Rabbi David Aaron(114)
Rabbi Michael Abehsera(1)
Rabbi Zalman Abraham(11)
Mrs. Leah Abraham(8)
Dr. Lewis Abrams(1)
Dr. Henry Abramson(90)
Mrs. Susy Adler(1)
Dr. Judith Ahronheim(1)
Dr. Michael Akerman(3)
Governor George Allen(1)
Mr. Dan Alon(1)
Rabbi Yisroel Altein(1)
Mrs. Shterna Althaus(1)
Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar(1)
Chanie Apfelbaum(4)
Mr. Dan Arbell(2)
Rabbi Raphael Aron(1)
Mr. John Assaraf(1)
Mr. Norman Atkins(1)
Dr. Amy Austin(12)
Rabbi Avraham Feigelstock(1)
Mr. Shahar Azani(6)
Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie(1)
Rabbi Dr. Abraham S. Abraham(1)
Mr. Robert Abrams(1)
Rabbi Yonasan Abrams(1)
Cantor Shai Abramson(2)
Steve Adubato(4)
Dr. Lisa Aiken(12)
Mrs. Devorah Alevsky(4)
Ms. Rebecca Alexander(1)
Mr. Doron Almog(2)
Dr. Mark Altabet(1)
Mrs. Miriam Althaus(1)
Rabbi Chay Amar(5)
Rabbi Pinny Andrusier(1)
Dr. Angelo Aquista(1)
Professor Dan Ariely(1)
Yarim Ashkenazi(1)
Professor Yisrael (Robert) Aumann(1)
Ambassador Yehuda Avner(2)
Mrs. Sarah Avtzon(1)
Mr. Bruce Backman(2)
Nir Barkat(1)
Mrs. Chanie Baron(2)
Dr. Howard Baum(1)
Rabbi Ira Bedzow(3)
Member of Knesset Benny Begin(1)
Mr. Howard Behar(2)
Rabbi Berel Bell(125)
Mrs. Laurel G. Bellows(1)
Dr. Tammi Benjamin(1)
Joseph Bensmihen(1)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein(32)
Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman(2)
Justice Richard H. Bernstein(11)
Yirmeyahu Bindman(1)
Mrs. Miri Birk(1)
Rabbi Yosef Blau(2)
Rabbi Benjamin Blech(13)
Rabbi Chaim Block(20)
Rabbi David Block(19)
Rabbi Sholom Ber Bloom(7)
Dr. Norman Blumenthal(2)
Mrs. Sara Bluming(1)
Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky(2)
Rabbi Tuvia Bolton(2)
Rabbi Herbert Bomzer(2)
Mr. Andrew Borans(1)
Rabbi Daniel Bortz(2)
Mr. Benjamin Brafman(4)
Moshe Braun(4)
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz(46)
Rabbi Chaim Brickman(1)
Dr. Erica Brown(3)
Mrs. Sorele Brownstein(1)
Mrs. Channah S. Broyde(1)
Mrs. Eileen Bruskewitz(2)
Mrs. Shula Bryski(4)
Shaiky Bukiet(4)
Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka(4)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman(7)
Rabbi Benzion Butman(1)
Rabbi Yechiel Baitelman(2)
Rabbi Yacov Barber(11)
Rabbi Hillel Baron(3)
Mrs. Carole Basri(1)
Mr. Glenn Beck(1)
Mrs. Leah Bedzowki - Johnson(1)
Benny Begun(1)
Mrs. Chana Leah Bekerman(4)
Mrs. Devorah Bell(1)
Dr. Michael Ben-Avie(2)
Dr. Aaron Bennett(1)
Mrs. Nechama Berenchtain(1)
Dr. Adena K. Berkowitz(1)
Chief Rabbi Gilles Bernheim(1)
Mrs. Nira Berry(1)
Rabbi Dovid Birk(4)
Darren Birnie(1)
Mrs. Sara Blau(2)
Rabbi Mendel Blau(1)
Mrs. Ella Blesofsky(1)
Mrs. Rivkie Block(1)
Rabbi Eli Block(1)
Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz(1)
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming(10)
Mr. Gennady Bogolyubov(1)
Mrs. Etty Bogomilsky(2)
Mr. John Bolton(2)
Cory Booker(1)
Dr. Robert Bornstein(1)
Dr. Joann Bradley(1)
Rabbi Kenneth Brander(4)
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer(6)
Rabbi Dovid Bressman(1)
Rabbi Sholom Brodt(1)
Mr. David T. Brown(1)
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde(28)
Rabbi Moshe Bryski(23)
Rabbi Alter Bukiet(1)
Professor Baruch Bush(1)
Mrs. Mashie Butman(2)
Rabbi Velvl Butman(3)
Rabbi Yechiel Cagan(1)
Dr. Charles Cantonese(1)
Mrs. Joanne Caras(1)
Rabbi Yossi Chazan(4)
Rabbi Shlomie Chein(3)
Dr. Michael Chighel(59)
Aaron Ciechanover(1)
Mrs. Carol Clingan(1)
Rabbi Mendy Cohen(62)
Mrs. Yehudis Cohen(1)
Rabbi Danny Cohen(7)
Mr. Randy Cohen(13)
Rabbi Alfred Cohen(1)
Rabbi Dovid Cohen(2)
Mrs. Esther Cohen(4)
Miriam Chana Cooperman(2)
Mrs. Mary Cramer(1)
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe(23)
Mr. Robert Cait(2)
Rep. Eric Cantor(1)
Mr. Rick Carrier(1)
Member of Knesset Yoel Chasson(2)
Rabbi Chaim Chazan(1)
Honorable Stanley R. Chesler(4)
Professor Adam Chodorow(1)
Rabbi Yehuda Clapman(3)
Chief Rabbi Shaar Yashuv Cohen(1)
Mrs. Batsheva Cohen(2)
Cantor Simon Cohen(1)
Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen(4)
Rabbi Simcha Cohen(121)
Sarah Cohen(1)
Mrs. Holly Cohen(3)
Mendy Cole(1)
Rabbi Shimon Cowen(1)
Rabbi Asher Crispe(46)
Michael Critchley Sr.(4)
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin(1)
Mr. Howard P. Danzig(1)
Mordechai Ben David(9)
Ms. Lenore Davis Esq.(1)
Ms. Suri Davis-Stern(1)
8th Day(17)
Rabbi Shalom Deitsch(2)
Rabbi Shalom Denbo(1)
Rabbi Yisrael Deren(13)
Dr. Risa Dickson(1)
Rabbi Shmuel Dishon(3)
Mr. Sam Domb(1)
Mr. Steven Drizin(2)
Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky(2)
Mr. Avraham Duvdevani(1)
Mr. Mordecai Dzikansky(1)
Mr. Danny Danon(2)
Rabbi Chaim Danzinger(1)
Mr. Yuval David(1)
Mrs. Stacy Davis(1)
Mr. Greg Dawson(1)
Mr. Danny Dayan(2)
Dr. Gerald W. Deas(1)
Rabbi Nechemia Deitsch(1)
Mrs. Shelly Dembe(1)
Rabbi Moishe Denburg(1)
Mrs. Maryashi Deren(1)
Professor Alan Dershowitz(1)
Honorable Grace Dickler(1)
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman(13)
Rabbi Saul Djanogly(1)
Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov(14)
Dr. Glenn Dynner(6)
Reuben Ebrahimoff(1)
Rabbi Dovid Edelman(2)
Mr. Jay Edelson(1)
Mr. Ami Eden(1)
Rabbi Yaakov M. Eisenbach(1)
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg(5)
Dr. Arieh Eldad(1)
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie(66)
Mrs. Chaya Epstein(4)
Mrs. Chana Epstein(3)
Rabbi Mordechai Eskovitz(1)
Mendel Ezagui(1)
Rabbi Yisroel Edelman(1)
Rabbi Cheski Edelman(3)
Mr. Yuli Edelstein(3)
Dr. Jacob Eisenbach(2)
General Effi Eitam(1)
Mr. David Elderbaum(1)
Rabbi Baruch Epstein(5)
Mrs. Chavi Epstein(1)
Izzy Ezagui(1)
Rabbi Leibel Fajnland(4)
Rabbi Shlomo Farhi(10)
Mr. Kenneth Feinberg(3)
Rabbi Yaakov Feitman(1)
Mrs. Rivi Feldman(2)
Professor Jan Feldman(4)
Rabbi Yaakov Fellig(2)
Dr. Miriam H. Feuerman(2)
Dr. Hans Fischer(1)
Dr. Talya Fishman(1)
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum(4)
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman(18)
Dr. Lachlan Forrow(1)
Mr. Ben Frank(1)
Mrs. Helen Freedman(1)
Mrs. Malky Freund(2)
Rabbi Shimon Freundlich(2)
Avraham Fried(5)
Rabbi Manis Friedman(183)
Benny Friedman(35)
Dr. Eli Friedman(2)
Mr. Daniel Friedmann(10)
Professor John J. Farmer(8)
Rabbi Asher Federman(1)
Mr. Douglas J. Feith(1)
Mr. Barry G. Felder(1)
Chef Yaakov Feldman(3)
Rabbi Ronnie Fine(5)
Dudu Fisher(25)
Mrs. Lynda Fishman(1)
Mrs. Rochel Flikshtein(3)
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein(4)
Rabbi David Fohrman(6)
Rabbi Donny Frank(1)
Mrs. Shira Frank(1)
Shimon Frankel(1)
Rabbi Tzvi Freeman(7)
Rabbi Dr. Aharon Hersh Fried(1)
Rabbi Yisroel Fried(4)
Ambassador David Friedman(1)
Dr. Amy L. Friedman(1)
Mrs. Gila Gamliel(1)
Rabbi Levi Garelik(2)
Burt Gershater(1)
Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner(4)
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh(29)
Mr. Howard Glasser(3)
Rifka Glatz(1)
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gluckowsky(3)
Mr. Randy Gold(1)
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg(1)
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Goldfeder(1)
Rabbi Yossy Goldman(2)
Professor Ari L. Goldman(1)
Hon. Mark Goldsmith(1)
Jake Goldstein(1)
Rabbi Reuven Goldstein(2)
Mr. Tamir Goodman(8)
Dr. Daniel Gordis(1)
Max Gordon(1)
Rabbi Zushe Gorelik(1)
Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried(1)
Mrs. Sara Chana Gourarie(1)
Dr. Richard Grazi(1)
Rabbi Dov Greenberg(43)
Mrs. Esty Greenberg(1)
Dr. Jon Greenberg(2)
Dr. Mindy Greenstein(1)
Professor Stephen Greenwald(3)
Rabbi Moshe Grossbaum(1)
Dr. Miriam Grossman(1)
Refael Grossman(1)
Mrs. Shternie Gruzman(1)
Mrs. Leah Gurary(1)
Aryeh Gurewitz(2)
Dr. Jeffrey Gurock(2)
Rabbi Mendy Gutnick(1)
Rabbi Yosef Gansburg(1)
Rabbi Yakov Garfinkel(3)
Professor David Gelernter(1)
Mrs. Rivka Marga Gestetner(1)
Mrs. Shternie Ginsberg(1)
Rabbi Yonatan Glass(4)
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt(1)
Miss Caroline Glick(1)
Professor Lewis Glinert(17)
Mrs. Julie Gniwisch(3)
Rabbi Yaakov Goldberg(2)
Mr. Charles Goldberg(1)
Phil Goldig(2)
Mrs. Rochel Goldman(2)
Rabbi Yosef Goldstein(1)
Chaplain Jacob Goldstein(6)
Mrs. Brooke Goldstein(1)
Mr. Don Zusya Goodman(1)
Rabbi Sholom Gopin(1)
Mr. Bradley Gordon(3)
Rabbi Yossi Gordon(1)
Matisyahu Goren(1)
Mrs. Frumma Gottlieb(11)
Rabbi Moshe Leib Gray(1)
Yehuda Green(8)
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg(11)
Rabbi Sholom Greenberg(1)
Dr. Velvl Greene(2)
Rabbi Chaim Greisman(2)
Rabbi Leibel Groner(3)
Dr. Barbara Grossman(3)
Dr. Michael Grossman(3)
Sheryl Grossman(11)
Rabbi Berel Gurary(1)
Rabbi Dovid Gurevich(3)
Rabbi Lazer Gurkow(17)
Rabbi Mordechai Guth(4)
Rabbi Dovid Gutnick(1)
Mrs. Louise Hager(1)
Mrs. Devorah Halberstam(1)
Mr. Yossi Klein Halevi(1)
Mrs. Elaine Hamilton(1)
Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka(6)
Ms. Basya Hans(1)
Ruby Harris(1)
Honorable Katharine Sweeney Hayden(9)
Dr. Gill Heart(1)
Rabbi J.J. Hecht(1)
Rabbi Meir Hecht(1)
Professor Michael A. Helfand(5)
Mrs. Dina Hendel(1)
Rabbi Moshe Herson(2)
Rabbi Avrohom Hertz(1)
Mrs. Kesem Mia Hetsrony(1)
Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein(2)
Dr. Barry Holzer(2)
Mrs. Nechama Hordiner(1)
Rabbi Yitzi Horowitz(1)
Governor Mike Huckabee(1)
Mr. David Haivri(1)
Professor Malvina Halberstam(1)
Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Halperin(2)
MK Tzachi Hanegbi(1)
Charlie Harary(37)
Mrs. Tamar Hashimi(1)
Mrs. Rivkah Leah Hazan(1)
Rabbi Shea Hecht(20)
Rabbi Sholom Ber Hecht(1)
Dr. Robert Hedaya(1)
Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot(5)
Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz(2)
Rabbi Baruch Hertz(1)
Mrs. Carolyn Hessel(4)
Mrs. Barbara Hines(1)
Mr. Gil Hoffman(1)
Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner(3)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz(9)
Honorable Justice Joel D. Horton(1)
Mrs. Dina Hurwitz(2)
Dr. Miriam Isaacs(1)
Rabbi Yossi Ives(3)
Mr. Mark Isaacson(1)
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks(4)
Dr. Robert Jacobs(1)
Rabbi YY Jacobson(87)
Mrs. Tzivia Jacobson(1)
Rabbi Yonason Johnson(2)
Mrs. Rivki Jungreis(1)
Dr. Charles Jacobs(1)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson(98)
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson(14)
Mendi Jerufi(1)
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis(1)
Dr. Alan Kadish(2)
Rabbi Yoel Kahn(2)
Meir Kalmanson(1)
Mrs. Chani Kaminetzky(1)
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor(2)
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan(15)
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan(22)
Mrs. Rochel Kaplan(3)
Mr. Richard L. Kaplan(1)
Mrs. Chana Kaplan(1)
Mrs. Sarah Karmely(4)
Rebbetzin Shifra Shula Kazen(1)
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen(4)
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum(37)
Dr. Samuel Klagsbrun(1)
Michel Klein(1)
Professor Robert M. Kliegman(1)
Mr. Jacob Kolton(1)
Professor Eugene Kontorovich(2)
Rabbi Avrohom Korf(1)
Rabbi Dov Yona Korn(3)
Dr. Diana Korzenik(1)
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky(18)
Mr. Robert Krakow(2)
Dr. Sarah Kranz-Ciment(1)
Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski(15)
Rabbi Moshe Krasnianski(4)
Moshe Kravitsky(1)
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky(16)
Leslie Kulick(1)
Rabbi Menachem Kutner(1)
General Avigdor Kahalani(2)
Elaine Kahn(1)
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson(36)
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky(1)
Rabbi Mattis Kantor(2)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan(50)
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan(12)
Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan(1)
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan(13)
Mrs. Sarah Kaplan(2)
Mr. Seth Kaplan(3)
Rabbi Uri Kaploun(1)
Mr. Eyal Karoutchi(1)
Hon. Andrew Kauffman(1)
Dr. Mordechai Kedar(1)
Rabbi Dovid Kievman(1)
Justice Thomas L. Kilbride(1)
Dr. Shmuel Klatzkin(6)
Rabbi Levi Klein(1)
Rabbi Yonatan Knopp(1)
Yaakov Baruch Komaiko(2)
Rabbi Pinchas Korf(1)
Mrs. Sarah Korn(3)
Mrs. Esther Kosofsky(1)
Mrs. Rivkah Kotlarsky(2)
Dr. Marc Kramer(4)
Mrs. Chanie Krasnianski(1)
Mr. Simcha Krause(1)
Mrs. Devorie Kreiman(1)
Mr. William Kristol(3)
Dr. Yizhak Kupfer(1)
Mrs. Nechama Laber(1)
Mrs. Chana Labkowski(1)
Rabbi Aaron Laine(2)
Mr. Stephen J. Landes(1)
Mrs. Laurie Lans(4)
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau(24)
Mrs. Fran Laufer(1)
Mrs. Estelle Laughlin(2)
Dr. Jason Lazar(1)
Mr. Hershel Lazaroff(3)
Rabbi Shaltiel Lebovic(1)
Dr. Simcha Leibovich(5)
Rabbi Boruch Lesches(1)
Rabbi Yosef Levin(1)
Professor Jack Levin(1)
Professor Samuel J. Levine(5)
Rabbi Yechiel S. Levitansky(1)
Mr. Matthew Levitt(2)
Rabbi Don Yoel Levy(5)
Mr. Nathan Lewin(20)
Mr. Roger A. Lewis(1)
Mr. Leon Leyson(1)
Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Liberow(1)
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman(8)
Mrs. Hadassah Lieberman(1)
Rabbi Mendel Lieberman(1)
Rabbi Mendel Lifshitz(1)
Mrs. Chana Lipsker(1)
Mrs. Rivka Lipskier(2)
Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon(1)
Sal Litvak(3)
Mrs. Tzipi Livni(1)
Gil Locks(1)
Dr. Kate Miriam Loewenthal(1)
Honorable Virginia A. Long(5)
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Losh(2)
Rabbi Yitzchok Loewenthal(2)
Dr. Asael Lubotzky(1)
Rabbi Hershel Lustig(1)
Mrs. Sara Labkowski(3)
