 1 (12:52)
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Validating Torah through Science? (2:20)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
The Ages of the Universe (50:22)
We hear plenty about the fiery debates between New World Creationism and Macro-Evolutionary Cosmology. As it turns out, neither of these views sufficiently describes the age of the world. Join us as we discuss a multitude of opinions and how, in totality, they answer what has seemed to be the unanswerable question. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Why We Need Jewish Medical Ethics (59:26)
Can’t we police ourselves? If our intentions are good, isn’t it enough to do what we think is best when faced with a difficult decision? What do Jewish ethical guidelines add to the discussion, and what if we don’t agree?.
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg (5)
The G-d Particle and the Power of Will (52:47)
Decades of work and billions of dollars went into the search for the elusive Higgs boson, a critical link in the Standard Model of particle physics. Why did its discovery spark wild excitement in the scientific world? How does the Higgs particle enable us to better understand ourselves and the universe?.
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Organ Donation and Respecting the Deceased (39:01)
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg (5)
4. How Can the Belief in G-d Be Reconciled with Science? (2:34)
10 Questions with Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks 1. What are the Basic Beliefs in Judaism? 2. How Do You Know There is a G-d? 3. How can the Torah be Trusted? 5. If You Could Ask God One Question What Would You Ask? 6
Series: 10 Questions with Rabbi Sacks
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Scientific Rabbis (23:50)
The big questions of how and when the world was created are as nothing compared to why. Rabbi Sholom Lipskar compares scientific discoveries and methodology with Torah's consistency, purpose and extent of influence in the universe.
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (14)
The Ethics of Genetic Screening (45:05)
Are we playing G-d by doing genetic screening? Dr. Daniel Eisenberg gives a simple description of what a carrier is, and then clarifies the ramifications of being a carrier of a recessive gene. He delves into the opinions of Torah sages on how to deal with this thorny topic. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg (5)
Kabbalah and Neuroscientific Discovery (1:03:25)
Placing a king on the inside strengthens the executive function. The soul is ruled by the mind, the heart and the liver. The liver? Rabbi Asher Crispe, in his humorous, scholarly style explains how the new world of neuroscience and the old world of Torah and Kabbalah are joined.
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Toward a Wiser Use of Energy (7:13)
What does Jewish tradition have to do with energy consumption? Mrs. Evonne Marzouk recounts numerous Talmudic references to energy conservation, albeit with wicks and oil. Today most energy involves fire in some form, whether electricity, gas, or oil. Shabbos is when a Jew learns the balance of how to use fire.
Mrs. Evonne Marzouk (5)
Does a Fetus Have Rights? (56:28)
If you aren’t Pro Life are you pro death? If you aren’t Pro Choice are you for no choice? What makes us a person and when do we become one? The National Jewish Retreat this past summer featured Rabbi Berel Bell delving into these questions. He is a Judge on the Montreal Beis Din as well as extremely knowledgeable about secular and medical ethics
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Under the Surface: Science Catches Up with Torah (47:17)
Drawing on recent findings in neuroscience and gynecology, Dr. Grossman demonstrates how ancient laws are being confirmed by new discoveries revealed only under the microscope. Guaranteed to raise your sense of awe for Jewish law and custom and the world of women’s health. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Miriam Grossman (2)
The Big Bang and Jewish Tradition (56:12)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Water: Appreciating a Limited Resource (3:44)
Human beings depend on a sufficient supply of high quality fresh water for their survival. Because of this essential dependence, Jewish sources equate water with life. By recognizing our dependence on water, and ultimately our dependence on G-d, we can strengthen our appreciation and protection of our precious natural resources, and our relationship with the Creator of the world.
Rabbi Yonatan Neril (5)
Ancient Knowledge of the Stars (12:45)
Astronomers have been watching TYC 8241 2652 1, a star in the Scorpius-Centaurus stellar nursery, for quite some time, comparing it to a "young sun." But in the past three years its dust cover has completely vanished, something scientists previously thought could only happen over the course of hundreds of thousands of years -- or even millions
Series: The Jewish Approach to Astrology
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
The Spiritual Roots of the Environmental Crisis (6:04)
In this video, Rabbi Ronen Lubitch discusses the spiritual roots of the environmental crisis. These materials are posted as part of Jewcology's "Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment," in partnership with www.canfeinesharim.com. Learn more at www.jewcology.com.
