This Is What Your Soul Is Made Of (4:52)
Mrs. Tonia Chazanow (4)
The DNA of Your Soul (54:46)
It’s too easy to walk through life without a solid grasp on who we are. Take a deep dive into your soul’s spiritual makeup, and walk away with a deeper appreciation of your purpose and potential. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Tanya: The Poem (45:12)
Follow a poetic journey through the Tanya’s life-altering ideas. Menny and Tonia Chazanow combine personal experiences, guitar playing, spoken word poetry and timeless Chassidic ideas to create an artistic and human telling of the beinoni’s journey. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Tonia Chazanow (4)
The Journey of the Soul: Life, Death, and What Lies Beyond (46:07)
Explore the saga of the soul, from life in this world to life in the next. Find out; what’s heaven really like? This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Does Judaism Believe in Demons? (1:57)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
What Happens after We Die? (2:01)
Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein (11)
The Spark of Soul in Everything (5:02)
Spirituality means to viscerally sense the spirituality and meaningfulness in every moment of life. Everything in the world possesses a holy spark that animates it – its soul. Living a spiritual life means to relate soul to soul – with everything in existence
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Hisbonenus – The Souls Within (5:29)
We have two voices within, seeking our attention. The lower self, the Nefesh Behamit, seeks pleasure and ease. The higher self, the Nefesh Elokit, seeks purpose and fulfilment. This video was produced for Lesson 2 of "Meditation from Sinai", a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
You Will Yet Live Again (50:39)
Were you someone else in a previous lifetime? Will you come back as your pet? A fascinating tour of the Jewish view on the mystery of reincarnation. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Paradise, Hell, and Reincarnation (50:55)
Modern science has uncovered many mysteries regarding life, but it has little to say about death. Join Rabbi Manis Friedman for an excursion to a place from which we can see what awaits us all. The good news is that we will travel roundtrip. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
What's the Point of Reincarnation? (2:08)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
The Movie of Life (4:52)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Soul's Journey (3:42)
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
Facing Mortality (3:28)
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
What Jews Can Teach the World about Life After Death (1:02:59)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Soul thinking (2:56)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Life after Death (3:22)
Is life truly over after death?.
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
The Worst Negative Emotions (5:49)
Mrs. Chaya Abelsky (2)
The Two Souls (2:37)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Essence of a Jew (46:23)
We Jews are an ancient people. But who are we? Join one of the most innovative Jewish minds as he uncovers the deep meaning of being Jewish. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Paradise and Hell (54:46)
Modern science has uncovered many mysteries regarding life, but it has little to say about death. Join Rabbi YY Jacobson for an excursion to a place from which we can see what awaits us all. The good news is that we will travel roundtrip. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Why Did G-d Give Us a Natural Soul? (4:08)
Wouldn't the G-dly soul have been enough for us? Why do we need the other soul?.
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
The Message of Our Two Souls (3:02)
What having two souls teaches us about our divine service.
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
The Secret to Self-Esteem (2:28)
The secret to self esteem. Click here to discover the secret to happiness, success, tranquility, marriage and more...
Series: The Secret To...
Where Does The Soul Go After Death? (0:56)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Soul and the After Death (1:06:12)
Here today, gone tomorrow? For sure not. According to kabbalah, death is really birth. It’s not the end of life but the beginning of a new life. We all have freedom of choice in our lives, and what happens after death reflects the choices we have made. Join an unbelievable adventure, upward and onward, into the shocking spiritual terrains of the soul’s trek out of this world
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Your Soul: Getting Acquainted (56:05)
If we are good people, why do we have unkind thoughts? And why do “bad people” have fits of conscience? Just as psychology provides the vocabulary to speak about the psyche, Tanya provides the key terms and constructs to express our souls. Who are we at our core? What is the cause of inner conflict? This session provides the terms to explore our most inner selves
Mrs. Menucha Schochet (1)
Use Everything the Right Way (2:09)
To learn more with Rabbi David Aaron visit his website at: rabbidavidaaron.com.
