Eva Sandler lost her husband and two of her young children during the Toulouse massacre.
Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, 29, and sons Aryeh, 6, and Gabriel, 3.5, were laid to rest in Israel shortly after the shooting outside the Otzar HaTorah school in southern France. Myriam Monsenego, 8, was also killed in the attack, perpetrated by Islamist Mohammed Merah.
Rabbi Sandler, an Israeli citizen, was a resident of Kiryat HaYovel who was conducting Jewish outreach in France.
What we see with our finite eyes may be the opposite of the perspective of the infinite creator. Mrs. Eva Sandler speaks beautifully about the purpose of life and death. With stories and parables she illustrates her reflections on the life and death of her family at the hands of terrorists.
Mrs. Eva Sandler (1)