Shabbat: the Soul of our Week (39:54)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
What's so Special about Shabbat Candle Lighting? (1:11)
Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein (11)
Shabbat: What Is in It for Me? (1:08)
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
The Essence of Shabbat (2:24)
Six days a week we work to create. On Shabbat we stop work to experience. This video was produced for Lesson 6 of Pause & Affect, a course by the Rosh Chodesh Society. The Rosh Chodesh Society is a division of The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Stop, Pause and Continue (1:49)
Pause & Affect A Shabbat Outlook Shabbat, says the Talmud, is G-d’s gift to the Jewish people— and what a gift it is! It offers respite from labor and a break from the intrusion of our ubiquitous technologies. It allows family and community the time to connect and reflect without distraction
Why Do Jews Feast on Shabbat? (2:49)
On the sanctified day of Shabbat, why do we place so much emphasis on food? For it is precisely the holy Shabbat that teaches us about our interfacing with the material world. The purpose of the soul's descent is to refine and elevate the body through its observance of many physical mitzvot
Why do Women Light the Shabbat Candles Friday Night? (2:38)
Why do women (and not men) light Shabbat candles Friday night?.
Mrs. Dena Schusterman (12)
The Shabbat Farewell Ceremony (Havdalah), Explained (2:48)
How a Shabbat Dinner Saved This Man's Life (4:04)
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson shares a remarkable story on how nothing is ever a coincidence.
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
The Shabbat Menu, Explained (4:42)
Is Shabbat Really a Day of Rest? (3:40)
Every Shabbat I must walk for an hour to and from synagogue. Is that what the Torah means by "day of rest"? For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Shabbat: The Mystical and Magical (25:42)
This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Yossy Goldman (11)
Shabbos: A Taste of the World to Come (9:42)
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (71)
Why Do We Sing "Eishet Chayil" On Shabbat? (1:25)
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Shabbat Medley (7:35)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Is Shabbat Just a Religious Thing? (4:50)
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
Why Do Women Light Shabbat Candles? (2:50)
Mrs. Yael Trusch (12)
On Shabbat We Rest (35:33)
On Shabbat, we transcend our mundane lives and reconnect with our Maker. Learn how to tap into the uniquely spiritual side of this day, even while eating Cholent. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
The Shabbat Effect (36:07)
Is Shabbat just about relaxation? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel (27)
The Beauty of Shabbat (1:22)
Is Shabbat just about rest?.
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
The Beauty of Shabbat (2:35)
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
The Significance of "Eishet Chayil" (2:53)
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
The Life of Shabbat (53:36)
Shabbat is a universal day of rest. But every person experiences it differently. Hear from a panel of four women on their unique experiences and relationships with this holy day. This panel was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Amir Ofer (2)
A Halachic Crash Course on the Laws of Shabbat (58:58)
From Kiddush to Havdalah, learn about the do’s, don'ts, how’s and why’s of keeping the day of rest. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Experiencing the Divine (42:01)
On Shabbat, we transcend our mundane lives and reconnect with our Maker. Learn how to tap into the uniquely spiritual side of this day, even while eating Cholent. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
A Day of Rejuvenation (37:13)
Shabbat is a day of rest, renewal, and G-d. It is a day to breathe more slowly and take stock of the blessings in our lives. Join us for a guided meditation, to help ease you into Shabbat’s calming sphere. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
The Cure for Technology Overdependence (6:24)
Many people have unfortunately become slaves to their electronic devices. This causes them to be more stressed out, neglect important relationships with other people, and not even be able to think properly. What is Judaism’s solution to this?.
