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Timely Energies

Rabbi Pinchas Taylor
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  • "Monday's child is fair of face; Tuesday's child is full of grace..."   Perhaps you remember a nursery rhyme like this from your childhood?  Why would the day, date, or hour of one's birth have anything to do with their fate?
  • You pass the bar exam and call your grandmother to share the good news.  "Mazal tov!"  She shouts.  What is mazal, anyway? 
  • You are due to argue a case in court in late February.  Your rabbi says, "The Jewish month of Adar? That's a lucky time for us."

Join Rabbi Pinchas Taylor as we discover the significance of each day of the week, how the spiritual energy of every Jewish month is exemplified by its astrological constellation, and the real story behind the Friday night song, Shalom Aleichem

This is part 2 of a three part series on astrology.












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Scholars: Rabbi Pinchas Taylor
Video title: Timely Energies
Category: Academic, Shabbat
Series: The Jewish Approach to Astrology
Views: 2270
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