Torah Psychology Conference #2
Explore Viktor Frankl's Psychology and Man's Search for Meaning.
Learn about Overcoming Addictions: Logotherapy, Mussar, Chasidus, 12 steps?
Discover how to protect yourself and your family.
Applying Logotherapy in Your Life and Practice (56:27)
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch will provide insight and methods of applying meaning based logotherapy for helping individuals gain perspective and find the proper meaning in their lives.
Series: Torah Psychology Conference #2
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)
Torah Perspectives on Addiction (52:11)
Many addicts entertain the allusion that they are still in control and therefore don’t have a problem since they can stop whenever they want (they just don’t want to stop now). Only after admitting that the “key” is no longer in their possession can they start the process of trying to recover the lost “key”
Series: Torah Psychology Conference #2
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein (1)
Insights on Addiction and Recovery (59:50)
How does spirituality come into play when dealing with addiction recovery? What are the 12 steps to recovery?.
Series: Torah Psychology Conference #2
Dr. Lewis Abrams (1)
Toward a Meaningful Life (57:51)
Rabbi Simon Jacobson takes us through in-depth analysis of the Torah’s perspective on the search for meaning, the root of many psychological problems people face, and how to address them.
Series: Torah Psychology Conference #2
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Viktor Frankl and the Search for Meaning (1:58:36)
With thought-provoking ideas and meaningful anecdotes, Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka goes into an in-depth analysis of Viktor Frankl’s meaning-based logotherapy and how it can help a broad range of ailments and situations.
Series: Torah Psychology Conference #2
Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka (4)
Introducing the Viktor Frankl Conference on Addiction (12:26)
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch will introduce the second conference on Torah and Psychology.
Series: Torah Psychology Conference #2
Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch (52)