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
One Day a Week We Rest (42:10)
Shabbat. The Day of Rest. Discover the religious, social, national, and family benefits of this important day. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
The Joy of Shabbat (1:00:34)
How can we overcome the anxiety of our transient lives to find serenity and happiness, when the fear of death, uncertainty, and insecurity haunt us daily? The Torah teaches us to live for the moment and cram everlasting meaning into our lives. Living in the here and now is not only the key to serenity, but the secret to making every moment momentous
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Shabbat Shalom: A Guide to the Holy Day of Rest (55:22)
“Rabbi, am I allowed to go to the doctor on Shabbos?” “Am I allowed to warm up my lunch?” “Can I get something out of my car?” Find out the answer to these and other relevant laws regarding Shabbos, the day of rest. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
Technology and Shabbat (3:29)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Driving to Shul on Shabbat, or Not Going? (1:16)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
A Self Driving Car on Shabbat? (1:16)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
Friday Nights Unplugged (8:59)
While most of us enjoy the physical, the same can't be said about the spiritual. The former is alluring and easy to relate to, while the latter requires much effort and inner struggle to appreciate. This is why G-d instructs us to combine the physical and the spiritual, as this creates the ultimate experience benefiting both body and spirit. Shabbat is a perfect example of this
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Driving to Synagogue on Shabbat, or Staying Home? (1:10)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
6. Afterglow (1:04:47)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
5. Working Definitions (1:17:11)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
4. Pure Pleasure (1:20:58)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
3. Walking With Angels (1:14:54)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
2. Beginning with the End in Mind (1:10:48)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
1. The Gift of Rest (1:07:00)
Series: Oasis in Time
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
Thoughts During Shabbat Candle Lighting (1:24)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
Figuring out the Shabbat Laws (1:28)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Shmuel Lew (23)
Is Shabbat the New Superfood? (1:08:50)
What is the science to keeping Shabbat in a way that enhances relationships, lowers stress and betters life in the 21st century? Shabbat seems so dogmatic and non spiritual, what is the inner meaning of Shabbat? Rabbi Menachem Wolf of the Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Centre analyses the wellness benefits as well as the Spiritual nature of the seventh day of the week based on contemporary wellness teachings and Kabalistic interpretation of shabbat
Rabbi Menachem Wolf (12)
Shabbos Shuva (1:55)
Series: 90 second Dvar Torah
Benny Friedman (35)
Shabbos: Gift or Burden? (1:50)
Series: 90 second Dvar Torah
Benny Friedman (35)
About Proper Shabbat Observance (8:08)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Wine and Dine the Shabbat Way (44:45)
The magical setting of the Shabbat meal ushers peace and harmony into Jewish homes around the globe. This is your chance to master the practices that make it so unique: lighting the Shabbat candles and reciting the kiddush over wine. You will learn everything you need to know about these treasured traditions. This session took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Baruch Hertz (2)
Never on Friday (6:37)
Dudu Fisher (25)
Wine and Dine the Shabbat Way (1:00:18)
The magical setting of the Shabbat meal ushers peace and harmony into Jewish homes around the globe. This is your chance to master the practices that make it so unique: lighting the Shabbat candles and reciting the kiddush over wine. You will learn everything you need to know about these treasured traditions.
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
Practical Judaism Part 2 (1:31:08)
If you were making the laws of Shabbos, what would your day be like? Rabbi Abba Perelmuter gives an overview of the commandments, where they came from, how they were transmitted and how concensus was reached. His clear and personal delivery brings the mitzvahs alive.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Shabbat: An Island In Time (50:51)
We are only human, what does G-d want from us? G-d wants a dwelling place in this, the lowest of worlds, created by the balance between our busy, physical lives and our spiritual connection. Rabbi Shloma Majeski explains that the spirituality we are immersed in on Shabbos carries over into the week, until we recharge again on the next Shabbos.
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
Shabbat: Sanctified Silence (5:34)
In this brief insight into the revelation at Sinai, Rabbi Levi Kaplan presents a Chassidic investigation into the world of speech and it’s various functions. The power of speech is employed to process thoughts, share ideas with others and as a method of recitation in fulfillment of the mitzvah of Torah study
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Shabbat: Time for Reconnection (28:59)
Ask a kid how many friends he has, the response will be something like,"I have 365 friends on Facebook". Without technology one day a week we are able to reconnect to our families, our selves and our lives. As much as life is about running and achieving, we need one day to sit back and relax
Rabbi Berel Lazar (7)
Toward a Wiser Use of Energy (7:13)
What does Jewish tradition have to do with energy consumption? Mrs. Evonne Marzouk recounts numerous Talmudic references to energy conservation, albeit with wicks and oil. Today most energy involves fire in some form, whether electricity, gas, or oil. Shabbos is when a Jew learns the balance of how to use fire.