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Why You Will Never Die (1:54)
To learn more with Rabbi David Aaron visit his website at: rabbidavidaaron.com.
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Purim: We are One (3:14)
To learn more with Rabbi David Aaron visit his website at: rabbidavidaaron.com.
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
The Joyous Journey from Ego to Soul (2:15)
To learn more with Rabbi David Aaron visit his website at: rabbidavidaaron.com.
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
You Are Infinitely More than You Think (2:39)
Do you feel like a loser? You can't be, because you have a soul which is a part of God, thus by definition you're a cherished masterpiece. To learn more with Rabbi David Ahron visit his website at rabbidavidaaron.com.
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
In Just 3.5 Minutes Your Life Could Change Forever! (3:52)
Who are you? Who is God? What's the connection? And why would you even want a connection? Ray, a ray of sunlight, is a metaphor about us and God. Discover how to get rid of childish fears of God that sabotage your success, spiritual growth and happiness. For a deeper analysis on this video, watch this lecture
Series: Rabbi David Aaron's Animation Videos
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
A Hidden Agenda (4:15)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
The Kabbalah behind Washing Your Hands (28:06)
What is the significance of the Jewish ritual of washing our hands every morning? Rabbi Chay Amar explains the mystical meaning behind this seemingly simple act. He explores the reasons given for this ritual and how it can become a profound exercise that will infuse your day with spiritual focus.
Rabbi Chay Amar (6)
The Art of Forgiveness: Gaining Forgiveness from Yourself and Others (1:02:21)
How can I forgive myself for my sins? When is it necessary to forgive others? What can I do to gain forgiveness from G-d? Jewish tradition describes multiple levels of repentance and forgiveness. There are times when we are obligated to forgive others and times when we are forbidden to do so
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Level Seven: A Knot is Stronger (15:45)
This episode of the "Kabbalah of Forgiveness" series speaks about the unique bond that is formed by repairing a broken relationship. Dr. Abramson cites a powerful metaphor from the Midrash, which illustrates the concept of Teshuvah and distinguishes between a human being’s forgiveness and G-d’s
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Six: Who Makes Your Lunch? (14:30)
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Four: Remember the Family (15:55)
Dr. Henry Abramson continues his intriguing series based on the 6th century Kabbalistic work, “Tomer Devorah”. This fourth level focuses on viewing the Jewish nation as a family unit and G-d as a parent figure. This metaphor is expanded to the relationship of humanity in general with their parent in heaven
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Level Three: Take Care of it Personally (11:27)
In this mystical and practical series, Dr. Abramson presents the third level of forgiveness that is taught in the Kabbalistic work, Tomer Devorah. He explains how G-d Himself takes a part in our cleansing process, using a powerful analogy of a parent washing off his child's filth
Series: The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
The Chassidic Personality Test (40:29)
Forget Briggs Myers. To get a true glimpse of your personality, enter the fascinating world of the sefirot, the ten character traits that form who we are: kindness, pride, fortitude… We’re each a composite of these ten building blocks. Knowing what they are and how they work helps us better understand ourselves and the people around us.
Mrs. Chaya Epstein (4)
Every Soul has a Unique Mission (5:28)
Series: Paradigm Shift
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
God of our Understanding (12:05)
Series: Book of the Month
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Do Animals Have Souls? (39:17)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Soul Gym: Part 1 (41:56)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Simple Servant
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
The Power of Modeh Ani (33:13)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Simple Servant
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Adam Ki Yakriv (22:38)
Rabbi Yitzchok Wagshul (12)
Do You Believe in Life after Life? (1:03:05)
What is the afterlife? Rabbi Friedman’s sensitive and meaningful approach illuminates the Jewish concept of the hereafter. This discussion includes practical applications of the core concepts of the soul and the afterlife on the here and now. This enjoyable talk is riddled with anecdotes including a fascinating story about Sara Ferguson, the Duchess of York
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Impact of Light (17:12)
Rabbi Dovid Gutnick (1)
Illuminating Your Body (26:16)
This presentation is the second in a seriesabout internalizing messages of Chanukah: bringing light into ourselves and to the world around us. This inspiring and motivational lecture by Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein, offers insights into making the right decisions at significant crossroads in our life.
