Blessing for when the Torah is raised:
V'zos ha'Toro asher som moshe lif'nay b'nay Yisro-ayl.
Aytz cha-yim hi la-machazikim boh, v'som'cheho m'ushor.
D'rocheho dar'chay no'am, v'chol n'sivo-seho sholom.
Orech yomim bi-minoh bis'moloh osher v'chovod.
Adonoy chofaytz l'ma-an tzidko yagdil toro v'ya-dir.
This is the Torah which Moses placed before the children of Israel.
It is a tree of life to those who grasp to it, and those who support it are fortunate.
Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace.
Help us to return to You, God; then truly shall we return. Renew our days as in the past.
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