This seven-step process gleaned from the Torah will help you think better and feel better, providing a powerful boost for your sense of wellness and joy in life. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rus Devorah Wallen (2)
Is the food you purchased in the supermarket or restaurant exactly what you think it is or what the label claims? The answer may surprise you! Embark on an eye-opening journey as Rabbi Berel Bell takes you backstage and shares fascinating behind-the-scenes information about the food industry as a whole, as well as some aspects of Kosher supervision, and why it’s way more complex than you ever thought
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
U.S Army Investigator Ben Ferencz documented the horrors of the Holocaust, and at Nuremberg, he charged 22 Nazis with the deaths of millions. At 103, Ben remains a beacon of justice. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Ben Ferencz (1)
A multimedia presentation on 15 fascinating tales surrounding priceless ancient books. Witness the Jewish rush to adopt the printing press and how Jews overcame the bigots who would halt them. Learn how the economics of the Jewish book market influenced the gentile world of print. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yanky Majesky (1)
Imagine walking to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem 2000 years ago. The road you’d have been walking on is now fifty feet underground. It’s the site of Israel’s most ambitious archaeological excavation to date. Be amazed as we explore the ancient Pilgrimage Road, revealing the link between the City of David and the Temple Mount
Rabbi Avraham Stolik (2)
As the world teeters on the brink of recession, lift your perspective above the daily grind and consider the spiritual side of economics. For instance, what really is the Jewish view on capitalism? This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Jacob Solomon (1)
What would Maimonides say about some of today’s most complex medical dilemmas? Analyzing Maimonides’ timeless writings we explore what his approach might be to areas including preventative medicine, the separation of Siamese twins, stem cell research, plastic surgery and Covid-19. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Colonel Golan Vach (1)
Whether it’s meditation, a nature walk, reading a sacred text, or saying a prayer, there are many ways to tap into a heightened awareness of the world and your place in it. A leading expert illuminates the surprising science of spirituality and its application to our lives. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Lisa Miller (3)
A look at the spiritual roots of chemical dependency and depressive disorder and a new spiritual conceptualization of recovery using the discovery model. Learn the importance of finding the meaningful life you’re looking for, and an approach for doing just that. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Yekusiel JD Kalmenson (4)
In this session we will hear the author discuss his newly published, ground-breaking work which traces the development of rabbinic literature's understanding of anatomy, physiology, and therapeutics across time. We will learn the value of an historic perspective as a key to understanding the unique relationship of Judaism and medicine throughout the centuries
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Experience some beginner Talmud study in this session exploring the meaning and symbolism of some of the basic rituals at the Passover Seder. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Born in Milan, Italy, the move to Jerusalem wasn’t the smoothest for Hadassah Chen. Then in 2012, she lost her third daughter Navi to a battle with cancer. In the aftermath of a horrible tragedy, Mrs. Chen’s journey inspired, and continues to inspire, countless others. Join for a journey across miles and years, sure to be filled with laughs and tears
Mrs. Hadassah Chen (4)
Experience five exquisite and immersive animations which explore some of Judaism’s deepest mysteries, pertaining to G-d and the nature of our reality. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Alter Deitsch (2)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Menny Chazanow (2)
Jewish spirituality grounds our minds, emotions, and behaviors in a loving and compassionate life of Mitzvot. Mindfulness training cultivates an awareness of “what is happening” without being swept along by judgments and emotions. Are they compatible? This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Are the robots coming to get us? Does an Artificial Intelligence count for a minyan? Hear about the future of the digital age, and the Jewish approach to this hyper-modern issue. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Eliezer Wolf (3)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
This address was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
When the Surfside Condominiums collapsed on June 24, 2021, Rabbi Sholom Lipsker was just up the block. Hear the story of his personal involvement in an unfathomable communal tragedy, and the community's responce in the aftermath. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (14)
What do Shakespeare, philosopher Jeremy Bentham and English kings Henry IV, Richard III, and Henry VIII all have in common? Join this breathtaking historical tour of museums, monarchs, murder mysteries, and mummies as we explore their relationship to Jewish medical history throughout the centuries. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Join us for a panel of first-person storytelling, understanding, and vulnerability that seeks to break the harmful stigmas surrounding sharing our grieving and growing processes. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Sigrid Pechenik (1)
A candid discussion about women’s role in Judaism, and the intersection of feminism and religion. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner (7)
Is Moshiach coming or do we have to bring him? Do we play an active role in bringing about the Messianic era, and if so, where do we begin? This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
This interactive session challenges you to engage your view of spirituality. Asking the questions you’ve been wondering about, we’ll introspect, discover our assumptions, and consider new perspectives. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Yekusiel JD Kalmenson (4)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Leah Rosenfeld (13)
Project G-d’s mind onto the screen of time and space, and voila, you get our physical world. Join us as we unfold the matrix of creation, and realize our role as G-d’s partner in an unfinished creation. We’ll look at human psychology and the way the universe is contained within our person and life. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Explore the biblical story of Joseph and his brothers from the perspective of clinical psychology. Drawing on existentialism, logo-therapy and narrative therapy, Yekusiel Kalmenson shows how these biblical accounts can provide guidance for enduring recovery and human optimization. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Yekusiel JD Kalmenson (4)
From the Tabernacle's tapestries to Chagall's sculptures, the Jewish people have always been masters of the fine arts. Journey through the millennia as we inspect the impact our nation has had on the art world at large. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. George Dean (3)
Sharing an etymological root with tzedek (justice), tzedakah (charity) is a central Jewish ethic featured in many holidays and highlighted in the Talmud. Learn from Jewish philanthropists why they give and what they get. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. George Rohr (4)
Hear the story of how a teenager with a catholic upbringing’s chance encounter with a yeshiva student in a Manhattan Starbucks set him on a path to becoming a Chasidic Rabbi, husband, and father. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Matisyahu Devlin (1)
Do recent Supreme Court rulings signal a shift in America’s religious outlook? Rabbi Jacobson demonstrates that the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s approach to public Judaism may be more critical than ever in today’s environment. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
James Madison said, “Free speech is one of the great bulwarks of liberty”. Americans have been debating its parameters; some say this endangers liberty, others, that it limits hate. Judaism has a history of active debate, but where does Jewish tradition place restrictions? This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Saul Dreier survived three concentration camps at age 17. At 91, he took his drums and formed a klezmer band of Holocaust survivors. His moving story gushes faith, resilience, and remembering. This interview was conducted at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Saul Dreier (1)
Is it healthy to release anger? Or does release only reinforce it? Learn why Maimonides forbids expressing anger, and how to eradicate negativity from your behavioral profile. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Join a federal judge and a rabbi as they compare notes on the legal ruling of Halacha and U.S Law in some pertinent cases. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Judge Roy Altman (1)
This panel was featured at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Chana Kalmenson (2)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Ambassador Gilad Erdan (1)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
It’s too easy to walk through life without a solid grasp on who we are. Take a deep dive into your soul’s spiritual makeup, and walk away with a deeper appreciation of your purpose and potential. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
When Nissi Estrin was born with congenital heart defects, his parents waged a determined battle to save him. Join Elie Estrin for a candid conversation with Dr. Anthony Rossi, director of Pediatric Cardiology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, on science, intervention, advocacy, and hope
Dr. Anthony Rossi (1)
Explore different ways of communicating and experiencing your spouse. Through the lens of Torah and Chassidus, we will explore relationships and how to navigate peacefully by seeing value in the other and worth in ourself. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Hindi Kalmenson (1)
Three connections, body and soul, us and others, and us and G-d, form the basis of a received Jewish model for addressing stress, anxiety, and depression called “The Connections Paradigm.” Learn concrete strategies for harnessing Jewish wisdom to better flourish in the modern age. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. David Rosmarin (5)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner (7)
A Jewish military chaplain shares lessons learned from mass casualty events and his family's complex medical journey about the intersection of two sets of incentives. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Elie Estrin (5)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Sometimes, families get complicated. Especially when one family member chooses to be more, or less, religiously observant than the others. Learn how to re-establish family closeness and respect differences in your midst. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
This address was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky (22)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
Embark on an inspiring journey unlike any other, with a deep dive into the bestselling book "The Journey to Your Ultimate Self". Learn the timeless principles of Torah wisdom that will help you embark on the journey to your own ultimate self. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (71)
Authors Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson and Rabbi Zalman Abraham explore fifty long-misunderstood Hebrew words and their surprising impact on Jewish values and culture. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
This session is all about constant growth. How do you keep on climbing after coming so far? Is it alright to stop, take a breather, and enjoy the view from the top? This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
You're gushing with more inner potential than you know. Discover the hero within and how you can uncover the latent superpowers waiting to accomplish the impossible. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Ever wish you could turn back the clock and undo the past? Here’s a perspective that shows how you can hack time, redeem the past, and uplift your life as you head into the future. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
The glowing constellations in the night sky fascinate us. Many believe the stars and astrological signs influence life here on earth. Does Judaism believe in the zodiac? What’s the Torah’s perspective on all this? This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Ethics of Our Fathers teaches us that very few individuals are not welcome in Heaven. An analysis by the Rebbe leads us to discover the very mission of our lives. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Joyce Azria learned to love fashion alongside her father, fashion house CEO Max Azria. She launched several brands and today is president of SWISS1876. Her journey toward faith is inspirational, timely and personal. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Joyce Azria (2)
A conversation with Holocaust survivor Edith Eger. Her New York Times best-selling book, Embrace the Possible tells the story of the horrors she experienced in Auschwitz, her struggle with survivor’s guilt and flashbacks, and her journey towards healing. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Edith Eger (2)
How big a difference do thoughts actually make? You might think gratitude sounds like a nice habit, but wait until you see how it can change your life entirely. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
How does Judaism react in the face of senseless racist hatred? And how should we think about racial issues? This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Rob Fashler (2)
Of all the gifts the Rebbe gave to the Jewish people, none reverberate louder than his signature approach to the role of Jewish women, the Jewish state, and the Baal Teshuva movement. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Join us on a rescue mission through time as we re-examination and rehabilitate of some of the most negative events and nefarious characters from Jewish history. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
In the last few years, many of our communities have splintered, not able to provide us with the support we need. Learn about the impact of connection and support on wellness, as well as how we can be there for one another. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. David Rosmarin (5)
Can the twelve tribes ever become one people? Discover the Rebbe’s enduring legacy to realize the truth that the Jewish people are one big happy family. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dovid Vigler (4)
This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Is all this time we spend thinking about our needs driving us to depression? Is there another way to look at life? Should we instead ask, “what are we needed for?” This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
We all know Virtual Reality is the future, but what if the future is now? Experience the Holy Temple using the power of Virtual Reality, and glimpse Jewish learning's future with some of the founders of a new eductaional startup. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Aaron Wolko (1)
Humanity has long looked up at the starry sky and asked, “are we the only ones?” Judaism believes that our planet is somehow special, but does that mean we don’t believe that aliens exist? Finally; the answers to all your extraterrestrial questions. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Learn and practice three Jewish meditative exercises. “Change the mind,” “tame the heart,” and “swim gracefully in a world of change” through inspiration, contemplation, and introspection. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Through a series of real life stories (including raising triplets on a collge campus) and fundamental texts, explore the potential in the every day, even when it seems like things aren't going the way we thought they would. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Manya Lazaroff (5)
If the Jewish people are G-d’s ambassadors on earth, how does that affect how we act and how other people see us? Discover what being G-d’s ambassador truly means, and recognize that somebody’s keeping an eye on you wherever you go. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Follow a poetic journey through the Tanya’s life-altering ideas. Menny and Tonia Chazanow combine personal experiences, guitar playing, spoken word poetry and timeless Chassidic ideas to create an artistic and human telling of the beinoni’s journey. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Tonia Chazanow (4)
Join us for an exploration of the mechanics of prayer and blessings. If our lot is predetermined, is there any point in praying? What exactly happens when someone is given a blessing? How does a blessing interact with the predetermined plan G-d has in place? This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Let’s bust the stigma around our emotional and mental challenges. Everyone has their challenges because everyone has their mission, let’s embrace both. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (14)
Before the “CDC” was mentioned regularly at your dinner table, Dr. Henry Falk spent almost 40 years at the venerable government health institution. Hear about his work and leadership in environmental health, chronic diseases, and emergency responses to the Three Mile Island accident, the World Trade Center attack, and Hurricane Katrina—and how his Judaism informed his career
Dr. Henry Falk (1)
Pretty much everything in life needs balance to survive— including life itself. Explore three distinct parts of your life, mind, body, and soul; and gain insight into how to masterfully play rodeo to guide each one to calm and steer the others. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Rus Devorah Wallen (2)
The 2020 Pew Study, released in May 2021, is the subject of talk around town, and many are worried about the future of Judaism in America. Hear some of the study’s findings and what they mean from rabbis, community leaders, and educators. Sometimes the numbers don’t tell the whole story. This panel was featured at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Holly Cohen (9)
Learn about the latest advances out of Emory University to end Jewish genetic diseases. As a community, what can we do to help our friends and family? This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Felicia Mayer (1)
The future is unknown and sometimes frightening. Learn the tools for managing the stress of everyday life and the curve balls thrown at us along the way. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
More than 20 percent of Nobel prize winners have been Jewish. While Jews make up a minuscule fraction of the world population, our impact has been outsized. Learn more about the incredible impact a tiny desert nation has made on the world throughout its history, from Abraham to Einstein. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. George Dean (3)
In this interactive session, we follow the travails of the young couple Ruchami and Chanina from the Netflix series Shtisel (season three), as they navigate the challenges of medicine and assisted reproductive technologies. We will explore the ethics of abortion, contraception, surrogate motherhood, and risking one’s life to have children
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one is stamped on our coinage. These words reflect a vision of diverse states and peoples unified as one nation. Yet today, Americans are sharply divided. Appreciating the souls' mystical origins can help us better understand our differences, learn how to bridge them, and reap the benefits of a deeper unity
Rabbi Nochum Mangel (4)
The book Less Stress, More Joy is the culmination of the lifelong journeys of a Fortune 10 executive and a busy rabbi on their quest for great, meaningful, committed, and purposeful lives. On this adventure, they have discovered an approach that has helped them reduce their stress and experience more joy in life, relationships and work on a daily basis
Mr. Scott Frank (2)
The twenty-two letters in the Hebrew alphabet are not just a means of communicating; they are spiritual powers G-d used to create the world. Discover the deeper meaning of the Hebrew letters in this visual presentation. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Were you someone else in a previous lifetime? Will you come back as your pet? A fascinating tour of the Jewish view on the mystery of reincarnation. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Judaism is a religion of holy words, and through our words, we serve Hashem. Our words also shape our reality. Optimize the power of your words to transform your life and the lives of others. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Deborah Teplow (2)
When you hear the word “sober,” do you think of alcohol or drugs? But could it be that we are addicted to our emotions as well? Discover the next frontier in recovery—and a helpful tool for everyone–that allows you to stay focused and grow in every area of your life. For the lecture by Rabbi Taub that Dr. Berger references, click here
Dr. Allen Berger (1)
Throughout the centuries and around the world, Jewish communities have experienced many pandemics, including black death, bubonic plague, polio, smallpox, and measles. In this session, we explore how rabbis, physicians, and communal leaders confronted plagues of the past, and we find striking parallels to the issues we face today
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
A peek into the personal and professional lives of four successful, happy-to-be-Jewish women on the journey of life. Unapologetic and with unmatched spirit, each of the diverse panelists will share what propels her in her mission, fusing faith and modernity. Together, they form a beautiful snapshot of a remarkable life. This panel was featured at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Chana Greenstein (1)
Recent times have seen market manipulation that caused massive gains for some and huge losses for others. Is that kosher? A look at the Jewish Law’s view on non-tangible valuables. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
Rabbi Klonymus Shapira was a fascinating figure. From 1939-1942, as the rabbi of the Warsaw ghetto, he answered heart-wrenching questions in Halacha during challenging and tragic times. His work provides insight into Rabbi Shapira’s sharp thinking, his incredible life and legacy, and how they can shape yours, too
Professor Don Seeman (4)
Sharing an etymological root with tzedek (justice), tzedakah (charity) is a central Jewish ethic featured in many holidays and highlighted in the Talmud. Learn from Jewish philanthropists, as well as the founder of The Jewish Giving Pledge, why they give, where they give, and what they get. This panel was featured at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Eyal Postelnik (1)
If you have a heart, brain, liver, kidney, or chromosomes, you might be interested in this session. Fertility, organ donation, Covid and risk to physicians, triaging ventilators, end of life issues, the definition of death - no medical topic is off-limits. Bring your questions, comments, brain (and assorted organs) for an educationally nutritious experience
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
If G-d is so almighty, how are we expected to get to know Him? In this enlightening talk, prepare to get to know the Creator as you've never seen Him before. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The average person has 6,200 thoughts every day. Are they substantial or just fleeting? Should we value all of them? Just some of them? A look at the psychological and Torah view on these brain flashes. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
G-d is great--for your mental, physical, and spiritual health. Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg discusses the benefits of faith based on new evidence culled from brain-scan studies, a wide-reaching survey of people's religious and spiritual experiences, and analyses of adult drawings of G-d. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Andrew Newberg (1)
Adding spirituality to your life can be simple and a valuable tool for engaging with all the "stuff" that comes your way. A conversation between a rabbi and a therapist about small steps you can take to make yourself less angry and more present and accepting of yourself and others. This session took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Smitty Grider (1)
When the Lubavitcher Rebbe instituted a daily study schedule of Maimonides’s magnum opus in 1986, he focused on the last chapters of the Mishneh Torah as a guide for the coming of Mashiach. An analysis of Maimonides’s teachings, the Rebbe’s insights, and the revolutionary approach they sparked. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Don Seeman (4)
“I’m a citizen of the world,” claims the one with a utopian vision
Rabbi Nochum Mangel (4)
Miraculously, Bert Lewyn was tipped off on the morning the Gestapo rounded up all the Jews in Berlin, and he went underground. Without proper identity papers, he survived as a hunted Jew by successfully mimicking non-Jews, even masquerading as an SS officer. Hear Bert’s fascinating story of survival from his daughter-in-law, who brought it to the public in her book
Mrs. Bev Saltzman Lewyn (1)
Throughout the COVID pandemic, many have wondered what Jewish Law says about obeying government regulations concerning public health. Your chance to find out the truth. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
As a Chaplain in the US Air Force and a member of the Aleph Institute, Rabbi Estrin has helped Jews in all branches of the US Military. A peek into this little-known Jewish community and their unique experiences with sometimes humorous and sometimes tragic outcomes. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Elie Estrin (5)
We recognize why the Redemption must come and the human role in making it happen. In this lesson, peek into that perfect—and perfectly possible—world as the prophets and sages vividly describe it. This is lesson 6 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen". For more information on JLI's courses, go to
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Ovadia Goldman (1)
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz will forever be known for single-handedly translating the entire Talmud. He was also known as a compassionate and caring, insightful individual. In this interview, we will look into the life and work of a legendary rabbi as told by his son. This session took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Meni Even Israel (1)
Group A, B, or C? While the CDC has its way of choosing who gets vaccines first, what would Jewish law say? This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
There is no denying the recent uptick in anti-semitism in the past year. Are we at fault? What can we do about it, and is there any chance for it to change? This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yossy Goldman (11)
Judaism sees all of history as one connected journey toward a single desired destiny. In this lesson, we look back to identify four distinct epochs that show us how far we’ve traveled on the way to a truly good world. This is a synopsis of lesson 4 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen". For more information on JLI's courses, go to
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Ephraim Silverman (1)
The State of Israel is constantly judged in the court of public opinion. A noted attorney representing the Jewish state regularly in the international court system teaches five responses to common claims about our beloved homeland. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Goldfeder (4)
Meet a Jew from the other side of the world, and an instant connection is formed. Are we more than just a people? Lessons from the Lubavitcher Rebbe on love, leadership, and caring about the individual. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Rabbi Manis Friedman, and Rivka Goldstein, co-authors of a new release, Creating a Life That Matters will address some of the fundamental questions we all ask. From relationships to death to purpose and the goal of it all, join us for a book launch discussion with the authors. This session took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Rivka Goldstein (1)
Nine hundred years ago, Rabbi Bachya ibn Pakudah, a Jewish philosopher from Spain, penned a book, The Gate of Trust. With a pandemic and other trying times, the old-world Spanish sage’s words are especially timely, and with a new translation, the appeal of this classic is on the rise. Join the revolution. This session took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Getzy Fellig (1)
This address was given at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
Resilience is considered key to surviving and thriving through difficult periods in our lives. How do we build our resilience, enabling us to continue in the face of adversity? This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Father and daughter pick each other's minds to discover what Jewish mysticism has to offer in a modern world in the 21st century. This session took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein (11)
Waiting for a Messiah to come save humanity feels a little… un-Jewish. But what if Redemption is a natural reaction to humanity’s own cumulative action? Discover the effect you’ve already had on the reality of the world. This is a section from lesson 3 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen". For more information on JLI's courses, go to myJLI
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Nochum Mangel (4)
This address was given at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
The Talmud teaches that while most dreams are foolish, some contain truth. Learn how to tell the difference in this exploration of fantasies and nightmares. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
While Jewish divorce rates lag behind the general population, they seem to be on the rise. What can we do to save ourselves, our relationships, and each other. A lesson for the unmarried and the married alike. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Let's face it: the Rabbis have added many strictures in Judaism. What's the deal? What gives them the authority anyways? Put your reservations about rabbinic Judaism to bed in this important journey. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yossi New (25)
Since the time of the Talmud, it seems that Jews have always been disagreeing. Why are so many of our religious practices rooted in arguments? Can't we all just get along? This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Though it will solve every ill in the world, the Jewish concept of Redemption is not a response to strife. The Redemption with Moshiach is an independent and foundational tenet of Jewish belief. See where it fits into the bigger story of the world and its Creation. This is lesson 2 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen"
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Sholom Raichik (1)
Modern science has uncovered many mysteries regarding life, but it has little to say about death. Join Rabbi Manis Friedman for an excursion to a place from which we can see what awaits us all. The good news is that we will travel roundtrip. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Does monitoring your employees' email violate their right to privacy? How about a government spying on its citizens? Learn the Jewish legal view on privacy, spying, and snooping. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
Time marches forward, never turning back or slowing down. So where is it all headed? A look into the future gives us insight to the beginning and the purpose of creation. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier (9)
Each day, we are given new opportunities to harness the power of the infinite, transforming ourselves and our environment. There are no accidents: only Divine potential waiting to be realized. Tap into your essence with these practical meditations. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yisrael Rice (5)
With all the popularity of self care, love and acceptance, you may be wondering, “what does Judaism believe?” Join us for powerful journey into the intersection of self-recognition and service of G-d. This session took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Embark on the story of a remarkable medical journey. When their child was diagnosed in utero with complex congenital heart and gastrointestinal defects, Elie and Chaya Rochel Estrin knew they had a challenging ride ahead. Inspired by the Jewish approach to life, the Estrins battled for their baby's life despite dire predictions of a six-hour lifespan
Mrs. Chaya Rochel Estrin (1)
The eighteen blessings in the Amidah prayer function as a staircase for our connection with G-d. Did you know that these blessings have a fascinating correlation to human anatomy? Elevate your prayers to the next level with this ride from cosmology to anatomy. This session took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein (11)
This address was given at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein (11)
Kabbalah teaches that a boundless force is hidden within the cosmos, waiting to be released and harnessed. In His new book, Rabbi Rice shares the depth of Jewish Mystical wisdom in an approachable and easy-to-understand format. Unlock your universe today. This session took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Holly Cohen (9)
This address was given at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky (22)
What does an unexplored correspondence between psychoanalyst Carl Jung and Alcoholics Anonymous cofounder Bill W. reveal about the spiritual component of addiction? How does it help us understand something that the Chasidic masters taught about the human need to connect with G-d? Learn all that as you hear the fascinating story of how the 12 Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous began
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
The development of a COVID vaccine has generated numerous ethical issues. In this lecture, we discuss the Jewish responses to vaccination spanning from the first vaccination, Smallpox, to the Covid vaccine. Topics will include risk, kashrut, anti-Semitism, and religious exemption. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yossy Goldman (11)
As society becomes increasingly aware of the importance of mental health and wellness, it has inspired a rise in spiritual involvement. Hear from a panel of spirituality and mental health leaders on this prescient convergence, its importance, and its impact. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Chris Thrasher (1)
The number of people who consider themselves atheists has doubled in the last ten years. Why is it so hard for people to see a G-d in the world? And how can we be so sure we always see Him? This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
A study session on Moshiach. In a society marked by chaos and discord, it's hard to believe our world is in a better state than it has ever been. Let's dive into the data of what's wrong—and what's right—with the world today. This is lesson 1 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen". For more information on JLI's courses, go to
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein (5)
The level of detail in Jewish law can be awe inspiring and downright intimidating—not to mention tedious for some. But there is so much more than what meets the eye: discover the inner workings of the minutiae of Jewish law as exposed in kabbalistic and Chasidic thought. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Isser Dovid Silverman (1)
The Talmud teaches, “A baal teshuvah stands in a place where even the most righteous cannot stand.” What is teshuvah (repentance)? Is it just saying, “I’m sorry”? That’s hardly grand! Discover the power of teshuvah, Judaism’s gift of redemptive transformation. This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Dassie New (2)
How many times have you fallen short of the goals you set for yourself to do better in the coming year? Change is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn the secrets to lasting, positive change using a breakthrough, science-based approach This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Deborah Teplow (2)
This award was presented at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
Mr. Mike Leven (2)
This screening took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
The Psalmist says, "The heavens are for G-d, and the Earth is for mankind." But is this the case? What does a spiritual G-d want to do with a physical Earth? Can there be something about this world we are not seeing? This lecture was delivered at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
This award was presented at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Rabbi Chuni Vogel (4)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Rabbi Chuni Vogel (4)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Rabbi Chuni Vogel (4)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
Rabbi Chuni Vogel (4)
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2019 Concert
Eli Marcus (12)
This farewell address was given at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Levi Klein (1)
With the Exodus from Egypt as our point of departure, we explore issues in Jewish medical ethics - including the plagues, embalming, organ donation, multi-gestational pregnancies and anesthesia for childbirth. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
In 2007, Israel struck a Syrian nuclear reactor. How did Israel discover it? Why did it ignore President Bush's request to stand down? And what does this story teach us about the current standoff with Iran? Yaakov Katz (Editor-in-Chief, The Jerusalem Post) tells the story behind his new book. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Yaakov Katz (8)
This tribute was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Cantor Aryeh Leib Hurwitz (2)
This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
In this interactive session, we will use Dani Shapiro’s memoir to discuss genetic testing and its impact on Jewish law. Case studies include of artificial insemination, bastardy, releasing women to remarry, inheritance, solving “cold cases” and identifying lost relatives. (NOTE: One need not have read the book to attend
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
America has been unusually kind to Jews, so much so that it was nicknamed “Di Goldene Medina” (the Golden Land) by many Yiddish-speaking immigrants. Join Dr. George Dean in discussing the role of American presidents from George Washington to Donald trump in facilitating Jewish communal life and speculating on the future of this special relationship
Dr. George Dean (3)
In her weekly podcast, “Jewish Latin Princess,” Yael interviews the world’s most uniquely-talented Jewish women, whose inspiring journeys teach each of us how to discover our soul’s mission and vision for transforming the world. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Yael Trusch (12)
"If words are the language of the mind, melody is the language of the soul," taught the Chassidic Masters. Come journey into the heart and soul, the mystery and magic of Chassidic story and song, and experience for yourself the power of the niggun - the wordless melody - a sometimes moving and sometimes exuberant treasure of our cultural heritage
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
The U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment enshrines the right of citizens to “bear arms.” But it is neither the first nor the last word. How may a “Higher Authority” weigh in? Here we will investigate Jewish law to discover other ways of parsing this hot topic. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff, author, film consultant, will speak about her miraculous escape from Nazi-occupied Europe through eight countries, a little know story of escape via Lisbon at the same time as famous artists such as Marc Chagall were escaping. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Miriam Klein-Kasenoff (3)
Among other things, we Jews are known for our humor. We plan and Hashem laughs,” goes the Yiddish saying. Throughout the ages Jews have used humor to survive, thrive, laugh and learn, and have placed humor at the very center of their lives
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
Following the life of the fictional Kohen family, we will delve into the unexpected and intriguing issues of purity and impurity facing the modern Kohen in the 21st Century. Topics will include airplane flights. museums, hospitals, organ transplants, the Kohen medical student, the Kohen gene and more. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Stress and worry are impediments to our well-being. How can we rise above our worries and anxieties, whether they are about the present or future, and retain our joie du vivre? In this session, we will grapple with six ideas from across Jewish literature, each providing one dimension of insight
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
