The purpose of Machon Chana is to provide a comprehensive Torah education for women that will permeate the heart, mind and soul, and instill an appreciation of Judaism.
Study at Machon Chana provides the tools necessary for lifelong personal growth and fulfillment as a Jewish woman in the family, and in the destiny of the world.
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Like birds, our mitzvahs need 2 wings to fly. Rabbi Shloma Majeski explains how the rituals of the mitzvahs connect us to G-d. The love and fear of G-d provide the wings to fly. These points are illustrated with some poignant stories, including the story behind the Lubavitcher Rebbe's sefer Torah.
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
We are only human, what does G-d want from us? G-d wants a dwelling place in this, the lowest of worlds, created by the balance between our busy, physical lives and our spiritual connection. Rabbi Shloma Majeski explains that the spirituality we are immersed in on Shabbos carries over into the week, until we recharge again on the next Shabbos.
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
What was Madonna looking for in Kaballah? Mrs. Malka Werde gives a history of Kabbalah and who has been allowed to access its secrets from Sinai to today. What exactly is Madonna studying and what does it do for a star who has everything.
Mrs. Malka Werde (1)
Did Sarah have an easy life, with wealth and servants? She lived a nomadic existence accompanying her husband Avraham on his journey to change the world view. Mrs. Sarah Korn shares her relationship with our grandmothers, Sarah, Rivkah, Rochel and Leah
Mrs. Sarah Korn (4)
What do we sacrifice daily on the altar, since we no longer have the Beis Hamikdash? Rabbi Yoseph Vigler gives a history of prayer, beginning with the Great Assembly. He explains that prayer connects the heart to Hashem and we sacrifice our animal soul on the alter fire that is in the heart.
Rabbi Yoseph Vigler (7)
Where does it say we need to pray? Rabbi Shloma Majeski gives the source for prayer, and chassidic insights into the Pirkei Avos discussion on prayer. The Amidah, analagous to the spine which holds the whole body together, is the backbone of prayer, the nerve center of Yiddishkeit.
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
Signs of Moshiach: after experiencing the unlimited pleasures of today's world, we can adopt a religious lifestyle. Rabbi Mendel Samuels explains the effect that Shabbtai Tzvi had on the Jews and the next 400 years of the people's relationship with the belief in Moshiach
Rabbi Mendel Samuels (2)
Learn the inner dimension of the holidays in 48 minutes. Mrs. Gitty Rapoport is a dynamic teacher who packs a lot of information and inspiration into this class.
Mrs. Gitty Rapoport (4)
How would G-d destroy the world if he wanted to? Rabbi Shloma Majeski explains that G-d created the world and sustains everything with his words. By simply removing those words the world would cease to exist. The blessing we make over our kosher food is what releases the G-dly energy in the food giving us life in a positive way.
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
Animals come prewrapped but Adam and Chava have the greatest personal tailor. Mrs. Leah Gurary speaks about the whys and the hows of dress and the original tailor, Hashem.
Mrs. Leah Gurary (1)
Throughout the Torah women are mentioned as being spiritually stronger than men, A few of the areas mentioned by Rabbi Shloma Majesky are: When giving the Torah, Hashem spoke first to the women and then the men; Concerning the Golden Calf, and the Spies the men failed the tests and the women remained strong in their faith; in Egypt the women gave strength to their husbands
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
If you wear a watch on your right wrist, does your left wrist feel deprived? Mrs Henya Laine outlines the life cycle of a Jew from birth to marriage. She explains the differences between a boy and a girl as each being part of a couple, later to get married, where they complement each other
Mrs. Henya Laine (1)
Coming from the secular world, how am I supposed to be, how can I be as human as possible? Mrs Rochel Chana Riven recounts what she learned from Rebbetzin Chana’s Memoirs. We have to be 100% devoted to our families, even when that means going out of our comfort zone, with no barriers and no excuses. and we must maintain our dignity even in the worst of circumstances.
Mrs. Rochel Chana Riven (1)
Mrs. Etty Bogomilsky gives a comprehensive description of the Beis Hamikdash and who will build it.
Mrs. Etty Bogomilsky (2)
As we go up the ladder of tefillah, towards Shema and Shemonah Esrei we sing praises to Hashem. Mrs. Sarah Lieberman teaches the how and the why to our approach to Hashem through our prayers.
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
Mrs. Malky Freund (3)
The warmth as opposed to the fire for mitzvahs must permeate the home. Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld, through stories and examples, illustrates how to run a Torah home.
Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld (2)
Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka explains that we are profoundly affected by the food that we eat. A Jew must be careful to ensure that what he eats is complimentary to his Jewish soul and that the soul can thrive through the consumption of that food
Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka (6)
Chapter 47 of Ezekiel, envisioning the third Holy Temple.
Mrs. Etty Bogomilsky (2)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Series: Discourse: Venachah alav ru'ach Hashem
Mrs. Leah Abraham (11)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
Series: Discourse: Venachah alav ru'ach Hashem
Mrs. Leah Abraham (11)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
Mrs. Sara Labkowski (4)
Series: The Laws of Borer
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming (11)
Series: Discourse: Venachah alav ru'ach Hashem
Mrs. Leah Abraham (11)
Rabbi Yitzchok Lerman (1)
Examining Torah laws and prohibitions, Mrs. Lieberman gleans deep insights into Jewish education. This class was given at Machon Chana's Yeshivacation program in Crown Heights, New York. YeshivaCation is a learning program which takes place twice a year- during the winter and spring breaks
Series: Are You a Teacher
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
Mrs Sarah Lieberman presents a talk that the Lubavitcher Rebbe delivered in 1990 at a gathering of Jewish women leaders. This very unique talk discusses the importance of education and Torah study for children from the perspective of Jewish law
Series: Are You a Teacher
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
This class was given at Machon Chana's Yeshivacation program in Crown Heights, New York. YeshivaCation is a learning program which takes place twice a year- during the winter and spring breaks. The course consists of fascinating classes, lectures and interactive workshops, and can be an all-encompassing introduction, an expansion of existing knowledge or an energizing vacation
Series: Are You a Teacher
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
This class was given at Machon Chana's Yeshivacation program in Crown Heights, New York. YeshivaCation is a learning program which takes place twice a year- during the winter and spring breaks. The course consists of fascinating classes, lectures and interactive workshops, and can be an all-encompassing introduction, an expansion of existing knowledge or an energizing vacation
Series: Are You a Teacher
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
In this class, Rabbi Shloma Majeski gives an overview of the origins and content of Chabad Chassidus. Rabbi Majeski discusses fundamental concepts in the Tanya, the compilation of teachings from the first Rebbe of Chabad (the Alter Rebbe). This class discusses the teachings that are the foundation of all Chabad philosophy
Rabbi Shloma Majeski (8)
In this class, Mrs. Sara Labkowski delves into some of the specific laws surrounding what makes food kosher. We learn that in many cases, kosher food does not simply require a guarantee of only kosher ingredients, but can also require specific supervision during its production or cooking
Mrs. Sara Labkowski (4)
So often today, marriages are in trouble. Increasingly, husbands and wives fail to define or lose track of their roles. In this talk, Mrs. Sara Labkowski speaks about different family structures, the role of a wife and a woman's ability to build her husband's character and strengthen her marriage
Mrs. Sara Labkowski (4)