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Effective Communication and Proper Family Boundaries

Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch
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Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch is a licensed marriage and family therapist. In his series, “Marriage Matters”, he answers questions from his viewers about relationships. Two questions are addressed in this week's segment:

Long work hours and young child rearing commonly imposes immense stress on marriage relationships.

Rabbi Schonbuch addresses the strain that these relationships can suffer. He suggests practical tips for opening emotional communication and discussing the primary emotions that are experienced because of the stress.

Relationships with in-laws can be tricky and it is often difficult to develop appropriate boundaries.

Rabbi Schonbuch discusses the detriments of allowing a third party to influence a marriage and how to find the balance between too much distance and unhealthy enmeshment. 

Click here to contact Rabbi Schonbuch or download an accompanying handout.

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Scholars: Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch
Video title: Effective Communication and Proper Family Boundaries
Category: Informative, Lesson, Marriage, Revisiting Relationships
Series: Marriage Matters
Views: 3346
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