As Israel has faced foes bent on her genocidal destruction since birth, she has had to keep ahead of her hostile neighbors. Yaakov Katz (Editor-in-Chief , Jerusalem Post) presents Weapons Wizard, his book on the development of the technology that keeps Israel safe. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Yaakov Katz (8)
Attorney Nathan Lewin will review the multi-year history of litigation over menorahs displayed by Chabad in public plazas. From Chabad's victories in the Supreme Court with the Pittsburgh menorah to its victories before the US Court of Appeals in Cincinnati and Atlanta. Mr
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Learn about the latest advances, out of Emory University, to end Jewish Genetic Diseases. As a community, what can we do to help our friends and family? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Hillary Regelman (1)
If happiness is an ”inalienable” right, why are we constantly searching for it? Is happiness really a life goal? In this profound talk, Yael helps us view happiness through a Jewish lens, in order to find it, perhaps, where we least expect it. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Yael Trusch (12)
In what ways is “The Akeidah,” Abraham's readiness to sacrifice his son Isaac, famously commuted by G-d into the sacrifice of a ram, the diametric opposite of the martyrdom prevalent in extreme Islam? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Nathan Lewin will reflect on his vast experience in prominent arguments before the US Supreme Court, including significant cases that affect Jewish life in America. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Our prayers lead us deep inside as a way of connecting with an infinitely spiritual cosmos. Might there be a place within us akin to the Holy Temple? If so, how may we find it? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
The Valmadonna Trust and the discovery in London's Westminster Abbey of the complete Babylonian Talmud: A spell-binding literary and collecting history. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Daniel Kestenbaum (5)
This cantorial took place at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Cantor Aryeh Leib Hurwitz (2)
Bereshit, the Book of Genesis, is arguably the most studied text ever published. How is Genesis continually able to generate new insights into humanity and what might it teach us today? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Inclusion is an important social issue of our time, and rightly so. A society can be judged by how it values and treats every single member. How ought we relate to people with differences, and how can we create more inclusive communities that nurture the gifts of every individual? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
We Jews are an ancient people. But who are we? Join one of the most innovative Jewish minds as he uncovers the deep meaning of being Jewish. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Usage of the written word is undergoing a revolutionary transformation. Here we take an extensive historical visit to the textual past, and then seek to divine how our current digital-based present informs what our intellectual future might look like. An audio/visual presentation. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Daniel Kestenbaum (5)
This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
At age 13, Lynda’s mother and sisters died in a plane crash. Her father was shattered and she was left to fend for herself. Her memoir, Repairing Rainbows, shares how she found the courage, tenacity, and strength to become happy and lead a meaningful life. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Lynda Fishman (3)
Explore where the worlds of interior design and Judaism intersect in a fun and spiritually uplifting talk that might even get you to embark on a remodeling project. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Yael Trusch (12)
In the last few centuries science and reason have challenged and in some ways rejected and supplanted faith and religion. Might there be another way of understanding the nature of belief, and reconciling it with our modern secular culture? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Eliezer Wolf (3)
Chaplain Goldstein was born in a Displaced Persons Camp, graduated from Lubavitch Rabbinical Seminary, became the first bearded person to serve in the U.S. military, was the chaplain of “Ground Zero” after 9/11, and served in the Army for over 40 years
Chaplain Jacob Goldstein (7)
Have you ever been shocked by something you did? In this session, we explore how our “inner games”—our thoughts and moods—shape who we are and what we do. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Sarah’s personal challenges with famine, abduction, and infertility are no laughing matter. When she hears she will have a child, she laughs and G-d does not find it funny. What is the secret of Sarah’s laughter, and how is it an important part of the Jewish story? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Chana Slavaticki (5)
What does the Torah say about owning or handling an animal? Are there preferred methods of pest control? Animal lovers will want to join this halachic discussion peppered with stories from the Talmud about life with our furry friends. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Rabbi Mendel Blau (3)
Increasing numbers of Jews are returning to their religious roots in a search for meaning, eager to explore a heritage that is deeply embedded in history and at the same time rapidly changing
Professor Ari L. Goldman (5)
Sharing an etymological root with tzedek (justice), tzedakah (charity) is a central Jewish ethic featured in many holidays and highlighted in the Talmud. Learn from Jewish philanthropists why they give and what they get. Attendees receive The Jewish Value of Giving. This panel was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. David Magerman (5)
As the “MeToo” campaign illustrated, we live in a time of changing roles and rules. What are the best ways to protect oneself and others from you? Could traditional Jewish understandings of propriety have contemporary application? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Daniel Kestenbaum, an internationally-renowned Judaica auction expert, will lead us through a fascinating tour of original antique texts and documents, selected from institutional and private collections under his care: A singular opportunity. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Daniel Kestenbaum (5)
In this “tell- all” age, what becomes of our status as private citizens? Attorneys, doctors, and others are restricted from sharing personal information, but at what social cost? How does Jewish law adjudicate this sticky issue? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
It is easy to become awed by the majestic scale and power of Hashem. In a brilliantly counter-intuitive presentation, Rabbi Friedman paints an emotional portrait of the Divine and our relationship with it. Could it be that G-d needs our love? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Facing unthinkable peril and upheaval, with traditions upended, spouses and children sent to death camps, and torn from their traditional roles, Jewish women performed truly heroic deeds during the Holocaust. Join us for an inspiring discussion of their sacrifices and courage. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Miriam Klein-Kasenoff (3)
Are you lonely? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Many of our social and professional conventions are now in flux. Where to turn? The wise ways of our forebears is a beacon illuminating a new path beyond many of the assumptions of modern life. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Are we merely the sum of our parts? How does Jewish law consider the ethical and legal issues posed by recent developments in biological technology?? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
As a patient or caretaker, have you ever encountered Jewish medical ethics questions for which you did not have the answers? To find the answers you need, ask a panel of rabbis and doctors. This sesssion was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
On Shabbat, we transcend our mundane lives and reconnect with our Maker. Learn how to tap into the uniquely spiritual side of this day, even while eating Cholent. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Is Shabbat just about relaxation? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel (27)
If you ask people what Avraham contributed to the world, many will say, “monotheism.”. However, monotheism already existed. Avraham introduced something even more revolutionary. Join us to learn more about the special gift that Avraham gave to the world. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (71)
Two thousand years after its destruction, the Temple Mount remains the center of the Jewish world. Davening there is an incredible mitzvah, but we need to do it right. What are the halachic nuances involved in stepping foot on the most holy space on earth? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Mendel Blau (3)
A cover article of Time Magazine this year, entitled “The Future of Babies,” addressed reproductive technology, including gene editing, uterus transplantation and the three-parent embryo. We will discuss these remarkable advances from a Jewish perspective. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
During Nathan Lewin’s storied legal career, he has emerged as one of the leading experts in First Amendment Civil Liberties. In this session he will give an overview of the status of the Free Exercise of Religion Clause and the prospects for change. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
No text is as overwhelmingly complex as Torah. In it is the entirely of human existence: our origin, our ethics, our wisdom, and our ultimate destiny. Join Rabbi Friedman as he sketches the architecture of existence itself. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
This presentation was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Robert Cait (2)
The coming of the Messiah (Mashiach) will be a game-changer. In addition to peace on earth, the return of the dead, and our reunion in Israel, the Messianic Age will bring specific aspects of halachah (Jewish law), including pigs becoming kosher: Imagine that! This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Mr. Sharansky will reflect on fifty years of human rights activism, beginning in the Soviet Union—from which he was denied emigration and where he served nine years in prison as a political prisoner, often in solitary confinement—and including his emergence on Israel’s political scene. This session was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Natan Sharansky (8)
What is the secret of the "Eitz Chaim" prayer that is recited at the conclusion of each Torah reading? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Sharon Freundel (6)
“There is nothing new under the sun,” or is there? King Solomon, the wisest of all men, shares his musings on life in the book of Kohelet. Join us in an uplifting discussion on finding meaning and purposeful living. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Chana Slavaticki (5)
This workshop will explore the history of the Chasidic movement and its founder as well as identifying its fundamental teachings and their practical impact on Jewish life today. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
This panel was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Renee Lerche (1)
Is the Shema prayer really relevant to our lives? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein (11)
This past year has seen two high-profile shooting attacks at shuls, the election to national office of outspoken enemies of the Jewish people, and attacks on Jews in the streets, in colleges and universities, and in the media. Historian Lipstadt will consider the implications. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Deborah Lipstadt (3)
This award was presented at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
Professor Deborah Lipstadt (3)
On Passover we read, “In every generation they rise against us to destroy us.” Anyone aware of the Jewish past or present knows that these words ring sadly true. As the tactics of our enemies change, how may we remain vigilant and optimistic? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
This address was given at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Natan Sharansky (8)
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902–94), the seventh leader of the Lubavitcher movement, is best known as simply “The Rebbe.” This panel offers an intimate view into his writings from scholars entrusted with collecting, translating, and spreading his wisdom. This panel was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
This address was given at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Nechama Shemtov (1)
Chasidic thought is an all-encompassing discipline that informs all areas of our lives. Join us for a view into the aesthetic dimension of spirituality: the nexus of art and Chassidus. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Aryeh Wuensch (1)
This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel (27)
At JLI, we recognize the complexity of actual moral situations and delight in the suitably sophisticated reasoning necessary for their resolution. Jump in for a fast-paced session featuring videos depicting everyday ethical dilemmas. This session was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Blau (3)
Shabbat makes up one-seventh of our life. It’s clearly important, but why? Is it simply “a day of rest,” a chance to disconnect? Or is it something more, a taste of the World to Come, a chance to truly reconnect? Join us in this special pre-Shabbat talk to find out. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (71)
Fascinating developments in technology are upending the food industry and stand to radically transform our eating habits. Biochemistry is now able to create artificial meat in a lab, grown from the stem cells of an animal. But is it kosher? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
When brothers Rabbi Simon Jacobson and Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (“YY”) Jacobson come together, sparks of wisdom are certain to fly! Bring your questions for a wide-ranging conversation of everything you’ve always wanted to know about Judaism. This conversation was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
This panel was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Each Passover, we consider the exodus from Egypt as if it was something we, ourselves, have endured, yet very few among us are actually liberated slaves. How does this ancient text contain life coaching techniques for the liberation of ourselves and those around us? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Sara Blau (10)
Modern science has uncovered many mysteries regarding life, but it has little to say about death. Join Rabbi YY Jacobson for an excursion to a place from which we can see what awaits us all. The good news is that we will travel roundtrip. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Kenneth Feinberg was the Special Master of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, the government-appointed administrator of the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster Victim Compensation Fund, and the administrator of a fund for those affected by the Volkswagen emissions scandal
Mr. Kenneth Feinberg (5)
A conversation between two great Jewish minds both world renonwed in their fields. Kenneth Feinberg and Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz in the topics of compensation, ethics, and guiding light for leading a meaningful life. This conversation was featured at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Kenneth Feinberg (5)
As Jews, we have a responsibility to forgive those who genuinely seek it, yet doing so is fraught with difficulties - if not outright dangers - if we cannot or should not forget the infraction. In this session, we will wade into these murky waters and emerge with surprising clarity. This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
This award was presented at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
Mr. Kenneth Feinberg (5)
Enjoy these musical highlights from 13 years of the National Jewish Retreat. For more concert videos to go:
Every person deals with stress. How can you manage it so that it does not overwhelm or consume you? Learn three practical steps from the Talmud to help put your anxieties in perspective and transform your life. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
Hear the fascinating story of the Rebbe's involvement in Mr. David Mintz's business and personal life, from the startup of Tofutti Ice Cream, to the incredible personal directives he received. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. David Mintz (1)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
He went from being a prisoner of Zion to becoming a citizen of Zion. Hear about his journey: from behind prison bars to freedom, and from darkness to light. This conversation was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yaakov Fellig (5)
Let’s boldly challenge the self-defeating, unspoken disappointments and silly notions we carry around about ourselves and God. When we finally peel away the layers of childhood confusion and miseducation, we’ll discover the vitality, joy, and power in finding Hashem. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
For millennia, the narrative surrounding the Biblical Dinah -- a story fraught with sexual violence-- included indictment of Dina's own behavior. Until the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught the world how to read Rashi's commentary properly, and uncovered profound implications in Dina's story for each and every woman today
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Gulag, 1970. All the odds were stacked against him. Hear the incredible story of one Jew’s perseverance: how despite the darkness of a Soviet Union labor camp, he managed to keep the light of Shabbos aflame. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich (3)
Hear about Israel’s daring efforts to rescue Jews trapped in Arab lands, from an Israeli undercover agent involved in the fascinating operation. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Yisroel Serok (1)
Shabbat is a universal day of rest. But every person experiences it differently. Hear from a panel of four women on their unique experiences and relationships with this holy day. This panel was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Amir Ofer (2)
This event took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
In 1939, America turned away a boat filled with Jewish refugees. Hear a panel of survivors and passengers of the trip, along with the movie director of Complicit, and an official apology from the U.S. State Department. Confront the shocking truth of America’s response. This panel was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Hans Fischer (1)
A Beit Din is a Jewish court of law, made up of three rabbis who determine the Jewish law on a case-by-case basis. Join a reenactment of a rabbinical courtroom, where the Sons of Liberty and instigators of the Boston Tea Party will be taken to trial for destroying too much tea. What does Judaism say about revolution and destruction? Join the trial to find out
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
He was an innocent eight year old boy when his parents, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, were killed. He still holds of his mother’s innocence. Hear the story of the nation’s orphan and his fight for justice, which has lasted until today. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Robert Meeropol (2)
Should substances be illegal? Is the generation’s violation of the law reason to revoke it? Learn the fascinating Jewish perspective on the war on drugs. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
What does the Jewish perspective say about the differences between men and women? How can both genders better understand and reconcile their differences? Explore the subtleties that make each person unique. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Gheula Nemni (5)
The concentration camps were an entire universe unto themselves. Hear the surprising story of the concentration camp currency, with an expert on coins and currency. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Robert Messing (3)
Rabbi Moshe Bryski will explain how one transforms an inspirational or powerful encounter so that it leaves a lasting impression, and the effects of doing someone a favor, sometimes many years later. This address was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
Judaism cannot be contained. If it’s there, it spills over into all areas of a person’s life. Hear from a professor, philanthropist, and film director, to discover the impact Judaism has on their daily lives. This panel was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. David Magerman (5)
This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Hear the harrowing story of the Jewish underground movement: how they made the brave decision to hijack a Soviet plane and how it led them, ultimately, to their freedom. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich (3)
Every marriage has its quirks. Who doesn’t want to better their marriage? Come prepared to laugh and gain wisdom as we explore the comedy of life. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Aaron Laine (2)
The true story of Irena Sendler, a Holocaust hero who rescued 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto, but whose heroism was forgotten. Sixty years later, three Kansas teenagers find a brief reference to Irena’s rescues and write a school play, which quickly snowballs and helps crack open the silence in Poland about the Holocaust
Dr. Jack Mayer (1)
In the early 1950s, Stalin dismissed a group of Jewish doctors, based on the fabricated claim that they were conspiring to assassinate Soviet leaders. Hear about the details of the case from the grandchild of a doctor who lived through it all. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Lev Virine (1)
How does Judaism justify war? What are Judaism’s laws for protecting civilians? Does it believe in enemy interrogation? Non-conventional weaponry? Peace treaties? Take a fascinating look at the laws and ethics that govern war in Judaism. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
All lives return to dust. After a life comes to its end, what does our tradition have to say about our response? How should we mourn? Why should we mourn? A lesson on life’s final days. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
In this annual lecture, we will analyze the Jewish legal ramifications of the latest advances and stories from the world of medicine. From genetics to gene editing, to mitochondrial DNA, to transplanting animal organs, to questioning the very definition of death itself, prepare to be astounded at the pace of change. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
The rise of vitriolic bigotry on social media can often leave those targeted by it feeling helpless, forever waiting on capricious corporations to clean up their platforms and protect minority voices like Jews
Mr. Yair Rosenberg (1)
As parents age, points of contention can grow. Examine Judaism’s perspective on your elders, with a twist of U.S. law. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Ms. Lenore Davis Esq. (1)
To fight back or surrender? To raise their voices or stay silent? Discuss the inner struggle of the Jews of Eastern Europe: to defend themselves taking matters into their own hands, or to rely on a miracle and possibly die on the altar of their identity. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Glenn Dynner (6)
From war-torn Warsaw to the liberated shores of America, hear the astonishing account of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn’s harrowing escape from a bloodied country, and discover his foresighted vision of a new world. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
On seven occasions recorded in the Torah, G-d intervenes in the lives of a person or people and encourages them to take a step forward. In this talk, we explore how to overcome the seven basic emotions that hold us back from actualizing our G-d-given potential. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
We can truly feel fulfilled, happy, and at peace, but only when we are “wholly” with ourselves and others. What does it mean to be holy? What does it feel like to be holy? Why is holiness the most joyous feeling I could ever hope to have? This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
As survivors age, we approach a new generation that may never encounter authentic, oral testimony of the Holocaust. The New Dimensions in Testimony Program started by the USC Shoah Foundation is a new technology that has gathered the stories of survivors and allows you to ask questions to a giant database of virtual testimonies. Come hear their stories
Mr. Stephen Smith (1)
What is the secret to immortality? What is the secret to a 95-year-old survivor’s longevity and sunny persona? After struggling through War World II with his beloved brother, Dr. Eisenbach was the only member of his family to emerge alive. Despite his tragic past, he continues to forge onward, living every day with forgiveness and love
Dr. Jacob Eisenbach (2)
On the 74th anniversary of the Rebbe’s father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson’s, passing, explore his work of newly translated kabbalistic teachings. Take a look at the world from within. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Eli Block (2)
What does women’s rights really mean? Does mainstream feminism liberate or repress women? Explore the core ideas of feminism from a Jewish perspective. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Gheula Nemni (5)
Do you live in the now or are you always looking towards the future? Explore these two worldviews as seen through the eyes of the Talmud, and learn how it can change the outcome of Jewish law. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yaakov Wagner (3)
In the service of G-d, our love must be never ending. But does He want more from us than just our heart? An analysis of our relationship with our Maker through the lens of the Tanya. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Ronnie Fine (5)
How do you create and maintain lasting relationships? What is the secret to lifelong romance? Discover the secrets to authentic, enduring relationships. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
In 1790, George Washington sent a letter to the Jews of Newport. Hear from an esteemed historian about the significance of the letter and the role it played in the politics of the time. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
American campuses are witnessing a startling upturn of antisemitism. What is going on? And what can we do to fight it? This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Tammi Benjamin (1)
We live in a world of make-believe because the world, as we experience it, is actually made of what we believe about ourselves and God. Some say that seeing is believing, but Kabbalah teaches us that believing is seeing. “Bold and Blessed” is about having the courage to reclaim and activate your power to open the floodgates of abundance
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
In this lecture, we trace the laws of levirate marriage (yibum) from biblical times through the story of Henry VIII, leading into the 21st century, where fascinating new medical technologies present new challenges to this ancient law. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Join a live taping of the accidental Talmudist's daily Facebook show with Rabbi David Aaron as his guest. Listen in as these two modern minds discuss the depths of ancient wisdom. This session was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Sal Litvak (3)
Life takes people to unexpected places. Hear the entertaining story of how an immigrant kid from Chile ended up directing movies in Hollywood and sharing Torah with millions of people. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Sal Litvak (3)
Is euthanasia assisted suicide or human mercy? Hear what Jewish law has to say about this controversial topic. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Ancient history is brought to the modern courtroom. Using documents that date back to the mid-1700s, two synagogues battle for ownership over the bells of the Newport synagogue’s Torah scrolls, crafted in the 1800s by silversmith Myer Myers. These historical bells are worth millions of dollars. Who will win? This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
How can we look beyond the reality of appearances and see the appearance of reality? What are the limits of representation of self and others in the realm of the interpersonal? Why, within the framework of quantum physics, do subatomic particles know when they are being watched and consequently change their behavior? And how does all of this relate to Jewish notions of modesty? This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
As the Israeli Consul General to New York, Dayan is a leader and spokesperson for the international community. He is considered by many to be the face of the Israeli settlement movement. In a live interview, hear his role and perspective on Israel today. This conversation was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Danny Dayan (2)
Speech is our defining characteristic as human beings and the foundation of any healthy relationship. But communicating clearly is the trick. Learn how to express your feelings of need, hurt, and criticism in a constructive and positive manner so that you will truly be heard. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
What role does an onlooker have in a scene? Is he responsible for the things he sees? Discuss a bystander’s obligation, through the lenses of Judaism and psychology. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
What is the secret to appreciation? How can you learn to recognize the good in others and in your life? Examine gratitude through the lens of Torah. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Life has not always been simple for Bernstein. Hear firsthand how he faced his challenges head-on, and is now serving as the first blind judge of the Supreme Court of Michigan. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Justice Richard H. Bernstein (12)
Is it possible to fully overcome a loss? Explore the Jewish and psychological approaches to handling and overcoming the trauma of loss. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
How can you live your best life? What is the secret to a life worth living? Embark on the road of positive psychology, to discover how to fill your days with joy. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Discover the immeasurable value Judaism places on the food we put in our mouth, with a step-by-step guide to ‘going kosher’ in your own life. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Click below to see the slides shown at the lecture.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Are you really living? Do you struggle to live in the moment? Hear a panel of experts discuss mindfulness and hacks for living in the present. This panel was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
Driving language to the limit, expressing the inexpressible, and weaving the allusive metaphor are part and parcel of poetic language. Drawing on a host of famous poets from Blake to Yeats, T.S
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
In nineteenth-century Eastern Europe, the Jewish-run tavern was often the center of Polish-Jewish coexistence. It was a place of hospitality, business, and religious festivities. Hear the surprising story of the Polish Jewish liquor trade, by the author of “Yankel’s Tavern”, and enjoy a variety of local beers
Dr. Glenn Dynner (6)
We are constantly evolving. Throughout countless generations, humans have developed new traits to defend themselves from the ever-changing environment. As we evolve, our genetics evolve too. Discover the fascinating ways that the Torah predicted what science is discovering today. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Gheula Nemni (5)
What drew a computer scientist to this ancient book of Torah? Hear what inspired David Magerman to start a Jewish foundation that promotes advances in Jewish education. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. David Magerman (5)
History constantly repeats itself. Experience monumental periods in Jewish history through the headlines of its day, with this fascinating exhibit including a 1666 London headline about Shabtai Tzvi and an 1806 Boston report on Napoleon. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Rabbi Reuven Goldstein (2)
From the Middle Ages to the Holocaust, behold the endurance of the Jewish people despite all odds. On display are censored books and ghetto documents: relics bearing witness to the earliest Jewish persecution and oppression. Experience the Jewish people’s resilience through the lens of historical remains. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Reuven Goldstein (2)
When you advocate for a cause, you want people to listen. Learn from our sages how to speak about the things you believe in in a way that will actually open hearts and change minds. This presentation was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Nina Litvak (1)
Chabad shluchim and shluchot are powerhouses changing the landscape of Jewish life on this planet. But what keeps them going? Join this session for a first of its kind presentation on what goes on under the black hat and stylish wig. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Increasingly, we are learning to appreciate the diverse range of animal communications and behaviors. While the communicative mechanisms may be somewhat different from our own, there is such a strong human-animal relationship that Jewish mystical thought produces an entire psychology out of the overlapping modes of experience
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
These greetings were delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Danny Dayan (2)
These greetings were delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. David Magerman (5)
This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Stephen Serbin (3)
Learn about the biblical origins of the three oldest Jewish holidays, Passover , Shavuot, and Sukkot, including where and when they were first celebrated. From their inception until today, hear about the richness and history of the Jewish holidays that we still celebrate centuries later. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Reuben Ebrahimoff (1)
There is an age-old Chasidic adage: Think good, and it will be good. Explore the fascinating ability our mind has to determine reality. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel (27)
Discover how Torah’s spiritual technology enables us to live with purpose, passion, and power, and to fill our days with greater goodness and ultimate joy. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
You can’t hit a target if you can’t see it. And yet have we fully contemplated and truly owned the dream list of the visions and values essential to creating the best life for ourselves and the world. Probe the depths of the daily Amidah prayer, and plug into its life-changing power. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
With evidence all around us of the rapid gains in technology in general and in AI in particular, many are left wondering if we are not planning our own obsolescence
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Examine seven inspiring stories from the Rebbe’s life to not only learn, but experience, the Rebbe’s way of life. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Is Judaism a religion of rules? Why do we do the same things over and over again, like putting on tefillin each morning? Examine the framework and reasoning for its detailed instruction. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel (27)
The art of leadership is the art of not only guiding, but empowering. Explore some inspiring habits of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that will teach you to lead and empower. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
Does it really matter what we think if we don’t ever speak those thoughts, let alone act on them? Isn’t daydreaming harmless? Aren’t our actions all that really counts? Learn how our thoughts are the basis for how we interact with the world around us, and discover just how much power they have, and more importantly, how much power we have over them
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
What is the most important ingredient of a successful marriage? This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Follow a critically acclaimed journey through the Book of Exodus, as we take an analytical look at the tales of the Torah. From sea crossings to golden calves, uncover the deeper messages and reveal a wealth of contemporary meaning for our modern lives. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
From Kiddush to Havdalah, learn about the do’s, don'ts, how’s and why’s of keeping the day of rest. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
What role does the Jewish woman play in modern-day society? In a society shaken by the #MeToo movement, examine the importance of a woman’s intrinsic strengths from an honest, Jewish perspective. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Experience a paradigm shift based on the Tanya’s most revolutionary teachings, relating to spiritual growth and self-development. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
What is the Jewish secret to daily happiness? Discover the tools to finding and maintaining your happiness in everyday life. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
On Shabbat, we transcend our mundane lives and reconnect with our Maker. Learn how to tap into the uniquely spiritual side of this day, even while eating Cholent. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Shabbat is a day of rest, renewal, and G-d. It is a day to breathe more slowly and take stock of the blessings in our lives. Join us for a guided meditation, to help ease you into Shabbat’s calming sphere. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
In an age of extreme individualism, the ego has taken center stage. It is the number one cause of everything that has gone wrong in this world. Learning how to park it is the first step towards a more contented life and a better world. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Join two Chassidic masters for a debate of great value. Judaism is full of do's and don'ts but what is more important? Does G-d want the action or the inaction of our daily lives more? This session was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Discover your grandparents and their journey to America, with the help of the vice-president of the Boston Genealogy Society. Come prepared with questions about your roots. Come prepared to find answers. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Carol Clingan (1)
The book of Tanya is the birthing point of Chabad Chasidut. It is a brilliant guide to everyday life and service of G-d. Discover some key points of its life-changing philosophies, and practice guided meditations based on its wisdom. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Sara Blau (10)
As a patient or caretaker, have you ever encountered Jewish medical ethics questions you did not have the answer for? To find the answers you need, ask a panel of rabbis and doctors. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Chassidic teachings employ the use of a Mashal, or parable, to explain the deepest secrets of the universe. Join for some hands-on science experiments that can help us understand the greatest Kabbalistic metaphors. This presentation took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
The Rebbe transformed the face of a generation. He ignited the world with passion and love. Discover the revolutionary ideas of the Rebbe’s work. This lecture was delivered at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
What is the biggest threat facing Jewish students on college campuses today? BDS, or something even worse? And more importantly, what is the solution? In this inspiring and moving address, you will not only hear about an innovative endeavor that ensures Jewish survival and continuity, but you will also witness its real life impact through firsthand accounts from students whose lives and futures have been changed by it
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Rabbi Manis Friedman delivers the farewell address at the conclusion of the 12th Annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The opinion expressed herein are exclusively those of the speaker. Jewish mystics have long ruminated on the book-like properties of reality as a whole, and the human condition in particular. This presentation will document the import of kabbalistic ideas in the works of such famed literati as Hugo, Emerson, Melville, Joyce, Kafka, Proust, Derrida, and more
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Click here for individual songs from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
8th Day (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
8th Day (17)
"Ya'alili" (which contains Hebrew and Arabic words) speaks to the unity of the Jewish People by contrasting Sefardi and Ashkenazi phrases used in the same context. Although we have different cultural and religious traditions, we are really one. Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
8th Day (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: For an explenation from the 8th Day band on the meaning of the song, click here.
