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Why Society's Dating Model Isn't Working

Mrs. Manya Lazaroff
132 Views     1 Rating
Society is sending us all sorts of messages about being ready to settle down and start a family.
But what does ‘ready’ really look like? 
What do kids really need? 
What does financial stability look like in 2022?
Why are we more lonely than ever? 
Hear Rebbetzin Manya Lazaroff, Co-founder & Program Director of Chabad at Texas A&M University, uncover the rich Jewish approach to some of life’s most fundamental endeavors. Her humanness, humor, and insight are sure to leave you thinking about life in ways you haven’t yet.

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Scholars: Mrs. Manya Lazaroff
Video title: Why Society's Dating Model Isn't Working
Category: Dating
Views: 132
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