Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner, Director Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel.
Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner lives in Jerusalem with his wife and their 9 children. Rabbi Gestetner is the dean of Mayonot, Institute of Jewish Studies. Talmud and Chassidut are among the classes taught at Mayonot, providing a program which is highly academic and intellectually challenging. "In modern times, we spend years getting secular degrees. Mayanot men and women the chance to bring their Jewish education up to par," said Rucheli Manville, a student at Mayanot.
Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner (4)
Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner (4)
Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner (4)
Everyone is required to build a personal tabernacle, how do we do it? Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner associates the furnishings of the tabernacle with the 3 crowns enumerated in Pirkei Avos, and the one crown over them all.
Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner (4)