The traditional food of Ashkenazi grandmothers world-over, brisket is a perennial favorite for holidays and family get togethers. In this segment of "It's Not Your Grandmother's..." Chef Jack Silberstein shows us how to make a flavorful tender brisket using a few fresh, unprocessed ingredients
Chef Jack Silberstein (4)
Easy and frugal bread pudding starts with left-over challah bread bathed in custard for moistness. Chef Jack Silberstein explains how to customize the custard for a sweet or savory option, why dried fruit is better than fresh for this recipe, and shows us how to make individual serving size puddings for prettier presentation
Chef Jack Silberstein (4)
Here's a fresh twist on a classic dish: gefilte fish! One of the few authentically "Jewish" foods, gefilte fish has its roots in the Sabbath prohibition of borer - sorting and separating, an integral part of eating fish with bones
Chef Jack Silberstein (4)
This cooking demostration was given at the National Jewish Retreat - a yearly event hosted by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. For more information about the National Jewish Retreat and to register for this year’s Retreat, check out
Chef Jack Silberstein (4)