As enemy armies amassed, with the stated goal of wiping her off the map, Israel and the Jewish world were thrust into fear, gloom and despair.
A lone voice of reassurance emerged as the Rebbe publicly declared that Israel will see great miracles and salvation.
He issued a call for all male soldiers in the IDF and Jewish men the world over to wrap Teffilin, citing the verse: "And when the nations see the name of G-d upon you, they will fear you."
"Six Days":
Winds of war
Engulfed a tiny nation
Will we remain on our Land?
Ominous clouds of fear
Fire and pillars of smoke
They are rising against us
to destroy us
What is our defense?
What is our hope?
What is the secret to victory?
Six days we endured
To defend the Land of our fathers
The Temple Mount is in our hands
We will never leave
Six days of Divine salvation
And to the world we let it be known
This is Land is ours
We will never leave
A prophetic voice was heard
By the people so perturbed
G-d will protect
and save His
Chosen Nation
In the merit of Tefillin
By the men and the Chayalim (soldiers)
The enemy will fear you
When G-d’s name is upon you
This is our defense
This is our hope
This is the secret to victory
Fifty years have passed by
Yet still our foes, they cry
It’s our stolen land that you occupy
Our candle of truth, the answer to their lie
This is our G-d given Land
No one can deny
Six Days miracles we saw
And to the world we let it be known
This is Land is ours
We will never leave