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How is Quarantine Impacting my Marriage?

Rabbi Simon Jacobson
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Finding ourselves stuck at home with our spouses indefinitely can and should be an opportunity for growth. But for some, it may also be a time of unfortunate tension and distance. Discover how this unique time can be a chance to confront our relationships' challenges and grow closer to our loved ones (or with those we have become estranged from). Our current quarantine no longer affords us the luxury of avoiding conflict, and using work as an exit strategy, or hiding behind the all-powerful work ethic. Today we must face each other head-on and use our new reality as an opportunity to emerge as better, kinder, more gentle people. How well will we do? Will we rise to the occasion?

This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.

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Scholars: Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Video title: How is Quarantine Impacting my Marriage?
Category: Marriage
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Views: 64
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