Chayal El Chayal
From the Front Lines: 08/05/14 (3:23)
Max Gordon describes his experience as a "lone soldier" in the Israeli army.
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Max Gordon (1)
From the Front Lines 08/05/14 (6:06)
Mendy Cole relates a personal account of his experiences as a lone soldier in the IDF during the Gaza war. He shares some of the dreams and ideals that motivate him to serve in the army
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Mendy Cole (1)
From the Front Lines 08/04/14 (2:29)
This short clip provides a peek into the life of lone IDF soldier, Bentzy Weiss. He shares his personal experience and some of the deep emotions experienced by the entire nation
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Bentzy Weiss (1)
From the Front Lines 08/05/14 (1:20)
Chayel el Chayal provides a warm and welcoming family for the young Jewish men and women who come to Israel from around the world with the goal of serving in the IDF; risking their own lives to protect the lives of the Jewish nation
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Jake Goldstein (1)
From the Front Lines 08/05/14 (2:04)
Chayel el Chayal provides a warm and welcoming family for the young Jewish men and women who come to Israel from around the world with the goal of serving in the IDF; risking their own lives to protect the lives of the Jewish nation
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Shmuel Michelle (1)
From the Front Lines 08/04/14 (2:04)
Sarah Cohen is a "lone" soldier fro Manchster, England. She describes her dream to become an Israeli soldier and the overwhelming kindness and genrosity she experienced while serving in the army
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Sarah Cohen (1)
From the Front Lines 07/31/14 (1:59)
Chayel el Chayal provides a warm and welcoming family for the young Jewish men and women who come to Israel from around the world with the goal of serving in the IDF; risking their own lives to protect the lives of the Jewish nation
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Mendel Ezagui (1)