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
Seeing is Knowing (54:39)
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Illuminating Your Darkness (28:22)
This inspiring and motivational lecture by Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein offers an enlightening approach to life’s challenges. What do we do when the darkness is all-consuming and we don’t see a way out? Rabbi Weinstein takes a message from Chanukah about finding our life’s purpose, improving our marriage, and observing the Torah in the best way.
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
Living a Superhuman Life (1:00:51)
We expend so much time and energy chasing our dreams, but does it come at the expense of our integrity and happiness? Jewish teachings turn our quest on its head, and place the keys to our greatest dreams firmly in our hands. Learn how to navigate the incredible path Judaism sets for us to achieve a truly superhuman life.
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
Soul Excercises (7:53)
Meet your Animal Soul. Be the Boss. Flip it Back.
Rabbi Zalman Nelson (9)
Why Laughter Is a Lifesaver (41:24)
In this workshop brimming with Kosher humor, Rabbi Abba Perelmuter offers advice on how to deal with life’s challenges in a most effective way - with joy. Rabbi Perelmuter has been moving audiences across the US with his seemingly endless reserve of comical anecdotes
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Open Soul Surgery (35:23)
Real Chassidus for real living. In this lecture, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, an expert in Chassidic philosophy, offers a poignant presentation about the anatomy and nature of the soul. He provides a step by step guide for self-improvement that can be applied in a real and practical way in one’s day to day life. .
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Physical Exercise for a Healthy Soul (5:53)
Working out gives you an upper hand against your Animal Soul. Remember that Exercise + Consistency = Success applies to the physical and the spiritual/emotional.
Rabbi Zalman Nelson (9)
Control (6:45)
We’re responsible for our thoughts, words, and actions – G-d’s got all the rest covered. Trust Him.
Rabbi Zalman Nelson (9)
The Relationship and Relationships (6:20)
Judaism isn’t a religion; it’s a relationship with G-d. And that relationship influences and is influenced by every other relationship in your life.
Rabbi Zalman Nelson (9)
Working on the Self (6:56)
Make your G-dly Soul your personality. Don’t kill the animal, just tame and train it by fighting the darkness with light.
Rabbi Zalman Nelson (9)
Who Is Me? (7:02)
Our personality is a mixture of our two souls, our two psychologies. It’s a daily battle in our thoughts, words, and actions.
Rabbi Zalman Nelson (9)
8. My Portion in the World (18:23)
By clicking this link you can purchase Rabbi Gurkow's book; Reaching for G-d: The Jewish Book on Self Help.
Series: Living With Purpose
Rabbi Lazer Gurkow (23)
Reincarnation & Human Souls in Other Forms of Life (1:15:01)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson reveals and explores the Kabbalah's and deeper teachings of the Torah, on the ever-unfolding journey of the soul.
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Life after Life (43:44)
What is the answer to the perennial questions: Is there life after death? What and where is Hell? Rabbi Manis Friedman imparts knowledge in an easy to follow manner, explaining the real, Jewish response to the questions concerning the afterlife. Rabbi Friedman clarifies the situation with stories, chassidus and explanations
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
From Noise to Music (56:00)
Noted Rabbi and Life coach Aryeh Weinstein uses sound as a paradigm to provide a method of managing the many distractions and activities going on in our busy lives, that sap our energy. Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein asks his audience, to name some of the things that cause noise, distraction and confusion in our lives
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
The Day of Jewish Unity (50:44)
A child can break a twig, but a bundle of twigs can resist the strongest man. Parshas Netzavim, read before Rosh Hashana, is about unity. Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein emphasizes the strength in numbers, where everyone recognizes the virtue and quality of the others. Even the unity of idol worshipers can be appreciated by G-d.