Mrs. Evonne Marzouk (5)
How to Make Havdalah (Chabad) (3:35)
Clear instructions on how to make Havdalah and usher out the Shabbos Queen with Rabbi Sacks.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Commitment to the Shabbos (3:30)
Professor Eugene Kontorovitch tells a remarkable story of one man’s unwavering commitment to keep the laws of Shabbat, even in the face of true and potent danger. .
Professor Eugene Kontorovich (2)
Shabbat Shalom from Senator Ashcroft (2:04)
Dr. Tevi Troy (4)
The Laws of Borer: Nuts, Garlic and Tea (18:05)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
Shabbat vs. the Hurricane (4:12)
"As the Jewish people have kept the Shabbat, so has the Shabbat kept the Jewish people". Dr. Tevi Troy shares his commitment to keeping Shabbat from a unusual perspective - that of an observant Jew filling a key role in the White House
Dr. Tevi Troy (4)
The Laws of Borer: Peeling (14:25)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
The Laws of Borer: What is Considered a Mixture (28:46)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
The Laws of Borer: Using Utensils (9:51)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
The Laws of Borer: Peels, Seeds and Bones (16:42)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
The Laws of Borer: Separation (14:26)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
How to Recite the Blessing on bread (1:38)
The blessing on Bread: Boruch ato Adonoy, Elohaynu Melech ho-olom, ha-motzi lechem min ho-oretz. "Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth
Series: Jewish Services Made Simple (accompanying video)
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
How to Make Kiddush (2:39)
Blessings for Friday Night Kiddush: Yom Ha-shihi. Va-y'chulu ha-shoma-yim v'ho-oretz v'chol tz'vo-om. Va-y'chal Elohim ba-yom hash'vi'i, m'lachto asher oso, va-yishbos bayom ha-sh'vi-i mikol m'lachto asher oso
Series: Jewish Services Made Simple (accompanying video)
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
How to Light Shabbat Candles (2:08)
Note: The Shabbat candles are lit at least eighteen minutes before sunset on Friday. Blessing for lighting Shabbat Candles: Boruch ato Adonoy, Elohaynu Melech ho-olom, asher ki-d'shonu b'mitzvosov, v'tzivonu l'hadlik nayr shel shabbos kodesh
Series: Jewish Services Made Simple (accompanying video)
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (113)
Timely Energies (20:25)
"Monday's child is fair of face; Tuesday's child is full of grace..
Series: The Jewish Approach to Astrology
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
The Story with the Tall Grass (9:08)
Captain Tzvi (Hank) Webb (9)
Chabad Is Always There for Us (16:06)
Mrs. Hadassah Lieberman (1)
Forty-One Years without a Shabbos Meal! (4:56)
Leave the light on! Your invitation can change another’s life forever. Who’s coming to your house this Shabbos?.
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
Laws of Blessings: Chapter 4: 1-9 (59:18)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
It’s Not Your Grandmother’s Gefilte Fish (5:43)
Here's a fresh twist on a classic dish: gefilte fish! One of the few authentically "Jewish" foods, gefilte fish has its roots in the Sabbath prohibition of borer - sorting and separating, an integral part of eating fish with bones
Chef Jack Silberstein (4)
Jewish Law: Borer III (42:36)
This is the third and final episode of Borer - The Laws of Seperating on Shabbos, the 3 episode mini-series, in which Rabbi Berel Bell goes through different aspects of the Halacha and explains its practical relevance. .
Series: Borer - The Laws of Separating on Shabbos
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
A Meaningful Shabbat Table (5:28)
More than the Jewish people have kept the Shabbat, the Shabbat has kept the Jewish people. Join Rabbi David Eliezrie in this guided trip to celebrating Shabbat in your home. This talk was given at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Welcoming the Shabbat with Yedid Nefesh (37:11)
This session took place at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Shabbat and the Environment (1:24)
Rabbi Yona Metzger, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel, speaks about the connection between Shabbat and our responsibility to protect the environment. These materials are posted as part of Jewcology and Canfei Nesharim's "Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment". Learn more at www.jewcology.com or www.canfeinesharim.org/learning.
