Rabbi Baruch Epstein is a Chabad-Lubavitch emissary at the Regional Headquarters of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, and the rabbi of Congregation Bais Menachem in Chicago, Ill. He is also a member of the Chicago Rabbinical Council. He received his rabbinic ordination from the Central Lubavitch Yeshiva in Brooklyn, and his dayanut, Judaic law degree, from Rabbi Yisroel Piekarski OB"M of the Central Lubavitch Yeshiva.
In the last century, Jews have emerged from behind the ghetto walls to live and work side-by-side with many nationalities. Some Jews have retreated behind invisible borders in close-knit communities. The Rebbe had adifferent idea of how we should co-exist with our non-Jewish neighbors and fulfill our destiny as a light unto the nations
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)
The magical setting of the Shabbat meal ushers peace and harmony into Jewish homes around the globe. This is your chance to master the practices that make it so unique: lighting the Shabbat candles and reciting the kiddush over wine. You will learn everything you need to know about these treasured traditions. This class took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)
Chasidic philosophy abounds with references to the four worlds. What are they? Where are they? And how do they help us understand life? Delve into original Chasidic texts and study these fundamental ideas at their source.
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)
Rabbi Baruch Epstein (5)