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Moshiach. Really? (59:09)
How's your soul? Our souls connect us, it is our bodies that separate us. Rabbi Sholom Lipskar outlines the process of redemption and what to expect in the times of the Messiah. From the scientists who have discovered the G-d particle, to ancient texts, to the Lubatcher Rebbe's talks, Rabbi Lipskar brings Moshiach out of the texts and into the room
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (14)
The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning (46:30)
Whoever dies wtih the most toys wins. Is that what life is about? Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie emphasizes the importance of the afterlife to our current lives. He covers the unification of the body and soul, the resurrection of the dead, the recycling of souls, and the mystery of life and what we are here to accomplish. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Wellbeing of Body and Soul (49:54)
Judaism is the way our eyes and ears perceive reality and filter the phenomonom of life in a specific way. Rabbi Laibl Wolf cites the Rambam who addressed health and well being in the Mishna Torah. The mitzvah of health is the basis of the soul's ability to express itself optimally. Rabbi Wolf gives an outline of how to live a fulfilling life through his system of well being.
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
The Jewish View on the Afterlife (15:10)
The animal soul, concerned with food and pleasure can be harnessed by the G-dly soul to accomplish more in this world. Rabi Aaron L. Raskin speaks on a number of topics in this video. He begins with a brief overview of the open and the hidden periods of Jewish mysticism. Next he discusses the ultimate purpose of the soul in this world and what happens afterwards
Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin (16)
Where Is the Soul? (11:30)
Do we know the real us? Our physical existence is constantly changing and renewing, but the soul is constant. Rabbi Pinchas Taylor beautifully presents the concept of the body as a conduit for the soul. ► Part 2.
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Teshuva: Time Travel (40:04)
Change sins to merits with one simple discovery. Through teshuvah, repentence, we can lessen past sins and even change some to merits. Rabbi Pinchas Taylor shows how science is coming to support different approaches to time and space, which have always been known in Jewish mystical literature. ► Part 1.
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Mind and Soul (59:02)
How is your soul today? Ask the question and you will get a blank stare. Rabbi Sholom Lipskar explains that the mind / soul is a transcendent element that hovers in the brain. It does not have a biological presence, but has a neuronal connection that cannot be seen
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (14)
Dynamics of Free Will (17:37)
You know the old saw about how "dog bites man" isn't a story, but "man bites dog" is? Why is that true? Is it just because "man bites dog" is rare? In this video series, Rabbi Pinchas Taylor talks about free will, the defining feature of what it means to be human
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Faith and Leadership (50:18)
Enjoy a cup of coffee with Rabbi Ruvi New every Sunday morning as he leads an expedition into the inner chambers of the soul. Through intellectually rigorous analysis and heart-stirring discussion, revolutionary Chassidic texts will reveal their secrets to you, shedding new light on age-old questions of faith and philosophy
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Majestic Bride
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Got Mazel? (40:31)
Enjoy a cup of coffee with Rabbi Ruvi New every Sunday morning as he leads an expedition into the inner chambers of the soul. Through intellectually rigorous analysis and heart-stirring discussion, revolutionary Chassidic texts will reveal their secrets to you, shedding new light on age-old questions of faith and philosophy
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Majestic Bride
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
A Kabbalistic Perspective On Parshat Behaalotecha (26:44)
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg (20)
Kuntres U'Mayan: Overcoming Folly Discourse: 2 Chapter: 1 (30:10)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
The Chassidic Version of Healthy Self-Esteem (53:32)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Kuntres U'Mayan: The Spirit of Folly Chapter 4 (23:02)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Kuntres U'Mayan: Overcoming Folly Discourse: 1 Chapter: 3 (37:22)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Reining in the Raging Mind: A Kabbalistic Perspective (57:55)
From deep meditation techniques to successful "firewalkers" to Dale Carnegie's How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, to cognitive psychology, people around the world are searching for ways to cope with and master their thoughts
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
The Challenging Spots in Tanya (Advanced) (35:37)
A deep examination of some of the passages in the Tanya which seem to be in conflict with scientific thinking and evidence. Rabbi Shais Taub, renowned expert on Tanya, is the author of The Map of Tanya, and of the JLI course, Soul Maps, a six week overview of the Tanya
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Introducing Tanya Chapter 42 (26:23)
► Click here to watch: Meditation: Connecting to Ones Source (Tanya Chapter 42) To characterize someone as a "yorei shamayim - one who fears G-d," is high praise; and yet the Talmud (Berachot 3b) seems to imply that this is no big deal..
