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The Beinoni

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This melody is a story.
Its message is resonant and consonant.
Listen with your ears. But please hear it with your soul.
This melody is wordless. But it has a name.
It is called: The Beinoni – The Median (The Intermediate).
And you know it well.
This melody is not about the first note.
Or the last.
But the lasting notes that get us from here to there.
This melody is less about dissonance and harmony.
And more about the music they make together.
The Tanya is titled, “The Book of the Beinonim.”
Its pages decipher the divine struggle of the Beinoni:
The median man and woman who endeavor every day to take life’s notes and compose the most sublime music possible.
Listen to the beautiful struggle of musician and instrument becoming one.
The deep bass and high treble…
…and the median balance humbly achieved together.
This melody is a story.
Listen to it.
It is the story, and melody, of your life.
Performed by
Laura Melnicoff
This video was produced for Lesson 4 of Simple Truths, a course by the Rosh Chodesh Society.
The Rosh Chodesh Society is a division of The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.

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Provider: Rosh Chodesh Society
Video title: The Beinoni
Category: Niggun
Views: 94
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