Mrs. Henya Laine(1)
Mr. Uzi Landau(1)
Ruth Landsman(3)
Dr. John C. LaRosa(1)
Chief Rabbi David Lau(1)
Rabbi Yehoshua Laufer(1)
Rabbi Berel Lazar(4)
Mrs. Manya Lazaroff(3)
Dr. Joshua Lederberg(1)
Rabbi Shaul Leiter(4)
Rabbi Yitzchok Lerman(1)
Rabbi Pesach Lerner(1)
Mrs. Dena Levin(1)
Rabbi Berel Levine(2)
Rabbi Meir Levinger(13)
Rabbi Sholom Ber Levitin(1)
Ms. Karen Levitt(1)
Rabbi Shmuel Lew(20)
Alyza Lewin(10)
Avi Liberman(1)
Rabbi Moshe Lieberman(5)
Senator Joseph Lieberman(2)
Jason Lieberman(6)
Professor Yehoushua Liebermann(3)
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar(11)
Rabbi Velvel Lipsker(5)
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier(7)
Professor Deborah Lipstadt(2)
Nina Litvak(1)
Dr. Susan Lobel(2)
Professor Naftali Loewenthal(3)
Mrs. Sara Loewenthal(1)
Mrs. Linda Lourie(1)
Rabbi Ronen Lubitch(2)
Dr. David Luchins(4)
Mrs. Itu Lustig(1)
Mr. David Magerman(4)
Mrs. Sherri Mandell(5)
Rabbi Nissan Mangel(9)
Eli Marcus(2)
Hon. Robert Mark(1)
Rabbi Yochanan Marsow(14)
Rabbi Leonard Matanky(1)
Mrs. Faygie Matusof(1)
Mr. Robert Meeropol(2)
Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn(1)
Rabbi Chaim Mentz(22)
Mr. Robert Messing(3)
Rabbi Yehoshua Metzger(1)
Manny Middleman(1)
Rabbi Chaim Miller(48)
Bella Miller(1)
Roni Milo(1)
Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz(1)
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis(3)
Rabbi Berel Mochkin(1)
Rabbi Ephraim Moscowitz(1)
Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz(1)
Rabbi Chaim Moss(3)
Michael Mukasey(4)
Rabbi Shloma Majeski(8)
Rabbi Seth Mandell(1)
Rabbi Nochum Mangel(1)
Rabbi Yitzchok Marcus(1)
Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz(1)
Mrs. Evonne Marzouk(5)
Rabbi Mendel Matusof(1)
Dr. Jack Mayer(1)
Michael Medved(12)
Mr. Mark Mellman(1)
Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich(3)
Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn(1)
Shimon Mercer-Wood(4)
Rabbi Dr. Alter Metzger(15)
Shmuel Michelle(1)
Chony Milecki(35)
Rabbi Moshe Miller(3)
Harvey Miller(1)
Dr. Ann Millin(1)
Mr. David Mintz(1)
Steve Mittleman(1)
Mrs. Patrice Morgan(1)
Rabbi Moshe Moscowitz(1)
Rabbi Aron Moss(3)
Michoel Muchnik(3)
Professor Sheldon Nahmod(2)
Dr. Steven B. Nasatir(1)
Mr. Cary Nelson(3)
Rabbi Yonatan Neril(5)
Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu(4)
Mrs. Leah Neuberger(1)
Rabbi Moshe New(3)
Mrs. Dassie New(1)
Yehoshua November(7)
Mrs. Leah Namdar(1)
Mrs. Helen Nash(1)
Rabbi Zalman Nelson(9)
Mrs. Gheula Nemni(5)
David Nesenoff(3)
Mr. Roy Neuberger(1)
Rabbi Ruvi New(98)
Rabbi Yossi New(19)
Dr. Rona Novick(9)
Rabbi Micha Odenheimer(4)
Mrs. Baila Olidort(4)
Amir Ofer(2)
Dr. Samuel P. Oliner(1)
Mrs. Sara Pachter(1)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel(56)
Mr. Shlomo Pazzy(1)
Dr. Gil Perl(1)
Rabbi Chanoch Piekarski(3)
Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski(4)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson(42)
Rabbi Avrohom Plotkin(2)
Ms. Nina Plunkett(1)
Dr. Alexander Poltorak(10)
Mr. Dennis Prager(27)
Mr. Jon Pushinsky(1)
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel(11)
Dr. Dovid Sholom Pape(1)
Dr. Judea Pearl(1)
Dr. David Pelcovitz(7)
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter(57)
Mr. Steven Perles(3)
Mrs. Esther Piekarski(2)
Rabbi Yehudah Pink(4)
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin(1)
Mrs. Goldie Plotkin(3)
Mrs. Frumeth Hirsh Polasky(1)
Professor Robert Pollack(1)
Dr. Leah Poltorak(1)
Dr. Kathleen E. Powderly(3)
Mr. Martin H. Pritikin(2)
Daniel Pruzansky(1)
Mrs. Racheli Frankel(12)
Mrs. Rona Ramon(1)
Mrs. Gitty Rapoport(3)
Yanky Raskin(7)
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman(37)
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman(2)
Dr. Lawrence Resnick(1)
Professor Steven Resnicoff(3)
Mrs. Miriam Rhodes(2)
Rabbi Avi Richler(1)
Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin(40)
Mayer Rivkin(1)
Mr. Reuven Rivlin(1)
Rogers Park(17)
Mr. Shmuel (Sami) Rohr(1)
Dr. Asaf Romirowsky(1)
Dr. Mark Rosen(1)
Mr. Yair Rosenberg(1)
Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum(1)
Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld(1)
Mr. Philip Rosenthal(2)
Dr. David Rosmarin(1)
Ms. Susan Rosner(1)
Rabbi Mendel Rubin(1)
Mrs. Shira Ruderman(1)
Rabbi Levi Raices(1)
Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff(3)
Rabbi Benny Rapoport(12)
Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin(16)
Mr. Dan Raviv(2)
Rabbi Hershel Reichman(2)
Dr. Sara Reichman(1)
Rabbi Yona Reiss(12)
Mrs. Molly Resnick(19)
Mr. Harold Rhode(1)
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti(8)
Mrs. Rochel Chana Riven(1)
Professor Robert Blecker(2)
Mr. Scott Rogoff(1)
Mr. George Rohr(1)
Mr. Mark D. Rosen(1)
Rabbi Yosef Rosenberg(1)
Jitschak Rosenbloom(1)
Mrs. Dina Rosenfeld(1)
Rabbi Eli Rosenfeld(1)
Rabbi Yehoshua Rosenstein(1)
Dr. Les Rosenthal(1)
Dr. Fred Rosner(2)
Gaylen Ross(1)
Mr. Irving Roth(1)
Rabbi Mendel Rubenfeld(1)
Jay Ruderman(2)
Dr. Feigie Russ(1)
Rabbi David Sabbah(1)
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks(108)
Dr. Benjamin Safirstein(1)
Rabbi Mendel Samuels(2)
Professor Jonathan Sarna(48)
Mr. Charles Saul(1)
Yisrael Schachter(1)
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro(2)
Professor Lawrence Schiffman(17)
Mrs. Eva Schloss(2)
Judge Jack B. Schmetterer(1)
Rabbi Arthur Schneier(1)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet(147)
Mr. Ari Schonbrun(1)
Mrs. Anita Schorr(1)
Rabbi Simeon Schreiber(1)
Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman(1)
Mrs. Chana Baila Schwartz(1)
Professor Don Seeman(2)
Rabbi Yosef Serebryanski(1)
Mrs. Bronya Shaffer(2)
Rabbi Mordechai Shain(1)
Immanuel Shalev(27)
Rabbi Yossi Shanowitz(1)
Rabbi Dovi Shapiro(1)
Mrs. Rivkah Sharfstein(1)
Rabbi Yehuda Shemtov(3)
Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov(2)
Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov(2)
Mrs. Nechama Shemtov(1)
Rabbi Ari Shishler(6)
Dr. Bernie S. Siegel(1)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg(215)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein(132)
Rabbi Zushe Silberstein(1)
Rabbi Elya Silfen(3)
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz(9)
Rabbi Yossi Simpson(2)
Mrs. Ilana Skolnik(1)
Rabbi Yosef Slavin(123)
Dr. Richard Sloan(1)
Rabbi Yossi Smierc(2)
Rabbi Eliezer Sneiderman(14)
Dr. Alfred Sofer(2)
Rabbi Moshe Spalter(3)
Rabbi Yisroel Spalter(1)
Mrs. Mina Sputz(1)
Rabbi Yossi Srugo(5)
Professor Avraham Steinberg(7)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz(137)
Dr. Harvey Stern(1)
Rabbi Avraham Sternberg(1)
Rabbi Avraham Stolik(1)
Mrs. Bracha Stuart(1)
Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin(3)
Mr. David Suissa(1)
Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov(5)
Mr. David Sacks(6)
Aviel Saket(6)
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels(4)
Mrs. Eva Sandler(1)
Dr. Leonard Saxe(4)
Rabbi Nochum Schapiro(1)
Rabbi Leibel Schapiro(2)
Donald C. Schiller(1)
Rabbi Norman Schloss(2)
Rabbi Menachem Schmidt(1)
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet(33)
Mrs. Menucha Schochet(1)
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch(52)
Mrs. Peninnah Schram(3)
Mrs. Frady Schwartz(2)
Professor Anthony Sebok(1)
Rabbi Michoel Seligson(3)
Dr. Stephen Serbin(3)
Mr. Yisroel Serok(1)
Mrs. Faigy Shagalow(1)
Ambassador Gabriela Shalev(1)
Yair Shamir(1)
Mr. Natan Sharansky(3)
Rabbi Zelig Sharfstein(1)
Mrs. Ora Sheinson(2)
Rabbi Levi Shemtov(2)
Rabbi Bentzy Shemtov(54)
Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov(5)
Rabbi Shraga Sherman(113)
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman(33)
Rabbi Burt Siegel(1)
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg(20)
Rabbi Alon Silberg(3)
Dr. Chana Silberstein(9)
Chef Jack Silberstein(4)
Rabbi Avrohom Silverstein(1)
Mrs. Clara Simon(1)
Troye Sivan(2)
Mrs. Chana Slavaticki(2)
Mrs. Goldie Slavin(9)
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim(57)
Mr. Stephen Smith(1)
Rabbi Ari Sollish(19)
Mr. Steven Solrash(1)
Mrs. Rivkie Spalter(1)
James Sprayregen(1)
Mrs. Eidle Sputz(3)
Rabbi Sholom Stambler(1)
Rabbi Adam Stein(1)
Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz(1)
Mrs. Estee Stern(1)
Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg(1)
Mrs. Esther Sternberg(1)
Mrs. Pearl Stroh(1)
Mr. Robert Stutman(1)
Mr. Myron Sugerman(1)
Dr. Yisroel Suskind(2)
Mr. David Tang(1)
Rabbi Shais Taub(87)
Rabbi Yisroel Meir Tauber(2)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor(45)
Rabbi Tuvia Teldon(2)
Mrs. Beruriah Tenenbaum(1)
Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel(1)
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer(2)
Rabbi Eliezer Touber(1)
Dr. Stephen R. Treat(2)
Dr. Tevi Troy(4)
Ms. Inna Tsimerman(1)
Mrs. Tsyrl Turen(3)
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski(15)
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik(91)
Mr. James Taranto(1)
Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger(1)
Rabbi Yehuda Teichtel(1)
Mrs. Chaya Teldon(27)
Rabbi Dr. Moshe David Tendler(1)
Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus(1)
Mrs. Goldie Tiechtel(1)
Mr. Ronn Torossian(1)
Rabbi Eli Touger(3)
Professor Gil Troy(1)
Mr. Tzveten Tsvetanov(1)
Mr. Scott Turow(1)
Baruch Tzfasman(3)
Rabbi Yoseph Vigler(5)
Mrs. Tziporah Vogel(1)
Mr. Alan Veingrad(1)
Rabbi Dovid Vigler(1)
Mr. Lev Virine(1)
Dr. Suzanne Vromen(1)
Rabbi Yaakov Wagner(3)
Mr. Justin P. Walder(5)
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein(1)
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz(1)
Rabbi Ilan Weinberg(1)
Mrs. Eva Weiner(1)
Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld(1)
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb(7)
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein(90)
Mrs. Chana Weisberg(6)
Bentzy Weiss(1)
David Weiss(7)
Rabbi Moshe Weiss(5)
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman(1)
Mr. Gary Wexler(2)
Rabbi Moshe Wiener(1)
Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm(1)
Rabbi Moshe Wilhelm(1)
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski(3)
Rabbi Zushe Winner(1)
Rabbi Yosef Baruch Wircberg(1)
Professor Ruth Wisse(4)
Rabbi Eli Wolf(1)
Mrs. Chanie Wolf(1)
Rabbi Menachem Wolf(11)
R. James Woolsey(1)
Rabbi Yitzchok Wagshul(11)
Dr. Bruce Arlen Wasserman(1)
Captain Tzvi (Hank) Webb(6)
Rabbi Yosef Weinberg(1)
Mrs. Shainie Weingarten(1)
Rabbi Simcha Weinstein(1)
Rabbi Elie Weinstock(5)
Chief Rabbi Binyomin Weiss(1)
Dr. Ira Weiss(1)
Rabbi Dr. Richard Weiss(2)
Andrew Weissler(1)
Mrs. Malka Werde(1)
Rabbi Yisroel Noach Wichnin(6)
Elie Wiesel(1)
Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm(2)
Rabbi Mordechai Willig(1)
Rabbi Sholom Ber Wineberg(4)
Mrs. Naomi Winner(3)
Rabbi Laibl Wolf(19)
Rabbi Reuven Wolf(12)
Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger(1)
Professor Jeffrey Woolf(3)
Mr. Aryeh Wuensch(1)
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe(65)
Mrs. Miriam Yerushalmi(2)
Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef(1)
Mrs. Fraidy Yanover(4)
Mrs. Fay Yemini(1)
Moshe Yess(2)
Mrs. Faigy Yusewitz(3)
Rabbi Shloime Zacks(1)
Mr. Leibel Zisman(5)
Member of Knesset Miki Zohar(1)
Rabbi Elimelech Zweibel(1)
Dr. Shlomo Zimmerman(1)
Mrs. Myrna Zisman(1)
Nachshon Zohari(1)
Rabbi David Aaron(114)
Rabbi Michael Abehsera(1)
Rabbi Zalman Abraham(11)
Mrs. Leah Abraham(8)
Dr. Lewis Abrams(1)
Dr. Henry Abramson(90)
Mrs. Susy Adler(1)
Dr. Judith Ahronheim(1)
Dr. Michael Akerman(3)
Governor George Allen(1)
Mr. Dan Alon(1)
Rabbi Yisroel Altein(1)
Mrs. Shterna Althaus(1)
Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar(1)
Chanie Apfelbaum(4)
Mr. Dan Arbell(2)
Rabbi Raphael Aron(1)
Mr. John Assaraf(1)
Mr. Norman Atkins(1)
Dr. Amy Austin(12)
Rabbi Avraham Feigelstock(1)
Mr. Shahar Azani(6)
Mr. Bruce Backman(2)
Nir Barkat(1)
Mrs. Chanie Baron(2)
Dr. Howard Baum(1)
Rabbi Ira Bedzow(3)
Member of Knesset Benny Begin(1)
Mr. Howard Behar(2)
Rabbi Berel Bell(125)
Mrs. Laurel G. Bellows(1)
Dr. Tammi Benjamin(1)
Joseph Bensmihen(1)
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein(32)
Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman(2)
Justice Richard H. Bernstein(11)
Yirmeyahu Bindman(1)
Mrs. Miri Birk(1)
Rabbi Yosef Blau(2)
Rabbi Benjamin Blech(13)
Rabbi Chaim Block(20)
Rabbi David Block(19)
Rabbi Sholom Ber Bloom(7)
Dr. Norman Blumenthal(2)
Mrs. Sara Bluming(1)
Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky(2)
Rabbi Tuvia Bolton(2)
Rabbi Herbert Bomzer(2)
Mr. Andrew Borans(1)
Rabbi Daniel Bortz(2)
Mr. Benjamin Brafman(4)
Moshe Braun(4)
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz(46)
Rabbi Chaim Brickman(1)
Dr. Erica Brown(3)
Mrs. Sorele Brownstein(1)
Mrs. Channah S. Broyde(1)
Mrs. Eileen Bruskewitz(2)
Mrs. Shula Bryski(4)
Shaiky Bukiet(4)
Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka(4)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman(7)
Rabbi Benzion Butman(1)
Rabbi Yechiel Cagan(1)
Dr. Charles Cantonese(1)
Mrs. Joanne Caras(1)
Rabbi Yossi Chazan(4)
Rabbi Shlomie Chein(3)
Dr. Michael Chighel(59)
Aaron Ciechanover(1)
Mrs. Carol Clingan(1)
Rabbi Mendy Cohen(62)
Mrs. Yehudis Cohen(1)
Rabbi Danny Cohen(7)
Mr. Randy Cohen(13)
Rabbi Alfred Cohen(1)
Rabbi Dovid Cohen(2)
Mrs. Esther Cohen(4)