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Secrets of the Afterlife (51:00)
"The immortality of the soul is a matter which is of so great consequence to us and which touches us so profoundly that we must have lost all feeling to be indifferent about it," , Blaise Pascal, French philospher, 1623-1662
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
Chassidic Discourse: Vayishlach Yehoshua part 4 (10:27)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Visiting Gravesites: A Brief Summary (2:27)
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)
Chassidic Discourse: Vayishlach Yehoshua part 3 (10:20)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Kaddish: A Communal Response (6:21)
to order The Mystery of Kaddish By: Rabbi DovBer Pinson, published by IYYUN Publishing Click Here The Mystery of Kaddish is an in-depth and Kabbalistic exploration into the Mourner's Kaddish Prayer
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
An Exposition on Kaddish (17:06)
Click Here to order The Mystery of Kaddish By: Rabbi DovBer Pinson, published by IYYUN Publishing The Mystery of Kaddish is an in-depth and Kabbalistic exploration into the Mourner's Kaddish Prayer
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Chassidic Discourse: Vayishlach Yehoshua part 2 (4:17)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Central Ideas of the Tanya (12:45)
Mrs. Miriam Rhodes (3)
Chassidic Discourse: Vayishlach Yehoshua part 1 (52:39)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Reincarnation and Afterlife (1:03:23)
Can we remember past lives? What happens after we die? A glimpse into the journey of the soul on the other side of life’s curtain, including insights into near-death experiences, heaven and hell, and the afterlife journey. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
Chanukah: Light from Within (27:15)
Mrs. Miriam Yerushalmi (2)
The Menorah in the Temple (7:47)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
The Soul of Shabbat (7:37)
Mrs. Rivkah Leah Hazan (1)
Fine Structure Constant in Scripture: Psalm 62 (9:59)
Click here to watch Fine Structure Constant in Scripture: Psalm 119 Click here to watch Chapter 137 of Psalms: A Study of Gematria and Science by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh.
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Your Living Legacy: Why You Should Have an Ethical Will (21:45)
In this video from the National Jewish Retreat, Dr. Stephen Serbain discusses the concept of an ethical will and how it differs from other types of wills a person might write. An ethical will allows a person to transmit their spiritual legacy to their loved ones. In this interactive workshop, Stephen Serbain will give you the tools to compose your own Jewish ethical will. .
Dr. Stephen Serbin (3)
Reciting Kaddish for Our Loved Ones (5:02)
In this segment, Rabbi Eli Silberstein, discusses the three main ways that a person can connect with their loved ones after their passing: reciting the Mourner’s Kaddish, learning Mishnayot in their memory and doing good deeds. Rabbi Silberstein expounds on each one and its unique value to the departed soul.
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Dreams in Jewish Tradition - Part 3 (26:46)
Series: Dreams in Jewish Tradition
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
A Jew by Choice: A Relationship (5:20)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Dreams in Jewish Tradition - Part 2 (11:54)
Dreams in Jewish Tradition: Part 3.
Series: Dreams in Jewish Tradition
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Dreams in Jewish Tradition - Part 1 (11:24)
Dreams in Jewish Tradition: Part 2.
