Faithful Guardians: Understanding the Torah Mandate for Rabbinic Jurisprudence (57:13)
When G-d gave the Torah, he also gave the system to protect laws derived from it from differing opinions. Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein lays out the process of judgment proceeding from the local Rabbi up to the supreme court of the Sanhedrin. He describes how decrees were enacted and what considerations were applied.
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 3
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein (32)
The Shalit Dilemma (18:48)
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 3
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Kidnapped! Bringing Our Soldiers Home (44:31)
This lecture was deliverd on August 18, 2010, Rabbi David Eliezrie discusses the various opinions regarding the halachic obligation or prohibition regarding the ransom of captives. .
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 3
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Teshuva Part 2: Transgressions of Rabbinic Law (42:21)
There are many mitzvot that we do that are not written in the Torah; they were established by the Rabbis. Does transgressing a Rabbinic law carry the same weight as transgressing a Torah law? Is the process of teshuva-repentance- the same in both cases? Rabbi Eli Silberstein has the answers.
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 3
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)