Rabbi Ronen Lubitch (2)
The Jewish Approach to Extraterrestrials (20:00)
SETI, the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, was founded in November of 1984, and began operation in February of 1985. They are looking for evidence of life in the universe by seeking out signs of technology. Some people think that if life is found on another planet, that would spell the end of organized religion
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Is Our Fate Set in Stone? (18:04)
"Libras, your understanding is deeper than usual today, thanks to an influx of emotional intelligence that helps you see through other people's masks and barriers. Make the most of it!" Former First Lady Nancy Reagan is famous for her affinity for astrology
Series: The Jewish Approach to Astrology
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
The Jewish Approach to Ghosts (29:59)
In the Book of Samuel I, chapter 28, King Saul faces a monumental battle against the Philistines. He needs help beyond what his generals can tell him; he needs supernatural help
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Holy Use: Relating to Resources Sustainably (4:42)
In this video, Rabbi Yonatan Neril argues that our forefathers have been reusing objects and elevating the physical for thousands of years, which is a path we must try to follow in today's disposable society. These materials are posted as part of Canfei Nesharim’s “Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment,” in partnership with Jewcology.com. Learn more at www
Rabbi Yonatan Neril (5)
The Challenging Spots in Tanya (Advanced) (35:37)
A deep examination of some of the passages in the Tanya which seem to be in conflict with scientific thinking and evidence. Rabbi Shais Taub, renowned expert on Tanya, is the author of The Map of Tanya, and of the JLI course, Soul Maps, a six week overview of the Tanya
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Noah and the Flood (4:00)
In this video, Rabbi Yonatan Neril speaks about the ancient story of Noah and the flood, connecting it to many ecological issues facing the modern world. These materials are posted as part of Canfei Nesharim’s “Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment,” in partnership with Jewcology.com. Learn more at http://www.canfeinesharim.org/learning. .
Rabbi Yonatan Neril (5)
Shabbat and the Environment (1:24)
Rabbi Yona Metzger, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel, speaks about the connection between Shabbat and our responsibility to protect the environment. These materials are posted as part of Jewcology and Canfei Nesharim's "Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment". Learn more at www.jewcology.com or www.canfeinesharim.org/learning.
Rabbi Yona Metzger
The Legal and the Scientific Witnesses as Participants (7:17)
This fascinating exposition delivered by Mr. Poltorack involves a Talmudic investigation on various forms of testimony upon which Rabbi Yosef Rosen, known as the Genius of Ragatchov , develops a halachic conclusion as interpreted over a backdrop of quantum mechanics. .
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Age of the Universe: A Novel Resolution (58:30)
Scientists and Talmudists have presented various approaches to resolving the seeming conflict between the date science gives to the world and the Torah date following. This dating process often involves reinterpreting the process of creation and the six days as recounted in Genesis. Mr
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Quantum Torah Physics (48:52)
We stand at the brink of a new age as we witness the mysterious world of quantum physics opening up before our eyes, divulging secrets that attest to the truths of centuries-old kabbalistic constructs
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
Planting, Protecting, and Using Trees Wisely (4:30)
These materials are posted as part of Canfei Nesharim’s “Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment,” in partnership with Jewcology. Learn more at www.canfeinesharim.org/learning.
Rabbi Yonatan Neril (5)
Is It a Boy? Gender Determination in the Talmud (32:24)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Dr. Leah Poltorak (1)
Quantum Entanglement and Talmud (27:59)
Explore the Torah and Talmud through the eyes of a physicist, and via the prism of quantum mechanics. Professor Poltorak presents an “un-orthodox” interpretation of biblical topics such as ritual impurity and the Red Heifer, from the perspective of quantum entanglement.