Miriam Chana Cooperman(2)
Mrs. Mary Cramer(1)
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe(23)
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin(1)
Mr. Howard P. Danzig(1)
Mordechai Ben David(9)
Ms. Lenore Davis Esq.(1)
Ms. Suri Davis-Stern(1)
8th Day(17)
Rabbi Shalom Deitsch(2)
Rabbi Shalom Denbo(1)
Rabbi Yisrael Deren(13)
Dr. Risa Dickson(1)
Rabbi Shmuel Dishon(3)
Mr. Sam Domb(1)
Mr. Steven Drizin(2)
Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky(2)
Mr. Avraham Duvdevani(1)
Mr. Mordecai Dzikansky(1)
Rabbi Yisroel Edelman(1)
Rabbi Cheski Edelman(3)
Mr. Yuli Edelstein(3)
Dr. Jacob Eisenbach(2)
General Effi Eitam(1)
Mr. David Elderbaum(1)
Rabbi Baruch Epstein(5)
Mrs. Chavi Epstein(1)
Izzy Ezagui(1)
Professor John J. Farmer(8)
Rabbi Asher Federman(1)
Mr. Douglas J. Feith(1)
Mr. Barry G. Felder(1)
Chef Yaakov Feldman(3)
Rabbi Ronnie Fine(5)
Dudu Fisher(25)
Mrs. Lynda Fishman(1)
Mrs. Rochel Flikshtein(3)
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein(4)
Rabbi David Fohrman(6)
Rabbi Donny Frank(1)
Mrs. Shira Frank(1)
Shimon Frankel(1)
Rabbi Tzvi Freeman(7)
Rabbi Dr. Aharon Hersh Fried(1)
Rabbi Yisroel Fried(4)
Ambassador David Friedman(1)
Dr. Amy L. Friedman(1)
Mrs. Gila Gamliel(1)
Rabbi Levi Garelik(2)
Burt Gershater(1)
Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner(4)
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh(29)
Mr. Howard Glasser(3)
Rifka Glatz(1)
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gluckowsky(3)
Mr. Randy Gold(1)
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg(1)
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Goldfeder(1)
Rabbi Yossy Goldman(2)
Professor Ari L. Goldman(1)
Hon. Mark Goldsmith(1)
Jake Goldstein(1)
Rabbi Reuven Goldstein(2)
Mr. Tamir Goodman(8)
Dr. Daniel Gordis(1)
Max Gordon(1)
Rabbi Zushe Gorelik(1)
Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried(1)
Mrs. Sara Chana Gourarie(1)
Dr. Richard Grazi(1)
Rabbi Dov Greenberg(43)
Mrs. Esty Greenberg(1)
Dr. Jon Greenberg(2)
Dr. Mindy Greenstein(1)
Professor Stephen Greenwald(3)
Rabbi Moshe Grossbaum(1)
Dr. Miriam Grossman(1)
Refael Grossman(1)
Mrs. Shternie Gruzman(1)
Mrs. Leah Gurary(1)
Aryeh Gurewitz(2)
Dr. Jeffrey Gurock(2)
Rabbi Mendy Gutnick(1)
Mrs. Louise Hager(1)
Mrs. Devorah Halberstam(1)
Mr. Yossi Klein Halevi(1)
Mrs. Elaine Hamilton(1)
Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka(6)
Ms. Basya Hans(1)
Ruby Harris(1)
Honorable Katharine Sweeney Hayden(9)
Dr. Gill Heart(1)
Rabbi J.J. Hecht(1)
Rabbi Meir Hecht(1)
Professor Michael A. Helfand(5)
Mrs. Dina Hendel(1)
Rabbi Moshe Herson(2)
Rabbi Avrohom Hertz(1)
Mrs. Kesem Mia Hetsrony(1)
Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein(2)
Dr. Barry Holzer(2)
Mrs. Nechama Hordiner(1)
Rabbi Yitzi Horowitz(1)
Governor Mike Huckabee(1)
Mr. Mark Isaacson(1)
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks(4)
Dr. Robert Jacobs(1)
Rabbi YY Jacobson(87)
Mrs. Tzivia Jacobson(1)
Rabbi Yonason Johnson(2)
Mrs. Rivki Jungreis(1)
General Avigdor Kahalani(2)
Elaine Kahn(1)
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson(36)
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky(1)
Rabbi Mattis Kantor(2)
Rabbi Levi Kaplan(50)
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan(12)
Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan(1)
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan(13)
Mrs. Sarah Kaplan(2)
Mr. Seth Kaplan(3)
Rabbi Uri Kaploun(1)
Mr. Eyal Karoutchi(1)
Hon. Andrew Kauffman(1)
Dr. Mordechai Kedar(1)
Rabbi Dovid Kievman(1)
Justice Thomas L. Kilbride(1)
Dr. Shmuel Klatzkin(6)
Rabbi Levi Klein(1)
Rabbi Yonatan Knopp(1)
Yaakov Baruch Komaiko(2)
Rabbi Pinchas Korf(1)
Mrs. Sarah Korn(3)
Mrs. Esther Kosofsky(1)
Mrs. Rivkah Kotlarsky(2)
Dr. Marc Kramer(4)
Mrs. Chanie Krasnianski(1)
Mr. Simcha Krause(1)
Mrs. Devorie Kreiman(1)
Mr. William Kristol(3)
Dr. Yizhak Kupfer(1)
Mrs. Nechama Laber(1)
Mrs. Chana Labkowski(1)
Rabbi Aaron Laine(2)
Mr. Stephen J. Landes(1)
Mrs. Laurie Lans(4)
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau(24)
Mrs. Fran Laufer(1)
Mrs. Estelle Laughlin(2)
Dr. Jason Lazar(1)
Mr. Hershel Lazaroff(3)
Rabbi Shaltiel Lebovic(1)
Dr. Simcha Leibovich(5)
Rabbi Boruch Lesches(1)
Rabbi Yosef Levin(1)
Professor Jack Levin(1)
Professor Samuel J. Levine(5)
Rabbi Yechiel S. Levitansky(1)
Mr. Matthew Levitt(2)
Rabbi Don Yoel Levy(5)
Mr. Nathan Lewin(20)
Mr. Roger A. Lewis(1)
Mr. Leon Leyson(1)
Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Liberow(1)
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman(8)
Mrs. Hadassah Lieberman(1)
Rabbi Mendel Lieberman(1)
Rabbi Mendel Lifshitz(1)
Mrs. Chana Lipsker(1)
Mrs. Rivka Lipskier(2)
Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon(1)
Sal Litvak(3)
Mrs. Tzipi Livni(1)
Gil Locks(1)
Dr. Kate Miriam Loewenthal(1)
Honorable Virginia A. Long(5)
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Losh(2)
Rabbi Yitzchok Loewenthal(2)
Dr. Asael Lubotzky(1)
Rabbi Hershel Lustig(1)
Mr. David Magerman(4)
Mrs. Sherri Mandell(5)
Rabbi Nissan Mangel(9)
Eli Marcus(2)
Hon. Robert Mark(1)
Rabbi Yochanan Marsow(14)
Rabbi Leonard Matanky(1)
Mrs. Faygie Matusof(1)
Mr. Robert Meeropol(2)
Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn(1)
Rabbi Chaim Mentz(22)
Mr. Robert Messing(3)
Rabbi Yehoshua Metzger(1)
Manny Middleman(1)
Rabbi Chaim Miller(48)
Bella Miller(1)
Roni Milo(1)
Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz(1)
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis(3)
Rabbi Berel Mochkin(1)
Rabbi Ephraim Moscowitz(1)
Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz(1)
Rabbi Chaim Moss(3)
Michael Mukasey(4)
Mrs. Leah Namdar(1)
Mrs. Helen Nash(1)
Rabbi Zalman Nelson(9)
Mrs. Gheula Nemni(5)
David Nesenoff(3)
Mr. Roy Neuberger(1)
Rabbi Ruvi New(98)
Rabbi Yossi New(19)
Dr. Rona Novick(9)
Amir Ofer(2)
Dr. Samuel P. Oliner(1)
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel(11)
Dr. Dovid Sholom Pape(1)
Dr. Judea Pearl(1)
Dr. David Pelcovitz(7)
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter(57)
Mr. Steven Perles(3)
Mrs. Esther Piekarski(2)
Rabbi Yehudah Pink(4)
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin(1)
Mrs. Goldie Plotkin(3)
Mrs. Frumeth Hirsh Polasky(1)
Professor Robert Pollack(1)
Dr. Leah Poltorak(1)
Dr. Kathleen E. Powderly(3)
Mr. Martin H. Pritikin(2)
Daniel Pruzansky(1)
Mrs. Racheli Frankel(12)
Mrs. Rona Ramon(1)
Mrs. Gitty Rapoport(3)
Yanky Raskin(7)
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman(37)
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman(2)
Dr. Lawrence Resnick(1)
Professor Steven Resnicoff(3)
Mrs. Miriam Rhodes(2)
Rabbi Avi Richler(1)
Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin(40)
Mayer Rivkin(1)
Mr. Reuven Rivlin(1)
Rogers Park(17)
Mr. Shmuel (Sami) Rohr(1)
Dr. Asaf Romirowsky(1)
Dr. Mark Rosen(1)
Mr. Yair Rosenberg(1)
Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum(1)
Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld(1)
Mr. Philip Rosenthal(2)
Dr. David Rosmarin(1)
Ms. Susan Rosner(1)
Rabbi Mendel Rubin(1)
Mrs. Shira Ruderman(1)
Rabbi David Sabbah(1)
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks(108)
Dr. Benjamin Safirstein(1)
Rabbi Mendel Samuels(2)
Professor Jonathan Sarna(48)
Mr. Charles Saul(1)
Yisrael Schachter(1)
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro(2)
Professor Lawrence Schiffman(17)
Mrs. Eva Schloss(2)
Judge Jack B. Schmetterer(1)
Rabbi Arthur Schneier(1)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet(147)
Mr. Ari Schonbrun(1)
Mrs. Anita Schorr(1)
Rabbi Simeon Schreiber(1)
Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman(1)
Mrs. Chana Baila Schwartz(1)
Professor Don Seeman(2)
Rabbi Yosef Serebryanski(1)
Mrs. Bronya Shaffer(2)
Rabbi Mordechai Shain(1)
Immanuel Shalev(27)
Rabbi Yossi Shanowitz(1)
Rabbi Dovi Shapiro(1)
Mrs. Rivkah Sharfstein(1)
Rabbi Yehuda Shemtov(3)
Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov(2)
Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov(2)
Mrs. Nechama Shemtov(1)
Rabbi Ari Shishler(6)
Dr. Bernie S. Siegel(1)
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg(215)
Rabbi Eli Silberstein(132)
Rabbi Zushe Silberstein(1)
Rabbi Elya Silfen(3)
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz(9)
Rabbi Yossi Simpson(2)
Mrs. Ilana Skolnik(1)
Rabbi Yosef Slavin(123)
Dr. Richard Sloan(1)
Rabbi Yossi Smierc(2)
Rabbi Eliezer Sneiderman(14)
Dr. Alfred Sofer(2)
Rabbi Moshe Spalter(3)
Rabbi Yisroel Spalter(1)
Mrs. Mina Sputz(1)
Rabbi Yossi Srugo(5)
Professor Avraham Steinberg(7)
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz(137)
Dr. Harvey Stern(1)
Rabbi Avraham Sternberg(1)
Rabbi Avraham Stolik(1)
Mrs. Bracha Stuart(1)
Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin(3)
Mr. David Suissa(1)
Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov(5)
Mr. James Taranto(1)
Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger(1)
Rabbi Yehuda Teichtel(1)
Mrs. Chaya Teldon(27)
Rabbi Dr. Moshe David Tendler(1)
Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus(1)
Mrs. Goldie Tiechtel(1)
Mr. Ronn Torossian(1)
Rabbi Eli Touger(3)
Professor Gil Troy(1)
Mr. Tzveten Tsvetanov(1)
Mr. Scott Turow(1)
Baruch Tzfasman(3)
Rabbi Yoseph Vigler(5)
Mrs. Tziporah Vogel(1)
Rabbi Yaakov Wagner(3)
Mr. Justin P. Walder(5)
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein(1)
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz(1)
Rabbi Ilan Weinberg(1)
Mrs. Eva Weiner(1)
Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld(1)
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb(7)
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein(90)
Mrs. Chana Weisberg(6)
Bentzy Weiss(1)
David Weiss(7)
Rabbi Moshe Weiss(5)
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman(1)
Mr. Gary Wexler(2)
Rabbi Moshe Wiener(1)
Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm(1)
Rabbi Moshe Wilhelm(1)
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski(3)
Rabbi Zushe Winner(1)
Rabbi Yosef Baruch Wircberg(1)
Professor Ruth Wisse(4)
Rabbi Eli Wolf(1)
Mrs. Chanie Wolf(1)
Rabbi Menachem Wolf(11)
R. James Woolsey(1)
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe(65)
Mrs. Miriam Yerushalmi(2)
Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef(1)
Rabbi Shloime Zacks(1)
Mr. Leibel Zisman(5)
Member of Knesset Miki Zohar(1)
Rabbi Elimelech Zweibel(1)
Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie(1)
Rabbi Dr. Abraham S. Abraham(1)
Mr. Robert Abrams(1)
Rabbi Yonasan Abrams(1)
Cantor Shai Abramson(2)
Steve Adubato(4)
Dr. Lisa Aiken(12)
Mrs. Devorah Alevsky(4)
Ms. Rebecca Alexander(1)
Mr. Doron Almog(2)
Dr. Mark Altabet(1)
Mrs. Miriam Althaus(1)
Rabbi Chay Amar(5)
Rabbi Pinny Andrusier(1)
Dr. Angelo Aquista(1)
Professor Dan Ariely(1)
Yarim Ashkenazi(1)
Professor Yisrael (Robert) Aumann(1)
Ambassador Yehuda Avner(2)
Mrs. Sarah Avtzon(1)
Rabbi Yechiel Baitelman(2)
Rabbi Yacov Barber(11)
Rabbi Hillel Baron(3)
Mrs. Carole Basri(1)
Mr. Glenn Beck(1)
Mrs. Leah Bedzowki - Johnson(1)
Benny Begun(1)
Mrs. Chana Leah Bekerman(4)
Mrs. Devorah Bell(1)
Dr. Michael Ben-Avie(2)
Dr. Aaron Bennett(1)
Mrs. Nechama Berenchtain(1)
Dr. Adena K. Berkowitz(1)
Chief Rabbi Gilles Bernheim(1)
Mrs. Nira Berry(1)
Rabbi Dovid Birk(4)
Darren Birnie(1)
Mrs. Sara Blau(2)
Rabbi Mendel Blau(1)
Mrs. Ella Blesofsky(1)
Mrs. Rivkie Block(1)
Rabbi Eli Block(1)
Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz(1)
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming(10)
Mr. Gennady Bogolyubov(1)
Mrs. Etty Bogomilsky(2)
Mr. John Bolton(2)
Cory Booker(1)
Dr. Robert Bornstein(1)
Dr. Joann Bradley(1)
Rabbi Kenneth Brander(4)
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer(6)
Rabbi Dovid Bressman(1)
Rabbi Sholom Brodt(1)
Mr. David T. Brown(1)
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde(28)
Rabbi Moshe Bryski(23)
Rabbi Alter Bukiet(1)
Professor Baruch Bush(1)
Mrs. Mashie Butman(2)
Rabbi Velvl Butman(3)
Mr. Robert Cait(2)
Rep. Eric Cantor(1)
Mr. Rick Carrier(1)
Member of Knesset Yoel Chasson(2)
Rabbi Chaim Chazan(1)
Honorable Stanley R. Chesler(4)
Professor Adam Chodorow(1)
Rabbi Yehuda Clapman(3)
Chief Rabbi Shaar Yashuv Cohen(1)
Mrs. Batsheva Cohen(2)
Cantor Simon Cohen(1)
Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen(4)
Rabbi Simcha Cohen(121)
Sarah Cohen(1)
Mrs. Holly Cohen(3)
Mendy Cole(1)
Rabbi Shimon Cowen(1)
Rabbi Asher Crispe(46)
Michael Critchley Sr.(4)
Mr. Danny Danon(2)
Rabbi Chaim Danzinger(1)
Mr. Yuval David(1)
Mrs. Stacy Davis(1)
Mr. Greg Dawson(1)
Mr. Danny Dayan(2)
Dr. Gerald W. Deas(1)
Rabbi Nechemia Deitsch(1)
Mrs. Shelly Dembe(1)
Rabbi Moishe Denburg(1)
Mrs. Maryashi Deren(1)
Professor Alan Dershowitz(1)
Honorable Grace Dickler(1)
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman(13)
Rabbi Saul Djanogly(1)
Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov(14)
Dr. Glenn Dynner(6)
Reuben Ebrahimoff(1)
Rabbi Dovid Edelman(2)
Mr. Jay Edelson(1)
Mr. Ami Eden(1)
Rabbi Yaakov M. Eisenbach(1)
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg(5)
Dr. Arieh Eldad(1)
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie(66)
Mrs. Chaya Epstein(4)
Mrs. Chana Epstein(3)
Rabbi Mordechai Eskovitz(1)
Mendel Ezagui(1)
Rabbi Leibel Fajnland(4)
Rabbi Shlomo Farhi(10)
Mr. Kenneth Feinberg(3)
Rabbi Yaakov Feitman(1)
Mrs. Rivi Feldman(2)
