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Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger

Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger

Bernd Wollschlaeger was fourteen when he discovered his father's role as a Nazi in World War II.

From that moment Bernd began his journey to learn more about the Jewish people and reach beyond the hatred around him. He was assisted by a former Jesuit priest and many Holocaust survivors. The decision to convert led him on a long journey, the first Rabbi he approached in Frankfurt refused to convert Germans. Eventually he succeeded in fulfilling his dream of becoming a Jew and left for Israel, enlisting in the IDF as a medical officer.

Dr. Wollschlaeger concludes his fascinating story with this important rule: Hatred starts with a word uttered quietly, and then louder. If left unchallenged it is followed by deeds that become habits which lead to social norms.

Dr. Wollschlaeger has 2 children and lives in Miami, FL where he is a practicing physician.