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Marriage = Entanglement: Science and Torah (35:49)
Explore the Torah and Talmud through the eyes of a physicist, and via the prism of quantum mechanics. Professor Poltorak presents “un-orthodox” interpretations of biblical topics such as ritual impurity and the Red Heifer, from the perspective of quantum entanglement. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
The Jewish Approach to the Environment (17:21)
Does Orthodox Judaism have a stance on the environment? Jews have been accused of overpopulating the earth, using disposables, and generally not caring about the environment. Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe outlines the sources in the Torah and writings that deal with environmental issues, from the Garden of Eden to acid rain to endangered species
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Fine Structure Constant in Scripture: Psalm 62 (9:59)
Click here to watch Fine Structure Constant in Scripture: Psalm 119 Click here to watch Chapter 137 of Psalms: A Study of Gematria and Science by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh.
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
G-d, Science and Reincarnation (37:46)
In this segment, Rabbi Avrohom Jacks, asks the difficult question: Are the eternal teachings of the Torah and our modern understanding of science diametrically opposed, or do they enhance each other by revealing a divine symmetry of purpose? Join Rabbi Avrohom Jacks to learn how scientific methods can be used to prove the existence of G-d, the afterlife, and reincarnation
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks (4)
Genetic Engineering: Designer Babies (12:16)
When you can choose your baby’s sex appearance and genetic predispositions- should you?.
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Evolving From Darwin (42:42)
What is the alternative to Darwinism? It is too frightening for most to consider. Rabbi Avrohom Jacks traces the history of Darwinism from Darwin's journey across the world to disproving his theories using Darwin's own principles. The alternative to Darwinism and evolution is a world created by G-d for the purpose of Torah and mitzvahs
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks (4)
Organ Donation Q & A (6:07)
Fine Structure Constant in Scripture: Psalm 119 (1:01:10)
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
Physics and Psychology: A Torah View (1:18:39)
How does modern physics cross paths with psychology and what Kabbalistic concepts stand at the crossroads? This fascinating lecture draws surprising parallels between the study of the body and the study of the soul
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
Kabbalah and Quantum Physics of Mind and Matter (52:18)
We stand at the brink of a new age, where research into the building-blocks of the universe attests to the truths of centuries old kabbalistic wisdom
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
Collapsing the Wave Function (9:31)
Journey of the Mind and Soul (JMS) is a women’s learning program created by Crown Heights women, for Crown Heights women. These courses are designed to take students out of the box of traditional learning, to engage in familiar texts in new ways. For more information about JMS and to get involved, check out: journeyofmindandsoul.wordpress.com.
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Rosh HaShana in light of Quantum Physics (7:29)
Journey of the Mind and Soul (JMS) is a women’s learning program created by Crown Heights women, for Crown Heights women. These courses are designed to take students out of the box of traditional learning, to engage in familiar texts in new ways. For more information about JMS and to get involved, click here.
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Halacha in the Medical Lab (59:43)
Journey of the Mind and Soul (JMS) is a women’s learning program created by Crown Heights women, for Crown Heights women. These courses are designed to take students out of the box of traditional learning, to engage in familiar texts in new ways. For more information about JMS and to get involved, check out journeyofmindandsoul.wordpress.com.
Rabbi Yisroel Fried (4)
The Age of the Universe (Entangled) (20:12)
Journey of the Mind and Soul (JMS), A women’s learning program created by Crown Heights women, for Crown Heights women. These courses are designed to take students out of the box of traditional learning, to engage in familiar texts in new ways. For more information about JMS and to get involved, check out: journeyofmindandsoul.wordpress.com.
