Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
The Need for Torah - Q & A (7:51)
To see Mr. Gaynor's full speech, click "The Need for Torah".
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
Intellect and Faith in Tanya: The Never-Ending Circle - Q & A (11:12)
To see Mr. Floch's full speech, click "Intellect and Faith in Tanya: The Never-Ending Circle" .
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
Exceptions to the Fifth Commandment - Q & A (9:10)
To see Miss Wolf's full speech, click "Exceptions to the Fifth Commandment".
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
Organ Donation and Transplantation (8:22)
Miss Rebecca Abeles is currently a freshman at UC Berkeley. She intends to major in Cognitive Science and loves learning, working out, studying other languages, and meeting new people
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
G-d and the Ten Commandments (9:00)
Mr. Daniel Storrow is a graduate of UC Davis, and did Sinai Scholars this past fall with SDSU. Daniel is from San Diego, CA where he does standup comedy and substitute teaches your children. Daniel’s paper explores what certain commandments might mean to young people in today’s world. It explores concepts behind some of the commandments and how one might interpret them
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
"Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy" (6:15)
Miss Kineret Shamash is currently a senior at the University of Wisconsin. After high school, she spent a year in Israel on Young Judaea Year Course. Judaism has always been an important part of her life and Sinai Scholars was a great opportunity to learn Judaic Studies while in college
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
A Jewish Perspective on Cannabis (13:58)
Mr. Daniel Weissman is currently a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, studying chemical engineering. He participated in Sinai Scholars last year and loved the experience. He is looking to study at Mayanot for a month following graduation
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
Exceptions to the Fifth Commandment (9:52)
Miss Stephanie Wolf is currently a junior Engineering student at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. She has triplet brothers Ben and Jake, and is originally from Madison, Wisconsin. Although she has always considered herself to be Jewish, she never took time to question or wonder about Judaism. This changed last winter when she traveled with Chabad on Birthright to Israel
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
The Need for Torah (10:52)
Mr. Andrew Gaynor is freshman at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Andrew grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a triple-major in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Jewish Studies. He participated in Sinai Scholars in Fall 2010 and is glad to continue that positive experience with this symposium
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
Jewish Ethics in a Post-modern World (6:01)
Mr. Adam Cohen is currently in the graduate program at the University of Central Florida studying history with a focus on Judaism in Late Antiquity. He participated in Sinai Scholars this past Fall to help prepare him for his upcoming thesis work. While Adam is not a conservative or orthodox Jew by any means, he deeply values his heritage and is always seeking to learn more about it
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
Shabbat in the 21st Century (7:24)
Mr. Max Gelb is a senior at Dartmouth College majoring in Economics. He participated in the Fall 2010 Sinai Scholars course, and took a particular interest in the role of Shabbat in Judaism. He has spent significant time living in Israel, Spain, and Italy, and has enjoyed learning about Jewish traditions and people from different parts of the world
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011
Intellect and Faith in Tanya: The Never-Ending Circle (9:58)
Mr. Brandon Floch is currently a senior at Dartmouth College. He is a Government major and a former Sinai Scholars presenter. Last year he presented a paper entitled Torah min ha-shamayim: A Young Jew’s Exploration of Divine Revelation. He recently completed an independent study with Professor Lewis Glinert in Tanya, focusing specifically on Shaar HaYichud
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2011