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
8th Day (17)
Copyrights, patents, branding, trademarks—the list goes on. Compare and contrast the American and Jewish perspectives on fair competition in business. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
8th Day (17)
Are gender distinctions real or imaginary? Are they merely a consequence of biology or are they a form of social constructivism or the issue of some metaphysical determination? By translating the unique perspectives of Chassidic thought into the terminology of contemporary gender theory, we will attempt to address the supercharged socio-political conversation surrounding an individual’s attempts to self-determine the meaning of gender
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
Yehuda Green (8)
Under the harsh conditions of the Kovno Ghetto, a fledgling minority risked everything to hold fast to their faith. What does Jewish law say about the challenges of life-threatening times? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Professor Samuel J. Levine (5)
Is free choice just a lark? If G-d predetermines everything, can there really be such a thing as “my” choice? Explore the complexities of free will as discussed in the annals of Kabbalah and Chasidut. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
They may look black and white, but the letters of the Hebrew alphabet contain deep secrets and meanings. Uncover the mystery of the ancient script. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dovid Bressman (1)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: For an explenation from the 8th Day band on the meaning of the song, click here.
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
8th Day (17)
What is the best way to redirect convicted teenagers so they can mend their ways and lead honest lives? How do we prevent the staggering rate of recidivism in this country? Examine the contrast between contemporary criminal justice systems and the shining light of the Torah. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Steven Drizin (5)
This session will use Jewish perspectives on trauma, loss, and consolation, to con-sider the psychological challenges that such situations present. The wisdom of Jew-ish approaches in providing comfort and steering us towards healthy adaptations will be highlighted, in the face of psychological research. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
At the dawn of his career, a doctor takes on the most important pledge of his life—to protect human life as much as possible. But what happens when that day comes and he or she has only enough medication for one patient? What is the Jewish approach to such excruciating questions? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Since the abandonment of the gold standard, the meaning of monetary signals has been questioned with ever increasing vigor
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Since last year’s Retreat there have been a number of significant advances in science and medicine. In this session, we discuss the very latest developments spanning the gamut of life, including mitochondrial transfer; artificial wombs; and new developments in Zika, xenotransplantation, and virtopsy. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
A fabrication about the Beis Halevi, Rabbi Yosef Ber Soloveitchik, first appeared in an antisemitic Russian newspaper. It was published in an Irish law journal, and later was included in several editions of a leading American Criminal Law textbook. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Samuel J. Levine (5)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
8th Day (17)
Sure, God has a plan. But why does it always seem to involve suffering, especially for righteous people who have done no wrong? Is divine justice right, even if it feels wrong? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Day six of the Genesis creation account describes the origins of Adam and humans, and every discovery and observation by science leads to an understanding of how humans came to be. Can both accounts be reconciled? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Daniel Friedmann (10)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
Yehuda Green (8)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
Yehuda Green (8)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
Yehuda Green (8)
What does Moshiach really mean? How will my life change? Should I be excited about his coming? A no-holds barred session about the end of days. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
8th Day (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: For an explenation from the 8th Day band on the meaning of the song, click here.
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
8th Day (17)
Judaism is the world’s oldest religion, but what does it look like going forward, barreling at full speed into the maturing stages of the 21st Century? Hear different perspectives from a panel including a rabbi, a philanthropist, a journalist, and a marketing master. This session took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. David Suissa (1)
G-d promised to lead the Jewish People out of exile, but are we a people yet? And if He leads, will we follow? Discover how we can stand tall and accept the offer. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
Yehuda Green (8)
This presentation took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Avi Liberman (1)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2017 Concert
Yehuda Green (8)
With the world moving forward at a dizzyingly accelerated pace, how can an “archaic” religion hope to stay trending? Can Judaism be personally relevant, spiritually passionate, and fashionable for our times? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
An artistic fast-paced heart-to-heart discussion celebrating Jewish women from all walks of life - united in the pursuit of realizing core pivotal insights for centered living. This presentation took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
The Rebbe inspired hundreds of thousands of lives with his determination to see the good in every person and situation. Hear the amazing stories, and discover the awesome and transformative power of positivity. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: The Rebbe's Positivity Bias
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
Here today, gone tomorrow? For sure not. According to kabbalah, death is really birth. It’s not the end of life but the beginning of a new life. We all have freedom of choice in our lives, and what happens after death reflects the choices we have made. Join an unbelievable adventure, upward and onward, into the shocking spiritual terrains of the soul’s trek out of this world
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish people, has always held a place in the heart of every Jew. Now, with the 50th anniversary of its reunification, what role does Jerusalem play in our lives? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
The ability to freeze or cryopreserve parts of the human body has impacted areas of medicine from fertility preservation, to organ transplantation, to post-trauma resuscitation. The manifold impact of this global freezing, for the observant Jew, will be explored in this lecture. Warning: After this lecture you may never look at frozen kugel the same way
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Moshiach, the era of ultimate redemption, is closer than you think. Don’t believe it? Just take a look around you and see how newsworthy events are pointing toward his imminent arrival. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Rubenfeld (1)
The land and the people of Israel are chosen: chosen to be a light unto the nations, an inspiration, and a guide. How can we best fulfill our mission? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
For some of us, G-d is like a critical parent or an exacting heavenly judge. For others, G-d is like a caring friend who is there in a time of need, or when we land ourselves in sticky situations. Discover a joyous and empowering understanding of G-d, thereby reclaiming the power you’ve given away to negative images of G-d and yourself
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
The death penalty has been under attack for being unconstitutional. Should we be allowed to decide who deserves to die? Listen as both sides of the argument make their case. Then, you be the judge. This debate took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Martin H. Pritikin (2)
Your questions, three panelists, and 60 seconds to give an answer. This fast-paced session features pressing questions on Jewish medical ethics. This panel was featured at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
What is the real significance of prayer? Does G-d always answer? Is He even listening? Sometimes we feel like we’re knocking on heaven’s door—but how do we know if Anyone’s home? Learn to make your prayers a more meaningful and uplifting experience. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
An acclaimed novelist and attorney, Scott Turow is also Jewish. Hear about his latest book, upcoming TV show, and about how he navigates the world of fame as a Jew. This conversation took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Scott Turow (4)
Shabbat. The Day of Rest. Discover the religious, social, national, and family benefits of this important day. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
This dynamic panel gets up-close and personal with four individuals whose lives were changed by their encounter with the Rebbe. This session took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Les Rosenthal (1)
Getting another chance to see all of our loved ones alive again sounds like a foolish fantasy, but it’s right there among the Thirteen Principles of our Faith: G-d promises to revive the dead when Mashiach comes; believing in that truth is imperative to Judaism. Discover all the facts regarding this intriguing aspect of the messianic era
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Why would people admit to crimes they’ve never committed? Do these confessions hold any weight? Join Dr. Steven Drizin for a personal account of fighting this injustice, as documented in the popular Netflix series. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Steven Drizin (5)
A lecture on the Jewish perspective of Lennon’s hit, “Imagine,” and its relevance to current societal and political trends and movements. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
With driverless cars now available, the old trolley problem makes a comeback with a modern conundrum. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (71)
How can we overcome the anxiety of our transient lives to find serenity and happiness, when the fear of death, uncertainty, and insecurity haunt us daily? The Torah teaches us to live for the moment and cram everlasting meaning into our lives. Living in the here and now is not only the key to serenity, but the secret to making every moment momentous
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
A relaxing and fun-filled evening event featuring interviews, video presentations, and special guests. Hosted by Emmy-nominated screenwriter David Weiss. This presentation took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
David Weiss (8)
Bella Miller was there. She remembers the tattoo being branded on her arm, the starvation, and the brutality. She also remembers the spark of humanity and the wisp of hope. Hear her spellbinding and uplifting story. This address took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Bella Miller (1)
As a divine writ, the Torah contains more than just surface meaning. Like layers of an onion, an infinitely more so, the bed of the Torah sea is forever deepening. Take this chance to delve into each letter, word, and phrase, deciphering the hidden messages between the lines. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Supreme Court case of a clinical psychologist in the Air Force who was prohibited from wearing his yarmulke when in uniform: what happened inside and outside the courtroom. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Professor Samuel J. Levine (5)
You’ve heard about fingerprints, but what about a brain print? This session will explore the newest frontier in security measures, and will focus on the implications of this research on age-old questions having to do with education: How do we most effectively teach our young and old? What pedagogical modalities most profoundly impress the psyche? What really moves and motivates people? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
This conversation took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Gary Wexler (2)
This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yossi Gordon (1)
As the leader of the USA, Donald Trump is easily one of the most controversial and oft-discussed personalities by authors, psychologists, news anchors, and political pundits across the globe. How do we look at Mr
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau grew up in the hell that was Hitler’s Poland. Emerging from the ashes of war-ravaged Europe, little Yisrael Meir moved to Israel and started a new life, eventually following in his ancestors’ footsteps and reaching the illustrious post of Chief Rabbi of Israel, a position he held for ten years. Enjoy this exclusive interview with this paragon of persistence
Rabbi Yaakov Fellig (5)
Myron Sugerman will hold you spellbound as he tells the history of the Jewish Mob and their remarkable contributions to the betterment of the jewish people. They fought the American Nazi party in the 30's and supplied arms, cash, and illegal weapons to both the Hagana and Irgun in the struggle for Israel's independence
Mr. Myron Sugerman (1)
The six-day Genesis creation account describes the origins of the universe and life on earth. Every discovery and observation in the scientific community leads to increased understanding of when and how the universe came to be. The two worlds don’t necessarily collude; one can even say that they collide
Mr. Daniel Friedmann (10)
Do you have questions about Judaism that you were never able to ask? This session will tackle all those things you’ve always wanted to know about but were afraid to ask. Featuring Judaism’s take on sexuality, cremation, abortion, and other hot topics. This session took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
We hold these truths to be self-evident: You are infinitely greater then you think you are. How to get there? There’s a part of you that’s intrinsically bound up with the greatest of all things—G-d Himself. The more you can reach inward and unpack that explosive reality, the more you’ll discover unconditional, joyous love for yourself and others
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Raising children is always a challenge. But In our fast-paced world with technological advances beyond our wildest dreams, have the rules changed? How do we keep our kids and grandkids on track in the era of smartphones and Snapchat? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of the Kosher certifications on the products we consume? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Avraham Feigelstock (2)
Being a part of the chosen nation must have its perks, right? Well, so far, it seems like the grand total of those fringe benefits have been a genocide every generation or two. So what is it that G-d wants from me? Why was I born into this faith? What does it really mean to be a part of the “Chosen Nation?” This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
This lecture will address the fascinating parallels of current confrontations to the Jewish community to the millennia-old tensions between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Along the way, you will discover how YOU can affect world events through your own actions. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
High-stakes production stories, star celebrities, and a little sprinkle of wisdom from our sages will help you laugh away stress and regain a touch of sanity. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
David Weiss (8)
This presentation took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
“Rabbi, am I allowed to go to the doctor on Shabbos?” “Am I allowed to warm up my lunch?” “Can I get something out of my car?” Find out the answer to these and other relevant laws regarding Shabbos, the day of rest. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
A conversation with Dr. Judea Pearl, father of Daniel Pearl who famously died with the words “I Am a Jew,” on his lips. What does this mean to us? And what does it tell us about how we are to carry on in the face of tragedy? This interview took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Dr. Gil Perl (1)
Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, one of the youngest survivors of Buchenwald, was just eight years old when he was liberated in 1945. Descended from a 1,000-year unbroken chain of rabbis, he grew up to become Chief Rabbi of Israel, and like many of the great rabbis, Rabbi Lau is a master storyteller
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
This address took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky (22)
As a Jewish screenwriter, David Weiss has gotten some of his best ideas from the Torah. Come hear how the Jewish thought that makes his work shine, can help your life soar. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
David Weiss (8)
It all began with His vision and His command. Science and evolution can trace back only so far, but the Torah reaches much further—deep into the core of Creation. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
All religions and theologies strive for a more spiritual life. After all the sophisticated theories and complex belief-systems, it’s worth taking a look at our own tradition. So, what does Judaism have to say about imbuing life with a higher purpose? This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat
Ms. Karen Levitt (1)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2016 Concert
Dudu Fisher (25)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson will discuss how to maintain inspiration even after the inspiring event or experience has ended. Without actively trying to keep that inspiration alive, it will start to fade away. While getting inspired can take just a moment, keeping it permanently requires a continues effort
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
A panel discussion celebrating Jewish women from all walks of life—the movers and shakers, the designers and doers, and the global leaders and agents of change. This panel discussion was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Barbara Hines (1)
This award was presented at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
Rabbi Yisrael Deren (17)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2016 Concert
Dudu Fisher (25)
Which is the worthier food? Scholars apply wit, humor, and intellectual panache in a deeply serious debate to resolve this, and other highly absurd questions. This humorous discussion was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
"Does G-d Have A Sense Of Humor?" is a talk given by Mr. David Sacks as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Mr. David Sacks (6)
A panel discussion on how to cultivate a relationship with G-d without losing touch with reality. This panel discussion was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. David Sacks (6)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2016 Concert
Dudu Fisher (25)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2016 Concert
Dudu Fisher (25)
"The Talmudic Version Of The Power Of Now" is a talk given by Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
"What's Jewish About Judaism? And What it Has To Do With Your Life" is a talk given by Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world
Series: Ten Talks
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
"Taking Less and Receiving More" is a talk given by Rabbi David Aaron as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Experience biblical scholarship and courtroom drama as we explore the brothers' role in the sale of Joseph. Are they guilty of conspiracy, kidnapping, and human trafficking? Or are they innocent, having acted with good reason? Watch as the prosecution and defense pitch biblical commentaries against each other, and then vote on the verdict
Hon. Andrew Kauffman (1)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2016 Concert
Dudu Fisher (25)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2016 Concert
Dudu Fisher (25)
It's not known who wrote this piyut (religious poem) but candidates include Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021-1058) Spanish-Jewish paytan, Rav Hai Gaon (939-1038) one of the geonim or even Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai, one of the scholars of the Talmudic era. Adon Olam has been a regular part of the daily and Sabbath liturgy since the 15th century
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2016 Concert
Dudu Fisher (25)
"Fish Don't Climb Trees" is a talk given by Sara Kranz-Ciment and Joseph Bensmihen as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Joseph Bensmihen (1)
This dynamic panel gets up close and personal with four individuals who's lives were changed by their encounter with the Rebbe. This panel discussion was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Mary Cramer (1)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2016 Concert
Dudu Fisher (25)
Hear the first-person account of the story of two brothers clinging together for survival after their family perished in the wrath of the Third Reich. They struggled horrifically, and when the dust cleared at war's end, only one of them survived. Today, Dr. Eisenbach is a 92-year old dentist practicing in Southern California
Dr. Jacob Eisenbach (2)
Click here to book Robert Cait for your event!.
