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2. How Do You Know There is a G-d?

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
8007 Views     14 Ratings

The real question should be, how do you answer such a question in 4 minutes?

Returning to the 3 aspects: creation, revelation and redemption, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks answers this important question with references to modern day philosophers and great societies built by people deeply influenced by the Hebrew Bible

Abraham who lived close to 4000 years ago, with no army and no empires, but with lessons so pure, true and eternally valid, that his effect has influenced every culture since.

This video should not be missed.

10 Questions with Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
1.  What are the Basic Beliefs in Judaism?
3. How can the Torah be Trusted?
4. How Can the Belief in G-d Be Reconciled with Science?
5. If You Could Ask God One Question What Would You Ask?
6. What Does the Term Chosen People Mean?
7. What is the Purpose of Life?
8. What do Jews Believe About the Afterlife?
9. Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
10. What is a Rabbi?

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Scholars: Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Video title: 2. How Do You Know There is a G-d?
Category: Philosophy, Q & A, Thought Provoking
Series: 10 Questions with Rabbi Sacks
Views: 8007
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