Rabbi Yona Metzger
The Legal and the Scientific Witnesses as Participants (7:17)
This fascinating exposition delivered by Mr. Poltorack involves a Talmudic investigation on various forms of testimony upon which Rabbi Yosef Rosen, known as the Genius of Ragatchov , develops a halachic conclusion as interpreted over a backdrop of quantum mechanics. .
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
Contemporary Issues on Shabbos (31:04)
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
Challah: The Chassidic Dimension - Part 1 (8:08)
In this 3-part series, Mrs. Rochel Flikstein is going to discuss the special mitzvah of making challah. She will cover the process of baking challah, the mitzvah of taking a portion of challah and some of the lessons we can learn from challah. In this first segment, Mrs. Flikstein will discuss the 7 main ingredients of challah and their spiritual meanings
Series: Challah and Inspiration
Mrs. Rochel Flikshtein (4)
State of the Union (2:58)
Money Matters: Jewish Business Ethics Money Matters will present Judaism’s approach to practical economic dilemmas and monetary quandaries that we face daily in both our personal and professional lives
Series: Money Matters: Jewish Business Ethics
Laws of Shabbat: Cooking (44:54)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Laws of Shabbat: Keeping Food Warm (54:12)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
The Soul of Shabbat (7:37)
Mrs. Rivkah Leah Hazan (1)
Delicious Shabbat Dinner in Under an Hour and a Half (41:14)
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
Shabbat in the 21st Century Q & A (21:03)
Greetings to the National Jewish Retreat (7:50)
This video greeting was sent by Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman to the 800 participants of the 2011 National Jewish Retreat, who were gathered in his home state to take part in this annual 5-day event. His remarks reflect his great respect and encouragement for the participants who have dedicated their time to learning more about their Jewish identity
Senator Joseph Lieberman (2)
Paradise Lost (...and Found) (3:08)
Biblical Reflections: Find Yourself in the Stories of the Bible Everybody loves a good story. A good story takes hold of the imagination and provides a window into the human soul. The stories of the book of Genesis are the oldest stories in the world, yet they continue to inspire countless retellings and adaptations
Series: Biblical Reflections
Jewish Law: Borer II (45:04)
This is the second of the 3 episode mini-series, in which Rabbi Berel Bell goes through different aspects of the Halacha and explains its practical relevance. Borer - The Laws of Seperating on Shabbos: Episode 3 - Jewish Law: Borer III.
Series: Borer - The Laws of Separating on Shabbos
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
"Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy" (6:15)
Miss Kineret Shamash is currently a senior at the University of Wisconsin. After high school, she spent a year in Israel on Young Judaea Year Course. Judaism has always been an important part of her life and Sinai Scholars was a great opportunity to learn Judaic Studies while in college
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
Shabbat in the 21st Century (7:24)
Mr. Max Gelb is a senior at Dartmouth College majoring in Economics. He participated in the Fall 2010 Sinai Scholars course, and took a particular interest in the role of Shabbat in Judaism. He has spent significant time living in Israel, Spain, and Italy, and has enjoyed learning about Jewish traditions and people from different parts of the world
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
Jewish Law: Borer I (49:10)
Borer is one of the 39 Milachos of Shabbos. In this 3 episode mini-series, Rabbi Berel Bell goes through different aspects of the Halacha and explains its practical relevance. Borer - The Laws of Seperating on Shabbos: Episode 2 - Jewish Law: Borer II.
Series: Borer - The Laws of Separating on Shabbos
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
The Gift of Every Moment (2:33)
Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World - Judaism's secrets to serenity We invite you to explore the mystical, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of Shabbat as we unlock a model for achieving balance and serenity in the modern age
Series: Oasis in Time
The Gift of Pleasure (2:24)
Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World - Judaism's secrets to serenity We invite you to explore the mystical, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of Shabbat as we unlock a model for achieving balance and serenity in the modern age
Series: Oasis in Time
The Shabbat Ascent (27:08)
Rabbi Dovid Kievman engages his students in a discussion about what singles out Shabbos as a day of rest for the Jewish Nation. In his talk, Rabbi Keivman draws mostly from the esoteric teachings of Kabbalah and Chassidus which view Shabbos as a day on which spiritual and physical realms ascend to higher levels.
