Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
The Existence of Evil and Theodicy (23:10)
Alexa August presents her paper on theodicy in Jewish thought at the Sinai Scholars symposium. She explores the works of various Jewish philosophers and how their perspectives shed light on the existence and purpose of suffering.
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
The Genesis of Nationhood (17:39)
How does the Jewish concept of nationhood differ from its secular definition? Benjamin Miller presents his paper on the definition of nationhood in Torah to the Sinai Scholars symposium. He compares the more secular, Zionist definition to the description given in traditional Jewish sources
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
Q & A on The Existence of Evil and Theodicy (16:57)
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
Q & A on The Jewish View on Compulsory Psychiatric Treatment (16:53)
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
Q & A on All Kinds of Meshugas (16:03)
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
Old Traditions, New Art (16:01)
Andrew Muller presents his paper about the ongoing relationship between comic books and Judaism. He compares Moses and Superman, drawing parallels between their origin stories and the dichotomy contained in both characters. He points out Jewish themes and rituals that show up more overtly in modern comics as well.
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
What is the Defining Feature of a Jew? (14:14)
Sami Steinbock presents his poignant paper about Jewish identity for the Sinai Scholars symposium. He uses powerful anecdotes to illustrate the unique quality that is characteristic of even the most unaffiliated Jew.
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
The Infinity of the Finite (13:31)
Oren Lefkowitz presents his discovery of the correlation between Spinoza's Ethics and Jewish mysticism at the Sinai Scholars symposium. He explores Spinoza's view on the paradox of an infinite G-d and a finite world and how the concepts explained in the Tanya can shed light on this dilemma. .
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
All Kinds of Meshugas (13:15)
David Chernoblysky presents his paper on the temporary insanity defense through the lens of Jewish thought. He analyzes the story of Steven Steinberg's wife’s murder and discusses how Jewish law would approach the case.
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
Q & A on The Infinity of the Finite (10:20)
Oren Lefkowitz answers questions from the audience about his paper on the correlation between Spinoza’s Ethics and Jewish mysticism.
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
Q & A on What is the Defining Feature that Makes a Jew Jewish (8:27)
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014
Q & A on Old Traditions, New Art (6:49)
Series: Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium 2014