Mr. Robert Cait (2)
This session will address the Jewish legal ramifications of the extraordinary advances and news items in medicine during the past year. Topics will include animal rights, gene editing, advances in organ transplantation, reproductive organ and genital transplants, and advances in epigenetic research. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
An illustrated lecture on the contents, context, and significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Written during a turbulent time of great upheaval and conflict, the Dead Sea Scrolls shed light on much of what was the Second Temple era
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
The late Elie Wiesel is considered a major force in breaking the silence following the Holocaust. Was silence always the Jewish response to the catastrophes that befell our people? Did those responses affect how we look at our lives and history today? This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Jeffrey Woolf (5)
The panelists will answer questions and address medically related ethical quandaries submitted by participants. No question is too basic or too complex. To see our other "Crossfire!" videos, click here. This panel was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Last year, the Zika virus was virtually unknown to most of the world. Today, it is a major global health concern, threatening the cancellation of the Olympics
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
If we are good people, why do we have unkind thoughts? And why do “bad people” have fits of conscience? Just as psychology provides the vocabulary to speak about the psyche, Tanya provides the key terms and constructs to express our souls. Who are we at our core? What is the cause of inner conflict? This session provides the terms to explore our most inner selves
Mrs. Menucha Schochet (1)
How can one be commanded to love God? Isn't love a feeling that one either has or doesn't? Rabbi Baruch Kaplan will teach the section of the Torah containing the Shema and explain how this is possible. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
"The Power of Prayer" is a talk given by Mrs. Laurie Lans as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Mrs. Laurie Lans (4)
"Life Without Bounds: Inspiration for an Outrageously Good Life" is a talk given by Rabbi Dov Greenberg as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
Maimonides' magnum opus, the Mishneh Torah, is a work spanning hundreds of chapters and describing all laws mentioned in the Torah. This text-based class offers the opportunity to participate in the daily study of Maimonides, introduced by the Rebbe. This session was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Mrs. Dina Hurwitz (2)
Hillary? Trump? Neither? A unique Jewish take on the elections, the candidates, and what we can and cannot expect, based on 2000 years of Jewish experience in the Diaspora. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
What is the Jewish legal view on donating one’s body to science? Does Jewish Law permit postmortem procedures? How should the conflicting wishes of the deceased’s family and forensic pathologists be resolved? This session will explore Jewish ethical perspectives on the treatment of the body after death and apply them to the realities of today
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
Every day, rabbis are asked to make halachic decisions in all areas of daily life. What goes through a rabbi’s mind when heart-stopping life and death decisions are at stake? One of Montreal’s most respected Jewish legal expert reviews real-life quandaries posed by members of his community and how he was able to guide them through the most difficult decisions
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
What exactly was G-d thinking when He decided to create the universe? This uniquely experiential tutorial will provide the “behind-the-scenes” of Creation. Discover the interconnectedness of all things will become apparent, and the underlying unity. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Hershel Lazaroff (3)
Is it ethical to use a covert nanny cam to protect your children? Are you obligated to share sensitive information about your friend with his or her potential employer or spouse? Are you allowed to read information embedded in an electronic file that the sender didn't intend for you to see? How will you decide? This session provides a text-based self-guided study with a partner that explores these complex conundrums through the lens of original Talmudic texts
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
A variety of fascinating queries brought before rabbis in the last one hundred years. Presented by one of America’s leading halachic authorities. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
Using the bestseller, Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishigura, as a catalyst for discussion, this session will address issues including the permissibility of cloning, the legal status of a clone, and the legal ramifications of sacrificing one person to save another. It is not required to read the book for this session. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Living with uncertainty can cause stress, fear and worry about our futures. Whether these worries are reasonable or not, they impede our happiness and overall well-being. This session will explore texts from Chasidic philosophical works and the latest empirical findings from Positive Psychology that provide a profound and empowering formula to take control our emotional lives
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
Of all biblical stories, the story of Esther is the best-known and, arguably, the most misunderstood. Queen Esther is a heroine often portrayed in a superficial, two-dimensional manner. As a result, her full story remains untold. Mrs. Sorele Brownstein has mined the rich Jewish tradition of biblical interpretation to shed light on a figure whose true heroism is often overlooked
Mrs. Sorele Brownstein (1)
At Mount Sinai, the Jewish people received a mandate to bring an awareness of G-d to the world and share His message with its citizens
Mr. Dennis Prager (27)
From the proposed 2011 circumcision ban in San Francisco to clashes between religion and advocates for same-gender marriage, recent legal developments have raised serious questions about how U.S. law will continue to protect religious custom, law, and practice
Professor Michael A. Helfand (5)
The Bar Kokhba Revolt (132-135 CE) marked the Jewish people’s valiant last stand in ancient times to maintain political independence on their own land. Explore modern-day discoveries made in the Judean desert that have contributed greatly to scholars’ understanding of the revolt
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
The solemn Yizkor prayer is Judaism’s way of remembering those who have passed on. But what does it mean to remember? Is it to cherish the past or connect to them in the present? Take part in this moving discussion on the bond between the living and those who have gone to their eternal rest—but are never gone
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
How do I know my mission in life? If God is perfect, how can He change His mind? Why do I need a Rabbi if I have Google? What is the Jewish perspective on the Olympics? Can there be love without respect? If previous generations didn’t merit the redemption, why will we? Should I force my children to become religious? These are just some of the questions that are answered in this "Crossfire" session
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
We are infinitely greater then we think, and our lives are intrinsically more meaningful. Discover our eternal and internal connection with the Great Self—G-d. This talk offers a clear roadmap, detailing how to become whole; how to align our individual self with our Great Self; and how to serve so we can channel G-d's presence into everything we think, say, and do
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Atheism has one major advantage: it explains evil elegantly. But how does the man of faith approach this question? In a letter penned in 1965 by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Noble Laureate Eli Wiesel, the Rebbe discusses the questions of all questions. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
This class delves into the heart of mindful Jewish experience, exploring the various contemplative practices and powerful mental imagery espoused by the rebbes of Chabad as techniques to evoke heightened states of cognitive and emotional awareness and inspire love, hope, faith, and inner calm. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
Staying afloat through the stresses of everyday life can be daunting. How can we overcome the unique challenges of parenting in today’s world? How can we best deal with family conflict from disparate levels of observance? Learn how to develop strategies through timeless Torah wisdom on how to cope with day-to-day anxieties in order to live a more balanced life
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
Numerous Jews lived in Islamic countries for hundreds of years until the rise of the State of Israel. This lecture will examine the relationship between Jews and the dominant Muslim cultures in which they lived throughout the ages in an attempt to understand Israel’s current struggle to live in peace among its neighbors
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Is there life on other planets? Are the souls of the pious greater than the souls of the secular? Are non-Jews inferior? Should we be trying to make Jews more religious? How do we fight antisemitism? Was Freud correct about the id? What is the best way to respond to the Holocaust? What do you say to an atheist? What is sexuality? What is the secret to love and sustainable relationships? How do we build a better world? Discover the Rebbe’s unexpected perspectives on these and other contemporary issues, which will both astonish and provide you with a new way of looking at life and its challenges
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
In the State of Israel, the IDF is often where new immigrants begin their integration into Israeli society. Understandably, there is occasionally tension between people of different backgrounds. In this class, Rabbi Aaron Rakefet, a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces, will explore what it means to create an IDF where all Jews feel at home
Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff (3)
In this lecture, Professor Schiffman, a leading scholar of the Dead Sea Scrolls analyzes the origins of the texts
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
For some of us, G-d is like a critical Parent or an exacting heavenly Judge. For others, G-d is like a caring Friend Who is there to fix problems after we create them
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
When the Jews of the former Soviet Union suffered poverty and persecution, their brethren in the free world never forgot them. In 1980, Rabbi Rakefet wase enlisted by the Mossad to teach Talmud and to bring hope to countless Jews behind the Iron Curtain. A unique opportunity to hear a gripping first-hand account of this daring mission
Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff (3)
The stock market, marriage, the kids, the grandkids, the mortgage, so many things fill us with anxiety and sometimes drag us down. How do we maintain a happy disposition in the face of it all? Learn how to navigate the incredible path Judaism sets to achieve a truly happy life. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
With an engaging and dynamic style of presentation, Lieutenant Commander Laurie Lans weaves stirring stories of her time in war, taking us to a menorah-lighting ceremony in Saddam Hussein’s palace, a megillah reading in the hills of Afghanistan, and through her fascinating journey of Jewish pride and tenacity under extreme conditions
Mrs. Laurie Lans (4)
The Chasidic movement arose as one of Judaism’s responses to modernity. Chasidism sought to intensify traditional Jewish observance, placing greater emphasis on mystical spirituality, enthusiasm, and community. Trace the rise and development of Chasidism in Europe, its move to North America and Israel, and its influence on Judaism
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Nearly two thousand years after the Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem, Israel is still struggling with its identity and raison d’être. In the 1940s, Modern Zionism and the birth of the State of Israel were driven by the dream of a Jewish homeland
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
This address was delivered at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky (22)
The life story of David Sacks—Emmy-award winning writer/producer of The Simpsons; Golden Globe winner for Third Rock from the Sun, and a creative force on other TV cult classics. Hear the ups-and-downs, the feats and fiascoes, of a spiritual journey undertaken amidst the decadence of Hollywood. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. David Sacks (6)
What was the special relationship between two spiritual giants of the Jewish world in the twentieth century? Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the Chassidic Rebbe of Lubavitch, and Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, the Rav and dean of Yeshiva University’s Rabbinical Seminary represented two vastly different schools of thought
Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff (3)
This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Laurie Lans (4)
In contrast to previous generations, Jews today enjoy freedom and protection in their host countries, and live lives that are fully integrated with their non-Jewish neighbors. In this, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, saw responsibility and opportunity
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Each of us has a divine mission in life. When we understand this, we are able to take control of our life; to use our creative powers more fully; to give more to others, our community, and the world. This talk helps us find our connection to the divine within ourselves and then shows us how to manifest that divine presence in our dealings with others, especially during tumultuous times
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Join Rabbi Burt Aaron Siegel in his first-hand fascinating account of a leading Reform Rabbi's tumultuous spiritual journey from the pulpit of a prominent Reform temple in the heart of New York City, through the Indian hub of Eastern religions, to his ultimate destination that brought the happiest years of his life upon discovering Chabad, the Rebbe and his true self
Rabbi Burt Siegel (1)
Who am I? Who is G-d? Why would G-d be interested in my life? Feeling and expressing our connection to the divine is the most vital work we can do in our lives. It helps us become the best we can be so we can feel truly fulfilled and at peace—with ourselves and others. But to live our connection with G-d, we have to first understand who we really are, why we exist, and where we are going
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Discover the ultimate “soul-utions” to life’s problems. Turn challenges into exciting opportunities for self-discovery and spiritual growth. Become the master of your destiny rather than the victim of your fate. This talk offers the keys to unlock new doors of awareness, clarity, and the essential tools for achieving unconditional self-worth and personal empowerment
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
"The Muscle of Impossibility" is a talk given by Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
"How One Person Can Change The World" is a talk given by Mr. Randy Gold as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Mr. Randy Gold (1)
The overwhelming majority of American Jews are of Ashkenazic origin. Before Yiddish and Fiddler on the Roof, our Ashkenazic ancestors spoke Greek and controlled international trade. Take a close, fascinating look at these colorful forbears whose imprint on Jews today is still palpable. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Jeffrey Woolf (5)
Why don't we live in Israel? Why do all holidays revolve around food? Why can't a woman be counted in a Minyan? What is the response to Antisemitism? Will Antisemitism ever end? Should women fight in combat? Why can't one ride a bicycle on Shabbat? These are just some of the questions that are answered in this "Crossfire" session
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Join this session with world-renowned thinkers and scholars as they debate and discuss
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
This text-based class focuses on the seeming contradiction between the Talmud's statement that we are judged daily with the concept that judgment takes place on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The excerpt from the Kuntreis U mayan discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything will be translated
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Explore the issue of slavery through a Talmudic lens. Was it always beneficial for a slave to be freed in the ancient world? Join this class to see two Talmudic sages disagree on this matter. Determine which argument you find more persuasive. An in depth study of Talmud Gittin 12b-13a.
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski (3)
In the modern era, religion has come under harsh attack. After all, so much extremism, intolerance, fundamentalism and war has been associated with religion. Discover the Jewish approach: Is it unscientific to embrace G-d? Who Even needs G-d? And can there be right and wrong without a G-d? This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
This text-based class will decipher a section of the Viduy v. Teshuva discourse of the Tzemach Tzedek with a focus on analyzing the mystical dimensions of the commandment of repentance in Jewish law. The discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything will be translated. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
This text-based class will delve into the mechanics of repentance, breaking it down into its components of the behavioral and emotional while understanding what it represents spiritually. The discourse, Viduy v. Tshuva, is from the Tzemach Tzedek and is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything will be translated
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Analyze the Talmudic devices for legal transactions. What means can actualize an ownership transfer? When a moribund person orally commands that gifts be given from his estate, does this statement itself effect an ownership transfer? An in depth study of Talmud, Gittin 13a-13b. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski (3)
This text-based double session includes both learning with a study partner (chavrusa) as well as a lecture component with Rabbi Shais Taub. This classic, foundational discourse of the Alter Rebbe, Ani l Dodi, delves into the meaning of the month of Elul. The discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything is translated
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Science in the 21st century is progressing at a dizzying pace. In this session we will discuss up-to-the-minute advances and news in the world of medicine and examine them in a Jewish legal context. Topics will include genetic testing and engineering, new frontiers in prenatal testing, organ transplantation after cardiac death, 3-D printing of organs and body parts, and head transplants
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
This text-based double session includes both learning with a study partner (chavrusa) as well as a lecture component with Rabbi Shais Taub. This classic, foundational discourse of the Alter Rebbe, Ani l Dodi, delves into the meaning of the month of Elul. The discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything is translated
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Mr. David Magerman (5)
The concept of reincarnation fascinates and mystifies yet is highly misunderstood. Join Rabbi Moshe Krasnanski as he discusses the Jewish view of reincarnation
Rabbi Moshe Krasnianski (10)
Death with dignity has become one of the catchphrases of 21st century values and an attractive possibility. However, with medical treatment costs rising and limited resources, the right to die has increasingly become a duty to get out of the way
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
In light of recent conflicts and political developments, Israel has, of late, been slandered and maligned by multiple outlets internationally. These attacks seem to have gained prevalence at an alarming rate. Join this special panel for a discussion on Israel's portrayal in today's media. Based on the experiences of experts. Learn what can be done and how we can be part of the solution
Mr. Shahar Azani (7)
Even before the Supreme Court s decision granting same-sex couples a constitutional right to wed, legal scholars have been trying to determine how such a ruling might affect religious institutions. The First Amendment to the U.S
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Elevate your home from aesthetically beautiful to a sacred sanctuary. Lipskier will share how simple steps can help a house transcend the material to the spiritual, creating a domino effect to impact the whole family from the inside out. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier (9)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Throughout history so much violence and bloodshed has been perpetrated in the name of religion. From forced conversions to killing those considered infidels, it is vital that we examine the role of religion in today s society and understand how something that should create more moral and peaceful people has, unfortunately, all too often led to the exact opposite
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Marvelous creative forces stir in the well of human nature. Yet all too often we bring only a portion of ourselves to our families, to our spouses, to our children, to our Jewishness
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
Is the secret to fulfilling relationships and powerful intimacy found in a 4,000 year-old tradition? Join an unforgettable lecture on how to remain sane and spirited through the roller-coaster of married life. This lecture will explore the exposed and concealed sides of every relationship, provide tools to deal with your spouses flaws and keep the fires burning through it all
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
The feminist revolution in the 1970s aimed to create a better world by making men more like women, and women more like men. Jewish philosophy, however, focuses on the unique and different roles of men and women. Is this a contradiction? Does Judaism believe in gender equality? Join the author of bestseller To Be a Jewish Woman for a deeper look at this contentious issue
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
The recent Ebola outbreak raised questions as ancient as pandemics themselves. In 1918 an influenza virus caused a pandemic that killed an estimated twenty to forty million people in the course of a single year
Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger (1)
We all want to be happy. We all want to experience joy. But we often feel trapped by both internal and external constraints in our lives. Is it possible though to change our feelings merely by changing our thoughts? Can we create the reality we want to have simply by thinking a different way? These Torah insights will change you and life as you knew it will never be the same
Mr. Hershel Lazaroff (3)
This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
You can visit Mrs. Tzukernik's website at: This talk was given at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
The Redemption of the Firstborn traces its origin to the times of the Torah, and this important mitzvah remains faithfully observed to this day. With advances in medicine in the 21st century, a number of new questions have arisen as to how to apply and properly observe this mitzvah
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
This panel was featured at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Gaylen Ross (1)
This concert took place at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mordechai Ben David (9)
In the last century, Jews have emerged from behind the ghetto walls to live and work side-by-side with many nationalities. Some Jews have retreated behind invisible borders in close-knit communities. The Rebbe had adifferent idea of how we should co-exist with our non-Jewish neighbors and fulfill our destiny as a light unto the nations
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Issachar Zacharie has been described as Abraham Lincoln's 'most enigmatic intimate.' Who was this curious Jewish figure, what drew Lincoln to him? Learn about Zacharie s role in the Civil War, and how his actions affected his country and his people
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
An interview with Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, assistant to the Lubavitcher Rebbe and a member of the Rebbe's secretariat for over 40 years. This interview took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky (16)
How do we stop from Jews assimilating? Can one be spiritual without being religios? I want to forgive but I have anger, how do I let it go? What if I hate my parents? The world is getting darker each and every day, how do I know that Moshiach will really come? How do I know that the Torah is true? Do autistic kids have special souls? Why does the Jewish day start at night? Anti Semites don't distinguish between those born with Jewish father or Jewish Mother
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
Judaism teaches that every moment of life is significant and should be preserved. It follows that a quality, healthy life is even more valued
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
Many religions view sexuality as a purely physical experience to ideally be restricted. However Judaism considers it essential, holy and spiritual. Join author of the Guide for the Romantically Perplexed to learn how such pleasures are meant to bring us closer to our spouses and through that to our Creator. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
Join Matthew Levitt, Fromer-Wexler fellow and director of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy's Stein Program on Counter-terrorism and Intelligence as he discusses his book, Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon s Party of God
Mr. Matthew Levitt (2)
This text-based class will decipher an excerpt from the Lubavitcher Rebbe s groundbreaking discourse, transforming the way we understand the path to repentance. The discourse is in Hebrew, although knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required because everything will be translated. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
A peek at the headlines invariably leads to that hardest of questions: If G-d is just, why do bad things happen to good people? Surprising insights, perspectives, and paradigm changers. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
To save a life is one of the greatest mitzvot that one can perform. At the same time, however, it is axiomatic that we cannot save a life by ending another. The time of death, then, becomes a subject of utmost importance
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
Vaccination is considered by many to be the most extraordinary advance in the history of medicine, having prevented an untold number of deaths since its discovery
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
People often wonder how a group of rabbis and rebbetzins, most often without college degrees or education, have created thriving centers of Jewish life throughout the world. Join us as we delve into how Chabad's success is built on five powerful ideas that inspired a generation of Shluchim and learn how these foundational concepts can change your life
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
The panelists will answer questions and address medically related ethical quandaries submitted by participants. No question is too basic or too complex. To see our other "Crossfire!" videos, click here. This panel took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
To be, or to become, that is the question. Some live to achieve, others, to experience. What is the perfect balance? How can we be powerfully present in the moment, while focused on the future? Ancient Jewish texts and ritual offer deep and powerful secrets to unlock the art of mindfulness and focus in the moment. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
This text-based class will explore a small excerpt from the classic Yedaata (Muskve) recited by the Rebbe Rashab. The focus will be on deciphering and understanding the idea of metaphor. The discourse is in Hebrew though knowledge of the Hebrew language is not required as everything will be translated. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
We have all seen Hollywood's depiction of angels in white with wings, but are angels really real? Where do they come from? Are they all good? Is there a guardian angel for me? Are they greater than us humans? Join Rabbi Moshe Krasnanski as he delves into the Jewish view on this topic and addresses these questions and more
Rabbi Moshe Krasnianski (10)
Witness our differences melt away as five diverse high powered women from different walks of life share their individual challenges and achievements, take us behind the scenes for a peek into their personal and professional stratosphere, share their vision for Jewish continuity, and celebrate their Jewish womanhood in tandem with a dynamic moderator
Alyza Lewin (10)
What is prayer all about? Does G-d need my praise? Doesn't He know what I need? And why should I say someone else's words? A deeper insight into tefillah (Jewish prayer) and how it can facilitate a deeper, closer relationship with one's own inner soul and G-d. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
Discover the Talmudic concept of agency and two types of legal agents. When can a principal recall an agent, and when is it too late? When are our actions on someone else's behalf effective, and when are they not? An in depth study of Talmud Gittin 11b. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski (3)
What is the secret to healthy marriages? The answer lies in the soul. Our souls are comprised of seven faculties; this class will reveal how to tie each of them to another aspect of marriage. Beautifully presented and full of stories and explanation, this class holds the key for couples to become true soulmates. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Chaya Epstein (4)
The story of a young woman who is slowly losing her sight and hearing because of Usher Syndrome III, a rare disorder. Join Rebecca as she speaks with candor and without self-pity about the progression of the disease, current research into a cure, the challenges in her life, and how she experiences the world. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Ms. Rebecca Alexander (1)
Hear firsthand from the father-daughter legal team that represented Menachem Zivotofsky, an American citizen born in Jerusalem, caught in the middle of a constitutional, separation-of-powers dispute. Alyza and Nathan Lewin fought for 12 years to enforce a congressional law that declares Jerusalem part of Israel taking it all the way to the US Supreme Court
Alyza Lewin (10)
Contrary to common wisdom, our sense of well-being increases with age. Explore concepts from Positive Psychology with the author of 'Lighter As We Go' that explain how and why, over the course of a lifetime, we gain deeper insight into who we are. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Mindy Greenstein (1)
Did you ever wonder why there is the cup of Elijah at the Passover Seder? What about his chair at a baby boy s brit? Who was Elijah and why is he so much a part of our Jewish observances? This class will take you on a fascinating journey into the life and mystique of this beloved Biblical figure. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Experience the benefits of laughter through exercises and techniques that can be used throughout your life. Laughter has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, boost happiness and boost immune system. This session took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Nira Berry (1)
Does Judaism believe in an afterlife, reincarnation, and near-death experiences? If so, what do they look like, and why? Hear the amazing story of why we are here, the role and mission of our souls and gain insight into the purpose of this world and beyond. Dedicated in loving memory of John T. Chester, OBM. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
Dr. Jonathan D. Sarna is a world-renown historian and leading commentator on American Jewish history, religion and life. He will be speaking about his most recent book which he co-authored with Benjamin Shapell: Lincoln and the Jews: A History
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
From Jewish born, to Christian youth worker, to blockbusting screenwriter with a rich, Torah observant lifestyle, David's hilarious and moving tale will help you find that at any point and at any time we can all take one step closer to reaching our fullest potential. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
David Weiss (8)
Why won't she eat in my home anymore? Is he seriously going to wear those strings out of his shirt? Why wouldn't she answer my phone call on Shabbat when it was important? Learn from the author of The Baal Teshuva Survival Guide how to deal with changes that are often mystifying while learning tips for healthier communication to minimize misunderstandings and strengthen relationships
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
"Uber Torah" is a talk given by Miriam Chana Cooperman and Yaakov Baruch Komaiko as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Miriam Chana Cooperman (2)
"Marathon Man" is a talk given by Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
"A Soldier's Lie" is a talk given by Izzy Ezagui as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Izzy Ezagui (2)
"Who Is Mining the Mind?" is a talk given by Mr. David Weiss as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
David Weiss (8)
"Starving for Light" is a talk given by Rabbi Shais Taub as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
"Antisemitism on Campus" is a talk given by Rabbi Dov Greenberg as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
"Inclusion in the Jewish Community" is a talk given by Jay Ruderman as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Jay Ruderman (2)
This award was presented at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
Izzy Ezagui (2)
A fifty-nine-year-old, British woman is staging a legal bid to become pregnant with her own grandchild. She and her husband claim it s their daughter s dying wish for her eggs to be fertilized by donor sperm and implanted in her mother despite potential health risks to the woman and unborn child
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
This award was presented at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
On the night of November 9, 1938, amid the deafening sounds of gunshots, the smashing of glass, and the cries of a mob rioting and looting the Jewish Quarter, Isaac Schwartz, a young boy of only 14, risked his life to douse a bonfire full of Torah scrolls, shawls, prayer books, and other Jewish artifacts that Nazi soldiers had set aflame in a square in Hamburg
In 1263, King James of Aragon summoned Nachmanides to a religious disputation. Nachmanides himself documented this event, which became the most notable confrontation between Judaism and Christianity during the Middle Ages. We will study and discuss Nachmanides record of this event, a treasure that this faithful leader bequeathed to his people
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman (18)
This text-based class offers the unique opportunity to learn an entire Chassidic discourse from beginning to end in one sitting. The discourse is based on Psalm 100 which is recited in the morning prayer service. The discourse is in Yiddish though knowledge of the Yiddish language is not required as everything will be translated
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
"Five Delicious Things That Epitomize the Israeli Spirit" is a talk given by Shimon Mercer-Wood as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Shimon Mercer-Wood (4)
"Reclaiming Mikvah in the Postmodern Age" is a talk given by Mrs. Rivkah Slonim as part of a fast-paced session called "Ten Talks" featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This talk was featured at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Ten Talks
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Often the Torah description of events, timing and location can vary greatly from that of historical reports and discussion. How can these differing views be reconciled? How is one to know or understand what actually happened when such vastly different perspectives are presented from academics vs
Dr. Lisa Aiken (16)
How far should governments go in their quest to free innocent hostages? In this session, experts debate this question in the context of the Israeli decision to free terror convicts to gain the freedom of Gilad Shalit. Would you support the motion that the Shalit deal was the right move? This session took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Dan Arbell (2)
Since the time of Freud, psychotherapy has focused on the negative aspects of the human psyche. But recent developments in cognitive psychology, affirm the importance of optimism to enhance the quality of life, and how anyone can learn to practice it
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
This concert took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
8th Day (17)
The Messianic era is something we have awaited for 2000 years. How will we be able to identify that era? How will it unfold? This session will address Maimonides' answers to these questions. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (18)
There is so much about religion that remains utterly incomprehensible. From commandments that we do to life cycle events and everything in between, can a Jew ever think for himself or must he just obediently comply? Must we readily accept or can we ever challenge? Are we programmed robots or free spirits? This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
An honest look at why and how we get pulled into dysfunctional relationships, and some practical insights for rising above the chaos. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
This is a highlight of a session called "Ten Talks"; one fast-paced session featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world. This presentation took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Series: Ten Talks
David Weiss (8)
No amount of pleasure can make a person happy. But true happiness disposes a person towards greater pleasure. Learn what happiness really means, because understanding it is the first step to gaining it. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Protecting our country from suicidal religious fanatics who target civilians as they go about their daily life is a daunting task. Add to it the restrictions placed by respecting civil liberties and presuming innocence, and we seem particularly vulnerable to another September 11. Our esteemed panel will discuss this conflict from the American Law, Jewish Law and ethical perspectives
Michael Mukasey (4)
Bio-technologies, like embryonic stem cell research and cloning, offer new, exciting possibilities for curing the toughest medical conditions. They also raise serious ethical questions
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz (71)
Why Is Jewishness matrilineal? Driving to Shul on Shabbat, or not going? What is your Rabbi afraid to tell you? Waht is the real age of the universe? Is there proof that the Torah is true? Can a Woman Say Kadish? These are just some of the questions that are answered in this "Crossfire" session
Series: Crossfire!
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
This discussion was featured at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Alyza Lewin (10)
On the seventh of June, 1967 the Israel Defense Forces captured the Temple Mount and returned it to Jewish hands for the first time in two thousand years. One of the first people to reach the holy stones of the Wall was a young soldier named Avraham Duvdevani
Mr. Avraham Duvdevani (1)
A piercing look at why some leaders succeed and others fail. Those at the helm greatly affect their communities, and even entire generations. What makes a layman into a leader, a civilian into a captain? This lecture examines the impact of two towering leaders in Jewish history—Moses and the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Dr. Simcha Leibovich (5)
The Torah focuses on humanity’s role in this world. Does it say anything about life on other planets? Does Judaism believe in extraterrestrial life? And what is the overall Jewish approach to science? These questions are not merely theoretical; the answers provide crucial insight into an area often unexplored—our personal inner space
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Rabbi Danny Cohen (7)
Without some greater goal to aim for, life is a boring cycle of sleep, eat, work, repeat. We each should have a mission, something that drives us and gives meaning to our lives. Living with this awareness adds color to grey, spice to the bland. Discover how we can connect to our purpose as individuals, and as part of the Jewish nation
Charlie Harary (59)
Is astrology kosher? From the horoscopes in the newspaper to the psychics in the street, everyone claims they can see our future in the stars. But does Judaism claim that as well? Are such practices even permitted by Jewish law? Is there any room at all for astrology in our lives? Find the answer in this informative and entertaining analysis of astrology in Jewish thought.