Series: Dreams in Jewish Tradition
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
The Kabbalah of Jewish Food (55:00)
In this lecture, delivered by Mrs. Rochel Kaplan, we delve deeper into the idea of Kabbalah. We hear and read a lot about Kabbalah, but did you know that it's actually possible to live your life following the precepts of Kabbalah? Through infusing spirituality into physicality , we bring about a balance in the world. The achievement of this balance is the fundamental goal of Kabbalah
Mrs. Rochel Kaplan (3)
Toward a More Meaningful Life (3:57)
Soul Quest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Eternal Bond (3:20)
Soul Quest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Intellect and Faith in Tanya: The Never-Ending Circle - Q & A (11:12)
To see Mr. Floch's full speech, click "Intellect and Faith in Tanya: The Never-Ending Circle" .
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
The Soul: A Closer Look (19:48)
Join Rabbi Boruch Wircberg for a deeper look at the unique thing which makes us Jews- our soul.
Rabbi Yosef Baruch Wircberg (1)
Reincarnation (2:21)
Soul Quest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Death and Beyond (3:35)
Soul Quest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
The Rebbe as our Essence (17:38)
This class was given by Rabbi Levi Kaplan at Machon Chana's Yeshivacation program in Crown Heights, New York. YeshivaCation is a learning program which takes place twice a year- during the winter and spring breaks
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Before You Were Born (1:57)
Soul Quest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Meet the Pilot (2:17)
Soul Quest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Exile: The Ultimate Expression of G-d's Unconditional Love (1:07:50)
"Tanya, Cultivating the Inner Life" Discover an inner resource that could help you resolve the most troubling, vexing and intimate human dilemmas: Why is life such a struggle, a constant challenge? Why is my inner life so full of contradictions? How does one deal with anger, anxiety, unwholesome desires, jealousies, stress and emotional, mental and spiritual blockages? What is the secret to developing loving and lasting personal relationships? How does one attain genuine joy, satisfaction, and a general sense of wholesomeness? Kabbalah and thePsychology of the Soul In New York : Tune in for Kabbalah and the Psychology of the Soul, a weekly show with Rabbi Ben-Tzion Krasnianski
Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski (17)
Opening the Tanya (49:22)
In this class, Rabbi Shloma Majeski gives an overview of the origins and content of Chabad Chassidus. Rabbi Majeski discusses fundamental concepts in the Tanya, the compilation of teachings from the first Rebbe of Chabad (the Alter Rebbe). This class discusses the teachings that are the foundation of all Chabad philosophy
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
There's Nothing More Whole Than the Broken Heart (28:08)
Tanya, Cultivating the Inner Life Discover inner resource that could help you resolve the most troubling, vexing and intimate human dilemmas: Why is life such a struggle, a constant challenge? Why is my inner life so full of contradictions? How does one deal with anger, anxiety, unwholesome desires, jealousies, stress and emotional, mental and spiritual blockages? What is the secret to developing loving and lasting personal relationships? How does one attain genuine joy, satisfaction, and a general sense of wholesomeness? Kabbalah and thePsychology of the Soul In New York : Tune in for Kabbalah and the Psychology of the Soul, a weekly show with Rabbi Ben-Tzion Krasnianski
Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski (17)
SoulQuest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond (2:27)
The before, during, and after. Life is a journey, but it's also a cycle. Unravel the mystery of death by exploring life, and get answers to your questions on the afterlife and beyond. Learn where you come from, where your lost loved ones are to be found, and how the before and after is all about the here and now. For more information visit, myJLI.com.