Professor Jan Feldman(4)
Rabbi Yaakov Fellig(2)
Dr. Miriam H. Feuerman(2)
Dr. Hans Fischer(1)
Dr. Talya Fishman(1)
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum(4)
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman(18)
Dr. Lachlan Forrow(1)
Mr. Ben Frank(1)
Mrs. Helen Freedman(1)
Mrs. Malky Freund(2)
Rabbi Shimon Freundlich(2)
Avraham Fried(5)
Rabbi Manis Friedman(183)
Benny Friedman(35)
Dr. Eli Friedman(2)
Mr. Daniel Friedmann(10)
Rabbi Yosef Gansburg(1)
Rabbi Yakov Garfinkel(3)
Professor David Gelernter(1)
Mrs. Rivka Marga Gestetner(1)
Mrs. Shternie Ginsberg(1)
Rabbi Yonatan Glass(4)
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt(1)
Miss Caroline Glick(1)
Professor Lewis Glinert(17)
Mrs. Julie Gniwisch(3)
Rabbi Yaakov Goldberg(2)
Mr. Charles Goldberg(1)
Phil Goldig(2)
Mrs. Rochel Goldman(2)
Rabbi Yosef Goldstein(1)
Chaplain Jacob Goldstein(6)
Mrs. Brooke Goldstein(1)
Mr. Don Zusya Goodman(1)
Rabbi Sholom Gopin(1)
Mr. Bradley Gordon(3)
Rabbi Yossi Gordon(1)
Matisyahu Goren(1)
Mrs. Frumma Gottlieb(11)
Rabbi Moshe Leib Gray(1)
Yehuda Green(8)
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg(11)
Rabbi Sholom Greenberg(1)
Dr. Velvl Greene(2)
Rabbi Chaim Greisman(2)
Rabbi Leibel Groner(3)
Dr. Barbara Grossman(3)
Dr. Michael Grossman(3)
Sheryl Grossman(11)
Rabbi Berel Gurary(1)
Rabbi Dovid Gurevich(3)
Rabbi Lazer Gurkow(17)
Rabbi Mordechai Guth(4)
Rabbi Dovid Gutnick(1)
Mr. David Haivri(1)
Professor Malvina Halberstam(1)
Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Halperin(2)
MK Tzachi Hanegbi(1)
Charlie Harary(37)
Mrs. Tamar Hashimi(1)
Mrs. Rivkah Leah Hazan(1)
Rabbi Shea Hecht(20)
Rabbi Sholom Ber Hecht(1)
Dr. Robert Hedaya(1)
Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot(5)
Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz(2)
Rabbi Baruch Hertz(1)
Mrs. Carolyn Hessel(4)
Mrs. Barbara Hines(1)
Mr. Gil Hoffman(1)
Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner(3)
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz(9)
Honorable Justice Joel D. Horton(1)
Mrs. Dina Hurwitz(2)
Dr. Miriam Isaacs(1)
Rabbi Yossi Ives(3)
Dr. Charles Jacobs(1)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson(98)
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson(14)
Mendi Jerufi(1)
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis(1)
Dr. Alan Kadish(2)
Rabbi Yoel Kahn(2)
Meir Kalmanson(1)
Mrs. Chani Kaminetzky(1)
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor(2)
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan(15)
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan(22)
Mrs. Rochel Kaplan(3)
Mr. Richard L. Kaplan(1)
Mrs. Chana Kaplan(1)
Mrs. Sarah Karmely(4)
Rebbetzin Shifra Shula Kazen(1)
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen(4)
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum(37)
Dr. Samuel Klagsbrun(1)
Michel Klein(1)
Professor Robert M. Kliegman(1)
Mr. Jacob Kolton(1)
Professor Eugene Kontorovich(2)
Rabbi Avrohom Korf(1)
Rabbi Dov Yona Korn(3)
Dr. Diana Korzenik(1)
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky(18)
Mr. Robert Krakow(2)
Dr. Sarah Kranz-Ciment(1)
Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski(15)
Rabbi Moshe Krasnianski(4)
Moshe Kravitsky(1)
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky(16)
Leslie Kulick(1)
Rabbi Menachem Kutner(1)
Mrs. Sara Labkowski(3)
Mrs. Henya Laine(1)
Mr. Uzi Landau(1)
Ruth Landsman(3)
Dr. John C. LaRosa(1)
Chief Rabbi David Lau(1)
Rabbi Yehoshua Laufer(1)
Rabbi Berel Lazar(4)
Mrs. Manya Lazaroff(3)
Dr. Joshua Lederberg(1)
Rabbi Shaul Leiter(4)
Rabbi Yitzchok Lerman(1)
Rabbi Pesach Lerner(1)
Mrs. Dena Levin(1)
Rabbi Berel Levine(2)
Rabbi Meir Levinger(13)
Rabbi Sholom Ber Levitin(1)
Ms. Karen Levitt(1)
Rabbi Shmuel Lew(20)
Alyza Lewin(10)
Avi Liberman(1)
Rabbi Moshe Lieberman(5)
Senator Joseph Lieberman(2)
Jason Lieberman(6)
Professor Yehoushua Liebermann(3)
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar(11)
Rabbi Velvel Lipsker(5)
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier(7)
Professor Deborah Lipstadt(2)
Nina Litvak(1)
Dr. Susan Lobel(2)
Professor Naftali Loewenthal(3)
Mrs. Sara Loewenthal(1)
Mrs. Linda Lourie(1)
Rabbi Ronen Lubitch(2)
Dr. David Luchins(4)
Mrs. Itu Lustig(1)
Rabbi Shloma Majeski(8)
Rabbi Seth Mandell(1)
Rabbi Nochum Mangel(1)
Rabbi Yitzchok Marcus(1)
Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz(1)
Mrs. Evonne Marzouk(5)
Rabbi Mendel Matusof(1)
Dr. Jack Mayer(1)
Michael Medved(12)
Mr. Mark Mellman(1)
Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich(3)
Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn(1)
Shimon Mercer-Wood(4)
Rabbi Dr. Alter Metzger(15)
Shmuel Michelle(1)
Chony Milecki(35)
Rabbi Moshe Miller(3)
Harvey Miller(1)
Dr. Ann Millin(1)
Mr. David Mintz(1)
Steve Mittleman(1)
Mrs. Patrice Morgan(1)
Rabbi Moshe Moscowitz(1)
Rabbi Aron Moss(3)
Michoel Muchnik(3)
Professor Sheldon Nahmod(2)
Dr. Steven B. Nasatir(1)
Mr. Cary Nelson(3)
Rabbi Yonatan Neril(5)
Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu(4)
Mrs. Leah Neuberger(1)
Rabbi Moshe New(3)
Mrs. Dassie New(1)
Yehoshua November(7)
Rabbi Micha Odenheimer(4)
Mrs. Baila Olidort(4)
Mrs. Sara Pachter(1)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel(56)
Mr. Shlomo Pazzy(1)
Dr. Gil Perl(1)
Rabbi Chanoch Piekarski(3)
Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski(4)
Rabbi DovBer Pinson(42)
Rabbi Avrohom Plotkin(2)
Ms. Nina Plunkett(1)
Dr. Alexander Poltorak(10)
Mr. Dennis Prager(27)
Mr. Jon Pushinsky(1)
Rabbi Levi Raices(1)
Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff(3)
Rabbi Benny Rapoport(12)
Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin(16)
Mr. Dan Raviv(2)
Rabbi Hershel Reichman(2)
Dr. Sara Reichman(1)
Rabbi Yona Reiss(12)
Mrs. Molly Resnick(19)
Mr. Harold Rhode(1)
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti(8)
Mrs. Rochel Chana Riven(1)
Professor Robert Blecker(2)
Mr. Scott Rogoff(1)
Mr. George Rohr(1)
Mr. Mark D. Rosen(1)
Rabbi Yosef Rosenberg(1)
Jitschak Rosenbloom(1)
Mrs. Dina Rosenfeld(1)
Rabbi Eli Rosenfeld(1)
Rabbi Yehoshua Rosenstein(1)
Dr. Les Rosenthal(1)
Dr. Fred Rosner(2)
Gaylen Ross(1)
Mr. Irving Roth(1)
Rabbi Mendel Rubenfeld(1)
Jay Ruderman(2)
Dr. Feigie Russ(1)
Mr. David Sacks(6)
Aviel Saket(6)
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels(4)
Mrs. Eva Sandler(1)
Dr. Leonard Saxe(4)
Rabbi Nochum Schapiro(1)
Rabbi Leibel Schapiro(2)
Donald C. Schiller(1)
Rabbi Norman Schloss(2)
Rabbi Menachem Schmidt(1)
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet(33)
Mrs. Menucha Schochet(1)
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch(52)
Mrs. Peninnah Schram(3)
Mrs. Frady Schwartz(2)
Professor Anthony Sebok(1)
Rabbi Michoel Seligson(3)
Dr. Stephen Serbin(3)
Mr. Yisroel Serok(1)
Mrs. Faigy Shagalow(1)
Ambassador Gabriela Shalev(1)
Yair Shamir(1)
Mr. Natan Sharansky(3)
Rabbi Zelig Sharfstein(1)
Mrs. Ora Sheinson(2)
Rabbi Levi Shemtov(2)
Rabbi Bentzy Shemtov(54)
Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov(5)
Rabbi Shraga Sherman(113)
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman(33)
Rabbi Burt Siegel(1)
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg(20)
Rabbi Alon Silberg(3)
Dr. Chana Silberstein(9)
Chef Jack Silberstein(4)
Rabbi Avrohom Silverstein(1)
Mrs. Clara Simon(1)
Troye Sivan(2)
Mrs. Chana Slavaticki(2)
Mrs. Goldie Slavin(9)
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim(57)
Mr. Stephen Smith(1)
Rabbi Ari Sollish(19)
Mr. Steven Solrash(1)
Mrs. Rivkie Spalter(1)
James Sprayregen(1)
Mrs. Eidle Sputz(3)
Rabbi Sholom Stambler(1)
Rabbi Adam Stein(1)
Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz(1)
Mrs. Estee Stern(1)
Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg(1)
Mrs. Esther Sternberg(1)
Mrs. Pearl Stroh(1)
Mr. Robert Stutman(1)
Mr. Myron Sugerman(1)
Dr. Yisroel Suskind(2)
Mr. David Tang(1)
Rabbi Shais Taub(87)
Rabbi Yisroel Meir Tauber(2)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor(45)
Rabbi Tuvia Teldon(2)
Mrs. Beruriah Tenenbaum(1)
Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel(1)
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer(2)
Rabbi Eliezer Touber(1)
Dr. Stephen R. Treat(2)
Dr. Tevi Troy(4)
Ms. Inna Tsimerman(1)
Mrs. Tsyrl Turen(3)
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski(15)
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik(91)
Mr. Alan Veingrad(1)
Rabbi Dovid Vigler(1)
Mr. Lev Virine(1)
Dr. Suzanne Vromen(1)
Rabbi Yitzchok Wagshul(11)
Dr. Bruce Arlen Wasserman(1)
Captain Tzvi (Hank) Webb(6)
Rabbi Yosef Weinberg(1)
Mrs. Shainie Weingarten(1)
Rabbi Simcha Weinstein(1)
Rabbi Elie Weinstock(5)
Chief Rabbi Binyomin Weiss(1)
Dr. Ira Weiss(1)
Rabbi Dr. Richard Weiss(2)
Andrew Weissler(1)
Mrs. Malka Werde(1)
Rabbi Yisroel Noach Wichnin(6)
Elie Wiesel(1)
Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm(2)
Rabbi Mordechai Willig(1)
Rabbi Sholom Ber Wineberg(4)
Mrs. Naomi Winner(3)
Rabbi Laibl Wolf(19)
Rabbi Reuven Wolf(12)
Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger(1)
Professor Jeffrey Woolf(3)
Mr. Aryeh Wuensch(1)
Mrs. Fraidy Yanover(4)
Mrs. Fay Yemini(1)
Moshe Yess(2)
Mrs. Faigy Yusewitz(3)
Dr. Shlomo Zimmerman(1)
Mrs. Myrna Zisman(1)
Nachshon Zohari(1)
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Rabbi David Aaron
Founder and dean of Isralight
Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie
Rabbi, doctor, lecturer
Rabbi Michael Abehsera
Macrobiotic specialist, civil engineer, author and lecturer
Mrs. Chaya Abelsky
Rabbi Zalman Abraham
Ordained as a Rabbi in Israel by the Chief Rabbinate and as…
Rabbi Dr. Abraham S. Abraham
World renowned physician and leading expert on the halachic…
Mrs. Leah Abraham
Motivational speaker, educator, and spiritual mentor
Mr. Robert Abrams
Former Bronx Borough President, Assemblyman, and NYS…
Dr. Lewis Abrams
Rabbi Yonasan Abrams
Rabbi at Chabad of Temecula in California
Dr. Henry Abramson
Dean of Touro College in Miami Beach, Dr. Abramson authored …
Cantor Shai Abramson
IDF chief Cantor
Mrs. Susy Adler
Director, Gan Chamesh Early Childhood Program
Steve Adubato
Dr. Steve Adubato, is an American author, broadcaster,…
Dr. Judith Ahronheim
Doctor specializing in Geriatric and Internal Medicine
Dr. Lisa Aiken
Author and clinical psychologist
Dr. Michael Akerman
Director of Asthma and COPD Care and the Pulmonary Exercise…
Mrs. Devorah Alevsky
Chabad emissary in Cleveland, Mrs. Alevsky's expertise are…
Mrs. Sara Alevsky
Ms. Rebecca Alexander
Psychotherapist and author
Governor George Allen
Former Senator and Governor of Virginia, Governor Allen is…
Mr. Doron Almog
Major Almog is a decorated soldier who founded several…
Mr. Dan Alon
Author and former Olympian in the 1972 Summer Olympics, Dan…
Dr. Mark Altabet
Professor at the School of Marine Science and Technology at…
Rabbi Yisroel Altein
Co-director of Chabad Outreach in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mrs. Miriam Althaus
Mrs Althaus is a Kallah teacher in Melbourne and is involved…
Mrs. Shterna Althaus
Judge Roy Altman
United States district judge
Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar
Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Amar served as head of…
Rabbi Chay Amar
Rabbi Chay Amar (pronounced Shai Amar) is a famous lecturer…
Dr. Anne Andrew
Author, consultant, and former principal
Rabbi Pinny Andrusier
Co-director of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Broward in…
Chanie Apfelbaum
Chanie's creative twists on old time cuisine prove that…
Dr. Angelo Aquista
Mr. Dan Arbell
25-year veteran of the Israeli Foreign Service and deputy…
Professor Dan Ariely
Bestselling author and professor of psychology and…
Rabbi Raphael Aron
Rabbi Raphael Aron is a counselor and therapist who has…
Yarim Ashkenazi
Mr. John Assaraf
Best selling author and entrepreneur, John helps coach small…
Mrs. Sharone Assouline
Mr. Norman Atkins
Co-Founder and CEO of Teacher U, Norman specializes in urban…
Professor Yisrael (Robert) Aumann
Nobel Prize winner for his game-theory analysis, Professor…
Dr. Amy Austin
Ambassador Yehuda Avner
Author of several Israeli History Books, Ambassador Avner…
Rabbi Avraham Feigelstock
Rav and Head of British Columbia Beth Din
Mrs. Sarah Avtzon
Sarah works with special education and established a sensory…
Mr. Shahar Azani
Shahar is a Lawyer who has served in several public offices…
Mrs. Joyce Azria
Mr. Bruce Backman
Coordinator at the National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yechiel Baitelman
Director at Chabad of Richmond
Mrs. Chanie Baitelman
Rabbi Yacov Barber
Rabbi Yacov Barber is a Dayan in the interim Melbourne Beth…
Nir Barkat
Member of Knesset, and former mayor of Jerusalem
Rabbi Hillel Baron
Rabbi at the Lubavitch Center for Jewish Education in Howard…
Mrs. Chanie Baron
Mrs. Carole Basri
Jewish American filmmaker and lawyer
Dr. Howard Baum
Mr. Glenn Beck
Conservative talk radio host, blogger, and author, Glenn…
Rabbi Ira Bedzow
Ira is Senior Scholar for the Aspen Center for Social Values…
Mrs. Leah Bedzowki - Johnson
One of the partisans portrayed in the movie "Defiance", she…
Member of Knesset Benny Begin
Member of the Knesset from the Likud party
Benny Begun
Mr. Howard Behar
Former senior executive at Starbucks, Howard helped create…
Mrs. Chana Leah Bekerman
Rabbi Berel Bell