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Quantum Physics in the Talmud (11:16)
Join Dr. Alex Poltorak for a reality-bending discussion on how advances in the field of quantum mechanics can enhance our understanding of the Torah's more abstract and mystical concepts. Journey of the Mind and Soul (JMS) is a women’s learning program created by Crown Heights women, for Crown Heights women
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
The Big Bang or The Big Bust? Calculating the Age of the Universe (29:30)
Darwin scandalized the world when he published On the Origin of Species. Have we reached the perfection of our understanding of life, or has our perception since evolved? An intelligent argument for intelligent design, exploring some of the dramatic flaws in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, and compelling evidence indicating a creator
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks (4)
Can a Reasonable Person Believe? Faith and Science (48:58)
Are faith and logic mutually exclusive? Can a person believe in Torah and science? In this video, Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer, professor of neuroendocrinology and cell biology at McGill University, systematically dismantles the unfortunate notion that religion and science don't mix. This lecture was delivered on June 24th, 2010
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer (6)
Urban Farming and Social Justice (2:50)
With buzz words like “sustainablitiy,” “going green” and “organic lifestyle” becoming part of our everyday language, we are forced to ask the question: Do environmental awareness and Judaism go hand in hand or do they conflict in their basic precepts? Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz a farmer and religious leader, tackles this question and more in his lectures
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz (9)
Organic Torah Environmentalism (3:47)
With buzz words like “sustainablitiy,” “going green” and “organic lifestyle” becoming part of our everyday language, we are forced to ask the question: Do environmental awareness and Judaism go hand in hand or do they conflict in their basic precepts? Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz, a farmer and religious leader, tackles this question and more in his lecture "Organic Torah Environmentalism"
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz (9)
Labriyut - To Your Health, Episode Six (5:24)
Series: Labriyut - To Your Health
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
Secret Code (2:39)
Medicine and Morals: Your Jewish Guide Through Life's Tough Decisions Medicine and Morals is your chance to get real with the subject of medical ethics, discuss actual case histories, and get a sense of direction to weather the toughest challenges you’ll ever face
Series: Medicine and Morals
Labriyut - To Your Health, Episode Five (5:05)
Series: Labriyut - To Your Health
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
Medicina y Moral - Lección Cinco (3:10)
Labriyut - To Your Health, Episode One (5:17)
**Please note: The controversial issue of vaccination is addressed in Lesson One of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute's course, Medicine & Morals. This video is intended simply to reflect the content of that lesson. This video is not intended to express the views or opinions of Torah Cafe, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Series: Labriyut - To Your Health
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
Labriyut - To Your Health, Episode Four (6:01)
Series: Labriyut - To Your Health
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
New Beginnings (2:49)
Medicine and Morals: Your Jewish Guide Through Life's Tough Decisions Medicine and Morals is your chance to get real with the subject of medical ethics, discuss actual case histories, and get a sense of direction to weather the toughest challenges you’ll ever face
Series: Medicine and Morals
Medicina y Moral - Lección cuatro (2:49)
Medicina y Moral - Lección Tres (3:33)
Labriyut - To Your Health, Episode Three (6:05)
Series: Labriyut - To Your Health
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
Rolling the Dice (3:13)
Medicine and Morals: Your Jewish Guide Through Life's Tough Decisions Medicine and Morals is your chance to get real with the subject of medical ethics, discuss actual case histories, and get a sense of direction to weather the toughest challenges you’ll ever face
Series: Medicine and Morals
Ecological Longevity (2:46)
With buzz words like “sustainablitiy,” “going green” and “organic lifestyle” becoming part of our everyday language, we are forced to ask the question: Do environmental awareness and Judaism go hand in hand or do they conflict in their basic precepts? Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz, a farmer and religious leader, tackles this question and more in his lectures
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz (9)
Ancient Jewish Ecological Practices (4:21)
When buzz words like “sustainablitiy,” “going green” and “organic lifestyle” are becoming part of our everyday language, we are forced to ask the question: Do environmental awareness and Judaism go hand in hand or do they conflict in their basic precepts? Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz, a farmer and religious leader, tackles this question and more in his lectures
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz (9)
Labriyut - To Your Health, Episode Two (5:47)
Medicine and Morals: Your Jewish Guide Through Life's Tough Decisions - A man wonders if his dying father should remain on life support. What would you do? - A parent wonders if they should tell their child he has a potentially serious genetic disorder
