On 27 Sivan 5768 (June 30, 2008), Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois presented "The Song & The Spirit" featuring the debut of the Chabad Choral Ensemble directed by Rabbi Mendel Moscowitz, Chazan Schneur Zalman Baumgarten, Ruby Harris & The Sugelah Orchestra, the Andy Stateman Trio and a talk by Rabbi Yossi Jacobson.
A Chassidic cantorial chant set to the prayer of Ta] (recited on the first day of Passover). This moving melody composed by Reb Avrohom Charitonov of Nikolayev, rises to crescendo with "Bmashmaeinu al yeri rozan" - "let there be no scarcity in our richness"
This ballad is sung by Chassidim on festive occasions. The lyrics are Ukrainian-Russian with a dash of Hebrew and Yiddish. The Lubavitcher Rebbe of righteous memory, taught this ancient melody, after the Hakofbton Simchas Torah, 1962 (5725)
This soul- stirring melody ascribed to Reb Hillel of Paritch (1795 - 1864), a Chassid of Rabbi DovBer and Rabbi Menchem Mendel of Lubavitch
Chassidic MedleyChassidic MedleyChassidic MedleyNiggun Rikud A joyous melody sung at Farbrengens (Chassidic gatherings) and other happy occasions.Chassidic Medley: Halelu This joyous three stanza Mggun is adapted from the Hallel service. Niggun Simcha - Eintz, Tzvei, Drei An energetic tune sparkling with spirit and pure Chassidic joy