"Mission Driven: The Long Short Way" is a platform with a Podcast featuring experts in Spirituality, Relationships, Productivity, and Health to help people define their mission, develop the tools for success, and make the world a Godly place. We have interviewed best selling authors, world renowned rabbis, relationship experts, professional athletes, inspirational businessmen, and internationally recognized fitness coaches.
We have two voices within, seeking our attention. The lower self, the Nefesh Behamit, seeks pleasure and ease. The higher self, the Nefesh Elokit, seeks purpose and fulfilment. This video was produced for Lesson 2 of "Meditation from Sinai", a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Does the value of something come from its physical properties and dimensions, or from to the idea it stands for and represents? What’s the difference between “Thing based thinking” and “Idea based thinking”? This podcast was provided by “Mission Driven: Long Short Way”.
Matisyahu Goren (1)
Rabbi Shalom Denbo (1)