Venting. How much do we love doing it? But is it really that helpful? Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf talks us through an alternative model for getting rid of frustration and anger.
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Jewish spirituality grounds our minds, emotions, and behaviors in a loving and compassionate life of Mitzvot. Mindfulness training cultivates an awareness of “what is happening” without being swept along by judgments and emotions. Are they compatible? This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Kabbalah has definitely become a buzzword, a topic that has captured the attention of the masses, irrespective of religious association or background. Esteemed Kabbalist, Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf, takes us on a journey through its origin and meaning with profound clarity and flair. Interview by David Kaplan, Chief Marketing Officer at JLI.
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Project G-d’s mind onto the screen of time and space, and voila, you get our physical world. Join us as we unfold the matrix of creation, and realize our role as G-d’s partner in an unfinished creation. We’ll look at human psychology and the way the universe is contained within our person and life. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Is it healthy to release anger? Or does release only reinforce it? Learn why Maimonides forbids expressing anger, and how to eradicate negativity from your behavioral profile. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Learn and practice three Jewish meditative exercises. “Change the mind,” “tame the heart,” and “swim gracefully in a world of change” through inspiration, contemplation, and introspection. This lecture was delivered at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Every action in life can be elevated to a higher plane of consciousness and awareness. To make this happen requires constant mindfulness and awareness how G-d’s name, Yud, Hei, Vav, Hei are inherent in everything that we see and do in life. This video was produced for Lesson 6 of "Meditation from Sinai", a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Why do you go to work – whether to an office, or at home, or homemaking? Do you work hard just to afford the vacation? Or for the security – to secure yourself and family? For fulfillment and a sense of purpose? Since it is such a significant portion of your day and life, it is important to identify the place and mission of your work in life
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Such a mystery - the moment of transition from wakefulness to sleep, when your consciousness fades, and the Neshama, your animating energy, enters higher spiritual realms. Transition to sleep is both indescribable and delightful, a nightly gentle general anesthetic
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
We don’t dichotomize between the ‘holy’ and the ‘secular’. Even the most mundane activities of life are ‘holy’, full of meaning and purpose - an indispensable aspect of creation. There is nothing ordinary in the world – even eating
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Did you know that you breathe about 1080 breaths every hour? In Jewish teachings an hour is divided into 1080 units, rather than 60 seconds – each one a different configuration of G-d’s creative forces to maintain the cosmos. Each breath is a new phase, thereby constantly changing and evolving the nature of existence
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Throw a stick upwards and at some point, having run out of the energy thrust, it falls back to earth. Everything exists because it is propelled into continuous existence through the Divine thrust of infinite energy that keeps it ‘flying upwards’. Were that energy to expire, even for a moment, the world would return to a state of nothingness
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Your life isn’t random. It follows a very clear cause-effect relationship. Whatever you think, say or do leaves footsteps in the sands of your life. But, superimposed over your life is a Master Plan that keeps nudging you towards a higher goal. The Plan is embedded within your soul and keeps adjusting your life’s trajectory
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Design underlies every aspect of creation. Every physicist, medical researcher, botanist, is utterly awed by the amazing structure and design inherent in all aspects of the world. Mathematics often predicts phenomena that are only later proven by observation – a feat only achievable as a result of purpose, pattern, & design in creation
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Spirituality means to viscerally sense the spirituality and meaningfulness in every moment of life. Everything in the world possesses a holy spark that animates it – its soul. Living a spiritual life means to relate soul to soul – with everything in existence
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
We have two voices within, seeking our attention. The lower self, the Nefesh Behamit, seeks pleasure and ease. The higher self, the Nefesh Elokit, seeks purpose and fulfilment. This video was produced for Lesson 2 of "Meditation from Sinai", a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
No matter what yesterday brought you, tomorrow you start painting on a fresh canvas. Freedom of choice is yours. Break free of yesterday’s bad feelings by refocusing on gratitude. This video was produced for Lesson 1 of "Meditation from Sinai", a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Feelings follow thoughts – even if the thought last a microsecond. You can therefore undo a negative emotion by displacing the negative thought that created it. Thoughts produce feelings. This video was produced for Lesson 1 of "Meditation from Sinai", a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: Meditation from Sinai