Intellect and Faith in Tanya: The Never-Ending Circle (9:58)
Mr. Brandon Floch is currently a senior at Dartmouth College. He is a Government major and a former Sinai Scholars presenter. Last year he presented a paper entitled Torah min ha-shamayim: A Young Jew’s Exploration of Divine Revelation. He recently completed an independent study with Professor Lewis Glinert in Tanya, focusing specifically on Shaar HaYichud
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
מסע הנשמה (Soul Quest Hebrew Promo) (2:22)
The before, during, and after. Life is a journey, but it's also a cycle. Unravel the mystery of death by exploring life, and get answers to your questions on the afterlife and beyond. Learn where you come from, where your lost loved ones are to be found, and how the before and after is all about the here and now.
Inner Rhythms: The Kabbalah of Music (11:30)
What is the spiritual significance of music? Is there a difference between Jewish music and the music of other cultures? Join Rabbi DovBer Pinson for an eye-opening (and ear-opening!) discussion about the kabbalah of music
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
A Tale of Two Souls (15:29)
A Tale of Two Souls: Exploring the Jewish Psyche Through the Lens of Tanya. The essence of man: is it spirit or soul? Within soul there is that which animates our physical existence and thrives on the material, and then there is that which aspires to virtue and transcendence
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Parshat Ki Teitzei: A Chassidic Interpretation (4:38)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Parshat Shoftim: A Chassidic Interpretation (5:23)
Parshat Shoftim, addresses fundamental issues pertaining to the leadership of the Jewish people. It begins with a discussion regarding judges, and later discusses the concept of the kings, prophets, and the kohanim (priests)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Conscience or Neshama? (17:59)
What is the difference between your conscience and the Jewish concept of a soul? Based on his knowledge of philosophy and mysticism, Rabbi Dr. Immanuel Schochet addresses the pros and cons of the human conscience and the role that the G-dly soul plays in our human experience. For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (34)
The Jewish Soul and Psyche (50:15)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Rosh Hashanah: The Beginning of a New Way to Serve G-d and Unite Souls (1:50:48)
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (31)
Getting to Know Your Soul (29:10)
A study session examining Tanya, the central text of Chabad Chassidism, as a means for creating the appropriate mental focus for prayer. Drawing on the deep well of chassidic wisdom and inspiration, this class will focus on a different theme each morning as it helps you build your own personal inner database of chassidic concepts and teachings
Rabbi Ronnie Fine (5)
Getting to Know Yourself (Soul) (28:32)
A morning study session examining Tanya, the central text of Chabad Chassidism, as a means for creating the appropriate mental focus for prayer. Drawing on the deep well of chassidic wisdom and inspiration, this class focuses on a different theme each morning, as it helps you build your own personal inner database of chassidic concepts and teachings
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
A Tale of Two Souls (Extended Version) (1:15:24)
A Tale of Two Souls: Exploring the Jewish Psyche Through the Lens of Tanya. The essence of man: is it spirit or soul? Within soul there is that which animates our physical existence and thrives on the material, and then there is that which aspires to virtue and transcendence
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Tanya: Getting to Know the Soul (26:28)
A study session examining Tanya, the central text of Chabad Chassidism, as a means for creating the appropriate mental focus for prayer. Drawing on the deep well of chassidic wisdom and inspiration, this class focuses on a different theme each morning as it helps you build your own personal inner database of chassidic concepts and teachings
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
With all your Heart (2:57)
This class took place at the Ivy League Torah Study Experience (ILTSE) - a summer Torah-learning program provided by the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education. ILTSE is open to college-age and graduate students with minimal or no background in Torah learning
Rabbi Eli Touger (3)
SoulQuest, Lesson Six: The Ultimate Moment (1:18:14)
SoulQuest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
SoulQuest, Lesson Five: Eternal Bond (1:21:26)
SoulQuest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
SoulQuest, Lesson Four: Reincarnation (1:22:14)
SoulQuest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
SoulQuest, Lesson Three: Death and Beyond (1:16:19)
SoulQuest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
SoulQuest, Lesson Two: Before You Were Born (1:21:36)
SoulQuest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)
SoulQuest, Lesson One: Who Am I? (1:15:06)
SoulQuest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning
Series: SoulQuest
Rabbi Shraga Sherman (137)