Rabbi Bell is a Dayan at the Rabbinical Court of Montreal…
Mrs. Devorah Bell
Mrs. Bell is a shluchah in Montreal and is an editor for…
Mrs. Laurel G. Bellows
American Bar Association President 2012-2013
Dr. Michael Ben-Avie
Dr. Michael Ben-Avie is an academic psychologist with…
Dr. Tammi Benjamin
Lecturer at the University of California, Santa Cruz
Dr. Aaron Bennett
Joseph Bensmihen
Speaker, trainer, presenter, and coach
Mrs. Nechama Berenchtain
Dr. Allen Berger
Expert in the science of addiction and recovery
Rabbi Dr. Michael Berger
Professor of Religion at Emory University
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein
Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, a veteran JLI Flagship researcher,…
Dr. Adena K. Berkowitz
Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman
Rabbi Berman is an author of several books on Jewish history…
Chief Rabbi Gilles Bernheim
Appointed Chief Rabbi of France in 2009, Rabbi Bernheim is…
Justice Richard H. Bernstein
Michigan Supreme Court Justice
Mrs. Nira Berry
Laughter and wellness coach
Yirmeyahu Bindman
Yirmeyahu has authored many works on subjects such as…
Rabbi Dovid Birk
A program director at Cornell University in Ithaca, Dovid…
Mrs. Miri Birk
Miri is a program director at Cornell University in Ithaca…
Darren Birnie
Tony Blair
Former PM of the United Kingdom
Mrs. Sara Blau
Educator and author
Rabbi Yosef Blau
Rabbi Blau is a guidance counselor at RIETS and has served…
Rabbi Mendel Blau
Dean of the Chabad school Oholei Torah
Rabbi Benjamin Blech
Rabbi Benjamin Blech is an internationally recognized…
Mrs. Ella Blesofsky
Rabbi Chaim Block
Director of the South Texas Chabad-Lubavitch branch and…
Mrs. Rivkie Block
Education Director of Chabad of South Texas, Mrs. Block has…
Rabbi David Block
Content and Curriculum Developer at Aleph Beta
Rabbi Eli Block
Director of Chabad at Legacy West
Rabbi Sholom Ber Bloom
Lecturer on Jewish history
Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz
Prominent Rabbi and Halachic authority
Dr. Norman Blumenthal
Dr. Norman Blumenthal is a renowned trauma specialist and…
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming
Rabbi Bluming in on the teaching staff at Oholei Torah Boys'…
Mrs. Sara Bluming
Mr. Gennady Bogolyubov
Creator of the Bogolyubov Foundation, a privately-run…
Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky
Author of the Vedibarta Bam series and other acclaimed…
Mrs. Etty Bogomilsky
Rabbi Tuvia Bolton
Co-director and a senior lecturer at Yeshiva Ohr Tmimim in…
Mr. John Bolton
National Security advisor of the United States, former US…
Rabbi Herbert Bomzer
Widely recognized expert in Jewish law
Cory Booker
Cory Anthony Booker is an American politician and the junior…
Mr. Andrew Borans
Executive Director of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
Dr. Robert Bornstein
Rabbi Daniel Bortz
Founder and director of JTEEN of San Diego
Dr. Joann Bradley
Mr. Benjamin Brafman
A lawyer who specializes in white collar criminal defense,…
Rabbi Kenneth Brander
Rabbi Kenneth Brander is the Yeshiva University Vice…
Moshe Braun
Moshe is an artist and sofer. He creates custom designs…
Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Brawer
Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Dr.…
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz
Rabbi in Silver Springs MD and Professor of Law at…
Rabbi Dovid Bressman
Author of "Mezuzah Divine Protection and Blessing"
Rabbi Chaim Brickman
Rabbi Sholom Brodt
Teacher and storyteller at Yeshivas Simchat Shlomo, he has…
Dr. Erica Brown
As a writer and educator, Dr. Brown has authored several…
Mr. David T. Brown
Mrs. Sorele Brownstein
Sorele Brownstein runs Chabad of Davis, CA, together with…
Rabbi Dr. Michael Broyde
A Professor of Law at Emory University School of Law, He is…
Mrs. Channah S. Broyde
A senior trial attorney for the US Department of Labor, she…
Rabbi Chaim Bruk
Director of Chabad of Montana
Mrs. Eileen Bruskewitz
Rabbi Moshe Bryski
Director of Chabad of the Conejo in Agoura Hills, CA
Mrs. Shula Bryski
Co-director of Chabad of Thousand Oaks
Mrs. Chani Bukiet
Shaiky Bukiet
Advocate on behalf of people with special needs
Rabbi Alter Bukiet
Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka
Author, Professor
Professor Baruch Bush
Professor at Hofstra University School of Law and originator…
Rabbi Shmuel Butman
Director of the Lubavitch Youth Organization and L'Chaim…
Mrs. Mashie Butman
Co-director of Chabad of Cambodia, she is originally from…
Rabbi Benzion Butman
Director at Chabad or Cambodia
Rabbi Velvl Butman
Director of Chabad of Westchester County
Rabbi Yechiel Cagan
Director of the "My Encounter" Project documenting people's…
Mr. Robert Cait
Dr. Charles Cantonese
Rep. Eric Cantor
Former US Representative from Virginia and House Majority…
Mrs. Joanne Caras
Author: "Holocaust Survivor Cookbook", and: "Miracles and…
Mr. Rick Carrier
Rick Carrier fought bravely in World War II. He is best…
Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin
Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton
Naftali Charter
Member of Knesset Yoel Chasson
Member of the Knesset, and Chairman of the Ethics Committee,…
Rabbi Yossi Chazan
Rabbi Chazan is a rabbi and lecturer in northern England and…
Rabbi Chaim Chazan
Rabbi Chazan is a popular teacher, mentor, and lecturer in…
Mrs. Tonia Chazanow
Rabbi Menny Chazanow
Rabbi Shlomie Chein
Director of Chabad at the University of California, Santa…
Rabbi Mordechai Chemel
Manager of Chaplaincy Services
Mrs. Hadassah Chen
Honorable Stanley R. Chesler
Stanley R. Chesler is a United States District Judge for the…
Dr. Michael Chighel
Head of Jewish Studies at Lauder Business School in Vienna,…
Professor Adam Chodorow
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Sandra Day O'Connor…
Aaron Ciechanover
Israeli biologist and Nobel prize winner
Rabbi Yehuda Clapman
Jewish scribe
Mrs. Carol Clingan
Vice president of the Boston Jewish Genealogical Society
Chief Rabbi Shaar Yashuv Cohen
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Haifa, Rabbi Cohen was active in…
Rabbi Mendy Cohen
Founder of the Chabad of Sacramento, which has developed 6…
Mrs. Batsheva Cohen
Mrs Cohen runs the Chabad house in Hebron with her husband…
Mrs. Yehudis Cohen
Student Advisor at Machon Chana Seminary in Brooklyn, Mrs.…
Cantor Simon Cohen
Cantor Cohen is a renowned cantor who studied at the Tel…
Rabbi Danny Cohen
Chabad Shiliach in Hebron, Rabbi Cohen hosts welcome and…
Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen
Founder and director of Institute of Noahide Code
Mr. Randy Cohen
American Emmy Award-winning writer and humorist, Randy is…
Rabbi Simcha Cohen
Rabbi Cohen teaches on the Shluchim Online School and holds…
Rabbi Alfred Cohen
Longtime teacher at the Marsha Stern Talmudical…
Sarah Cohen
Rabbi Dovid Cohen
Rabbinical judge for the Beis Din of America
Mrs. Holly Cohen
Executive director of the Kohelet Foundation
Mrs. Esther Cohen
Mendy Cole
Miriam Chana Cooperman
Rabbi Shimon Cowen
Founding Director of the Institute for Judaism and…
Mrs. Mary Cramer
Rabbi Asher Crispe
Executive Director of, Rabbi Crispe has…
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe
Co-director of, Sara is a speaker of…
Michael Critchley Sr.
Trial attorney
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin
Founder and Director of the Jewish Cultural Museum in…
Mr. Danny Danon
Israel’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Mr. Howard P. Danzig
An attorney in Morristown, NJ, Mr Danzig worked on several…
Rabbi Chaim Danzinger
Director of Chabad in Rostov-on-Don
Mordechai Ben David
American Hasidic Jewish singer and songwriter, he has…
Mr. Yuval David
Actor and performer
Ms. Lenore Davis Esq.
Mrs. Stacy Davis
Ms. Suri Davis-Stern
Mr. Greg Dawson
8th Day
A Jewish Music act, 8th Day uses catchy lyrics in English,…
Mr. Danny Dayan
Consul General of Israel in New York
Dr. George Dean
Doctor and historian
Dr. Gerald W. Deas
Physician, poet, patient advocate, playwright, media…
Rabbi Nechemia Deitsch
Director of Chabad of Midtown Toronto
Rabbi Shalom Deitsch
Director of Chabad of Northern Virginia, Rabbi Deitsch is…
Alter Deitsch
Mrs. Rishe Deitsch
Mrs. Shelly Dembe
Wellness coach
Rabbi Shalom Denbo
Rabbi Moishe Denburg
Director of Chabad of Central Boca Raton, Florida
Rabbi Yisrael Deren
Founder and Director of Chabad of Fairfield County, CT,…
Mrs. Maryashi Deren
Co-director of Chabad of Greenwich, CT, as well as…
Mrs. Zeesy Deren
Professor Alan Dershowitz
Alan Morton Dershowitz is a world famous American lawyer,…
Rabbi Matisyahu Devlin
Honorable Grace Dickler
Judge of the Cook County Judicial Circuit Court Subcircuits
Dr. Risa Dickson
Vice President for Academic Planning and Policy at the…
Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman
Co-director of the curriculum department at JLI
Rabbi Shmuel Dishon
Educational adviser to Yeshiva Karlin in Brooklyn, Rabbi…
Rabbi Saul Djanogly
Owner of a successful wealth management business, Rabbi…
Mr. Sam Domb
A Holocaust survivor, Mr. Domb build a hotel chain in New…
Mr. Saul Dreier
Mr. Steven Drizin
Clinical Professor of Law at North Western University…
Mrs. Pamela Dubin
Jewish activist
Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
Rosh Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim in Morristown, NJ, Rabbi…
Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov
Director of Chabad of South London, Rabbi Dubov attended…
Mr. Avraham Duvdevani
Chair of the World Zionist Organization
Dr. Glenn Dynner
American author and historian
Mr. Mordecai Dzikansky
Retired Detective First Grade, Mr. Dzikansky has worked as…
Reuben Ebrahimoff
“The Haftorahman”
Rabbi Yisroel Edelman
Rabbi of Young Israel-Deerfield Beach, FL, Rabbi Edelman is…
Rabbi Dovid Edelman
Rabbi Edelman OB"M was the director of Chabad in…
Rabbi Cheski Edelman
Director of The Shul Bayside
Mr. Jay Edelson
Attorney and CEO of Edelson PC
Mr. Yuli Edelstein
Yuli Edelstein became the Speaker of the Knesset following…
Mr. Ami Eden
Former Executive Editor of the Forward Newspaper, Mr. Eden…
Dr. Edith Eger
Rabbi Yaakov M. Eisenbach
Kashrus Coordinator for the cRc kosher certification, Rabbi…
Dr. Jacob Eisenbach
Holocaust survivor and motivational speaker
Dr. Daniel Eisenberg
Medical ethics expert, Dr. Eisenberg has lectured and…
General Effi Eitam
Efraim "Effi" Eitam is an Israeli politician and former…
Dr. Arieh Eldad
Knesset member, former Chief Medical Officer of the IDF, and…
Mr. David Elderbaum
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie
Spiritual Leader of Chabad in Yorba Linda, CA
Rabbi Baruch Epstein
Chabad-Lubavitch emissary at the Regional Headquarters of…
Mrs. Chaya Epstein
Chabad emissary to Chicago and founder of 'Women to Women',…
Mrs. Chavi Epstein
Mrs. Chana Epstein
Chana Epstein relies on decades of experience as an M.R.S.,…
Ambassador Gilad Erdan
Rabbi Mordechai Eskovitz
Rabbi Eskovitz is the Rov of the historic Touro Synagogue in…
Mrs. Chaya Rochel Estrin
Rabbi Elie Estrin
Chaplain and author
Rabbi Meni Even Israel
Executive director of the Steinsaltz Center
Mendel Ezagui
Izzy Ezagui
Izzy Ezagui is an American-born one-armed squad commander in…
Rabbi Leibel Fajnland
Director of Chabad of Reston and Herndon, VA, Rabbi Fajnland…
Dr. Henry Falk
Former division director, CDC
Rabbi Shlomo Farhi
Director of Chazak
Professor John J. Farmer
Dean of Rutgers School of Law, Professor Farmer is former…
Mr. Rob Fashler
Rabbi Asher Federman
Director of Chabad in the Virgin Islands, USA
Mr. Kenneth Feinberg
Special Master of the September 11th Victim Compensation…
Mr. Douglas J. Feith
Former Under Secretary of Defense, Mr Feith has been…
Rabbi Yaakov Feitman
Rabbi, speaker and author
Mr. Barry G. Felder
Litigation lawyer
Mrs. Rivi Feldman
Community worker in Crown Heights, she has co-coordinated…
Chef Yaakov Feldman
Professor Jan Feldman
Specializing in political theory and culture, Professor…
Rabbi Getzy Fellig
Rabbi Yaakov Fellig
Director of Chabad of South Dade
Mr. Ben Ferencz
Dr. Miriam H. Feuerman
Adjunct Associate Professor at SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Rabbi Ronnie Fine
Director of Chabad Queen Mary in Montreal, Rabbi Fine is…
Dr. Hans Fischer
Survivor and SS S. Louis passenger, and professor emeritus…
Dudu Fisher
Dudu is a Cantor who has performed in many countries in many…
Dr. Talya Fishman
Professor of religious studies and modern intellectual…
Mrs. Lynda Fishman
Lynda Fishman is a powerful speaker and the author the book…
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum
Rabbi and scholar in the field of medical ethics
Mrs. Rochel Flikshtein
Rochel runs several Jewish women's programs in Deleware…
Rabbi Motti Flikshtein
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein
Director at Chabad of Wilmette, IL
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman
Director of Marketing & Education for OK kashrus and…
Rabbi David Fohrman
Lecturer and principal educator at Aleph Beta Academy
Dr. Lachlan Forrow
Dr. Lachlan Forrow has lectured widely and published…
Rabbi Donny Frank
Rabbi Frank heads the Monsey and Northern NJ branches of…
Mr. Ben Frank
Author of three Jewish travel guides, Ben has traveled since…
Mrs. Shira Frank
Shira Frank has been a social worker for over 30 years.
