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How do we Foster Jewish Identity & Unity?

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The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential
There is one thing that is always present in your life. Not your body, for sometimes you soar aloft in thought or meditation. Not your heart, for there are surely things that preoccupy you about which you are indifferent. Not your intellect, for there are times when your mind must rest.

But no matter what state you are in, no matter your thoughts, mood, or level of awareness, it is always you who is in that state.

Welcome to The Kabbalah of You, a journey of discovery, in which we will ask—and answer—the most fundamental question of all: Who is the mysterious being at the heart of what it is to be … you? The same Kabbalah that leads us up and beyond the highest heavens also leads deep within to explore the divine mystery of your soul.

Lesson 5: The Self That Loves Your Neighbor
If I really am nothing less than G-dliness in disguise, why do I fall short so often? Surely, none of us have realized our infinite potential, and our awareness of that is a heavy weight. Our need is to weave a web of concrete awareness that assures that every aspect of our life is imbued with our core consciousness. This doesn’t happen naturally; we must partner in our own creation. We must be artists, making every one of our brushstrokes an expression of the infinite beauty and truth that is our very identity.

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Provider: The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Video title: How do we Foster Jewish Identity & Unity?
Category: Kabbalah
Series: The Kabbalah of You
Views: 1133
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