Rabbi Dovid Kievman (1)
Shabbat Preparation Appreciation (23:23)
By taking time on Friday - Erev Shabbos - to prepare for Shabbos, we can experience the transcendence and spirituality of the day in an entirely new way. Join Rabbi Yossi Jacobson to learn how.
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
The Gift of Love (2:06)
Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World - Judaism's secrets to serenity We invite you to explore the mystical, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of Shabbat as we unlock a model for achieving balance and serenity in the modern age
Series: Oasis in Time
The Gift of Investment (2:21)
Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World - Judaism's secrets to serenity We invite you to explore the mystical, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of Shabbat as we unlock a model for achieving balance and serenity in the modern age
Series: Oasis in Time
The Gift of Rest (3:23)
Ilan Ramon, Israel's very own astronaut goes into space and teaches us all a very valuable lesson, even though he tragically did not make it back
Series: Oasis in Time
Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World (Promo 2) (1:14)
Judaism's secrets to serenity. We invite you to explore the mystical, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of Shabbat as we unlock a model for achieving balance and serenity in the modern age. Over six weeks, we'll uncover timeless principles for how to achieve a life of inner peace while making each workday more productive and fulfilling
Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World (Promo 1) (2:43)
Why do we tend to focus on what's urgent instead of what's truly important? Imagine. 24 hours of digital silence. No phones. No computers. No TV. Just valuable time with the people you love, to do all the things you've needed to do but never quite found the time for
Neshek (4:36)
What unique mazal does each month possesses? What can we accomplish spiritually using the specific energy of each Jewish holiday? Go beyond time with Mrs. Goldie Slavin and discover the inner dimension of the Jewish calendar.
Mrs. Goldie Slavin (9)
When Jewish and Environmental Issues Clash (7:54)
When buzz words like “sustainablitiy,” “going green” and “organic lifestyle” become part of our everyday language, we are forced to ask the question: Do environmental awareness and Judaism go hand in hand or do they conflict in their basic precepts? Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz, a farmer and religious leader, tackles this question and more in his lectures
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz (9)
Shabbat: A Taste of the World to Come (37:35)
We all know of Shabbat as a day of rest, but in this video Mrs. Slonim goes through the deeper meaning of Shabbat as a homecoming for the soul, as well as many details and interesting facts about this special day. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Celebrating Shabbat (24:23)
Take a tour through the mystical and practical dimensions of Shabbat with Jewish Sparks. The first of it's kind magazine-style show features Jewish culture and practice. Jewish Sparks was created and produced by Joel Miller, Ray Roth, Peter Shwartz and senior executive producer Rabbi Simcha Zirkind, for broadcast on the Canadian cable network, Vision Television
Shabbat: An Oasis in Time (32:48)
In an age when retail stores are open seven days a week and people are expected to be reachable all the time, a spate of editorials have broached the concept of declaring a “secular Sabbath” — a day devoid of e-mail, cell phones and the other invasions of modern society. But Shabbat has always been much more than a protection against burnout
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Freedom with Responsibility (12:12)
Ms. Noa Langer Is currently a sophomore at New York University. She was a participant of sinai scholars last fall and is happy to be back and serving as a recruiter/coordinator for this semester. "I'm from Yorba Linda in southern California where the weather is perfect all year round
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2010
Say Shalom to Shabbat (12:59)
Mr. Joseph Apikian is currently a Freshman at UCLA and studies Economics. He has become very involved with Chabad at UCLA and takes interests in attending each and every Shabbat at the house of his local Rabbi, Dovid Gurevich, and his wife Elisa
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2010
A Study of Forbidden Labors (Shabbat) (6:24)
This class took place at the Ivy League Torah Study Experience (ILTSE), a summer Torah-learning program provided by the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education. ILTSE is open to college-age and graduate students with minimal or no background in Torah learning
Rabbi Dr. Alter Metzger (15)
Breaking Shabbos for a Medical Emergency: When and How? (57:39)
This class was organized by Yagdil Torah in Crown Heights, New York. For more lectures run by Yagdil Torah, check out their website at www.yagdiltorah.org.
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)