Mr. Scott Frank
CEO of AT&T Intellectual Property, and co-author of
Shimon Frankel
Head of the English department at Machon Hamikdash
Mrs. Helen Freedman
Executive Director of Americans for a Safe Israel which…
Rabbi Tzvi Freeman
Prolific online writer with many followers, Rabbi Freeman…
Mrs. Malky Freund
Mrs. Sharon Freundel
Rabbi Shimon Freundlich
Founder of Chabad of Beijing, Rabbi Freundlich serves the…
Rabbi Dr. Aharon Hersh Fried
Associate Professor of Psychology and Education at Stern…
Avraham Fried
Popular Jewish musical entertainer, he combines traditional…
Rabbi Yisroel Fried
Adult Education Director of Chabad of the West Side, Rabbi…
Rabbi Manis Friedman
Founder of Bais Chana Institute in Minnesota, he is also an…
Ambassador David Friedman
United States Ambassador to Israel
Benny Friedman
Professional Hasidic Jewish singer
Dr. Amy L. Friedman
Transplant surgeon
Dr. Eli Friedman
Rabbi Yossi Friedman
Mr. Daniel Friedmann
Author (Vancouver, BC)
Mrs. Gila Gamliel
Member of the Knesset for the Likud party and Minister for…
Rabbi Aaron D. Gancz
Senior teacher in Tomchei Temimim Lubavtich Morristown
Mrs. Hensha Gansbourg
Rabbi Yosef Gansburg
Educational Director of Chabad of Ontario, he also serves on…
Rabbi Levi Garelik
Rabbi of a European synagogue close to the EU in Brussels,…
Rabbi Yakov Garfinkel
Teacher at the Lubavitch Educational Center in Miami Beach,…
Mrs. Dana Gavin
Vice President of sales at
Professor David Gelernter
David Hillel Gelernter is an artist, writer, and professor…
Burt Gershater
Licensed professional counselor
Mrs. Rivka Marga Gestetner
Assistant Director of the women's division of Mayanot, she…
Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner
Director of Mayanot Institute in Jerusalem, Rabbi Gestetner…
Mrs. Shternie Ginsberg
Shlucha in Borough Park, Brooklyn, Mrs Ginsberg also runs a…
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh
With an academic career in mathematics and philosophy, and…
Rabbi Yonatan Glass
Rabbi at Synagogue for the Arts on White Street in Tribeca,…
Mr. Howard Glasser
Clinical psychologist, author and creator of The Nurtured…
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt
Author, and vice president of Mercy Medical Center in…
Rifka Glatz
Miss Caroline Glick
Middle East Fellow at the Center for Security Policy in…
Rabbi Yisroel Glick
Teacher of mystical Judaism for real life
Professor Lewis Glinert
Dr. Lewis Glinert is Professor of Hebrew Studies and…
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gluckowsky
Mrs. Julie Gniwisch
President of Delmar jewelers
Mr. Randy Gold
Founder of JScreen
Rabbi Yaakov Goldberg
Heads the Hadar HaTorah Yeshiva in Crown Heights, Rabbi…
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Senior Rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue, Rabbi Goldberg…
Mr. Charles Goldberg
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Goldfeder
Director, National Jewish Advocacy Center
Phil Goldig
Holocaust survivor, and speaker at the Montreal Holocaust…
Rabbi Yossy Goldman
Senior Rabbi of the Sydenham Highlands North Shul in…
Mrs. Rochel Goldman
Rebbetzin in Johannesburg, South Africa, she is the Founder…
Professor Ari L. Goldman
Professor Ari L. Goldman is directs the Scripps Howard…
Rabbi Ovadia Goldman
Director of the Chabad Community Center for Jewish Life and…
Hon. Mark Goldsmith
Judge, US District Court for the Eastern District of…
Rabbi Yosef Goldstein
Rabbi Goldstein has been teaching Jewish Mysticism for 50+…
Mrs. Rivka Goldstein
Chaplain Jacob Goldstein
Former chaplain in the U.S Army
Jake Goldstein
Mrs. Brooke Goldstein
Human rights attorney, author, and award-winning filmmaker
Rabbi Reuven Goldstein
Mr. Don Zusya Goodman
Mr. Goodman is a passionate teacher of the Seven Noahide…
Mr. Tamir Goodman
Dubbed the "Jewish Jordan", Tamir is a basketball star while…
Rabbi Sholom Gopin
Director of Chabad of Lugansk, Ukraine
Dr. Daniel Gordis
Senior Vice President of the Shalem Center, Dr Gordis has…
Mr. Bradley Gordon
Director of Policy and Government Affairs for AIPAC, Mr.…
Max Gordon
Rabbi Yossi Gordon
Rabbi Zushe Gorelik
Rabbi at the Marina Roscha Synagogue and JCC in Moscow,…
Matisyahu Goren
Director of "Mission Driven"
Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried
New York State Assemblyman
Mrs. Frumma Gottlieb
Frumma Gottlieb is a renowned educational mentor and a Torah…
Mrs. Sara Chana Gourarie
Mrs. Gourarie is Co-director of Chabad of Toms River in…
Rabbi Moshe Leib Gray
Rabbi at Chabad House at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH,…
Dr. Richard Grazi
Founder of GENESIS and Director of the Division of…
Yehuda Green
Hasidic Jewish singer, composer, and cantor
Rabbi Dov Greenberg
Director at Chabad of Stanford University, R. Greenberg is…
Rabbi Akiva Greenberg
Of Blessed memory
Mrs. Esty Greenberg
Co-director of Chabad of Alaska, Mrs. Greenberg directs a…
Rabbi Sholom Greenberg
Director of the Shanghai Jewish Center
Dr. Jon Greenberg
Teacher at the Heschel School, Dr. Greenberg is a biologist…
Dr. Velvl Greene
Scholar and a pioneer in exobiology
Dr. Mindy Greenstein
Clinical psychologist and author
Mrs. Chana Greenstein
Amazon operations manager and student at Emory University
Professor Stephen Greenwald
Expert in the field of media and entertainment law
Rabbi Chaim Greisman
Director of Chabad in Stockholm, Rabbi Greisman is…
Mr. Smitty Grider
Clinical Therapist, Eternal Strength Experiential…
Rabbi Leibel Groner
Secretary to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Groner was…
Rabbi Moshe Grossbaum
Director of Chabad of Paramus, NJ, he is also an expert in…
Dr. Barbara Grossman
Dr. Grossman is a licensed therapist who has taken interest…
Dr. Miriam Grossman
A board certified Psychiatrist who speaks on the dangers of…
Dr. Michael Grossman
Medical Director of OC Wellness, Dr Grossman focuses on…
Refael Grossman
Sheryl Grossman
Disability rights advocate
Mrs. Shternie Gruzman
Emissary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Vienna, Austria
Rabbi Berel Gurary
Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Machon Menachem in Boca Raton, FL
Mrs. Leah Gurary
Rabbi Dovid Gurevich
Rabbi Gurevich runs the Chabad at UCLA together with his…
Aryeh Gurewitz
Rabbi Lazer Gurkow
Rabbi Lazer Gurkow is the Rabbi of the Beth Tefilah…
Dr. Jeffrey Gurock
Jeffrey S. Gurock is the Libby M. Klaperman Professor of…
Rabbi Mordechai Guth
Former teacher at Mayanot Institute for Jewish Studies in…
Rabbi Mendy Gutnick
Rabbi of the Chabad Congregation in West Parkland, FL, he…
Rabbi Dovid Gutnick
Rabbi and chaplain
Mrs. Louise Hager
Mr. David Haivri
An Israeli activist, he has a background in radical…
Mrs. Devorah Halberstam
Activist against terror
Professor Malvina Halberstam
Law professor
Mr. Yossi Klein Halevi
American-born Israeli author and journalist
Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Halperin
Rabbi, physician, scientist, and chief officer of medical…
Mrs. Elaine Hamilton
MK Tzachi Hanegbi
Official involved in several realms of Israeli security, MK…
Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka
Rabbinic Coordinator for the OK kosher certification, he has…
Rabbi Chaim Hanoka
Ms. Basya Hans
Social media content creator
Charlie Harary
Chairman of the Greater NY NCSY, Mr. Harary has held…
Dr. Jill Harkavy-Friedman
Psychologist and researcher on a mission to prevent suicide
Mrs. Nechama Harlig
Ruby Harris
Blues violinist who has performed sold-out concerts in NY,…
Mrs. Tamar Hashimi
Honorable Katharine Sweeney Hayden
U.S. District Court Judge for the District of NJ, she sits…
Mrs. Rivkah Leah Hazan
Dr. Gill Heart
Medical device entrepreneur, Dr. Heart teaches seminars on…
Rabbi Shea Hecht
Chairman of the Board of NCFJE, which protects, feeds, and…
Rabbi J.J. Hecht
Rabbi Hecht was the Rabbi of Congregation Meir Simcha…
Rabbi Sholom Ber Hecht
Chairman of the NCFJE, he is an educator, mentor, writer,…
Rabbi Meir Hecht
Director of the JLI Chicago branch
Dr. Robert Hedaya
Psychiatrist and clinical professor at Georgetown University…
Professor Michael A. Helfand
Author, lecturer, and expert on religious law and religious…
Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot
Cantor at the Park East Synagogue in NYC, Cantor Helfgot …
Mrs. Dina Hendel
Co-director of Chabad of Baka, she leads a variety of…
Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz
Rabbi, Israeli politician, and mathematician, he has won…
Rabbi Moshe Herson
Soft-spoken and gentle, Rabbi Herson is a Torah Scholar,…
Rabbi Baruch Hertz
Halachic authority and leader of Congregation B'nei Ruven in…
Rabbi Avrohom Hertz
Director of Chabad of Bensonhurst, and teacher at the Oholei…
Mrs. Carolyn Hessel
Director of the National Jewish Book Council
Mrs. Kesem Mia Hetsrony
Emissary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Houston, Texas
Mrs. Barbara Hines
International artist
Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein
Malcolm Hoenlein is the executive vice chairman of the…
Mr. Gil Hoffman
Chief correspondent and analyst for the Jerusalem Post, he…
Dr. Barry Holzer
Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner
Co-director of Chabad of Las Olas, she holds a MS in Brain…
Mrs. Nechama Hordiner
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
Founder and Dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam of Monsey, he also…
Rabbi Yitzi Horowitz
Honorable Justice Joel D. Horton
Idaho Supreme Court Judge, Justice Horton also served as a…
Governor Mike Huckabee
Host of The Mike Huckabee Show and former governor, he also…
Mrs. Dina Hurwitz
Motivational and inspiring speaker
Cantor Aryeh Leib Hurwitz
Dr. Miriam Isaacs
Mr. Mark Isaacson
CEO of Great Court Capitol, LLC, he manages the investment…
Rabbi Yossi Ives
Rabbi of the Richmond Synagogue in London, he has written on…
Rabbi Avrohom Jacks
Rabbi of Congregation Zichron Kedoshim in Montreal, Rabbi…
Dr. Charles Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs is involved in several organizations including…
Dr. Robert Jacobs
Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Author of Toward a Meaningful Life and the publisher of The…
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Premier Jewish scholars in Torah and Jewish mysticism
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson
Director of JLI's women's studies division, the Rosh Chodesh…
Mrs. Tzivia Jacobson
Charismatic lecturer, co-founder of the Algemeiner Journal
Mendi Jerufi
Israeli singer
Rabbi Yonason Johnson
Dean of Kollel Menachem and the Director of Adult Education…
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
As a Holocaust survivor, she devoted herself to combating…
Mrs. Rivki Jungreis
Psychotherapist, a sand play therapist, and EMDR clinician…
Dr. Alan Kadish
Clinical researcher and writer
General Avigdor Kahalani
Avigdor Kahalani is a retired brigadier general of the IDF…
Rabbi Yoel Kahn
Lead editor of Sefer Ha'erechim, he memorized and…
Elaine Kahn
Meir Kalmanson
Internet personality
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson
Rabbi of Beit Baruch and director of Chabad of Belgravia,…
Mrs. Chana Kalmenson
Yekusiel JD Kalmenson
Mrs. Hindi Kalmenson
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky
Chief Rabbi of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Mrs. Chani Kaminetzky
Co-director of Chabad in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Rabbi Mattis Kantor
Author of several well known Jewish books, he is the retired…
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor
Chief Rabbi of Bangkok, Thailand, Rabbi Kantor is there for…
Rabbi Levi Kaplan
Veteran educator and cantor
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan
Director of Chabad in Maryland, Rabbi Kaplan is also…
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan
Chairman of the Merkos National Accreditation Board and vice…
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Founder of Chabad@Flamingo, Rabbi Kaplan is also the Chaplan…
Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan
Teacher at the Oholei Torah Talmudical Seminary
Mrs. Rochel Kaplan
A dynamic speaker, she runs Lubavitch of Maryland with her…
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan
Senior lecturer at Mayanot Yeshiva since its inception, he…
Mr. Richard L. Kaplan
Expert on U.S. tax policy
Mrs. Sarah Kaplan
Mrs. Sarah Kaplan and her late husband, Rabbi Leible Kaplan,…
Mrs. Chana Kaplan
Mr. Seth Kaplan
Professorial lecturer
Dr. Rivka Kaplan
Rabbi Uri Kaploun
Mrs. Sarah Karmely
Director of Sha'arei Tovah Talmud Torah and co-editor of…
Mr. Eyal Karoutchi
Part of the staff at Acsent in Safed, he has studied n…
Mr. Yaakov Katz
Editor-in-Chief of The Jerusalem Post
Hon. Andrew Kauffman
Retired Judge
Rebbetzin Shifra Shula Kazen
Rebbetzin Kazen has been an educator in Cleveland, OH, for…
Dr. Mordechai Kedar
Mordechai Kedar is an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature…
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen
Author of Permission to Believe, and several other books,…
Louis Kemp
Mr. Daniel Kestenbaum
Daniel has been involved in the fields of rare books, fine…
Rabbi Dovid Kievman
Based in Crown Heights, He has taught for years at United…
Rabbi Ari Kievman
Justice Thomas L. Kilbride
Judge on the Supreme Court of Illinois
Chef Levana Kirschenbaum
Owner of a successful Manhattan restaurant, she has created…
Sergeant Scott Kivet
Dr. Samuel Klagsbrun
Specializing in psychological disorders, Dr. Klagsbrun has…
Dr. Shmuel Klatzkin
Rabbi in Chabad of Greater Dayton, Ohio, he works on many…
Michel Klein
Rabbi Levi Klein
Director of Chabad of Tennessee
Mrs. Rivka Klein
Dr. Miriam Klein-Kasenoff
Professor Robert M. Kliegman
Professor and Chair Emeritus, Department of Pediatrics,…
Rabbi Yonatan Knopp
Administrator of the Mayanot Institute in Jerusalem, which…
Mr. Jacob Kolton
Of blessed memory
Yaakov Baruch Komaiko
Professor Eugene Kontorovich
Expert in international law, He teaches at Northwestern…
Rabbi Pinchas Korf
Chassidic scholar and spiritual mentor
Rabbi Avrohom Korf
Director of Merkos Lubavitch of Florida and dean of…
Rabbi Pesachya Korf
Rabbi Dov Yona Korn
Rabbi of the Chabad of NYU, he is from a secular background…
Mrs. Sarah Korn
Co-director of Chabad of NYU, which opened an 8,000 sq ft…
Dr. Diana Korzenik
Boston Professor Emerita, Massachusetts College of Art
Mrs. Esther Kosofsky
Director of Resource Center for Jewish Education of Western…
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky
Vice Chairman of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, he is also…
Mrs. Rivkah Kotlarsky
Teacher at Bais Rivkah High School, she also teaches "Food…
Mr. Robert Krakow
Film director
Dr. Marc Kramer
Dr. Sarah Kranz-Ciment
