Life on the Line (accompanying video)
A Deadly Life Jacket (1:46)
Two men fight to the death over a life jacket in a battle for self-preservation. Can you murder someone in order to save your own life?.
Series: Life on the Line (accompanying video)
Can you Flip the Switch (2:07)
A father takes the life of his sick daughter into his own hands. Does he have the right to do that? What do you think?.
Series: Life on the Line (accompanying video)
The Suicide Magnet (1:42)
The Golden Gate Bridge is world famous.... for suicides! Should we try to interfere with people who want to end their lives?.
Series: Life on the Line (accompanying video)
Life on the Line: Trampling in Walmart (1:10)
Shoppers trample a Wal-mart employee to death in their frenzy to grab merchandise - and no one stops to help him. Are they guilty of murder?.
Series: Life on the Line (accompanying video)
When One is Enough (2:09)
Series: Life on the Line (accompanying video)
Life on the Line: The Hero Criminal (2:43)
When Hurrican Katrina hit, many were stranded, starving and waiting desperately for help. A hero came along and saved the day....but at what cost? What would you do?.
Series: Life on the Line (accompanying video)