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Words of the Living G-d - Va'eira

Rabbi Yitzchok Wagshul
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The Torah portion Shemos ends with Moses asking G-d, "Why have you made things bad for this people?" This sets the stage for the opening verses of the Torah portion Va'eira, where G-d says, "I am G-d, I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by the name Kayl Shakkai, but by My Name, G-d, I was not known to them." This begs the question - what kind of answer is this to Moses' inquiry at the end of Shemos?! Join Rabbi Yitzchok Wagshul for an exploration of the fascinating - and inspiring - answer.

Click Here to order Words of the Words of the Living G-DBy: Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Wagshul

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Scholars: Rabbi Yitzchok Wagshul
Video title: Words of the Living G-d - Va'eira
Category: G-d, Torah Study
Views: 2296
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