Rabbi Moshe Krasnianski (10)
In the event of divorce, how does a court decide the fate of the children? Join a timely discussion with Judge Dickler and Rabbi Reiss on the rights of fathers and mothers—and protecting the best interests of the children—comparing the legal position to the Torah perspective. This session took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Donald C. Schiller (1)
It’s a sixty year old question that the world still insists on asking: Does Israel have a legal or ethical right to exist? Do historical bonds count for anything in modern law? What about competing claims to the land? This session takes a compelling look at the complex legal issues surrounding Israel and its capital, Jerusalem
Alyza Lewin (10)
This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Moshe Moscowitz (1)
Jewish life in Chicago began back when the city was founded. Since then it has grown to be one of America’s largest Jewish communities, and a crown jewel among Jewish cities worldwide. Take a trip down memory lane and revisit the milestones and landmarks that mark the history of Jewish Chicago. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Ephraim Moscowitz (1)
The true story of Chabad's secret networks during the cold war in Mother Russia, and how these networks helped Judaism flourish after the wall came down. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
The variety of challenges we face daily is both exciting and exhausting. This free-wheeling session of inspiration and insight tells us how to dodge the curveballs life throws at us. We’ll have a lot to chew on when we unwrap these individual thoughts of wisdom and wit. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
Join this panel of insightful Jewish minds as they address the most important issues of the day. Explore weighty issues with these highly intelligent and knowledgeable scholars. No subject too controversial, no challenge shirked. To see our other "Crossfire!" videos, click here. This panel was featured at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Crossfire!
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
Has your news feed got you down? Are you concerned about the fate of the world? No joke: Ancient mystics knew more about the events of our times than even the most popular journalists, political pundits, and current events bloggers of today. A glimpse into these sages’ fascinating predictions may just make you think differently about what the future holds
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
Veteran diplomat Shahar Azani has argued for the Jewish state in boardrooms, summits, and conferences across the globe. Here, he takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour through the corridors of Israeli power. What are the challenges faced by the Jewish state? What are the solutions? And how can we help in this struggle for the truth and peace?.
Mr. Shahar Azani (7)
We are a judgmental people, with labels for every type of individual: left wing, right wing, ultra-orthodox, secular. Is it ever possible to get along with someone whom we don’t see eye-to-eye with? This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Why Do We Need a Rebbe? To Serve in the Israeli Army? Should You Go Live in Israel? Why Chassidut? Can Unhealthy be Kosher? These are just some of the questions that are answered in this "Crossfire" session. Join this panel of insightful Jewish minds as they address the most important issues of the day
Series: Crossfire!
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
Is it possible in today's lonely world? Learn how to navigate the incredible path Judaism sets forus to achieve a truly happy life. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Shmuel Lew (23)
Why Can't Women Be Witnesses? Can I attend a friend's forbidden marriage? How do I know the Torah Is true? What is the source of Chabad's growth? My son wants to marry a non-Jew, what should I do? Are women in the back of the bus? Driving to Synagogue on Shabbat, or Staying Home? Is Chabad Too Religious? These are just some of the questions that are answered in this "Crossfire" session
Series: Crossfire!
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
The frontier of science today has become the new alchemy with the promise of making virtually anything out of anything. Our mastery over matter is giving rise to a whole new sense of the physical universe
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
The panelists will answer questions and address medically related ethical quandaries submitted by participants. No question is too basic or too complex. To see our other "Crossfire!" videos, click here. This session was featured at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Rabbi Blech takes you with him on his incredible journey as he meets Vendyl Jones, the man who inspired the story of Steven Spielberg’s hero in his masterpiece, Raiders of the Lost Ark
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
New technologies raise new ethical questions that require guidance. Every ethical system evaluates technological advances against the criteria of its moral code. In Jewish tradition, that touchstone is halachah, the corpus of Jewish law and ethics
Professor Steven Resnicoff (4)
Is belief in G-d a greater challenge than believing in the existence of evil? How can we witness the misery and suffering of humanity and still accept that He controls the world? This informative and comforting lecture addressed these painful questions and puts G-d back where He belongs—in the driver’s seat. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
A cursory look at Jewish law and customs can shock the uninformed observer. But scratch just a little beneath the surface and you will discover a perfectly balanced system that not only protects but promotes equality. Cast aside media meddling and hackneyed thinking and see for yourself the true gender balance that lies at the heart of Judaism
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
The teachings of Kabbalah give us a unique perspective on how to relate to all of G-d’s creations, from our fellow humans, to animals, to the stones upon which we tread. By gaining a deep appreciation for every bit of creation, we come to respect everyone and everything in our lives.
Rabbi Ronnie Fine (5)
The first coins the modern Israeli government minted tell the story of more than 3,000 years of Jewish traditions. These coins give us insights into Jewish holidays, various holy objects used in the Temple, verses from the Torah, and Jewish history throughout the ages. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Robert Messing (3)
Ever wonder how billionaires and presidents made it? They believed in themselves. By identifying our true potential, we will learn to stop selling ourselves short and begin to believe that our best days lie ahead. This compelling lecture examines the Jewish view of human inhibition and paves a novel path toward greater self-fulfillment
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
We hear plenty about the fiery debates between New World Creationism and Macro-Evolutionary Cosmology. As it turns out, neither of these views sufficiently describes the age of the world. Join us as we discuss a multitude of opinions and how, in totality, they answer what has seemed to be the unanswerable question. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Rapidly evolving social philosophies and ethical trends have a significant impact on the way doctors practice. Ethical standards appear to be flexible and a reflection of the mores of the times. Nonetheless, a common perception persists, that medicine is grounded in timeless, lofty values consistent with high moral purpose
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer (6)
Rabbi Shmuel Lew, one of the foremost Jewish leaders in London, was guided in his community outreach by the Lubavitcher Rebbe. From his personal conversations, phone calls, and countless letters from the Rebbe, Lew continues to draw inspiration from the Rebbe’s insight into community work and about life itself. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shmuel Lew (23)
Travel back in time to 17th century Europe to learn how Chasidism was born and grew. Where did it spring from? What are its beliefs? And does it have any relevance to today’s society? Get a fresh perspective on this misunderstood movement and find out how we can still be mystics in a modern world. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
In the thick tomes of the Talmud are buried stories of romance and courtship that rival today’s best novels. It seems that the Sages were as much experts in affairs of the heart as they were in Jewish law
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
Why is there a need for a universal system of ethics? Isn’t a good conscience enough? Do the right intentions guarantee good moral decisions? This discussion with Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Even Yisroel Steinsaltz will explore the Jewish perspectives on classic ethical quandaries and provide an ethical base for making even the most difficult decisions
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
When President George W. Bush nominated Michael B. Mukasey to be the 81st Attorney General of the United States, it was not a responsibility that the Orthodox Mukasey took lightly. How was Mukasey, as attorney general and as a federal judge before that, shaped by his deeply held Jewish beliefs and ideas? This session took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Michael Mukasey (4)
More than ever, myths and mistruths swirl around Israel and the entire Middle East. The line between fact and fiction is blurred with blood and tears, creating false narratives that drip with distortions. But behind the smoke and mirrors lies the hard truth which every thinking person must discover. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
A closer look at the Ten Commandments, the building blocks of religious civilization. What were the selection criteria? And how do they operate alongside the 613 commandments? Why does our list differ from the one used by Catholics and Protestants? And why aren't the 10 Commandments part of our daily prayers? A yeshivah-style study session.
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
Where does success lie? Is it innate or can it be learned? This talk delves into the science, psychology, and spirituality that can empower you to find more success in the things that matter most to you. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Charlie Harary (59)
To Download the MP3 audio of this lecture, right click on this link, and select "save link / target as".
Alyza Lewin (10)
Millions of Americans are walking around with implanted pacemakers and defibrillators. When should these devices be deactivated to allow nature to take its course? This session addresses this important question from the perspective of Jewish ethics and sheds light on similar end-of-life medical quandaries. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Alan Kadish (2)
What are the key characteristics of a leader? Is it intelligence, charisma, grace, eloquence, or is it something altogether elusive? Dr. Simcha Leibovich uses the biblical description of Moses to explore the components of an effective leader. He presents four styles of leadership based on characters from the Bible and explains the meaning of situational leadership
Dr. Simcha Leibovich (5)
In this session abortion will be addressed, one of the most polarizing issues in contemporary discourse, from the perspective of Jewish law and ethics. Does a woman always have the right to terminate her pregnancy? Or does life begin at conception, and destroying a fetus tantamount to murder? This lecture was delivered at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum (4)
When large corporations cannot meet their obligations, the livelihood of thousands of families, the financial health of numerous creditors, and sometimes the economy of entire cities are at stake. How can attorneys help ensure the best possible outcome and avoid economic disaster—and what’s Jewish law’s view of responsibility for debt?.
Harvey Miller (1)
Hidden deep in the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the Ark of the Covenant. For thousands of years this Temple treasure has lain shrouded in darkness and mystery. What exactly does it look like? Where is it? When will it be discovered? Join in a detailed study of the Maimonidean texts that will lead us to the answers.
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein (5)
What makes a Jewish wedding special? What is a chuppah? Why is a glass broken at the apex of the ceremony? Join a lively and lecture given by Chaya Teldon, as she guides participants through the intricate and fascinating details that comprise a Jewish wedding
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
Of all the medical advances in the 21st century few have impacted the Jewish community more than the field of genetics. From adult carrier testing to fetal testing, to the incorporation of DNA testing into Jewish law, to pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, this session will explore the modern world of genetics from a Jewish perspective.
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
A 2014 U.S. Supreme Court decision permitting chaplains to open legislative sessions with a prayer set the legal world on fire. Was it a victory for religious freedom or a blow to the Establishment Clause? The law aside, what ethics underlie this gripping debate? Two of America’s leading constitutional scholars make their case
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
When the bullets start flying and the tanks are rolling, do the standards of peacetime apply? It takes great moral authority to tell soldiers what they can and can’t do as they fight for their lives. That’s why the Torah lays down uncompromising rules of engagement that regulate the harsh realities of armed conflict
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
In a detailed analysis of the ma’amar (Chasidic Discourse) "V'yvchar Lanu." Dr. Brawer leads a group on a journey into the depths of the profound and mystical meanings hidden within the mitzvah of sounding the shofar on Rosh Hashana. This class took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer (6)
What would you do if you were convicted of a crime that you did not commit? What if you’ve exhausted every appeal, are penniless and everyone has forgotten you? The Innocence Project was established to offer a last ray of hope to those who have been falsely accused. Through the use of modern DNA analysis many innocent and abandoned prisoners have been exonerated
Rabbi Moshe Krasnianski (10)
The study of the Tanya is the work of a lifetime, but its lessons can be put to use from day one. In this deft and masterful overview of the first twelve chapters Tanya, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Chabad philosophy and learn how to apply these powerful tools to every area of your life. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Ronnie Fine (5)
This short clip presents Mr. Shahar Azani, Mr. Bruce Backman and Dr. Simcha Leibovich answering questions from their audience about the recent war in Gaza and the protrayal of Israel in the media. This Q&A took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Simcha Leibovich (5)
We shouldn’t be quick to judge people. But what’s in it for me? Why should I fight the impulse to assume things? And how can I fight that powerful urge? In real and practical terms, this talk lays out why judging others favorably is well worth it.
Rabbi Leonard Matanky (1)
An introduction to the unique world of the ma’amar—the Chasidic Discourse: Using the text from the ma’amar, "V'yvchar Lanu", Dr
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer (6)
In Jewish tradition, the coming of Moshiach is mentioned three times a day in our prayer service, and appears consistently all over Jewish literature
Mrs. Goldie Tiechtel (1)
Breakthroughs in stem cell research have caused much excitement about the vast potential of using embryonic stem cells to cure various diseases. But what are the moral implications of destroying these embryos in the process? What is the Jewish view? Should an embryo in a Petri dish be considered a life? This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Alan Kadish (2)
Does Jewish law have its own version of the First Amendment? Does Judaism legislate itself out of the public square? Would it dare challenge this most American of values? Explore the Torah’s perspective of one of today’s most polarizing issues: the clash between religion and government. This session was featured at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
Believe it or not, the silliest and most serious day of the Jewish year have a lot in common. Find out why in this textual analysis of the antithetical yet overlapping components of Purim and Yom Kippur. Understanding the appropriate time and place for revelry and seriousness in Jewish law and philosophy will foster a closer relationship with our Creator
Rabbi Dovid Cohen (2)
A discussion with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, author of My Rebbe. This conversation took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
Hebron. A city whose connection to the Jewish people is even older than that of Jerusalem, dating back to Abraham’s purchase of burial grounds for his wife, Sarah. Today, Jewish prayer can once again be heard at the Cave of the Patriarchs, and the Jewish community of Hebron has been reborn
Rabbi Danny Cohen (7)
It’s time to reinvent the Jewish New Year. What do ram horns have to do with us today? In this session we’ll mine the underlying themes of the High Holidays and strike a vein of rich relevance that will transform your New Year, Yom Kippur and Sukkot into meaningful experiences. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
True leaders will leave a mark that will last you a lifetime. What is it about these people that influence you so deeply? Dr. Simcha Leibovich discusses he initiative, vision and charisma that uniquely characterize inborn leaders. He describes four key components that are necessary to become a transformational leader who will have a long lasting impact on your followers
Dr. Simcha Leibovich (5)
Chasidic philosophy abounds with references to the four worlds. What are they? Where are they? And how do they help us understand life? Delve into original Chasidic texts and study these fundamental ideas at their source.
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)
Joint business ventures and financial investments are serious business. How does one protect one’s financial investments and ensure the best return while maintaining high ethical standards? Jack Levin, a prominent business attorney, who wrote the textbook on venture capital and entrepreneurial investments, will share effective legal strategies
Professor Jack Levin (1)
The magical setting of the Shabbat meal ushers peace and harmony into Jewish homes around the globe. This is your chance to master the practices that make it so unique: lighting the Shabbat candles and reciting the kiddush over wine. You will learn everything you need to know about these treasured traditions. This session took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Baruch Hertz (2)
What are the ties that bind this fascinating quartet: twin sisters who grew up in a Chasidic enclave in Brooklyn, now residing thousands of miles apart on opposite coasts, and the soul sisters they met along the way? This unique session will take us on a journey without a speed limit from the capital of Wisconsin, to Silicon Valley—the road will be anything but well traveled.
Mrs. Dena Levin (1)
The level of political tension between liberals and conservatives seems to be continually intensifying. Which side is the Torah on—or is there even a side? How can we heal this rift? This session will strive to uncover the roots of an authentically Jewish view of political science while contemplating its relevance to the modern world.
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
At the commencement of the National Jewish Retreat in Chicago, Mr. Brown and Rabbi Moskowitz welcome the participants and introduce the president of the Chicago Jewish Federation, Dr. Steven B. Nasatir. Dr. Nasatir’s opening speech addresses the importance of Jews around the world uniting with Israel. This address was delivered at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Steven B. Nasatir (1)
On the morning of the holiday of Shemini Atzeret in 1977, Dr. Ira Weiss was called on his emergency line for a most urgent matter. In this fascinating lecture, Dr. Weiss tells the dramatic story of the Rebbe’s sudden heart attack and the process of his recovery
Dr. Ira Weiss (1)
"Can you prove that G-d exists, and that the Torah is from Heaven?" This talk challenges the validity of the concept of "proof". The talk addresses two general forms of knowledge: “cognition”, knowledge derived from external sources, and “cognizance”, which is awareness from within. Using deceptively simple illustrations, Dr
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer (6)
In an age of information, media rules the world. Music, in particular, has become the literature of the contemporary world
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
The Bible first hit the shelves some 3,300 years ago and hasn’t been revised since. How, then, does it remain relevant today? Do the stories of slaves and deserts and Canaanite tribes really matter anymore? An analytical look at the tales of the Torah reveals a wealth of contemporary meaning for our modern lives.
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
In this short clip, Mrs. Devorah Halberstam is presented with the Jewish Hero Award. Following the tragic murder of her 16-year-old son, Devorah Halberstam began her passionate campaign against hatred and terrorism. She is honored for her courage and determination in turning her sorrow into a catalyst for incredible growth and learning
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
The previous century witnessed the revolution of Torah study for women. As the Jews emerged from the shtetl to the free world, the Jewish woman emerged from the home into the classroom. This content-rich and inspiring lecture examines authentic ancient Torah education as it applies to the contemporary Jewish woman. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman (8)
The value of life is immeasurable, but is the same true for its increments? Are the medical advances some see as life-supporting in fact simply death-prolonging? This session discusses important end-of-life decisions many families face today, and offers the Jewish perspectives on dying with dignity. This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum (4)
As American Jews, what is our responsibility toward Israel? How can we make a difference from so far away? Hear from an Israeli government official, an academic scholar and a media expert as they shed light on Operation Protective Edge and our crucial role in it. This panel was featured at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Simcha Leibovich (5)
As international outrage is reaching its peak over the war in Gaza, questions of justice and morality start to become ambiguous. Has Israel been grossly abusing human rights and are Israel's responses to Hamas at all proportionate? Former attorney general Michael Mukasey makes a case for Israel in this interview at the National Jewish Retreat
Michael Mukasey (4)
Like all Jewish practices, the complex laws of the shofar blasts are rooted in the Talmud. Go back thousands of years into Jewish legal history to explore the origin of the shofar tradition and trace the way the law developed into the sequences practiced today. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (18)
What was G-d thinking? Despite the efforts of Socrates, Spinoza and Schopenhauer, are we any closer to the answer? In this lecture, we cut straight to the chase and explore in plain English some of history’s enduring mysteries
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
Why is God referred to as masculine? Why can't women get an Aliya? Why can't men touch women? What's the purpose of existence? Why do I need my own Rabbi? What's the biggest obstacle to a happy marriage? Why do we praise God so much? These are just some of the questions that are answered in this "Crossfire" session
Series: Crossfire!
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Mr. Greg Dawson (1)
This address was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Avrohom Korf (1)
Have you ever wanted to know the secret of the perfect Shabbat meal? Unleash the cook within as you listen to master chef and cookbook author Helen Nash on a culinary journey. You will learn how to juggle the challenge of cooking kosher while striving to create the masterpiece that tastes as good as it looks. This talk took place at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Helen Nash (1)
Rabbi Yisroel Spalter (1)
Shed new light on our daily prayers in this intriguing exposition of the early Jewish writings of how a Jew talks to G-d. A yeshivah-style analysis of the original Talmudic texts shows us how the precise order of the daily prayers transforms the tired mantras into a meaningful conversation with our Creator
Rabbi Yitzchok Marcus (1)
Our diverse panel of women in education, medicine and business will shine light from every angle onto the question: What does it mean to be a Jewish woman today? The participants’ broad range of experience and views will ensure that no question will be left unanswered. This panel was featured at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Sara Reichman (1)
This lecture has been lovingly sponsored in honor of the 65th Wedding Anniversary of Robert and Esther Bloch by their children, Chaim and Devorah Bloch. With the institution of marriage decaying at an alarming rate, it’s time for an honest discussion on love and relationships
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
For thousands of years, the wisdom of the Talmud has been hidden within the ancient Aramaic in which it is written. The revolutionary Koren Talmud is an English translation of this monumental Jewish text, forever changing the way students study, debate and experience the Talmud. Take a tour behind the scenes with editor-in-chief, Rabbi Dr
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb (7)
The Jewish legal system is a sophisticated network of laws, regulations and customs that draw on centuries of Jewish scholarship. Some are of direct Biblical origin, while others were developed by the Sages. Where do the principles of prayer come from? Were the do’s and don’t’s of our daily prayers given at Sinai, or did they evolve throughout the ages?.
Rabbi Meir Levinger (13)
May one attend a forbidden marriage ceremony? Do we believe in Hell? Why does divorce require only the husband's consent? Do we need Rabbis in the age of Google? Did the Rabbis alter the Torah? Do animals have souls? Why praise God so much? These are just some of the questions that are answered in this "Crossfire" session
Series: Crossfire!
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
It’s not easy being human. If we’re not careful, passion turns into anger, kindness into permissiveness, and patience into apathy. We’ll look at the Chassidic approach to emotional well-being to learn how we can tackle our negative impulses and use them as a means for character growth. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
For more information about the National Jewish Retreat and to register for this year’s Retreat, check out
In 1979, conjoined twins were born to a Jewish family in the United States. The drama that followed shocked doctors, challenged the leading halachic minds of the time and ultimately involved the Supreme Court. This talk will give a fascinating insight into Judaism’s approach to some of the hot topics of modern-day moral dilemmas
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Through a deeper look at Rashi’s commentary on the giving of the Torah we develop an appreciation for the role of Torah study in our identity and our relationship with G-d. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
If you’re born Jewish, you’re Jewish no matter what. You’re bound by the laws of the Torah and branded with the title “Jew.” Is that fair? Did you choose to be Jewish? A stunning analysis of free choice forces us to reconsider the nature of our commitment to Judaism. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yossi New (25)
After graduating magna cum laude from Harvard University, attorney Nathan Lewin went on to fight some of America’s most famous cases in twenty-seven appearances before the U.S. Supreme Court. In a fascinating interview with Altie Karper, editorial director of Schocken Books, Nathan Lewin reflects on his battles to uphold the First Amendment and civil liberties.
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
For many cancer survivors their medical nightmare doesn’t end when they finish treatment. Sometimes the chemotherapy or the disease itself can render them infertile. Oncofertility is the cutting edge medical research that aims to preserve the reproductive ability of cancer patients. This lecture explains the medicine behind the miracle and the ethical questions involved
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Why are Jews so preoccupied with Torah study? With a whole world to discover, why do young and old spend their free time poring over ancient texts? By understanding the cosmic fireworks that explode each time we hit the books and sit down to study we are able to appreciate why Torah learning plays such a pivotal role in Jewish life
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Dr. Robert Hedaya’s concept of Whole Psychiatry looks at both traditional psychiatry and functional medicine to get a complete view of a patient’s psychological and physical health. This armchair discussion with Dr. Hedaya and Rabbi Shais Taub, a leading authority on Jewish mysticism, will compare and contrast the medical and mystical viewpoints
Dr. Robert Hedaya (1)
In 1950 Baghdad was 40% Jewish. Today a handful of Jews remain. Uncover the shocking facts about the ethnic cleansing of Iraq’s Jews and what it means for peace in the Middle East today. Why has the world been silent about this atrocity? What is the Islamic view of Jewish citizens? The wretched history of Jews in Arab countries makes a strong case for Israel.
Mrs. Carole Basri (1)
What does Judaism have to say about the elimination of disease, the reversing of aging, and prospects for human immortality? This workshop examines recent medical breakthroughs in genetic engineering, stem cell research, and nanotechnology in the context of classical Jewish sources. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
What is real? What is not? And why was the universe designed this way? Anomalies in neuroscience, quantum mechanics and human intuition expose a reality unlike anything we’ve experienced before. These, as well as classical Jewish and Kabalistic insights, can help us conquer our fears and peer beyond the illusive to focus our lives on achievements that hold true and lasting value.
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
What is the definition of death? Modern medicine still grapples with this question, challenged by medical advances that continually prolong life. In Jewish law, knowing when a patient has deceased is vital to understanding when treatment can be withdrawn, as well as other grave issues
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Jews have always been hounded by accusations of racial supremacism—allegations that sparked deep hatred and incited untold violence. But isn’t it true? Don’t we claim to be the “Chosen People”? This lecture goes back to the source of this myth and uncovers the true meaning of our unique destiny
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
When Rabbi Benjamin Blech was asked by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to go on a speaking tour in the Far East, he balked. The counsel the Rebbe gave Rabbi Blech changed his outlook on Jewish identity forever, and inspired his philosophy of a Jewish solidarity that disregards our individual differences. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
From Hollywood to Wall Street, the Jewish contribution to America has been enormous. From its inception, the American narrative has been intertwined with the Jewish one. This is your chance to hear this fascinating story in vivid historical detail, and walk away with a newfound appreciation for the Jewish impact on American culture
Rabbi Benjamin Blech (14)
Are you obligated to return found money? How hard must you search for its owner? Experience the thrill of authentic Talmudic study with this guided analysis of Tractate Baba Metziah and the laws of disputed ownership. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
The rapid advances in medical science present exciting but unproven treatments. The desire to heal our loved ones must be balanced with the potential danger of these therapies. How do we make this choice? When is it worth the risk and when not? This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg (5)
In this comprehensive panel presented at the National Jewish Retreat, discover what was the true defiance of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. Hear about the unassuming acts of moral heroism performed by thousands of men, women, and children in Warsaw and beyond
Dr. Ann Millin (1)
This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Make sense of the Passover Seder and its mysterious mix of four cups of wine, bitter herb sandwiches and hidden matzot. Through a detailed study of the fascinating Talmudic discussion of the laws of reclining, we will uncover new meaning in the Seder while bolstering our understanding of Talmudic logic. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
G-d is One. A basic tenet of Jewish faith. But what are the implications of this doctrine? And what does it mean that the universe was created from nothing? Famed lecturer and author Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson opens our eyes to the wonders of G-d and gives us a clear understanding of the world He created, the world we call home
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Relive the trials and triumphs of one of the most colorful personalities in Jewish history. Learn of David’s ferocious battles against the Philistines, hear the song of his harp, and follow the mighty king’s transformation into the sweet singer of Israel
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Dudu Fisher (25)
Although it now inflames modern political debate, abortion has occupied Jewish legal writings for centuries. With both sensitivity and firmness, Jewish authorities have tackled some of the most difficult challenges of this agonizing procedure
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
Dudu Fisher (25)
Has Judaism evolved? Explore the development of the written and oral Torah, the twin traditions that stretch back to Sinai. Learn how to use ancient halachic principles to find solutions to contemporary dilemmas. You will put the eternality of Torah to the test by scrutinizing its relevance today.
