Sinai Indaba is an unprecedented gathering of the foremost international Jewish thinkers ever assembled in South Africa.
A true powerhouse of innovative speakers share their original Torah insights on spirituality, family, politics, creativity, happiness and more.
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Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
Dr. Mordechai Kedar (1)
What we see with our finite eyes may be the opposite of the perspective of the infinite creator. Mrs. Eva Sandler speaks beautifully about the purpose of life and death. With stories and parables she illustrates her reflections on the life and death of her family at the hands of terrorists.
Mrs. Eva Sandler (1)
What is the answer to the perennial questions: Is there life after death? What and where is Hell? Rabbi Manis Friedman imparts knowledge in an easy to follow manner, explaining the real, Jewish response to the questions concerning the afterlife. Rabbi Friedman clarifies the situation with stories, chassidus and explanations
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Do you sleep with your cell phone under your pillow? Would you rather text than talk to a friend? Dr. David Pelcovitz has seen the positive and negative of the Internet and digital devices. He shares what to watch out for and what our brains need that modern technology disrupts.
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
What does our ADHD world do to our families? Rabbi David Aron has the cure for the Jewish family. The Arizal uses the concept of tzimtzum; move everything out of the way and make a space for someone else; and then compress your entire being into the moment for your child. Empower your children; show them that you believe in them and trust them
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
If we never experience darkness, we will not appreciate the light. Dr David Pelcovitz describes stress and loss in terms of scientific research and Torah scholarship. The nature of life is to have an ebb and flow, good times and bad. Avoiding all pain reduces our joy for the good times.
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Which job can't be farmed out? Rabbi Lawrence Kemelmen, speaking at Sinai Indaba in South Africa, exhorts the audience to raise their children themselves, as a parent has the most influence on a child and their future spirituality. Produced by Sinai Indaba.
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen (4)
A one person revelation narrative creates a credibility trap door. Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen lays out the 3 possibilities of how the narrative could proceed. His fascinating presentation leaves no doubt of the validity of Jewish history.
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen (4)
What happens when you push away your child with your left hand and pull him close with the right hand? He turns around. Dr. David Pelcovitz, Professor of Psychology at Yeshiva University, interweaves his talk with stories that bring his points firmly home. Today’s parents are right hand specialists, creating spoiled children, unprepared for life
Dr. David Pelcovitz (7)
When we pray are we informing G-d of a problem and asking Him to fix it? Do we think he doesn’t know about it? The point of tefillah is to want what G-d wants, not to get G-d to want what we want. Rabbi David Aaron shows that the Hebrew word Tefillah comes from the root for imagine or dream. The leader of the prayers in shul is the chazzan; the root means vision
Rabbi David Aaron (119)
Plant a grapevine, watch it grow and learn how to raise your children. In this outstanding presentation, Rabbi Lawrence Keleman lays out the 3 steps necessary to raise great kids. With stories and humor he describes the method involving Planting, Building and Prayer. Produced by Sinai Indaba.
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen (4)
Produced by Sinai Indaba.
Rabbi David Aaron (119)