Series: Labriyut - To Your Health
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
Flesh of My Flesh (3:43)
Medicine and Morals: Your Jewish Guide Through Life's Tough Decisions Medicine and Morals is your chance to get real with the subject of medical ethics, discuss actual case histories, and get a sense of direction to weather the toughest challenges you’ll ever face
Series: Medicine and Morals
Medicina y Moral - Lección De Dos (Spanish) (3:43)
When Jewish and Environmental Issues Clash (7:54)
When buzz words like “sustainablitiy,” “going green” and “organic lifestyle” become part of our everyday language, we are forced to ask the question: Do environmental awareness and Judaism go hand in hand or do they conflict in their basic precepts? Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz, a farmer and religious leader, tackles this question and more in his lectures
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz (9)
Medicina y Moral - Lección uno (Spanish) (1:43)
Choosing Life (1:50)
Medicine and Morals: Your Jewish Guide Through Life's Tough Decisions Medicine and Morals is your chance to get real with the subject of medical ethics, discuss actual case histories, and get a sense of direction to weather the toughest challenges you’ll ever face
Series: Medicine and Morals
Jewish Sustainability (9:49)
when buzz words like “sustainablitiy,” “going green” and “organic lifestyle” become part of everyday language, we are forced to ask the question: Do environmental awareness and Judaism go hand in hand or do they conflict in their basic precepts? Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz, a farmer and religious leader, tackles this question and more in his lectures
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz (9)
Action and Reaction (11:30)
With buzz words like “sustainablitiy,” “going green” and “organic lifestyle” becoming part of our everyday language, we are forced to ask the question: Do environmental awareness and Judaism go hand in hand or do they conflict in their basic precepts? Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz, a farmer and religious leader, tackles this question and more in his lecture "Action and Reaction"
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz (9)
Protecting Our Neighbor - Protecting the Environment - Part 2 (19:06)
Mrs. Ora Sheinson is a founding board member of Canfei Nesharim, an environmental litigation associate at Patton Boggs, LLP, an international law firm, and the mother of four children. For more Information on Canfei Nesharim, visit www.CanfeiNesharim.org.
Mrs. Ora Sheinson (2)
Protecting Our Neighbor - Protecting the Environment - Part 1 (18:34)
Mrs. Ora Sheinson is a founding board member of Canfei Nesharim, an environmental litigation associate at Patton Boggs, LLP, an international law firm, and the mother of four children. For more Information on Canfei Nesharim, visit www.CanfeiNesharim.org .
Mrs. Ora Sheinson (2)
How Great Are Your Works: Exploring Nature Through Traditional Jewish Prayers (14:39)
Evonne Marzouk is the founder and Executive Director of Canfei Nesharim: Sustainable Living Inspired by Torah. Connecting traditional Jewish texts with contemporary scientific findings, Canfei Nesharim educates and empowers Jewish individuals, organizations and communities to take an active role in protecting the environment, in order to build a more sustainable world
Mrs. Evonne Marzouk (5)
Exploring Evolution (16:58)
Rabbi Yosef Rosenberg (1)
Responses of Traditional Judaism to Science and Technology 18th - 20th Centuries (46:16)
The Sinai Scholars Symposium is a yearly conference for university students, hosted by the Sinai Scholars Society. Students from around the world gather with an esteemed panel of Ivy League professors, world-class Torah scholars and experts in their field to study, discuss and present their thoughts on various subjects that deal with Judaism and the modern world
Professor Naftali Loewenthal (3)
Talmudic Logic in the Science Lab - Part 2 (13:34)
Rabbi Mattis Kantor is a noted author and lecturer, originally from Australia and currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. He is the author of three major works - all of which have been featured as a "Main Selection of the Month" by the Jewish Book Club in the USA
Rabbi Mattis Kantor (2)
Talmudic Logic in the Science Lab - Part 1 (25:11)
Rabbi Mattis Kantor is a noted author and lecturer, born in Australia and currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. He is the author of three major works - all of which have been featured as a "Main Selection of the Month" by the Jewish Book Club in the USA
Rabbi Mattis Kantor (2)
Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls (26:32)
A slide show and lecture on the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the archaeology of Qumrun and the ancient Jewish library found there, along with a discussion on the impact of these discoveries on our understanding of the history of Judaism and the background of Christianity. This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Dead Sea Scrolls - Description and Discussion (27:52)
This workshop will show how the Dead Sea Scrolls help fill in our knowledge of Jewish law and observance in the Second Temple period. Included in these fascinating gleanings are confirmation of specific Talmudic reports about the major legal debates of those days and the dating of various sections of Talmudic literature
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)