Project Director at Ruderman Chabad Inclusion Initiative…
Dr. Jeffrey Kranzler
Social worker and speaker
Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski
Director of Chabad of the Upper East Side of Manhattan, he…
Mrs. Chanie Krasnianski
Mrs. Krasnianski directs the preschool of Chabad of the…
Rabbi Moshe Krasnianski
Mr. Simcha Krause
Speaker, entertainer and author
Moshe Kravitsky
Moshe Kravitsky composed the song "Fallen Angels" after the…
Mrs. Devorie Kreiman
Now an educational consultant, she served as principal of…
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky
Spokesperson of the Chabad movement, he directs the Kehot…
Mr. William Kristol
Political commentator and founder of "The Weekly Standard"
Leslie Kulick
Dr. Yizhak Kupfer
Physician, specializes in pulmonary & critical care
Rabbi Menachem Kutner
Director of the Chabad Terror Victims Project
Mrs. Nechama Laber
Co-director of Chabad of S. Rensselaer County, she has been…
Mrs. Sara Labkowski
Founder and Executive Director of Machon Chana Women's…
Mrs. Chana Labkowski
Mrs Labkowski is a pre-school director and resides in Crown…
Mrs. Henya Laine
A world renowned teacher and speaker, she is an expert on…
Rabbi Aaron Laine
Rabbi in Panama and author of
Mr. Uzi Landau
A member of Yisrael Beieinu party and member of the Knesset,…
Mr. Stephen J. Landes
Ruth Landsman
A preschool teacher in Beth Rivka of Crown Heights, she is…
Mrs. Laurie Lans
Former Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy…
Dr. John C. LaRosa
Former president of SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau
Former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel and of Tel Aviv, he…
Chief Rabbi David Lau
Rabbi David Baruch Lau is the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of…
Mrs. Fran Laufer
Designer and Founding President of the Rivkah Laufer Bikur…
Rabbi Yehoshua Laufer
Director of Chabad of Rhode Island, Rabbi Laufer runs many…
Mrs. Estelle Laughlin
Holocaust survivor and volunteer at the United States…
Rabbi Berel Lazar
Chief Rabbi of Russia, he rebuilt the firebombed Marina…
Dr. Jason Lazar
Rabbi Moshe Lazar
Mr. Hershel Lazaroff
Director of the Center for the Advancement of Creativity and…
Mrs. Manya Lazaroff
Director of the Rohr Chabad Jewish Center at Texas A&M…
Rabbi Shaltiel Lebovic
Director of the nonprofit company Go Kosher, he koshers…
Dr. Joshua Lederberg
Nobel prize winning molecular biologist
Dr. Simcha Leibovich
Dr. Simcha Leibovich is the North American Representative of…
Rabbi Shaul Leiter
As Director of Ascent in Tzfat, Rabbi Leiter gives classes…
Dr. Renee Lerche
Rabbi Yitzchok Lerman
Director of Chabad of the Meadowlands
Rabbi Yossi Lerman
Director of Chabad of Gwinnett, and the co-author of
Rabbi Pesach Lerner
Executive Vice President Emeritus of the National Council of…
Rabbi Boruch Lesches
Rabbi of K'hal Tzemach Tzedek Lubavitch of Monsey, he was a…
Mr. Mike Leven
Author, activist, and philanthropist
Rabbi Yosef Levin
Director of Chabad of Greater South Bay Palo Alto
Mrs. Dena Levin
Director of Chabad of Greater South Bay Palo Alto
Professor Jack Levin
Rabbi Berel Levine
Rabbi Levine is the curator and archivist at the Rebbe's…
Professor Samuel J. Levine
Director of the Jewish Law Institute at Touro Law Center…
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Director of the Women's Program at Mayanot in Jerusalem,…
Rabbi Yechiel S. Levitansky
Rabbi and spiritual Director of the Jewish Community of…
Rabbi Sholom Ber Levitin
Chabad of Washington, Director
Mr. Matthew Levitt
Author and Counterterrorism expert
Ms. Karen Levitt
Director of Business Ventures (Vancouver, BC)
Rabbi Don Yoel Levy
Former CEO of OK Kosher Certification Company
Rabbi Shmuel Lew
Senior Chabad Emissary to London, Rabbi Lew spent many years…
Mr. Nathan Lewin
Nathan (Nat) Lewin is a renowned lawyer and leader of the…
Alyza Lewin
Lawyer and partner at Lewin & Lewin, LLP
Mr. Roger A. Lewis
Mrs. Bev Saltzman Lewyn
Mr. Leon Leyson
As the youngest worker in Oscar Schindler's factory, Leib…
Avi Liberman
Comedian and commercial actor
Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Liberow
Director of Chabad of Southern Colorado, he provides Kosher…
Rabbi Moshe Lieberman
Director of Chabad in Newton, MA, Rabbi Lieberman is also…
Mrs. Sarah Lieberman
As a educator from Brooklyn, she has taught for years at…
Senator Joseph Lieberman
Former US Senator from Connecticut, he is the first Orthodox…
Mrs. Hadassah Lieberman
Former Chairman of the Ambassador's Ball for the National…
Jason Lieberman
Public speaker and advocate for people with disabilities
Rabbi Mendel Lieberman
Director of the Chai Ashkelon Institute
Professor Yehoushua Liebermann
Dean of Graduate School of Business Administration in…
Rabbi Mendel Lifshitz
Director of Chabad Lubavitch of Idaho in Boise, ID
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
Founder of "The Shul of Bal Harbour" and the Landow Yeshiva…
Mrs. Chanie Lipskar
Rabbi Velvel Lipsker
Rabbi at Rabbinical College of Greater Miami, he lectures on…
Mrs. Chana Lipsker
Educator in the Beis Rivkah girls school in Crown Heights
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier
Co-director of the Chabad Student Center at Emory…
Mrs. Rivka Lipskier
Professor Deborah Lipstadt
Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon
Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon is the Rabbi of Chabad in Park…
Stephanie Liss
Sal Litvak
The "Accidental Talmudist"
Nina Litvak
Co-manager of the "Accidental Talmudist" community
Mrs. Tzipi Livni
Lawyer and former lieutenant in the Israeli Defense Forces,…
Dr. Susan Lobel
Gil Locks
Former US Marine, he mans the tefillin stand every day at…
Professor Naftali Loewenthal
With a PhD on Chassidism, he directs the Chabad Research…
Dr. Kate Miriam Loewenthal
Emeritus Professor of Psychology in London University, she…
Mrs. Sara Loewenthal
Co-director of Chabad of South Kensington in Central London,…
Honorable Virginia A. Long
Formerly on the NJ Supreme Court, she was also the Director…
Rabbi Aharon Loschak
Director of Young Jewish Professionals of Brooklyn, Writer,…
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Losh
An amateur astronomer and one of the gabbaim in 770, he…
Mrs. Linda Lourie
Rabbi Yitzchok Loewenthal
Director of Chabad of Denmark
Rabbi Ronen Lubitch
Spiritual leader of Nir Etzion
Dr. Asael Lubotzky
Former platoon Commander in the IDF’s Golani Brigadec
Dr. David Luchins
Chair of the Political Science Department at Touro College,…
Rabbi Hershel Lustig
Served as principal of Oholei Torah for over 40 years
Mrs. Itu Lustig
Mr. David Magerman
President and founder of the Kohelet Foundation
Rabbi Shloma Majeski
Dean of Machon Chana Women's Institute, he is also the…
Rabbi Yanky Majesky
Mrs. Shelly Ateret Man
Mrs. Sherri Mandell
Founder of the Koby Mandell Foundation, Mrs. Mandell has…
Rabbi Seth Mandell
Founder of Camp Koby, and the Koby Mandell Foundation
Rabbi Nissan Mangel
Translator of the Tanya and the Tehillat Hashem prayer book,…
Rabbi Nochum Mangel
Director of Chabad of Greater Dayton, Ohio, he is a popular…
Leibel Mangel
Rabbi Yitzchok Marcus
Eli Marcus
Chassidic singer
Rabbi Yossi Marcus
Hon. Robert Mark
A Judge in Southern Florida US Bankruptcy Court, he…
Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz
Teacher in Morristown and Monsey, he is an educational…
Rabbi Yochanan Marsow
Head of Bais Menachem Mendel Yeshiva and founder of Kollel…
Mrs. Evonne Marzouk
Founder of Canfei Nesharim: Sustainable Living Inspired by…
Rabbi Leonard Matanky
Serves on the boards of numerous Rabbinical and Jewish…
Rabbi Mendel Matusof
Director of Chabad of University of Wisconsin
Mrs. Faygie Matusof
Dr. Jack Mayer
Pediatrician and a writer
Mrs. Felicia Mayer
Director of Operations for the JScreen program
Michael Medved
A radio talk show host on politics and pop culture, He is…
Mr. Robert Meeropol
Activist, author and public speaker
Mr. Mark Mellman
Bernadette Melnyk
Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich
Jewish refusenik from the former Soviet Union, also known as…
Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn
Teacher and emissary, she started a girl's school in…
Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn
Director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Wyoming
Rabbi Chaim Mentz
Host of "Basic Judaism" in the 80's and the "Rabbi Mentz…
Shimon Mercer-Wood
Spokesman and consul for media affairs at the Consulate…
Mr. Robert Messing
Robert Messing graduated Clark University with a BA in…
Rabbi Dr. Alter Metzger
Professor at Stern College, he is the author of several…
Rabbi Yehoshua Metzger
Founder and director of Chabad of Midtown Manhattan
Shmuel Michelle
Manny Middleman
Chony Milecki
Rabbi Chaim Miller
Author of the Gutnick Edition of the Chumash and an…
Rabbi Moshe Miller
Translator of The Zohar, Vol. 1, he also wrote the JLI…
Dr. Lisa Miller
Clinical psychologist and author
Harvey Miller
Bella Miller
Dr. Ann Millin
Roni Milo
Former Knesset member and mayor of Tel Aviv
Rabbi Hirshy Minkowicz
Director of Chabad of North Fulton, Georgia
Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz
Principal of Beis Rivkah Academy in Montreal, Canada
Mr. David Mintz
Tofutti CEO and founder
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth
Steve Mittleman
Rabbi Berel Mochkin
Head Shliach of Montreal, he is a renowned educator giving…
Mrs. Patrice Morgan
Consultant for Brienza Academic Advantage, she is a special…
Rabbi Ephraim Moscowitz
Rabbi Moshe Moscowitz
Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz
Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz was the regional director of the…
Rabbi Mendel Moskowitz
Rabbi Chaim Moss
Judaic Studies Program Director at the Mayanot Institute in…
Rabbi Aron Moss
Rabbi of the Nefesh Community in Sydney, Australia
Rabbi Yitzchok Moully
Michoel Muchnik
A Jewish artist with depictions of traditional and mystical…
Michael Mukasey
Michael B Mukasey is a partner at the international law firm…
Professor Sheldon Nahmod
Mrs. Leah Namdar
Co-director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Sweden
Dr. Steven B. Nasatir
President of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of…
Mrs. Helen Nash
Mrs. Faith Neice
Rabbi Zalman Nelson
licensed social worker and trained addictions counselor, he…
Mr. Cary Nelson
Jubilee Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the…
Mrs. Gheula Nemni
Professor and novelist
Rabbi Yonatan Neril
Graduate of Stanford University with focus on environmental…
David Nesenoff
American Rabbi, independent filmmaker, and…
Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu
Former Prime Minister of Israel
Mr. Roy Neuberger
Author of "From Central Park to Sinai", he has worked as a…
Mrs. Leah Neuberger
Leah instructs Kallahs and works on Shidduchim while staying…
Rabbi Ruvi New
Director of Chabad of East Boca in Boca Raton, FL, he is the…
Rabbi Moshe New
Rabbi New heads the Montreal Torah Center and is a sought…
Rabbi Yossi New
Director of Chabad of Georgia
Mrs. Dassie New
Mrs. Dassie New is the founder and Director of the Chaya…
Dr. Andrew Newberg
Yehoshua November
Dr. Rona Novick
Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education (New York, NY),…
Rabbi Micha Odenheimer
Founder of the Israeli Association for Ethiopian Jewry, he…
Amir Ofer
The first IDF soldier to enter the airport terminal in the…
Mrs. Baila Olidort
Editor of Lubavitch International
Dr. Samuel P. Oliner
Founder of the Altruistic Personality and Pro-social…
Mrs. Sara Pachter
Sara Pachter is a writer, journalist, and motivational…
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel
Chabad of Port Washigton Director
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Co-founder of "Inside Judaism" and teacher
Dr. Dovid Sholom Pape
Author of children's books, he is editor of the popular…
Mr. Shlomo Pazzy
Dr. Judea Pearl
Computer Science Researcher and Professor (Los Angeles, CA)
Dr. Sigrid Pechenik
Dr. David Pelcovitz
Professor of psychology and education
Rabbi Yossi Pels
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter
Founder of Shul by the Shore in Long Beach, CA, he is a…
Dr. Gil Perl
Author and lecturer
Mr. Steven Perles
Attorney and founder of the Perles Law Firm, P.C.
Rabbi Chanoch Piekarski
Adult Education Director of Casa Chabad of Bogota, Columbia,…
Mrs. Esther Piekarski
Principal of Pnimiyut Seminary, she is also a premarital…
Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski
Author of Tosfos in English, he is also a Judge on the…
Rabbi Yehudah Pink
Rabbi of the Solihull Hebrew Congregation Thursday Club in…
Rabbi DovBer Pinson
Rosh Yeshiva of IYYUN Kollel and Yeshiva, he is also the…
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
Rabbi, writer, lecturer, counselor, and author of more than…
Rabbi Avrohom Plotkin
Director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Markham, Ontario
Mrs. Goldie Plotkin
Director of Chabad of Markham in Thornhill, Ontario, and…
Ms. Nina Plunkett
Mrs. Frumeth Hirsh Polasky
Rabbi Berel Polityko
Writer at the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.
Professor Robert Pollack
Professor of Biological Sciences and author
Dr. Alexander Poltorak
Founder of General Patent Corporation, he is a theoretical…
Dr. Leah Poltorak
Executive Vice President of Ryogen, a genomic company, she…
Mr. Eyal Postelnik
Dr. Kathleen E. Powderly
Director of the John Conley Division of Medical Ethics and…
Mr. Dennis Prager
Respected radio talk show host in LA, he has engaged in much…
Mr. Martin H. Pritikin
Dean of Concord Law School at Kaplan University
Mrs. Dassie Prus
Daniel Pruzansky
Voice soloist, pianist and clarinetist
Mr. Jon Pushinsky
Defense attorney
Mrs. Racheli Frankel
Dean of Students at the Nishmat Center for Advanced Torah…
Rabbi Levi Raices
Director of the Yeshiva (Ketana) in Kharkov, Ukraine
Rabbi Sholom Raichik
Co-director of Chabad of Upper Montgomery County in…
Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff
Author and teacher
Mrs. Rona Ramon
Widow of Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli Astronaut, who was in…
Rabbi Benny Rapoport
Director of Chabad Jewish Discovery Center in Clarks Summit,…
Mrs. Gitty Rapoport
Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin
Rabbi of B'nai Avraham Synagogue in Brooklyn Heights, he is…
Yanky Raskin
Mr. Dan Raviv
American journalist
Hillary Regelman
Rabbi Hershel Reichman
Rosh Yeshiva of R. Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, he…
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman
Professor of Emergency Medicine and of Education and…
Dr. Sara Reichman
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman
Inspirational speaker, writer, and coach
Rabbi Yona Reiss
Former Director of the Beth Din of America.