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
A prayer meditation focused on the power of group prayer, inspiring warm, intimate feelings between worshipers. This video was produced for Lesson 6 of With All My Heart, a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: With All My Heart
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
A standing prayer meditation focused on G-d’s unknowability, allowing for a more humble and authentic life experience. This video was produced for Lesson 5 of With All My Heart, a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: With All My Heart
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
A prayer meditation focused on G-d’s overwhelming love, inspiring our own love in return. This video was produced for Lesson 4 of With All My Heart, a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: With All My Heart
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
A prayer meditation focused on the beauty of the world and its reflection of G-d, inspiring feelings of amazement and inner confidence. This video was produced for Lesson 3 of With All My Heart, a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: With All My Heart
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
A prayer meditation focused on the flow of G-d’s healing energy through the body, soothing pain and alleviating muscle tension. This video was produced for Lesson 2 of With All My Heart, a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: With All My Heart
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
A prayer meditation focused on the soul and its manifestation within the body, inspiring feelings of inner purpose and direction. This video was produced for Lesson 1 of With All My Heart, a course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Series: With All My Heart
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Are you mindful and aware of why you think and act the way you do? Do you spend life swimming on the surface, or going deeper and experiencing life to the fullest? Is meditation Kosher? And finally, do your thoughts and attitudes really create realities? For more information, please visit:
Series: Torah Psychology Conference #1
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Are we condemned to a life of stress? "Stress occurs when people don't behave the way we want them to," says Rabbi Laibl Wolf. He outlines the circumstances that contribute to stress and the methods and habits used for reducing stress and increasing mindful living.
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Wisdom is cumulative, don’t hesitate to consult those who are older and wiser. Rabbi Laibl Wolf begins by establishing that each attendee and viewer is a unique, gifted, reincarnated soul, brought into the world for an individual purpose. Living mindfully begins with inner calm, a level playing field, required for the beginning point of any wisdom oriented decision
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Rabbi Laibl Wolf has developed a manual of practical Kabbalah that gives the freedom to change the way we think, speak and behave from today to tomorrow.
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Judaism is the way our eyes and ears perceive reality and filter the phenomonom of life in a specific way. Rabbi Laibl Wolf cites the Rambam who addressed health and well being in the Mishna Torah. The mitzvah of health is the basis of the soul's ability to express itself optimally. Rabbi Wolf gives an outline of how to live a fulfilling life through his system of well being.
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
The prerequisite of love is a state of separateness. Rabbi Laibl Wolf explains how reciprocity provides the capacity to lift each other up. He explores the historical period from the 1500s until around 1900, a time of great economic privation for the Jews, resulting in a general feeling of depression
Series: The Art of Loving
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Series: The Art of Loving
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
Filial love, a softer, more natural type of love, allows for self- sacrifice. Rabbi Laibl Wolf continues his categorization of different types of love. The love between a parent and child, siblings, close friends and long term spouses can be represented by the intense brotherly love between Yonatan and David. Filial love lends itself to self negation.
Series: The Art of Loving
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
The Art of Loving Session 2 - The Meaning of Desire A five part series by Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Centre, Melbourne, Australia Sources: Tanya: Vol. 1, Ch. 44 Filmed 4th July 2011 1
Series: The Art of Loving
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
The Art of Loving Session 1 - Love and Fear - Truth and Illusion A five part series by Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Centre, Melbourne, Australia Filmed 27th June 2011 The Nature of Consciousness Consciousness lies deeper than the 'I'. It resides in the soul which in turn mediates the flow of creation's energies
Series: The Art of Loving
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)
How can we take control of our lives in a seemingly out-of-control world? How can we make sure that our time in this world is significant? Join Rabbi Laibl Wolf to explore what kabbalah can teach us about self actualization and personal fulfillment.
Rabbi Laibl Wolf (40)