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 4
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
This concert took place at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dudu Fisher (25)
When he was a young boy the Baal Shem Tov’s father taught him the secret to conquering all his earthly fears. In this lecture we uncover that secret of how Torah-based psychology lays the groundwork for dealing with the full spectrum of our anxieties and perturbations
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
This interview took place at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. David Elderbaum (1)
What is the afterlife? Rabbi Friedman’s sensitive and meaningful approach illuminates the Jewish concept of the hereafter. This discussion includes practical applications of the core concepts of the soul and the afterlife on the here and now. This enjoyable talk is riddled with anecdotes including a fascinating story about Sara Ferguson, the Duchess of York
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Against the backdrop of Hurricane Katrina, doctors were forced to make some of the toughest decisions a physician could ever face. This discussion of events at Memorial Hospital in New Orleans as witnessed by Dr
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg (5)
Our society operates on instant gratification. Great people don’t. Maimonides’ theory of gradualism focuses on how real and lasting character reform is brought about by gradual change. By learning this step-by-step approach we’ll be able to effect major change in any area of our lives. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
The magical setting of the Shabbat meal ushers peace and harmony into Jewish homes around the globe. This is your chance to master the practices that make it so unique: lighting the Shabbat candles and reciting the kiddush over wine. You will learn everything you need to know about these treasured traditions.
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
Forever under the harsh scrutiny of the world’s nations, Israel has had to forge a unique diplomacy that can afford no mistakes. Shahar Azani is a veteran diplomat who has argued for the Jewish state in boardrooms, summits and conferences across the globe. This insider’s account will take you behind the scenes to see where Judaism meets diplomacy.
Mr. Shahar Azani (7)
We expend so much time and energy chasing our dreams, but does it come at the expense of our integrity and happiness? Jewish teachings turn our quest on its head, and place the keys to our greatest dreams firmly in our hands. Learn how to navigate the incredible path Judaism sets for us to achieve a truly superhuman life.
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
Back in the days of swords and spears the Talmud discussed regulations that seem to provide precedent for modern-day gun control. Today, the debate rages afresh. Join this lecture for an intriguing look at how ancient Talmudic law is more relevant today than ever before.
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
Discover how prayer holds the tools for developing a personal relationship with our Creator. Prayer is a ladder that reaches to heaven. Learn how to climb its rungs until you attain an intimate connection with G-d. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, Chabad headquarters shares an amazing conversation he once hadwith renowned philanthropist Mr. Sami Rohr (1926-2012). Mr. Rohr’s message inspiring message could help us all go beyond what we might think we are capable of when confronted by life’s greatest challenges including death itself
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky (22)
Rabbi Weinreb was a young man searching for answers when he turned to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The advice he received has stayed with him until today. Rabbi Weinreb shares his personal story and explains how we can apply its message to our own lives: that sometimes the person we need to talk to most is ourselves.
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb (7)
Psychology used to look at religion as an illness, but now considers it a positive factor in mental health. Today, psychology and Judaism happily share concepts like gratitude, forgiveness, generosity, hope, and prayer. The latest research on this commonality shows how an ancient religion is finding new life in modern psychology
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb (7)
Do bagels and baseball go together? What about Shabbat and sports? Professor Jeffrey Gurock pioneered the use of athletics as a metaphor for interpreting the Jewish American story. This lecture invites us to explore the issues of Jewish integration through the lens of sports and to understand the challenges of religious survival in modern-day America.
Dr. Jeffrey Gurock (2)
Artists are continually playing upon the nature of our perception. The great masters will often force us to reflect upon what our eyes perceive. Is there something real out there independent of our awareness? Does art merely copy reality or create it? Taking a cue from aesthetics, we will explore the curation of the soul
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
With today’s culture saturated with pride movements of every stripe, is there room for Jewish pride? And if we do celebrate our Jewishness, what exactly are we celebrating? As we move further into the 21st century, the vexing question of Jewish identity must be answered with a philosophy that allows us to shed our insecurity and be proud of our people
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
In this workshop brimming with Kosher humor, Rabbi Abba Perelmuter offers advice on how to deal with life’s challenges in a most effective way - with joy. Rabbi Perelmuter has been moving audiences across the US with his seemingly endless reserve of comical anecdotes
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Real Chassidus for real living. In this lecture, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, an expert in Chassidic philosophy, offers a poignant presentation about the anatomy and nature of the soul. He provides a step by step guide for self-improvement that can be applied in a real and practical way in one’s day to day life. .
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
This concert took place at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dudu Fisher (25)
On at least two instances the Biblical narrative is interrupted by a litany of horrors that will befall the Jewish people should they stray. How do we reconcile this with our idea of a kind and loving G-d? Take a look at the inner meaning of the Torah’s curses, and enter a world of blessings in disguise.
Rabbi Meir Levinger (13)
This address was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
This address was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Levi Shemtov (2)
This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dov Greenberg (57)
This video takes us on a fascinating journey through 245 years of Jewish History, beginning with the story of Chanukah and the Maccabees' defeat over the Syrian Greeks and ending with the defeat of the Bar Kochba revolt 65 years after the Temple was destroyed
Mr. Robert Messing (3)
Rabbi Berel Lazar (7)
This address was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky (22)
Jews make blessings on everything. In fact, we say more than 100 Berachot every day. We’ll delve into the source texts of the Berachot laws to learn exactly which blessings to say, and when. Get a taste of halachah’s precision and structure as you learn how to say thank you the Jewish way. This class took place at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Meir Levinger (13)
Study the daily portion of Tanya, the handbook of Chassidic philosophy, and begin your morning with an expanded mind. This class took place at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Ronnie Fine (5)
This address was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Sherri Mandell (5)
Centuries before society realized the importance of the mind to healthy living, chapter 26 of Tanya had already turned itself to understanding its many struggles. Utilizing the authentic text and traditional Jewish learning methods, you’ll see the interplay between mental and spiritual health through the lens of Torah– and its path of healing for those who suffer
Rabbi Shais Taub (115)
The news headlines don’t lie. Is religion magnificent or murderous? Is it really living up to our lofty expectations? With the history of religion stained with so much blood, we need to re-examine its role in today’s society. This frank assessment of religion and its practitioners will place faith and belief in its true context.
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
If you’re not moving forward, you’re falling backwards. Just as in business, our personal lives must always be evolving and growing. Concealed at the heart of Chassidic philosophy is a chart for progress that lays out humanity’s mandate to set ambitious goals. This study of the source texts translates the abstract ideals into a real and relevant plan for growth.
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
How can we overcome the unique challenges of parenting in today’s world? Rapid advances in technology and culture mean that we sometimes don’t even speak the same language as our children. Learn how timeless Torah wisdom and the latest in modern psychology come together to develop a winning strategy for both parent and child
Mrs. Dassie New (2)
Is astrology kosher? From what your birth sign means to choosing a spouse based on sign compatibility, you’ll be amazed at what Jewish tradition teaches about the zodiac. Discover the mystical connection between the powers of the soul and the signs of the Zodiac, and what it all means for you.
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
During the years of 1938-1945, 6 million Jews were killed in Europe. Dr. Jeffrey Gurock presents a fascinating look at what was going on with Jews in America during that time. Were they aware of the situation in Europe? What measures did they take to try and stop the murders and join in the war effort? This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Jeffrey Gurock (2)
What makes a home a home? In the course of our investigation we will demonstrate that homeliness is as much a product of our inner spiritual dynamics as it is about colors, lighting and layout. Our role as designers is to furnish its interior with multi-purpose objects that serve both the physical and the spiritual.
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Ever since its inception Israel, has waged a tough battle to garner favorable public opinion in the newspapers and television shows of the West. This seminar explains the challenges that the Jewish state faces in getting its story across, and teaches us how to be agents for change in Israel’s fight for the hearts and minds of the free world.
Mr. Shahar Azani (7)
Don’t kill. Don’t steal. Honor your parents. Who wouldn’t agree with that? Judaism and Christianity both believe in the truth of the Ten Commandments. So why are our beliefs so different? How did the Jewish and Christian ethos diverge? This session will give you a new perspective on the Ten Commandments
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb (7)
Can’t we police ourselves? If our intentions are good, isn’t it enough to do what we think is best when faced with a difficult decision? What do Jewish ethical guidelines add to the discussion, and what if we don’t agree?.
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg (5)
Our scriptures are filled with rich narratives of characters, both exceedingly virtuous and colorfully otherwise
Rabbi Leibel Fajnland (4)
The popular "Crossfire!" is back with an all-new panel! Have you ever wished to have a "no-holds-barred" discussion with a Rabbi and get answers to all of your burning questions? This is your chance! This Crossfire session at the National Jewish Retreat featured a panel including Rabbi Yosef Schusterman, spiritual leader of Chabad of N
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Lynda Fishman’s life came to a tragic halt when her mother and two younger sisters were killed in a plane crash. In this fascinating firsthand account, she candidly describes the agonizing memories, deafening silence and endless hardships that are the fallout of incredible loss
Mrs. Lynda Fishman (3)
President Obama’s overhaul of the healthcare system has set off a firestorm of debate. Is it society’s responsibility to provide healthcare to all? Can citizens be forced into something for their own good? This analysis of the Jewish view of healthcare reform outlines Judaism’s vision of a free and healthy society
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
Every day before the morning prayers we say "I hereby accept upon myself the commandment to Love a Fellow Jew as myself". Hillel the Sage said that this commandment is the basis of the entire Torah, with the rest acting as commentary
Rabbi Yechiel Baitelman (2)
Here’s a chance to demystify the Jewish calendar and master its deeper meaning. Why don’t we just follow the secular calendar? Why do we glorify the moon? This class dissects the inner workings of the Jewish calendar to reveal the precision and certainty that it gives our year and our lives.
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
The very best in Jewish comedy! Laugh along with the participants of the National Jewish Retreat at Steve Mittleman's wonderful humor! This presentation took place at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Steve Mittleman (1)
Does G-d listen when you pray? Does He really care to hear about my morning routine? When we speak to other people we like to see and feel that they're really listening, they really "hear". But G-d doesn't need to be standing in front of us to hear our prayers, He is unlimited
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (18)
Throughout his legal career Mr. Nathan Lewin has been an advocate for the Jewish people, arguing in innumerable cases about religious freedom, some before the supreme court. At the JLI National Jewish Retreat, August 2013 he was presented with the Jewish Peoplehood Award. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
What is perpetual creation? And what does G-d have to do for the world to stop existing? This excerpt is from a lecture that was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
When darkness falls and the beauty of Shabbat fades, our hearts grow heavy. Restore your spirit with a sing-along havdalah musical that is sure to energize your coming week. This event took place at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
In just three minutes you'll be swept to your feet as Dudu Fisher rocks the stage. Enjoy! This concert took place at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dudu Fisher (25)
There is a way to view our role as women from the inside out, as a special path that we are given. In this humorous and enlightening talk, given at the National Jewish Retreat, Mrs. Chaya Teldon reviews the three mitzvot of women and shows us how to live spiritually enriching lives with the special role we are given. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
Get a humorous, witty, and telling in-depth look into the married life of Chabad personalities, Simon and Shaindy Jacobson. This hour-quick video is a brave new kind of unscripted, dynamic demonstration of what love and marriage can authentically look like. Singles will look at life with their future spouses in a new light
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
Day of learning at the National Jewish Retreat dedicated in honor of Rabbi Levi Deitsch Z'L.
Decades of work and billions of dollars went into the search for the elusive Higgs boson, a critical link in the Standard Model of particle physics. Why did its discovery spark wild excitement in the scientific world? How does the Higgs particle enable us to better understand ourselves and the universe?.
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Have you ever seen the making of a Shofar? Rabbi Baron takes you on a hands-on tour of the ins and outs of creating a real kosher shofar. This workshop took place at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Hillel Baron (3)
From yarmulkas in the military to public menorah displays, civil liberties attorney Nathan Lewin has argued some of America’s most famous First Amendment cases. In this session he revisits his past victories to examine their impact on the Jewish community and the state of religious freedom in America today. This lecture was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Tu B’av and Yom Kippur are singled out by the sages as the most joyous and celebratory days for the Jewish people
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg (5)
Dr. Shmuel Klatzkin (7)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Moishe Denburg (1)
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
It sounds like science fiction, but Jewish writings have plenty of material. The body, in this world is limited by space and time, but the soul is beyond limitations. Rabbi Asher Crispe references many of the texts describing such other worldly experiences. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Where were these dignitaries in the war, when Jewish families were being annihilated? 220 boys in an orphanage are on strike. They refuse to acknowledge the benefactors and dignitaries on stage, until a survivor like themselves comes on stage and can't even speak through his tears
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
G-d gave the land of Israel to the Jews, so why do so many deny it and try to uproot the Jews? Rabbi Avraham Stolik takes us on a journey through archaeological discoveries to uncover the true story of the Bible and the Land of Israel. He disputes the many forms of opposition used to deny our history, with actual archeology. His knowledge in this area is impressive and compelling
Rabbi Avraham Stolik (2)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Joanne Caras (1)
The women make up the Secret Service Division of the Army of Hashem. Rochel Holzkenner uses the concept of the mirrors that the women brought for the Beis Hamikdash as the feminine modality: materialism with spiritual potential
Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner (7)
Look at the light not the shadows. He never agreed to a split amongst Jewish people, "we are all from the same father, we are all one nation," says Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau in this interview with Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Noted Rabbi and Life coach Aryeh Weinstein uses sound as a paradigm to provide a method of managing the many distractions and activities going on in our busy lives, that sap our energy. Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein asks his audience, to name some of the things that cause noise, distraction and confusion in our lives
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
How do our inner desires affect the outcome of decisions? Rabbi Berel Bell discusses the opinions of secular and Torah authorities on the use of data acquired with torture. He presents sources in the Talmud and commentaries that deal with similar issues in order to reach a decision about the use of Nazi data. Rabbi Bell makes his topic interesting and relevant.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Why would a secular judge send a case to a Jewish court? Rabbi Leibel Schapiro describes the role Jewish courts play in American secular courts, and what kinds of cases they handle. ► Click here to watch part 1 This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Leibel Schapiro (2)
The foundations of the civilized world are Cain and Seth, and one of them murdered his brother. Rabbi Sholom Lipskar describes the lineage of the Jews and some of the evil people who are very distant relatives, descendents of Abraham, and Isaac. The Jews have the sacred mission to imbue civilization with holiness, and to recognize and accept everyone else for their own mission in the world
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (14)
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein (5)
Mind reading is not part of the job description. The 5 essential parts of the chuppah provide the outline for Rabbi Avraham and Goldie Plotkin's 5 Love Languages. In each aspect, the most important is understanding each other’s language. When the romance has petered out, these 5 Love Languages are essential to maintain the G-dly connection between 2 souls
Mrs. Goldie Plotkin (6)
How far can a college dropout go? Howard Behar learned Jewish values from his parents and grandparents growing up in Seattle. He brought those strong values with him to Starbucks where people are as important as profits. Howard Behar and Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie chat about roots, life experiences, and Starbucks. This interview took place at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Howard Behar (2)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Bronya Shaffer (2)
Without these 3 visionaries who stepped up to the plate, Judaism might not have survived. Rabbi Abba Perlmutter brings history to life with his engaging humor, modern day examples that we can relate to, and his love of the protagonists. Every great leader needs a vacuum and the 3 Rabbis that he speaks about in this video each lived at a turning point in Jewish history
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
What does a decorated Nazi tell his son about the war? Nothing. Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger shares his story about the journey from his father's house of deceit and hatred to the ranks of the Jewish people
Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger (1)
Join this panel of insightful Jewish minds as they address the most important issues of the day. Explore weighty issues with these highly intelligent and knowledgeable scholars. No subject too controversial, no challenge shirked. To see our other "Crossfire!" videos, click here. This panel was featured at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Crossfire!
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
What is the connection between a test, a miracle and a banner? Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner shares some of her life story, about an auto accident, problems with infertility, and giving birth to a special needs baby. She defines how tests and miracles are intertwined and what the banner is for. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner (7)
What is the age of the world? 1 minute. Rabbi Asher Crispe reviews the changes in technology and agriculture over the last century. 97% of the work force has been freed up from agricultural work and now manufacturing is being done with robots. As bad as the economy seems this is the best time in the history of the world
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Perhaps a ring would be considered a woman's garment. This Crossfire question sparked some humor, with Rabbi Schochet concluding that it's not the ring that makes you married. For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: This panel was featured at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan (31)
In this moving talk Rabbi Ruvi New shares personal stories of how the Rebbe continues to affect his life. What drives Chabad Rabbis around the globe to deliver the Rebbe’s message? Rabbi New delivers the Rebbe’s eternal message with clarity and warmth. The lecture is more like a classic Chassidic farbrengen, reflecting a life full of meaning and commitment
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Are we playing G-d by doing genetic screening? Dr. Daniel Eisenberg gives a simple description of what a carrier is, and then clarifies the ramifications of being a carrier of a recessive gene. He delves into the opinions of Torah sages on how to deal with this thorny topic. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg (5)
Chabad is a fundamentally chassidic movement with the committed to transforming the world. For more "Crossfire" questions, go to:
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
How has Judaism changed for woman in the modern era? It hasn't. This is the question that a journalist asked Miriam Lipskier as she was knee deep in Rosh Hashanah preparations. A woman's essence has always been what makes the home, and all Jewish occasions and activities can and do take place in the home
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier (9)
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Placing a king on the inside strengthens the executive function. The soul is ruled by the mind, the heart and the liver. The liver? Rabbi Asher Crispe, in his humorous, scholarly style explains how the new world of neuroscience and the old world of Torah and Kabbalah are joined.
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
Why did G-d design the world so that we spend most of our time and energy with money, making it, or worrying about it? Rabbi Saul Djanogly has meshed his 2 worlds to become the Wealth Rabbi. He explains the faith system behind our finances; a $20 bill has no intrinsic value, other than the faith we have in it; credit comes from the Latin word for belief
Rabbi Saul Djanogly (2)
What job did G-d hire you for and how well did you do? Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman gives a fascinating class on business theory. He bases his business ideas on How will you measure your life, by Clayton Christianson
Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman (3)
How's your soul? Our souls connect us, it is our bodies that separate us. Rabbi Sholom Lipskar outlines the process of redemption and what to expect in the times of the Messiah. From the scientists who have discovered the G-d particle, to ancient texts, to the Lubatcher Rebbe's talks, Rabbi Lipskar brings Moshiach out of the texts and into the room
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (14)
From where are the seeds of Jewish excellency in all areas of life? The fascinating stories told by Chief Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau illustrate the value of Torah knowledge and learning without reward, or diplomas. This talk was filmed at the Chag Hasmicha-Rabbinic Ordination Ceremony of Congregation Bnei Ruven in Chicago.
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
We can not deal with human suffering without taking G-d into consideration. Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet clarifies how G-d runs his world and how free choice can lead to beauty or horror. G-d chose Egypt to enslave the Jewish people, but the Egyptians chose to torture and murder us; the Nazis operated the crematorium, not G-d
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Whoever dies wtih the most toys wins. Is that what life is about? Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie emphasizes the importance of the afterlife to our current lives. He covers the unification of the body and soul, the resurrection of the dead, the recycling of souls, and the mystery of life and what we are here to accomplish. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
A story takes us on a journey; we can soar with the eagles, share knowledge or evoke emotion. Rabbi Abba Perelmuter describes the ability of a story to raise people from one level to another. His many stories are inspirational, but he also explains what each story is accomplishing.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Simeon Schreiber (1)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Do the sources in the Torah prefer the socialistic or the capitalistic model? This fascinating topic is presented with Rabbi Shmuel Klatzkin’s scholarly knowledge base from the secular world and the Chassidic world, intermingled with stories and history. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Shmuel Klatzkin (7)
The "founder" of Christianity was an Orthodox Jew who preceded the new religion by 200 years. Rabbi Efrem Goldberg shares his knowledge of the origins of Christianity and its relationship to the Jews. The Jews who embraced early Christianity were still Jews and soon the majority of Christians were from the ranks of the surrounding pagan peoples
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg (1)
If you aren’t Pro Life are you pro death? If you aren’t Pro Choice are you for no choice? What makes us a person and when do we become one? The National Jewish Retreat this past summer featured Rabbi Berel Bell delving into these questions. He is a Judge on the Montreal Beis Din as well as extremely knowledgeable about secular and medical ethics
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
What makes a mezuzah unkosher? How can tefillin be fixed? Rabbi Hillel Baron explains using actual parchments and diagrams to clarify the laws.
Rabbi Hillel Baron (3)
Words divide and music unites. Mrs Shaindy Jacobson describes the spiritual basis and advantage of music. Every living creature and plant has its own song to communicate with each other, and sing praises to G-d. Her story about the tenor, Pavoratti illustrates the magnitude of music.
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
Open the zip file of history to find the progression of energy. Rabbi Ruvi New explains the microcosm of the universe and how it brings the world to the state of irrationality that is terrorism.
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
Devorie Kreiman shares the extraordinary challenges and losses she has faced and inspires us to overcome the impossible. At the shiva for her son, a friend sings the song: It's Possible. How can we stand up and live our lives in the face of helplessness and deep sadness? This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Devorie Kreiman (1)
King David, the defendent, accused of murder and adultery, was represented by Rabbi Mendy Gutnick as the defense attorney, in a mock trial in Australia. Rabbi Gutnick lays out the background of David's origins and his Cinderella status in his family
Rabbi Mendy Gutnick (6)
Drawing on recent findings in neuroscience and gynecology, Dr. Grossman demonstrates how ancient laws are being confirmed by new discoveries revealed only under the microscope. Guaranteed to raise your sense of awe for Jewish law and custom and the world of women’s health. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Miriam Grossman (2)
What is international law and how does the history of Israel reflect it? Professor Eugene Kontorovich gives a clear explanation of which legal bodies have the power to influence the borders of countries, and more importantly, which do not. This fascinating video gives a different perspective on the boundaries of Israel
Professor Eugene Kontorovich (2)
The results are in! Do we pray for the success or downfall of our elected officials? Professor Jonathan Sarna tells why and how, even if we didn't vote for them
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
Why him and not me? A question inspired by jealousy and propelled by prayer, the evil eye rises higher and higher until it rests before the heavenly throne, where G-d listens to all prayers. Rabbi Dovid Vigler provides an astonishing answer for how to counteract the evil eye, based on stories of the Chumash, the Talmud, and more recent sources
Rabbi Dovid Vigler (4)
When you bring together a technology futurist, a reform Rabbi turned Orthodox and a Chabad House director you get some fascinating answers. Here is a taste of some of the questions posed by the audience. Included are questions about Chassidic dating; illegal immigration; the G-d particle; and universal healthcare. The answers, often surprising, are all clear and concise
Series: Crossfire!
Dr. Shmuel Klatzkin (7)
Would you like to trade in your body for a newer model? Futurist, Rabbi Asher Crispe, brings us the excellent news that science fiction is becoming reality. Abraham, our patriarch, prayed for disease as a warning of impending death, but today, when 100 years old is becoming the new 65, we search for ways to avoid death and disease
Rabbi Asher Crispe (45)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Shterna Althaus (1)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
► Click here to watch part 2.
Rabbi Leibel Schapiro (2)
This panel discussion was featured at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Ami Eden (1)
Why do men wear black and white and women wear all colors, how does the Torah deal with the age of the earth, why can’t women be rabbis? These are some of the questions being posed to 3 of the greatest minds. Hear their answers to the issues bothering people today
Series: Crossfire!
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
At the age of 8, Rabbi Lau became the youngest survivor of the Nazi death camp, Buchenwald. Despite his enormous suffering, Rabbi Lau is able to share profound and transformative messages gleaned from this torturous experience. In this video, Rabbi Lau speaks on the unique nature of the Jewish people as the “People of the Book
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Chavi Epstein (6)
What were the ideal woman’s traits 2000 years ago? How could we know? The Aishes Chayil prayer sung before Kiddush every Friday night outlines the ideal woman. Mrs Miriam Lipskier goes further and elucidates the meaning behind the words.