Hillary Rekelman
Mrs. Molly Resnick
A veteran newswoman, she is the founder of the grassroots…
Dr. Lawrence Resnick
Rebbe's personal doctor, expert and innovative researcher in…
Rabbi Raleigh Resnick
Professor Steven Resnicoff
Professor at DePaul University College of Law
Mr. Harold Rhode
American specialist on the Middle East
Mrs. Miriam Rhodes
Graduate of Cornell and UC Berkley, she made aliyah and…
Rabbi Yisrael Rice
Rabbi Avi Richler
Director of Chabad of Gloucester County, NJ
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti
Director of a teacher training program in Brooklyn, he has…
Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin
Founder of Ohr Torah Colleges and Graduate Programs, he is…
Mrs. Rochel Chana Riven
Mrs Riven is a writer, editor, and teacher living in Crown…
Mayer Rivkin
Real estate developer, Mayer has also pursued a passion in…
Rabbi Mendel Rivkin
Mr. Reuven Rivlin
A lawyer by trade, Reuven currently serves as the 10th…
Professor Robert Blecker
Rogers Park
American Hasidic folk rock duo
Mr. Scott Rogoff
Mr. Shmuel (Sami) Rohr
Born in Berlin, He later built his fortune in South America…
Mr. George Rohr
American businessman and philanthropist
Dr. Asaf Romirowsky
Executive Director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East
Mr. Mark D. Rosen
Professor of Law at Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois…
Dr. Mark Rosen
Rabbi Yosef Rosenberg
Mr. Yair Rosenberg
Senior writer at Tablet Magazine
Jitschak Rosenbloom
Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum
Founder of the Sefer HaMitzvos Competition, he has served as…
Mrs. Dina Rosenfeld
Editor-in-chief of Hachai Publishing, which published…
Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld
A Shluchah in Glen Waverly, Australia, she is also the…
Rabbi Eli Rosenfeld
Mrs. Leah Rosenfeld
Rabbi Yehoshua Rosenstein
Director of Chabad at Yale University
Mr. Philip Rosenthal
A Computer Forensic Investigator, he is expert in…
Dr. Les Rosenthal
Dr. David Rosmarin
Professor, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Fred Rosner
Director of the Department of Medicine at Queens Hospital…
Ms. Susan Rosner
Gaylen Ross
Director, writer, producer and actress
Dr. Anthony Rossi
Mr. Irving Roth
Director of the Holocaust Resource Center–Temple Judea of…
Mrs. Ya'el Roth
Nurse and healthcare advocate
Rabbi Mendel Rubenfeld
Chabad of San Diego, CA
Rabbi Mendel Rubin
Jay Ruderman
President of the Ruderman Family Foundation
Mrs. Shira Ruderman
Executive Director: Ruderman Family Foundation
Dr. Feigie Russ
Rabbi David Sabbah
Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Quebec, he encourages understanding…
Mr. Ari Sacher
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Former Chief Rabbi of the UK, he has written 24 books and…
Mr. David Sacks
Comedy writer
Dr. Benjamin Safirstein
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the Mount Sinai…
Aviel Saket
Dmitry Salita
Mrs. Esther Hadassa Samuels
As a lifestyle coach, she travels and instructs classes on…
Rabbi Mendel Samuels
Director of Chabad of Simsbury, CT, he spent 2 years in…
Mrs. Eva Sandler
Wife of Rabbi Sandler and mother of two sons lost during the…
Professor Jonathan Sarna
Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University,…
Rabbi Moshe Sasonkin
Mr. Charles Saul
Dr. Leonard Saxe
Director of the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies and…
Yisrael Schachter
Co-founder and CEO of Charity Bids
Rabbi Nochum Schapiro
Co-director of Chabad of North Shore, Sydney, Wikipedia
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro
Co-director of Chabad of North Shore, Sydney, Wikipedia
Rabbi Leibel Schapiro
Rosh Yeshiva of Landow Yeshivah of Miami Beach, he is also…
Mr. Michael Scharf
Rabbi Moshe Scheiner
Professor Lawrence Schiffman
An expert in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Judaism in Late…
Donald C. Schiller
Founder and name partner in the Chicago matrimonial law firm…
Mrs. Eva Schloss
Holocaust Survivor, she is a trustee of the Anne Frank…
Rabbi Norman Schloss
OU supervisor in the South, he has opened his own…
Judge Jack B. Schmetterer
Judge on the United States bankruptcy Court in the Northern…
Rabbi Menachem Schmidt
Co-founded of Jewish Heritage Programs, and director of…
Rabbi Arthur Schneier
Spiritual leader of NY Park East Synagogue, he has been an…
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet
Pioneer of anti-missionary campaigns, he has authored 35…
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet
Rabbi of Mill Hill Synagogue in London, he serves on the…
Mrs. Menucha Schochet
Mr. Ari Schonbrun
9/11 survivor
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch
Marriage and Family Therapist, he has authored three books…
Mrs. Anita Schorr
Holocaust survivor, she later began to speak about her…
Mrs. Peninnah Schram
A Professor of Speech and Drama at Stern College, she has…
Rabbi Simeon Schreiber
Rabbi Simeon Schreiber is the founder, director, and lead…
Mrs. Raizel Schusterman
Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman
Founder of Chabad Intown-Atlanta, he also consults Chabad…
Mrs. Dena Schusterman
Mrs. Chana Baila Schwartz
Mrs. Frady Schwartz
Mrs. Rachel Schwartz
Professor Anthony Sebok
Professor of Law
Professor Don Seeman
Anthropologist and author
Rabbi Michoel Seligson
A teacher and mentor, he resides in Brooklyn, NY and is the…
Rabbi Motti Seligson
Dr. Stephen Serbin
Dr. Stephen Serbin is a family medicine doctor in Columbia,…
Rabbi Yosef Serebryanski
Mr. Yisroel Serok
Mrs. Bronya Shaffer
A mentor for Jewish women, couples and adolescents, she runs…
Mrs. Faigy Shagalow
Rabbi Mordechai Shain
Co-director of Lubavitch on the Palisades in Tenafly, NJ USA
Ambassador Gabriela Shalev
Appointed Israel's 14th Permanent Representative to the UN,…
Immanuel Shalev
Chief Operating Officer at Aleph Beta
Yair Shamir
Israeli politician, businessman and former military officer
Rabbi Yossi Shanowitz
Director of Chabad of Westmount, Canada, he received…
Mrs. Devorah Shanowitz
Rabbi Dovi Shapiro
Mr. Natan Sharansky
Arrested in 1978 for treason in the Soviet Union, he was…
Mrs. Rivkah Sharfstein
Advocate of the Montessori Method of education with the…
Rabbi Zelig Sharfstein
Chief Rabbi of the Vaad Ho'ir of Cincinnati, and member on…
Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein
Mrs. Ora Sheinson
An environmental advocate, she is a founding member of…
Rabbi Yehuda Shemtov
Rabbi Shemtov is the Director of Lubavitch of Bucks County…
Rabbi Levi Shemtov
Executive Vice President of American Friends of Lubavitch
Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov
Member of Agudas Chasidei Chabad and director of Lubavitch…
Rabbi Bentzy Shemtov
Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov
Director of Chabad of Uruguay since 1985, he is a native of…
Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov
Executive director of the Mayanot Institute of Jewish…
Mrs. Nechama Shemtov
Rabbi Shraga Sherman
Founder of the Chabad of Main Line, he grew up in Sioux…
Rabbi Ari Shishler
Rabbi Ari Shishler is the director of Chabad of Strathavon,…
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman
Rav of the Chabad community in LA, he is also a member of…
Dr. Bernie S. Siegel
Writer and retired pediatric surgeon
Rabbi Burt Siegel
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali SIlberberg, a noted author and lecturer, is…
Rabbi Eliyahu Nosson Silberberg
Rosh Yeshiva of Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago, he is also a…
Rabbi Shneur Silberberg
Rabbi Alon Silberg
Teacher of Talmud, Hasidic philosophy, and history at the…
Rabbi Eli Silberstein
Director of Chabad at Cornell University, he has authored…
Dr. Chana Silberstein
Educational Director of the Chabad House of Ithaca, she…
Rabbi Zushe Silberstein
Rabbi Silberstein is the Director of Chabad Chabanel in…
Chef Jack Silberstein
Co-founder of Jack's Gourmet, he started at age 13 in a…
Rabbi Elya Silfen
Former JLI Teens Detroit director
Rabbi Isser Dovid Silverman
Author and co-director of The Shul Club Harbor Islands
Rabbi Ephraim Silverman
Director of Chabad of Cobb
Rabbi Avrohom Silverstein
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz
Executive Director of Project Ya'aleh V'Yavo, he is also a…
Mrs. Clara Simon
Rabbi Yossi Simpson
Rabbi Simpson is the Principal of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim…
Troye Sivan
Singer and Actor in Perth, Australia, he played in BETRAND…
Mrs. Ilana Skolnik
Mrs. Chana Slavaticki
A highly successful high school teacher in Baltimore,…
Rabbi Yosef Slavin
Rabbi Slavin is the Director of Adult Education at the Jabad…
Mrs. Goldie Slavin
Mrs. Slavin is the Director of Preescolar Or Jabad in…
Dr. Richard Sloan
Professor of Behavioral Medicine
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim is is the education director at the Rohr…
Rabbi Yossi Smierc
Mr. Stephen Smith
Rabbi Eliezer Sneiderman
Director of Chabad at the University of Delaware, he also…
Sheila Soae
Life coach
Dr. Alfred Sofer
Rabbi Ari Sollish
Founder and Director of the Intown Jewish Academy in…
Mr. Jacob Solomon
Mr. Steven Solrash
Prominent entrepreneur
Rabbi Moshe Spalter
The Administrator of Chabad Lubavitch Community Centre in…
Mrs. Rivkie Spalter
Rabbi Yisroel Spalter
Chabad of Weston’s director and spiritual leader
James Sprayregen
Restructuring partner in the Chicago and New York offices of…
Mrs. Mina Sputz
Mrs Sputz has been an educator for over 25 years and directs…
Mrs. Eidle Sputz
A speech therapist and director of a Yeled V'Yalda clinic…
Rabbi Yossi Srugo
Rabbi Sholom Stambler
Chief rabbi of Chabad-Poland
Gary S. Stein
Trustee and Conservator of the Tropicana Casino and Resort…
Rabbi Adam Stein
Director, Chabad at Stony Brook University
Professor Avraham Steinberg
Professor Steinberg served as head of the medical ethics…
Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz
TBDJ's spiritual leader, he is also a member of the…
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz
Hebrew translator and commentator on the Talmud, he has won…
Mrs. Estee Stern
Dr. Harvey Stern
Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg
Rabbi Sternberg helps run the Tomchei Israel-Adopt a Family…
Rabbi Avraham Sternberg
Spiritual leader of Congregation Ahavath Chesed and Director…
Mrs. Esther Sternberg
Director of the Shabbos Candle Lighting Campaign
Rabbi Avraham Stolik
Director of Chabad of Downtown Coral Gables, FL, he also…
Mrs. Pearl Stroh
Mrs. Stroh is the Educational Director of the Chabad Early…
Mrs. Bracha Stuart
Art Director and Israel Advocate
Mr. Robert Stutman
Notorious DEA agent, he has made a career becoming one of…
Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin
Director of Chabad North East London & Essex
Mr. Myron Sugerman
Mr. David Suissa
Advertising executive
Dr. Yisroel Suskind
Clinical psychologist
Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov
A teacher of Jewish History, she has lectured in many…
Mr. David Tang
Mr. James Taranto
James Taranto is editor of at the Wall…
Rabbi Shais Taub
Rabbi Taub is the author of several acclaimed works…
Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger
American virologist
Rabbi Yisroel Meir Tauber
Rabbi Yanki Tauber
Scholar, writer, and editor at The Rohr Jewish Learning…
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor
Rabbi Taylor is Chabad of Plantation's Director of Adult…
Rabbi Yehuda Teichtel
Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Berlin and president of the…
Rabbi Tuvia Teldon
Rabbi Tuvia Teldon is Executive Director of Chabad Lubavitch…
Mrs. Chaya Teldon
Mrs. Chaya Teldon is co-founded Lubavitch of Long Island.
Peretz Teller
2nd Lieutenant in the Israeli Border Patrol
Rabbi Dr. Moshe David Tendler
Rabbi and professor of Jewish Medical Ethics and biology
Mrs. Beruriah Tenenbaum
Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus
Director of Chabad of South Broward Hallandale, FL, USA
Dr. Deborah Teplow
Behavior change expert
Mr. Chris Thrasher
Senior director of Substance Use Disorders and Recovery at…
Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel
Co-director of Chabad at the University of Illinois and…
Mrs. Goldie Tiechtel
Co-director of Chabad at the University of Illinois and…
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer
Rabbi Tokayer is in high demand for his dynamic…
Mr. Ronn Torossian
Ronn Torossian is a public relations executive and…
Rabbi Eliezer Touber
Rabbi Eli Touger
Rabbi Eli Touger is one of today's foremost authors and…
Dr. Stephen R. Treat
Dr. Stephen R. Treat is a Senior Therapist and former…
Professor Gil Troy
Dr. Gil Troy is Professor of History at McGill University in…
Dr. Tevi Troy
Tevi Troy is the President of the American Health Policy…
Mrs. Yael Trusch
Ms. Inna Tsimerman
Mr. Tzveten Tsvetanov
Mrs. Tsyrl Turen
Noted educator and principal of over 25 years
Mr. Scott Turow
American author and lawyer
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski
World renowned for the wisdom that he brought to people…
Baruch Tzfasman
Baruch Tzfasman is a young virtuoso cantor who lives in…
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik is a corporate trainer, personal…
Colonel Golan Vach
Mr. Alan Veingrad
Offensive lineman and Superbowl winner
Rabbi Yoseph Vigler
As the Director of Mayan Yisroel in Brooklyn, Rabbi Vigler…
Rabbi Dovid Vigler
Rabbi Dovid Vigler is best known for teaching down-to-earth…
Mrs. Chana Vigler
Mr. Lev Virine
Mrs. Tziporah Vogel
Mrs. Tziporah Vogel lectures on a wide variety of topics,…
Rabbi Yosef Vogel
Rabbi Chuni Vogel
Dr. Suzanne Vromen
Rabbi Yaakov Wagner
Rabbi Wagner is the Mashpia at Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim in…
Rabbi Yitzchok Wagshul
Yitzchok Wagshul is an attorney and newspaper publisher who…
Mr. Justin P. Walder
Mr. Walder is a Fellow of the American College of Trial…
Mrs. Rus Devorah Wallen
Psychotherapist; founder, Torahtheraputics
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein
Founder of Ohr Yitzchak, Ateres Naava Seminary for Girls,…
Dr. Bruce Arlen Wasserman
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
U.S. Representative for Florida's 23rd congressional…
Captain Tzvi (Hank) Webb
Captain Harry (Zvi) Webb lectures around the world, telling…
Rabbi Ilan Weinberg
Rabbi Weinberg is the Hebrew School Principal and Youth…
Rabbi Yosef Weinberg
Devoted Chassid and author of "Lessons in Tanya"
Mrs. Eva Weiner
Adam Weiner
Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld
Rabbi Weinfeld is an acclaimed educator with many years of…
Mrs. Shainie Weingarten
Co-director of Chabad of Eastern Michigan
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb is executive vice-president…
Rabbi Simcha Weinstein
Rabbi Simcha Weinstein is an internationally known…
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein
Featured lecturer
Rabbi Elie Weinstock
Rabbi Elie Weinstock is Associate Rabbi at Congregation…
Mrs. Chana Weisberg
Mrs. Chana Weisberg is a highly sought after speaker and a…
Chief Rabbi Binyomin Weiss
Dayan Yonasan Binyomin Weiss serves as the Chief Rabbi of…
Bentzy Weiss
Dr. Ira Weiss
Dr. Weiss is a cardiovascular specialist and has been a…
David Weiss
Lecturer, screenwriter, and Vice President of "The Writers…
Rabbi Dr. Richard Weiss
Rabbi and professor of biology
Rabbi Moshe Weiss
Director of Chabad of Sherman Oaks
Andrew Weissler
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman
Director of the PUAH Institute
Mrs. Malka Werde
Malka Werde is presently Director of Chabad at FIT, a…
Mr. Gary Wexler
Rabbi Yisroel Noach Wichnin
Rabbi Wichnin is the Rosh Yeshiva of the Mayanot Institute…
Rabbi Moshe Wiener
Rabbi Moshe Wiener is the author of Hadras Ponim Zokon…
Elie Wiesel
Nobel Peace Prize winner and Boston University professor.
Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm
Rabbi Wilhelm has served as the Principal of the Oholei…
Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm
Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm is an esteemed Torah scholar who is…
Rabbi Moshe Wilhelm
Director of Chabad of Portland, Oregon
Rabbi Mordechai Willig
Rosh Yeshiva at the Mazer School of Talmudic studies at…
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski
Educator in Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim of Morristown, NJ
Rabbi Sholom Ber Wineberg
Rabbi Zushe Winner
Director of Chabad of West Brighton Beach
Mrs. Naomi Winner
Rabbi Yosef Baruch Wircberg
Rabbi Wircberg is a vetern teacher at Yeshiva Kol Ya’akov…
Mrs. Emunah Wircberg
Professor Ruth Wisse
Professor Ruth R. Wisse is the Martin Peretz Professor of…
Rabbi Laibl Wolf
For the past 32 years Rabbi Laibl Wolf has been a spiritual…
Rabbi Eli Wolf
Rabbi Eli Wolf recieved his rabbinical ordination from the…
Rabbi Menashe Wolf
Associate director at Chabad of Park Slope and curriculum…
Mrs. Chanie Wolf
Rabbi Reuven Wolf
Recognized as an inspiring and thought provoking lecturer,…
Rabbi Menachem Wolf
Rabbi Menachem Wolf is the dynamic, driving force behind…
Rabbi Eliezer Wolf
Aaron Wolko
Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger
Bernd Wollschlaeger was fourteen when he discovered his…
Mrs. Yehudis Wolvovsky
Professor Jeffrey Woolf
Internationally known scholar, lecturer and public figure
R. James Woolsey
R. James Woolsey was the director of the Central…
Mr. Aryeh Wuensch
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe
Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe is Dean of the Institute of American and…
Mrs. Fraidy Yanover
Fraidy Yanover is a brilliantly stimulating and dynamic…
Mr. David Yarus
Mrs. Fay Yemini
Mrs. Fay Yemini is a teacher at Bais Chana Chabad High…
Mrs. Miriam Yerushalmi
Author and family counselor
Moshe Yess
Orthodox Jewish musician, composer and entertainer
Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef
Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel
Mrs. Faigy Yusewitz
Assistant High School Principal at Beis Chaya Mushka in…
Rabbi Shloime Zacks
David Zane Braslawsce
Mr. Alan Zekelman
Dr. Shlomo Zimmerman
Mr. Leibel Zisman
Mr. Leibel Zisman devotes a significant amount of time…
Mrs. Myrna Zisman
Myrna’s career and interests have led her on numerous…
Member of Knesset Miki Zohar
Member of the Israeli Knesset
Nachshon Zohari
Nachshon Zohari serves as Program Administrator for Mental…
Rabbi Elimelech Zweibel
Veteran Rabbi at the Rabbinical College of America in…