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier (9)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
Former president of Starbucks, Howard Behar, shares his somewhat unconventional business building wisdom. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Howard Behar (2)
How many countries have you been to in your lifetime? Three, maybe 4? Author Ben Frank can proudly state that he has traveled to 88 countries, visiting many Chabad Houses in the process, and in each one he checks out the Jewish community and how they have survived and thrived. Ben Frank has been traveling since the early 1950's
Mr. Ben Frank (1)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner (7)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Hershel Lazaroff (3)
This class was given at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov (5)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
The Jewish mystical secrets to discovering real, lasting happiness. On average, we enjoy more amenities, make more money, and live longer today than we have at any point in human history, yet we are not necessarily any happier for it. Learn the tried and true mystical approach to living happily ever after. This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier (9)
Rabbi Meir Levinger discusses the 10 utterances with wihich G-d created the world. Through referencing chapter 21of Tanya, Rabbi Levinger explains that there are 2 aspects of speech. The first is the revelation which is an expression of G-d's energy; and the 2nd is outward revelation, which exposes the inside to the outside, with words
Rabbi Meir Levinger (13)
This panel discussion was featured at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Mark Mellman (1)
How is your soul today? Ask the question and you will get a blank stare. Rabbi Sholom Lipskar explains that the mind / soul is a transcendent element that hovers in the brain. It does not have a biological presence, but has a neuronal connection that cannot be seen
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (14)
I think, therefore I am…or am I? Descartes kicked off the modern age with a vision of human consciousness as isolated and trapped within a material box. But is thought the core of our existence? We will explore the structure of our consciousness as presented by Judaism’s greatest thinkers and mystics
Dr. Shmuel Klatzkin (7)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Chaim Mentz (23)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan (17)
When White House correspondent Helen Thomas told David Nesenoff to “Go home!” he moved to Israel to discover the foibles and oddities of Israeli life. He also learned the true reason for Israel’s existence and her place in the world. This is a story for every Jew who has a piece of Israel in their heart. These are stories of Israel as you’ve never heard about it before
David Nesenoff (3)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
Purim should be a time of simcha. The costumes, the meals, the nosh, lets laugh. Rabbi Abba Perlmuter is a man of humor. He relates humorous instances in the Torah and our heritage that increase our humility and tear down the walls between people. Rabbi Perlmuter developed humor to counter his own background as a child of holocaust survivors
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter (63)
This lecture was delivered at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
In this session, Mrs. Slonim addresses the many misconceptions that shroud the laws of mikvah and family relations, and in a frank manner discusses how this system affects marriage and intimacy. This session is for women who have never even considered visiting the mikvah, as well as for those who have used the mikvah regularly
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Rabbi Yossi Chazzan offers insight into the purpose of suffering, and presents techniques for coping with and healing from pain and personal tragedy.
Rabbi Yossi Chazan (5)
A remarkable odyssey from the halls of Hollywood decadence to the heights of spirituality, the story of an NBC producer’s journey of inner transformation will inspire one and all. This talk was given at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
Dr. Michael Grossman and Dr. Barbara Grossman, noted relationship experts and counselors, lead a discussion on infusing G-d into our marital relationships
Dr. Barbara Grossman (3)
You can visit Mrs. Tzukernik's website at: This talk was given at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
A deep thinker and master of chassidc philosophy, Rabbi Manis Friedman, in this session with the Sinai Scholars, answers the questions of young Jews who are discovering Judaisim as adults. Rabbi Manis Friedman plunges into the depth of the Jewish soul, family relations strained by religion, our relationship with G-d, and our role in the world
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Whether it’s a debate about air space rights over a sukkah or who owes who for a business trip that met with disaster, a modern day Beit Din deals with all forms of cases. In this session, you will participate in each case as it is presented, analyzed and adjudicated within the framework of Halachah. Watch and get involved as the panel of judges reaches a verdict and resolution
Rabbi Avraham Sternberg (1)
Rabbi David Eliezrie, Rabbi of Congregation Beth Meir HaCohen/Chabad in Yorba Linda, California, and a noted leader and advisor on both local and national Jewish affairs, shares insights into the dilemma about what comes first - our nationality or our Jewishness? Weaving his trademark wit, powerful questions, and some compelling anecdotes about the Pope and Nelson Mandela's dealings with rabbis, as well as a powerful video clip of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sharing an incredible interaction he had with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Eliezrie makes the case that Jews are respected when who they are on the outside matches who we have always been on the inside
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
We all have aspects of our past we wish we could change, even if it’s only regret for what we did not do. How do we get over the past and even transform it into a vital part of today? You can visit Mrs. Tzukernik's website at: This talk was given at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Rabbi Yosef Y. Shusterman, Rabbi of Chabad of North Beverly Hills as well as the Rav of the Chabad community in Los Angeles, is a noted Halachic scholar and a pre-eminent posek in Lubavitch
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (34)
The traditional food of Ashkenazi grandmothers world-over, brisket is a perennial favorite for holidays and family get togethers. In this segment of "It's Not Your Grandmother's..." Chef Jack Silberstein shows us how to make a flavorful tender brisket using a few fresh, unprocessed ingredients
Chef Jack Silberstein (4)
On many levels, the six days of creation recounted in the Book of Genesis serve as the prototype for all of world history. This workshop connects the dots and draws the lines through the millennia to show, from a fascinating historical perspective, how all eras of the human condition can be traced back to those centrifugal six days of creation
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Easy and frugal bread pudding starts with left-over challah bread bathed in custard for moistness. Chef Jack Silberstein explains how to customize the custard for a sweet or savory option, why dried fruit is better than fresh for this recipe, and shows us how to make individual serving size puddings for prettier presentation
Chef Jack Silberstein (4)
Oftentimes healers will recommend surgery or other high-risk procedures – with possibly fatal implications – as remedies for various ailments and conditions
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
To paraphrase Mark Twain's famous question in his Harper's Weekly essay, "What is it with the Jews?" As Dennis Prager points out, there is no rational normative explanation to the centrality of Jews in history. .
Mr. Dennis Prager (27)
Here's a fresh twist on a classic dish: gefilte fish! One of the few authentically "Jewish" foods, gefilte fish has its roots in the Sabbath prohibition of borer - sorting and separating, an integral part of eating fish with bones
Chef Jack Silberstein (4)
The Jews and the moon. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
The state of Israel has a different meaning for everyone. There are those that see it as an entirely political entity, those who believe its creation is an indication of the immanent Redemption and even others who, while they see the physical land as holy, do not believe that the political state holds any spiritual significance
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
We all deserve to have a marriage relationship of friendship, joy, and pleasure. But how do we get there? Two couples with expertise in marriage weigh in. Rabbi Berel and Mrs. Devorah Bell share perspectives from Torah and Chassidut, while Dr. Michael and Dr. Barbara Grossman contribute knowledge gained from their personal and counseling experience
Dr. Barbara Grossman (3)
Join an expert in Jewish medical ethics, to discover what Maimonides has to say about preventative medicine, the separation of Siamese twins, stem cell research, end of life issues, and more. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
This lecture was delivered at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
In the messianic age, G-dliness will pervade existence in a revealed way, and our relationship with spirituality will be markedly different from our current experience. Explore the true nature of “the redemption” and what it will be like to live in a spiritual utopia. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Meir Levinger (13)
► Click here to watch: Introducing Tanya Chapter 42 This talk was given at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
Is the driving force within us selfish or selfless? While Freud, Darwin, and others weigh in on defining the human psyche, this session will reveal the surprising true father of modern psychology. Your expectations of yourself and others will never be the same. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Ki karov means that it’s close — close to you — to be connected to G-d. What could be closer to you, your own self? This general session is based upon chapters 18-25 in Tanya and the phrase, “Ki karov…” from the book of Deuteronomy. Join us as we explore how defining your own self-identity can lead you to a powerful connection to your creator
Rabbi Meir Levinger (13)
► Click here to watch: Meditation: Connecting to Ones Source (Tanya Chapter 42) To characterize someone as a "yorei shamayim - one who fears G-d," is high praise; and yet the Talmud (Berachot 3b) seems to imply that this is no big deal..
Rabbi Levi Kaplan (54)
In this segment, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan takes a hard look at Christianity’s roots. Although everyone agrees that Christianity has Jewish origins, controversies still abound
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan (31)
Judaism teaches us how to be an open-minded and accepting person while still maintaining our own unique individuality. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
More than the Jewish people have kept the Shabbat, the Shabbat has kept the Jewish people. Join Rabbi David Eliezrie in this guided trip to celebrating Shabbat in your home. This talk was given at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
We've all seen those nested matryushka dolls, but it takes Mrs. Chaya Teldon to use them to teach the chassidic concept of reaching one's true essence; and then to challenge us with the question, "What does it mean to parent from one's essence?" It means understanding that "there's no mistakes in the coming and going of souls
Mrs. Chaya Teldon (28)
Did the Torah always forbid mixing milk and meat, or was it originally only a “kid in its mother’s milk”? Is the rationale for the prohibition health-related? This taste of Kabbalistic wisdom will provide mystical insight into Judaism’s most famous culinary mystery. Guaranteed to whet the appetite of scholars and lay people alike
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 1
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan (31)
When the Jewish women contributed their copper mirrors for use in the construction of the Tabernacle, Moses rejected them but G-d loved it and accepted them. Explore the duality and mystery of the mirrors. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rivkah Kotlarsky (2)
After many years of counseling young couples to prepare them for marriage, Rabbi Avrohom Plotkin and Mrs. Goldie Plotkin realized there was a common denominator in all of these couples: they were missing basic training for marriage
Mrs. Goldie Plotkin (6)
What do the world’s leading jewelers and the Sixth Rebbe of Chabad have in common? When viewed through the lens of Jewish mysticism, diamonds, pearls, and precious stones reveal gems in the hidden dimensions of the soul. Discover the value of your inner treasure chest. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
Mordecai Dzikansky is the son and grandson of rabbis, but he chose a different path to community service: he's a cop with the New York City Police Department. As an orthodox Jew and a policeman, Dzikansky has faced unique challenges and brings unique knowledge and talents to his position
Mr. Mordecai Dzikansky (1)
In this political season, so much has been said about the word, “change.” Yet we as Jews have our own understanding of the word. Our “change” is meant to bring us closer to being the person we are always meant to be. This takes courage, effort, faith and support
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
People often say, "Time is money." The truth is,Time is Life. Are we utilizing every moment? Do we begin each morning with the call of "Carpe Diem!"? In this talk, Shaindy Jacobson shares how a Down syndrome child taught her the preciousness of every moment. Life is for doing and building
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
This session took place at the 7th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
What is it about a Jew that would compel one who has sworn off any interest or association with Torah observance to suddenly embrace it, in the strangest of ways, under the most perplexing of circumstances? Beyond glib and simplistic explanations like guilt, nostalgia and cultural pride, what is it within the Jewish “pathology” that causes this spiritual schizophrenia, and why should it not be seen as hypocrisy? Through humor and inspirational stories, this lecture will examine the deep and awesome dynamics of the Jewish soul and identity
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
Have you ever wished you could hear the "end of the story" or gaze at the beautiful tapestry of Divine Providence instead of the tangled mess of threads we usually see? In a strikingly personal talk, Mrs. Jacobson shares how a devastating family circumstance brought her strength; that from her father's example she learned how a Jew must live
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson (19)
Who decides the moment of death, how is it determined, and how does this determination affect us all? Rabbi Berel Bell, an expert on medical issues in Jewish law, gives a history of the determination of what is death and what is life
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
In the classic chassidic text, the Tanya, the Alter Rebbe reveals the deepest levels of the soul. He explains that due to the spark of infinity in the soul of every Jew, everyone, regardless of their level of knowledge, is prepared to sacrifice their life for the sanctity of G-d’s Name, and to suffer harsh torture rather than deny G-d’s unity
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Finding the right balance between physical and spiritual, and between theoretical and practical, has challenged people since creation. Join us as we delve into four great Talmudic debates to uncover the Jewish answer to these dilemmas. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Tuvia Teldon (4)
What is your purpose? Or, better yet, what is G-d’s purpose for you? The Torah suggests that our individual purpose has already been set out for us. Be inspired to refocus and commit to your personal mission statement. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
In Freudian theory, there’s the “id”, the dimension of one’s psyche that is totally unconscious and serves as the source of one’s instinctual impulses. In Torah, by contrast (lehavdil), there’s the “Neshomoh”, the soul, that spark of G-d that carries within it the essence of who we are and the potential to which we can aspire
Mrs. Rivkie Block (1)
This fascinating exposition delivered by Mr. Poltorack involves a Talmudic investigation on various forms of testimony upon which Rabbi Yosef Rosen, known as the Genius of Ragatchov , develops a halachic conclusion as interpreted over a backdrop of quantum mechanics. .
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
This lecture was delivered at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
In this session Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet presents portraits of figures from Jewish history such as Adam, the Patriarchs, and Moses. We will be exploring what made them unique
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
National Jewish Retreat is a yearly event hosted by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. The Retreat is a five day learning and discovery experience with world-class Torah lecturers which offers the opportunity to relax, reflect and refresh one’s spirit in a luxurious setting
Avraham Fried (5)
From Aristotle to Karl Marx, philosophers throughout history have grappled with the meaning of money and the challenge of building coexisting communities within the context of self-interest and financial competition. The Torah offers a revolutionary economic model, which synthesizes the best of all approaches
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Explore the development of Jewish law and how ancient halachic principals are applied to modern day issues and dilemmas. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Series: Judaism Decoded Lesson 1
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
We stand at the brink of a new age as we witness the mysterious world of quantum physics opening up before our eyes, divulging secrets that attest to the truths of centuries-old kabbalistic constructs
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
This song, "Just One Shabbos" expresses the desire that the entire Jewish people would celebrate one shabbat simultaneously and bring the ultimate redemption. It is sung by Mordechai Ben David at the National Jewish Retreat in Greenwich, CT in August of 2011. This concert took place at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mordechai Ben David (9)
Was Moses Orthodox? Or Conservative? Or Reform? For that matter, is G-d Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform? Explore Judaism’s cornerstone theme of unity, and discover fresh ways to introduce a spirit of love and the recognition that we are all part of one spiritual organism. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
David Gelernter is a professor of computer science at Yale. He has published and lectured on Judaism’s core themes, including an impassioned and provocative plea for Jews to recognize their religion’s unique relationship to G-d and to Western civilization. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor David Gelernter (1)
Enjoy five days packed with the best in Jewish learning and living, surrounded by deluxe amenities and exciting activities. Relax with family, meet new friends, and encounter teachers of international renown at this unforgettable event. For more information visit
Mrs. Eileen Bruskewitz (2)
In their poetic visions, the biblical prophets make reference to several plant species. What did the prophets intend to convey and how is it relevant to our lives today? Professor Jon Greenberg explores the human psyche through metaphors of agricultural life in the books of the Prophets. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Jon Greenberg (2)
Edward Reichman has the unique perspective of being both an ordained rabbi and a doctor (at Montefiore Medical Center, in the Bronx, N.Y.). Throughout the centuries, Jewish medical practitioners have faced unique challenges ranging from the social and cultural to the halachic. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Jodi Picoult’s fictional novel about a child born to provide life for her sick sister raises complex medical ethical dilemmas. Topics for discussion include pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, the savior sibling, living organ donation from minors and adults, and the definition of death. You do not need to have read the book to enjoy this lecture
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman (51)
Avraham Fried (5)
The National Jewish Retreat is a yearly event hosted by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. The Retreat is a five day learning and discovery experience with world-class Torah lecturers which offers the opportunity to relax, reflect and refresh one’s spirit in a luxurious setting
Avraham Fried (5)
This workshop will endeavor to help bridge some of the commonplace, and often unnecessary, gaps in one spouse’s understanding of the other. It will also focus on practical exercises on how to get beyond the anger and hurt so as to emerge with an even stronger and closer relationship than before, and how to say “ouch” gently, opening the doors to reconciliation and renewal.
Dr. Barbara Grossman (3)
This segment introduces the journalist-rabbi-blogger, David Nesenoff, as he is presented with an award at the National Jewish Retreat. David Nesenoff captured the anti-semitic statements of White House correspondent, Helen Thomas, that ricocheted throughout the political world and ultimately resulted in Thomas’ retirement
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
David Nesenoff (3)
Unlike most languages, Hebrew letters have multiple meanings and deep symbolism. Discover the secret beauty of the alef bet and its cosmic effect on the physical and spiritual worlds. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Chaya Epstein (4)
What will be when Moshiach comes? Will pigs be kosher? What about lobster? Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet describes some of the changes that will occur in the time of Moshiach. We can look forward to avoiding Pesach cleaning and some fasts, but forget about the lobster. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Why are universities the seat of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish sentiment? Mr. Dennis Prager explains his love of Jewish learning and the maxim that "Wisdom begins with fear of G-d." To be good and wise doesn't come by instinct as is apparent in the failed societies of the Nazis and Communists
Mr. Dennis Prager (27)
What is it about the Jew that would compel someone who has sworn off any interest or association with Torah observance to suddenly embrace it, in the strangest of ways, under the most perplexing of circumstances? Beyond glib and simplistic explanations like guilt, nostalgia and cultural pride, what is it within the Jewish “pathology” that causes this spiritual schizophrenia, and why should it not be seen as hypocrisy? Through humor and inspirational stories, this lecture will examine the deep and awesome dynamics of the Jewish soul and identity
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
This class was given at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski (4)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
Can we remember past lives? What happens after we die? A glimpse into the journey of the soul on the other side of life’s curtain, including insights into near-death experiences, heaven and hell, and the afterlife journey. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
From Henry Ford to the Klu Klux Klan, from World War II to contemporary times: Professor Jonathan Sarna, the foremost authority on American Jewish history, shares examples of anti-Semitic propaganda and how to best understand it. Join Jonathan Sarna for this fascinating tour of a dark side of American history
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Leah Poltorak (1)
The state of Israel means many different things to different people. There are those that see it as an entirely political entity, those who believe its creation is an indication of the immanent Redemption and even others who, while they see the physical land as holy, do not believe that the political state holds any spiritual significance
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
This address was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Anita Schorr (1)
Explore the Torah and Talmud through the eyes of a physicist, and via the prism of quantum mechanics. Professor Poltorak presents “un-orthodox” interpretations of biblical topics such as ritual impurity and the Red Heifer, from the perspective of quantum entanglement. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Alexander Poltorak (12)
This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Bradley Gordon (3)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Do you say what you mean, or are you saying it because you are mean? Sometimes telling the truth can be more harmful than helpful. A text-based discussion on the ethics of speech in Jewish Law, including how to improve relationships by avoiding destructive communication. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski (4)
What role do our beliefs play in the way our lives unfold? A textbased lesson on belief, faith, and optimism, and how they impact our lives. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein (5)
Enjoy five days packed with the best in Jewish learning and living surrounded by deluxe amenities and exciting activities. Relax with family, meet new friends, and encounter teachers of international renown at this unforgettable event
Step inside the Rebbe’s private room as we join Mr. Nathan Lewin, as he reflects on his personal encounters with the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Learn the inside story of the famous “Chabad Library Case,” from the Rebbe’s legal counsel.
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
This concert took place at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mordechai Ben David (9)
This concert took place at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mordechai Ben David (9)
This concert took place at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mordechai Ben David (9)
This song "Didan Notzach" (We are Victorious) was the anthem of the court victorty for the Lubavitcher Rebbe in case over the ownership over the Chabad Lubavitch library. For more information about this case, watch: Battle for the Books. This concert took place at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mordechai Ben David (9)
This concert took place at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mordechai Ben David (9)
Jewish women have three special mitzvot which serve as spiritual channels for their unique feminine energy. Explore the biblical sources, mystical dimensions, and practical applications of these mitzvot, which represent the core of all of life’s endeavors. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Chaya Epstein (4)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson shows how the ephemeral concepts of Kabbalah can be used to create meditations and affirmations to actually reprogram the way we live our lives. This mystical methodology reveals how to live from the inside out become a master rather than a victim of circumstance. Join Rabbi Dovber Pinson for this life-changing look at the lessons of Kabbalah
Rabbi DovBer Pinson (42)
In this segment, teacher and legal authority, Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski, takes us on a tour of the history of Jewish law and its formation as a body of text. He explores various intricacies that come into play when resolving issues of Jewish law. Join Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski for this unique peak into the authentic study of Jewish law
Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski (4)
In this segment with Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski, we explore the power of speech. There are many ways that we can describe people and circumstances, but sometimes telling the truth can be more harmful than helpful
Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski (4)
Are You What You Eat? – If so, you might be in serious trouble. Learn about what they’re really putting in your food and how Judaism deals with the revolution in modern food technology.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
In this exclusive opportunity, meet Tamir Goodman, nicknamed the “Jewish Jordan” by Sports Illustrated magazine. Listen as Mr. Goodman describes his experiences growing up in an Orthodox Jewish home in Baltimore, MD, gaining national acclaim as a prospective basketball player for the University of Maryland and finally signing a contract to join the Maccabi Haifa team in Israel
Mr. Tamir Goodman (8)
In this segment, Rabbi Avrohom Jacks, asks the difficult question: Are the eternal teachings of the Torah and our modern understanding of science diametrically opposed, or do they enhance each other by revealing a divine symmetry of purpose? Join Rabbi Avrohom Jacks to learn how scientific methods can be used to prove the existence of G-d, the afterlife, and reincarnation
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks (4)
We all know that men and women are quite different, but do we know how and why? Learn how Jewish mysticism celebrates gender differences, and how these very differences serve to unite and complement
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe (25)
You’ve got questions, they’ve got answers! You’re sure to enjoy this annual forum for quick-thinking analysis and debate. No subject too controversial, no challenge shirked. To see our other "Crossfire!" videos, click here. This panel was featured at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Series: Crossfire!
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
This Q&A took place at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yona Reiss (13)
In his infamous “General Orders Number 11,” written in Oxford, Mississippi on December 17, 1862, Grant excluded Jews from his department. “The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department, and also Department orders, are hereby expelled from the Department
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
A unique opportunity to glimpse behind the scenes and meet with one of Chabad’s most influential thinkers. For around forty years Rabbi Zweibel OB"M was the teacher and spiritual mentor of a generation of Chabad Rabbis, at the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, NJ. He was a major contributor to this generation’s leading works on chassidic philosophy
Rabbi Elimelech Zweibel (1)
A ruling in a British court reopens a highly controversial and divisive subject. Israel and the Diaspora stand divided over legislation that some say threatens to drive a wedge into the heart of the Jewish people. The question: Who is a Jew, and who gets to decide? The answer may surprise you. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yona Reiss (13)
“I’m going to bake matzos this year….We’ll see how it goes,” said Behr Manischewitz. One bright spring morning in 1888, a young immigrant father named Behr makes this offhand announcement to his modest wife, Nesha. Within record time, the ambitious young Talmudic scholar has a burgeoning bakery and is on his way to success
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
What is the alternative to Darwinism? It is too frightening for most to consider. Rabbi Avrohom Jacks traces the history of Darwinism from Darwin's journey across the world to disproving his theories using Darwin's own principles. The alternative to Darwinism and evolution is a world created by G-d for the purpose of Torah and mitzvahs
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks (4)
The potential ban on circumcision in an American city raises many disturbing questions. What does it mean for the future of Jewish freedom in the U.S.? Who is behind it, and what liberties will be lost next? Explore these questions, as well as the history and mysticism of brit milah. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Mountain climbers relish the panoramic view at the top of the mountain, but sooner or later, they must make the trek down. After five days at the “top of the mountain” at the National Jewish Retreat, it’s time to begin our descent
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Declaration of “Inter-Dependence:” Exploring the Relationship Between Jewish and Secular Law In this text-based session, join Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe as he investigates and compares Jewish and American legal practices
Series: Contemporary Issues
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (68)
We take so many things for granted: our ability to see, to walk, to speak and to eat. In this segment, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, takes viewers on a text-based exploration of Parshat Eikev and its insight into ways in which we can express our appreciation for life’s necessities
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan (31)
Nat Lewin is one of the top lawyers in the country. He has done extensive work in his field, and in particular will share with us some of his background dealing with 1st amendment issues. He will also paint us a picture of his time at Harvard Law in the 1950’s, and describe the highlights and lowlights of his experiences being Jewish on campus
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
How to catch an Anti-Semite? Who would have thought this would be a question we would need to ask in modern-day America? Yet, in this fascinating and highly entertaining talk by Rabbi David Nesenoff, given at JLI's National Jewish Retreat, we learn that Anti-Semitism does still exist, even in unlikely places
David Nesenoff (3)
Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet discusses the importance of kabbalah study in bolstering our spiritual, mental, and emotional health. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
In this lecture, delivered by Mrs. Rochel Kaplan, we delve deeper into the idea of Kabbalah. We hear and read a lot about Kabbalah, but did you know that it's actually possible to live your life following the precepts of Kabbalah? Through infusing spirituality into physicality , we bring about a balance in the world. The achievement of this balance is the fundamental goal of Kabbalah
Mrs. Rochel Kaplan (3)
Rabbi Lisbon teaches an unbelievable Sicha (discourse) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that explains a passage from the Talmud within the context of Chassidus. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon (1)
As a mother and a restaurateur, Lévana understands that even gourmet chefs don’t want to spend all day in the kitchen. She therefore keeps the recipes simple, insisting that fresh, natural ingredients will yield fantastic results without a lot of fuss. Learn practical tips and tricks to take home to your kitchen, and taste Lévana’s spectacular creations
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum (37)
At the 2011 National Jewish Retreat two teenagers from JLI’s Teens program were honored with the George Rohr JLI Teens Award for their leadership initiative. Michael Shaid and Silvi Specter were so inspired by the Teens course at Chabad of the Main Line, PA, that they began to play an active leadership role in their community
Series: National Jewish Retreat Awards
Introductory video about The Kohelet Foundation and a talk by Mr. David Magerman, the Founder and President of the Kohelet Foundation. The Kohelet Foundation is a private foundation which encourages the healthy development of Jewish identity and observance of Jewish laws and traditions by facilitating access to Jewish education at all levels
20th Anniversary of Fall of FSU Celebrated at JLI Retreat with MBD. After the fall of the Former Soviet Union in 1991, Mordechai ben David reignited Jewish spirit with an eight city concert tour, beginning in Moscow with a concert in the halls of the Kremlin. This historic event was celebrated this year as Mordechai Ben David entertained a crowd of 800 at JLI's National Jewish Retreat
Mordechai Ben David (9)
This deeply introspective and engaging talk provides an exposition on the effect of Kaddish both on the mourner and on the soul of the departed. Rabbi Fajnland’s insight on the topic sheds light on the recital of Kaddish, a practice which is often misunderstood. This class is highly recommended to those who wish to imbue their recital of Kaddish with personal meaning
Rabbi Leibel Fajnland (4)
Is it human nature to never be completely satisfied with anything? If so, is it possible to really be happy? This nationally syndicated radio host and author offers empowering advice on how to live with joy under any circumstances. This address was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Dennis Prager (27)
This video greeting was sent by Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman to the 800 participants of the 2011 National Jewish Retreat, who were gathered in his home state to take part in this annual 5-day event. His remarks reflect his great respect and encouragement for the participants who have dedicated their time to learning more about their Jewish identity
Senator Joseph Lieberman (2)
Some people see the state of Israel as an entirely political entity, some believe its creation is an indication of the immanent Redemption and yet others, while they see the physical land as holy, do not believe that the political state holds any spiritual significance
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Do you ever get confused about who did what when? Come, journey with Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov through the 3,000 years with the crash course in Jewish History and discover through laughter and tears the amazing story of the Jewish nation. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov (7)
Rabbi Fajnland takes us through a journey outlining the Jewish ideal of leadership. Using Adam as our guide, we will revisit Eden. If you have questions about how Eden is relevant to our inconstant modern world, this is the class for you. This session will include a discussion about the beginning of time, when everything was perfect, except one thing: free will
Rabbi Leibel Fajnland (4)
Rabbi Danny and Mrs. Batsheva Cohen give us a first hand account of living with the brave settlers who established the modern Jewish community in Hebron. They will illustrate for us the reality of living daily under the constant threat of terror
Mrs. Batsheva Cohen (2)
We stand at the brink of a new age, where research into the building-blocks of the universe attests to the truths of centuries old kabbalistic wisdom
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
Enjoy five days packed with the best in Jewish learning and living surrounded by deluxe amenities and exciting activities. Relax with family, meet new friends, and encounter teachers of international renown at this unforgettable event. For more information visit
In this lecture Rabbi Yona Reiss discusses tensions between Jewish and Secular ritual law. Rabbi Reiss shares actual cases where the law of Rabbinic confidentiality interfered with adhering to Torah law, and situations where the secular legal system released the Rabbis from this limitation. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yona Reiss (13)
Our Biblical foremothers and forefathers are said to be the archetypal souls of the entire Jewish nation, souls from which each and every one of us stem
Rabbi Shlomie Chein (3)
Every single one of us harbors a potential beyond our wildest dreams
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks (4)
Rabbi Reiss shares a personal anecdote, while introducing his expertise in both Jewish Law as the Chief Dayan at the Beth Din of America, and as a lawyer who studied in New England, and practiced for 10 years in the NY area. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat
Rabbi Yona Reiss (13)
Love and intimacy are among the most necessary and elusive ingredients in a happy, committed life. Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he provides spiritual lessons in achieving a more meaningful relationship through the ancient teachings of Kabbalah and Chasidut. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Love and intimacy are among the most necessary and elusive ingredients in a happy, committed life. Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he provides spiritual lessons in achieving more meaningful relationships through the ancient teachings of Kabbalah and Chasidut.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Love and intimacy are among the most necessary and elusive ingredients in a happy and committed life. Join Rabbi Jacobson as he provides spiritual lessons in achieving more meaningful relationships through the ancient teachings of Kabbalah and Chasidut.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Love and intimacy are among the most necessary and elusive ingredients in a happy, committed life. Join Rabbi Jacobson as he provides spiritual lessons in achieving more meaningful relationships through the ancient teachings of Kabbalah and Chasidut.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Love and intimacy are among the most necessary and elusive ingredients in a happy and committed life. Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he provides spiritual lessons in achieving more meaningful relationships through the ancient teachings of Kabbalah and Chasidut.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
The National Jewish Retreat - a yearly event hosted by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. The Retreat is a five day learning and discovery experience with world-class Torah lecturers which offers the opportunity to relax, reflect and refresh one’s spirit in a luxurious setting
Who gives life, and who has the right to end it? Debated by theologians and doctors alike, step into the unique halachic process, and learn about the compassion and the struggles a rabbi experiences in his response to life’s most difficult questions.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan reflects on the concept of materialism and consumerism in today's world view. He compares the values of Torah and Judaism to that of the world at large. While modern society strives for vacation days and retirement, our tradition encourages a lifestyle in which one seeks to grow in their output over time
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (18)
This address was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
As the saying goes, it’s easy to love someone; it’s liking him or her that’s hard. Learn how to make the relationships that matter the most, more meaningful. In this talk we will examine the nature of relationships, their G-dly dimensions, and the secrets of getting along with the people you can’t get along without
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Darwin scandalized the world when he published On the Origin of Species. Have we reached the perfection of our understanding of life, or has our perception since evolved? An intelligent argument for intelligent design, exploring some of the dramatic flaws in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, and compelling evidence indicating a creator
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks (4)
We all search for the burning bush — the moment of revelation in our lives that will usher in a new epoch in our existence — only to be let down when it doesn’t happen. If only we opened our eyes to the smaller moments in life, we would see how our lives are permeated with Divine Providence
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
Joseph helped Egypt capitalize on its period of economic growth and then continue to grow during times of famine and recession
Dr. David Luchins (5)
From Rodrigo de Triana, the Marrano sailor aboard Columbus’s ship, the Pinta, who first spotted land in the New World, to Haim Solomon, the prime financier of the American Revolution, the Jewish people have played an integral role in the history of our country
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
Learn about life behind the Green Line and the women who have been crucial to the rebirth of Judaism in Hebron, city of our forefathers.
Mrs. Batsheva Cohen (2)
“Know its past to ensure its future.” It is imperative that we understand our people’s traditional connection to our homeland in order to better understand the political struggles of today. An historical and biblical perspective on Israel, as a response to those who seek to delegitimize our connection to the Holy Land.
Mr. Bradley Gordon (3)
Recent studies have suggested that while customers appreciate multiple options to choose from, too many choices don’t always bring the desired results. Does Judaism suffer from an overabundance of choices? Find out in this class about decision making and how we can get better at it. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Erica Brown (4)
Recent studies have suggested that while customers appreciate multiple options to choose from, too many choices don’t always bring the desired results. Does Judaism suffer from an overabundance of choice? Find out in this class about decision making and how we can get better at it. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Erica Brown (4)
Noted civil liberties lawyer Nathan Lewin discusses his involvement in the legal battle to allow american soldier's to wear Yarmulkes during their services.
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Noted civil-liberties lawyer Nathan Lewin in an examination of famous American court cases that have impacted the Jewish community. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Noted civil liberties lawyer Nathan Lewin discusses his involvement in the legal battle to allow menorahs to be lit in public spaces.
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
Some ask, “Where was G-d in the Holocaust?” But the real question is, “Where was humanity?” G-d was in a voice that has been speaking since man first walked the Earth, in the words, “Thou shalt not murder.” G-d wasn’t silent in the Holocaust; people were
Rabbi Nissan Mangel (12)
Some people ask, “Where was G-d in the Holocaust?” But the real question is, “Where was humanity?” G-d was in a voice that has been speaking since man first walked the Earth, in the words, “Thou shalt not murder.” G-d wasn’t silent in the Holocaust; people were
Rabbi Nissan Mangel (12)
Some ask, “Where was G-d in the Holocaust?” But the real question is, “Where was humanity?” G-d was in a voice that has been speaking since man first walked the Earth, in the words, “Thou shalt not murder.” G-d wasn’t silent in the Holocaust; people were
Rabbi Nissan Mangel (12)
Some ask, “Where was G-d in the Holocaust?” But the real question is, “Where was humanity?” G-d was in a voice that has been speaking since man first walked the Earth, in the words, “Thou shalt not murder.” G-d wasn’t silent in the Holocaust; people were
Rabbi Nissan Mangel (12)
Former Governor and U.S. Senator George Allen believes that one of the pillars of a free and just society is religious freedom. From his time as Governor through his term in the U.S
Governor George Allen (1)
Even the most experienced and dedicated partner in a relationship has something to learn. Pick up where the self-help books leave off with this workshop offering timeless kabbalistic insight and practical advice for marriage and relationships. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
Few books in the Bible are as visually evocative as King Solomon’s parable of two lovers in the Song of Songs. From these stunning images, we’ll explore how love is fundamental to all relationships, and gain a Jewish perspective on intimacy and sexuality. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Dr. Erica Brown (4)
How can we begin to trust in others if we do not trust ourselves? Learn the secrets of living a life of serenity and peace by accepting those things out of our control in our challenging and less than ideal lives. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein (113)
We all know of Shabbat as a day of rest, but in this video Mrs. Slonim goes through the deeper meaning of Shabbat as a homecoming for the soul, as well as many details and interesting facts about this special day. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
The sages teach, in Pirkei Avot, that, “Everything is expected, but free choice is given.” How does free choice work? Does our free choice limit G-d? If G-d directs the details, how do I still have the ability to choose? Join us as we examine one of the most difficult paradoxes in Jewish thought
Rabbi Eliezer Sneiderman (15)
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.” Delve into the esoteric teachings of the kabbalah and gain understanding about the challenges of money and materialism. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Does G-d really expect me to be perfect? What is my role in this world, and how can I perfect myself when I feel so flawed? This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yossi Shanowitz (1)
Is faith really blind? Does it deny us the right to question and reason? Does faith even have a role to play in a modern society? How to bring G-d back into a G-dless society and communicate faith in the face of adversity. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
With his cutting logic, Rabbi Dr. Immanuel Schochet addresses the question of the authenticity of Divine revelation at Sinai. For more "Crossfire" questions, go to:
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (34)
What is the difference between your conscience and the Jewish concept of a soul? Based on his knowledge of philosophy and mysticism, Rabbi Dr. Immanuel Schochet addresses the pros and cons of the human conscience and the role that the G-dly soul plays in our human experience. For more "Crossfire" questions, go to:
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (34)
Note: Rabbi Schochet’s remarks are brief address a particular question by a member of the audience. For a more detailed explanation of this topic, please watch Rabbi Schochet's full class on this topic: The Dynamics of Prayer. The words "yehi ratson", "May it be Your will", clearly assume that we are able to evoke a new Divine will through our prayers
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (34)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to:
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Yisrael Deren (17)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to:
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (34)
The National Jewish Retreat - a yearly event hosted by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute - is a five day learning and discovery experience with world-class Torah lecturers which offers the opportunity to relax, reflect and refresh one’s spirit in a luxurious setting
Did G-d communicate to human beings all that He would like us to be doing down here? How do we know we heard G-d at Sinai? Who wrote the Torah? G-d? Moses? A committee of authors? How do we deal with apparent contradictions and inconsistencies which “academia” claims to “discover” in the Torah? Can a modern, reasonable, educated person still believe that the Torah is literally the word of G-d? If any of these questions have ever bothered you, or if you would like to better prepared to answer others when they ask, this seminar is for you
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (34)
In an age when retail stores are open seven days a week and people are expected to be reachable all the time, a spate of editorials have broached the concept of declaring a “secular Sabbath” — a day devoid of e-mail, cell phones and the other invasions of modern society. But Shabbat has always been much more than a protection against burnout
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
A study session examining Tanya, the central text of Chabad Chassidism, as a means for creating the appropriate mental focus for prayer. Drawing on the deep well of chassidic wisdom and inspiration, this class will focus on a different theme each morning as it helps you build your own personal inner database of chassidic concepts and teachings
Rabbi Ronnie Fine (5)
We are many and unique and yet, at our core, we are forever one. We don’t love our neighbor to glorify our own ego. When we come to another’s aid, we leave our own self behind. This seminar explores how to successfully uncover our inherent connection with others, to celebrate our diversity and to truly love others as we wish to be loved ourselves. You can visit Mrs
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
While never a path one would intentionally embark upon, this study of Judaism’s perspective on sin will offer revealing insights on the nature of the relationship between G-d and man, and the essential ties that bind. Moreover, it will explore the uplifting paths to repentance, renewal and redemption that are always accessible to all
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
The most famous of all prayers of our people is the prayer, “Shema Yisroel — Hear O Israel . . . .” What does it mean to “hear”? This talk will focus on how, through the Shema, the Torah is advising us to strengthen our relationship with G-d and with our family
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
Step inside the Rebbe’s private room as we join Mr. Nathan Lewin, as he reflects on his personal encounters with the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Learn the inside story of the famous “Chabad Library Case,” from the Rebbe’s legal counsel. This lecture was delivered at the 5th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mr. Nathan Lewin (24)
What Kabbalah is: That which is received; that which cannot be known through science or intellectual pursuit alone; an inner knowledge that has been passed down from sage to student from the earliest times; a discipline that awakens awareness of the essence of things. This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (34)
A morning study session examining Tanya, the central text of Chabad Chassidism, as a means for creating the appropriate mental focus for prayer. Drawing on the deep well of chassidic wisdom and inspiration, this class focuses on a different theme each morning, as it helps you build your own personal inner database of chassidic concepts and teachings
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Enjoy a five day retreat packed with the best in Jewish learning and living surrounded by deluxe amenities and exciting activities. Relax with family, meet new friends, and encounter teachers of international renown at this unforgettable event. For more information visit
Avraham Fried (5)
Some say that G-d’s biggest joke was having men marry women. In this humorous but practical talk, Rabbi Jacobson provides down-to-earth tips for happiness in marriage. Weaving together the teachings of chassidic philosophy and some down home common sense wisdom, this presentation will make you laugh and make you think
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Relatively new on the scene, the American Jewish experience is a work in progress that has already had a major influence on Jewish and American life. This fascinating presentation will trace the development of American Judaism from its dawn in 1654 to the present day, pointing out the elements that have made it unique. Jonathan D. Sarna is the Joseph H. and Belle R
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
A Tale of Two Souls: Exploring the Jewish Psyche Through the Lens of Tanya. The essence of man: is it spirit or soul? Within soul there is that which animates our physical existence and thrives on the material, and then there is that which aspires to virtue and transcendence
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
What is it about the Jew that would compel one who has sworn off any interest or association with Torah observance to suddenly embrace it, in the strangest of ways, under the most perplexing of circumstances? Beyond glib and simplistic explanations like guilt, nostalgia and cultural pride, what is it within the Jewish “pathology” that causes this spiritual schizophrenia, and why should it not be seen as hypocrisy? Through humor and inspirational stories, this lecture will examine the deep and awesome dynamics of Jewish soul and identity
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
How does one cope and nurture faith when tragedy strikes? How are we to respond to the suffering of others? Can faith and suffering go hand in hand? If life is filled with pain, can it still be satisfying and meaningful? A chassidic perspective. This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
A study session examining Tanya, the central text of Chabad Chassidism, as a means for creating the appropriate mental focus for prayer. Drawing on the deep well of chassidic wisdom and inspiration, this class focuses on a different theme each morning as it helps you build your own personal inner database of chassidic concepts and teachings
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Is there a basic definition of what is a Jew? Follow the fascinating sources in history and Halachah, as they are applied by various groups: Samaritans, Christians, Falashas, Karaites and even certain modern Jewish movements, who have followed standards different from the Jewish tradition
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Discover the profound mystical dimensions of tefilin. You have a brain. It is in one world. Your heart is in another. And your hands often end up involved in something completely foreign to both of them: three diverse machines. So you put on tefilin
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
King David: a king, a warrior, a poet and a scholar. Relive the trials and triumphs of the most colorful personality in Jewish history. Through this interactive lesson, you will discover why our people have turned to the Psalms for solace and strength throughout the ages. This lecture was delivered at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
Our sages teach that there are three states of wholeness that we must always strive for: wholeness of the Jewish people, wholeness of the Torah, and wholeness of the Land of Israel. If even one of the three is not complete, then the others will also suffer. True peace will only be accomplished when we have wholeness of the three
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yona Reiss (13)
Enjoy these tales of inspiration, perspiration and determination from the front lines of the world of shluchim. These Rabbis share their personal anecdotes from their attempts to share the message of hope, caring and the unbreakable spirit of the jewish people. This talk was given at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Tuvia Teldon (4)
Open a newspaper anywhere, any day, and you will see headlines screaming of pain and sadness. Since the days of Job, man has asked the same question over and over: Why me, G-d? We may never comprehend G-d, but we should know that G-d, Who understands the purpose of pain, feels the intensity of our suffering; every tear we shed becomes His
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Enjoy these tales of inspiration, perspiration and determination from the front lines of the world of shluchim. Rabbi Shalom Deitsch shares his personal anecdotes from his attempts to share the message of hope, caring and the unbreakable spirit of our people. This talk was given at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shalom Deitsch (2)
Enjoy these tales of inspiration, perspiration and determination from the front lines of the world of shluchim. These Rabbis share their personal anecdotes from their attempts to share the message of hope, caring and the unbreakable spirit of our people. This talk was given at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yisrael Deren (17)
Heroines in Jewish history are not only held up as role models worthy of emulation, but as personalities whose very beings are interwoven within the fabric of our identity, history and destiny
Mrs. Channah S. Broyde (1)
People sometimes ask: where was G-d in the Holocaust? But the real question is: where was humanity? G-d was in a voice that has been speaking since man first walked on earth in the words, “You should not murder,” in the words, “Do not oppress a stranger” and in the words, “Your brother’s blood cries to me from the ground
Rabbi Nissan Mangel (12)
This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Simcha Weinstein (1)
How did G-d create the Universe? How does He relate to us? And how does He want us to relate to Him? This lecture is given by Rabbi Yoel Kahn in Yiddish and translated by Rabbi Yisrael Deren into English. This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Yisrael Deren (17)
Discover and understand why the early Talmudic sages and Chassidic masters spent most of their day engaged in prayer, and what it meant for the rest of the community. An in depth study of the meaning, components and structure of the daily and Shabbat prayers. This lecture was delivered at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (18)
All throughout the Biblical stories, Scriptural writings, Rabbinical teachings and liturgical prayers, references are made to G-d’s angels, or Divine Messengers, commissioned to fulfill specific functions and tasks. This workshop will go beyond the abstract concept of the Holy Hosts, beckoning us to recognize the presence of angels in our own lives
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
A rousing study of the essential function of passion in Jewish observance and in the effective transmission of Jewish values and ideals from generation to generation. Prepare to laugh and to be inspired.
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
The tragedy of 9/11 shook the world, destroyed lives and left a crater in the heart of lower Manhattan and in the hearts of thousands of friends and families of the victims. In this heartrending session, you will hear the ways that many decisions that came before the rabbinical court after 9/11 demonstrate how Jewish law offers guidance in even the most unthinkable of circumstances
Rabbi Yona Reiss (13)
For centuries Jews have looked to strike a balance between their identity and the society they live in. Should we assimilate into it or put up walls and withdraw, or can we find a balance between the two? This lecture was delivered at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
On August 17, 1790, Moses Seixas, the warden of Congregation Kahal Kadosh Yeshuat Israel, better known as the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, RI, penned an epistle to George Washington, welcoming the newly elected first president of the United States on his visit to that city
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
Judaism is not synagogue based, 90% of observance is in the home. If the synagogue is the only arena exposed to then it could appear that that is all there is. Mrs. Rivkah Slonim describes 14 commandments that women are excused from due to their responsibilities in making the proper abode for G-d in the world. This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim (76)
On August 17, 1790, Moses Seixas, the warden of Congregation Kahal Kadosh Yeshuat Israel, better known as the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, RI, penned an epistle to George Washington, welcoming the newly elected first president of the United States on his visit to that city
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
Keying in on the moving and highly symbolic account of the prophet Ezekiel’s visit to a valley filled with the remains of previous generations and his visions of the “dry bones” resurrected, this workshop will explore core issues of Jewish belief, the bond between generations and the phenomenon of supernatural events — past, present and future
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
This lecture was delivered at the 3th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
Every period in Jewish history can be defined by the leaders who served as conduits conveying the will of G-d and providing direction and inspiration to the nation. Throughout the millennia, Israel has been led by prophets, kings and sages, and composites of all of these
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
This lecture was delivered at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
This lecture was delivered at the 3th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Eli Silberstein (139)
King David is one of the most intriguing and inspiring figures in Jewish history. In this workshop we will relive the trials and triumphs of King David and learn why our people have turned to the Psalms for solace and strength throughout the ages. This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Chaim Block (35)
As the forerunner of the court systems for much of the civilized world, the Torah’s intriguing system of jurisprudence and adjudication remains as relevant and as applicable today as ever. Join a fascinating tour of the timeless and fascinating legal system of Halacha as you discover how the “Beit Din” system continues to play a vital role in today’s day and age
Series: The Merchant of Venice
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
As the forerunner of the court systems for much of the civilized world, the Torah’s intriguing system of jurisprudence and adjudication remains as relevant and as applicable today as ever. Join a fascinating tour of the timeless and fascinating legal system of Halacha as you discover how the “Beit Din” system continues to play a vital role in today’s day and age
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
As the forerunner of the court systems for much of the civilized world, the Torah’s intriguing system of jurisprudence and adjudication remains as relevant and as applicable today as ever. Join a fascinating tour of the timeless and fascinating legal system of Halacha as you discover how the “Beit Din” system continues to play a vital role in today’s day and age
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
As the forerunner of the court systems for much of the civilized world, the Torah’s intriguing system of jurisprudence and adjudication remains as relevant and as applicable today as ever. Join a fascinating tour of the timeless and fascinating legal system of Halacha as you discover how the “Beit Din” system continues to play a vital role in today’s day and age
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
With the civilized world now grappling with underlying moral and legal issues relating to waging war, this workshop will address some of the topic’s most agonizing and gut-wrenching questions from the perspective of Jewish law, including: When is war justified? What are the dynamics of legitimate peace treaties? How are POWs to be treated? What about harm to innocent civilians (i.e
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde (37)
Explore the opening text of the talmud, and engage in dialogue and debate. Whether you are a novice or an experienced student of Talmud, you will be fascinated by this far-reaching discussion regarding the reciting of the Shema. In the process, you will examine the parameters of Torah law, rabbinic law, and the written and oral tradition.
Rabbi Berel Bell (151)
Once upon a busy life — maybe even two or three times, or more — we are struck with a sense of being so small within something much larger. Wouldn’t it be good for the two of us to have a chat? We would like to speak with G-d
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (34)
This is the first segment with Dr Sarna discussion the historic events that ocured on August 17, 1790, when Moses Seixas, the warden of Congregation Kahal Kadosh Yeshuat Israel, better known as the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, RI, penned an epistle to George Washington, welcoming the newly elected first president of the United States on his visit to that city
Professor Jonathan Sarna (48)
Ever since Moses scribed the first Torah Scroll some 3,300 years ago, a very precise tradition has been handed down from generation to generation as to how the letters of our Sefer Torahs, Tefilin and Mezuzot are to be inked on parchment. In addition to being a sacred mitzvah, this fine process has helped ensure the preservation and authenticity of our original texts throughout the millennia
Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Liberow (1)
Who are we, why are we here and what’s in it for G-d? Drawing on landmark texts from the classic Chassidic work, the Tanya, this workshop will plumb some of the most fundamental questions that every thinking human being grapples with on some level every day. This lecture was delivered at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (18)
A slide show and lecture on the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the archaeology of Qumrun and the ancient Jewish library found there, along with a discussion on the impact of these discoveries on our understanding of the history of Judaism and the background of Christianity. This lecture was delivered at the 4th annual National Jewish Retreat
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
Judaism has its own unique way of speaking to the significant moments of our lives. Be it the blessings of “Mazel Tov” shared at a simcha or, Heaven forefend, the expressions of comfort and condolence conveyed in a house of mourning, the right ideas and sentiments in the right place at the right time can make a world of difference
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
In 1789, as the soil of Europe was transformed with the French Revolution and the ensuing Emancipation, Rabbi Schnuer Zalman of Liadi was writing a short book that would redefine the soul of Judaism for the new era
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
A mystical exploration of feminine and masculine energies in the context of the Lecha Dodi poem, and how they affect our relationships with G-d and our spouses. This lecture was delivered at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
It’s been said that those most in touch with where they come from have the healthiest sense of where they’re headed to. Perhaps the greatest testimonial to this truism is the story of the Jewish People who, through the ages, have lived with the heritage and legacy of their ancestors in forging the paths to their destiny
Rabbi Moshe Bryski (40)
In Jewish life, emphasis is often placed on the community and on communal needs and identity. Is there a place for individualism in Judaism?.
Rabbi Yossi Chazan (5)
A century ago, Jewish immigrants arrived on these shores in quest of hope and opportunity. Along the way, they lost much of their Jewish identity
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
This workshop will show how the Dead Sea Scrolls help fill in our knowledge of Jewish law and observance in the Second Temple period. Included in these fascinating gleanings are confirmation of specific Talmudic reports about the major legal debates of those days and the dating of various sections of Talmudic literature
Professor Lawrence Schiffman (17)
What is it about the "Big 10”? Why were those commandments singled out from amongst the rest of the 613 commandments? This workshop will offer a critical analysis of the wording and structure of the Ten Commandments with an eye to pinpointing their relevance and centrality to the entirety of the human experience. You can visit Mrs
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Mrs. Molly Resnick, a veteran newswoman, former NBC TV producer, and survivor of two Palestinian terror attacks on Israel, speaks about the violent educational curriculum used in the Arab world to indoctrinate children into a culture of hatred and anti-Semitism. This talk was given at the 2th annual National Jewish Retreat
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)